Make sure you're not confusing TRG (Tp ReGeneration) and TGR (TarGet Rate). I will explain each breifly since I think you're referring to the other, but asked for the one.
TRG stands for Tp ReGeneration. At the end of each turn the script looks at the total TRG on a character and increases TP by that percentage. TRG is an Ex-Parameter. These values start at 0% (0.0 in the scripts) and get added to each other with each feature. So if you have one that adds 5%, another that adds 10%, and a third that adds 20% the total TRG would be 35% or a value of 0.35 in the script.
TGR stands for TarGet Rate. This is the chance of a character to be targetted by an attack with a random target. TGR is an Sp-Parameter. These values start at 100% and MULTIPLY with each new rate. So if you have a value of 110% and a value of 80%, the result would be 88% target rate (1.0 * 1.1 * 0.8). To get the actual exact chance of a character to be targetted, add all battler's TGR together who have a chance to get hit from a particular attack and then determine what percentage of the total each character has. For example, if actor A has a TGR of 100%, actor B 250%, and actor C 50%, the total would be 400%. This would give actor A a 25% chance to get hit, B a 62.5% chance, and C a 12.5% chance.
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