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[已经过期] 想拜托改下我方被攻击也显示动画的脚本…(标题不太清楚



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发表于 2012-7-9 23:43:40 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



  1. #===============================================================================

  2. # Side-View Battle System(Patch Behind)

  3. # By Jet10985 (Jet)

  4. #===============================================================================

  5. # This script will allow you to have battle where all the actor's sprites are

  6. # display on the behind of the characters.

  7. # This script has: 10 customization options.

  8. #===============================================================================

  9. # Overwritten Methods:

  10. # Scene_Battle: show_attack_animation

  11. # Spriteset_Battle: update_actors

  12. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  13. # Aliased methods:

  14. # Spriteset_Battle: create_actors, create_enemies

  15. # Sprite_Character: initialize, update, dispose, start_new_effect

  16. # Scene_Battle: use_item, next_command, prior_command

  17. # Game_Character: screen_x, screen_y

  18. #===============================================================================

  19. module Jet

  20.   module Sideview

  21.         #===========================================================================

  22.         # ENEMY OPTIONS

  23.         #===========================================================================

  24.         # These are the attack animations for enemies when they use a regular attack.

  25.         # It follows this format: enemy_id => animation_id

  26.         ENEMY_ATK_ANIMS = {

  27.         }

  28.         # This is the default enemy attack animation, used when they do not have a

  29.         # specific attack animation above.

  30.         ENEMY_ATK_ANIMS.default = 1

  31.         # This is a list of enemies whose portraits should be flipped in battle.

  32.         FLIPPED_ENEMIES = [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19]

  33.         #===========================================================================

  34.         # ACTOR OPTIONS

  35.         #===========================================================================

  36.         # Should the player sprite have a shadow beneath them?

  37.         PLAYER_SHADOW = true

  38.         # These are sprite changes depending on state infliction.

  39.         # It follows this format: state_id => "sprite_appention"

  40.         # This means if the state is inflicted, the sprite will look for a graphic

  41.         # that is the same name as the character's sprite, plus the appended option.

  42.         # EX: Ralph's sprite's name is $ralph. Ralph gets knocked-out. This means

  43.         # state 1 was inflicted, and my below config for 1 was: 1 => "_dead"

  44.         # Now, his shown sprite will be $ralph_dead. If the sprite does not exist,

  45.         # no change will be made.

  46.         # The sprite index will be the same as the actor's.

  47.         STATE_SPRITES = {

  48.         1 => "_dead",

  49.         2 => "_poison",

  50.         3 => "_blind"

  51.         }

  52.         #===========================================================================

  53.         # GENERAL_OPTIONS

  54.         #===========================================================================

  55.         # This is the animation displayed when a skill is about to be used.

  56.         SKILL_ANIMATION = 43

  57.         # This is the animation displayed when an item is about to be used.

  58.         ITEM_ANIMATION = 43

  59.         # These are the animations played when a state is inflicted.

  60.         # It follows this format: state_id => animation_id

  61.         STATE_ANIMATIONS = {

  62.         1 => 56,

  63.         2 => 50,

  64.         3 => 51

  65.         }

  66.         #===========================================================================

  67.         # FIELD OPTIONS

  68.         #===========================================================================

  69.         # This is where the line-up begins. [x, y]. The higher the x, the further

  70.         # right and the higher the y the further down.

  71.         FIELD_POS = [105, 300]

  72.         # This is how far down, and to the right each player is from the previous

  73.         # actor. [x, y]. Same rules as above.

  74.         FIELD_SPACING = [101, 0]

  75.   end

  76. end

  77. #===============================================================================


  79. #===============================================================================

  80. ($imported ||= {})[:jet] ||= {}

  81. $imported[:jet][:Sideview] = true

  82. class Game_Character

  83.   attr_accessor :step_anime

  84.   %w[screen_x screen_y].each {|a|

  85.         aStr = %Q{

  86.           alias jet6372_#{a} #{a}

  87.           def #{a}(*args, &block)

  88.                 $BTEST ? 0 : jet6372_#{a}(*args, &block)

  89.           end

  90.         }

  91.         module_eval(aStr)

  92.   }

  93. end

  94. class Game_Actor

  95.   def animation_id=(t)
  96.         self.battle_sprite.start_animation($data_animations[t]) rescue nil
  97.   end
  98. end

  99. class Game_Battler

  100.   def battle_sprite

  101.         return nil unless SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)

  102.         SceneManager.scene.spriteset.battler_sprites.each {|a|

  103.           return a if a.battler == self

  104.         }

  105.         return nil

  106.   end

  107. end

  108. class Spriteset_Battle

  109.   alias jet2847_create_enemies create_enemies

  110.   def create_enemies(*args, &block)

  111.         jet2847_create_enemies(*args, &block)

  112.         @enemy_sprites.each {|a|

  113.           a.mirror = Jet::Sideview::FLIPPED_ENEMIES.include?(a.battler.enemy.id)

  114.         }

  115.   end

  116.   alias jet3835_create_actors create_actors

  117.   def create_actors(*args, &block)

  118.         jet3835_create_actors(*args, &block)

  119.         @jet_party = $game_party.members

  120.         @actor_sprites.each {|a|

  121.           a.dispose

  122.         }

  123.         @actor_sprites = []
  124.         $game_party.members.each {|a|
  125.           f = Game_Character.new
  126.           f.set_graphic(a.character_name, a.character_index)
  127.           f.step_anime = true
  128.           f.set_direction(8)
  129.           n = Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, f)
  130.           n.jet_x = Jet::Sideview::FIELD_POS[0] + a.index * Jet::Sideview::FIELD_SPACING[0]
  131.           n.jet_y = Jet::Sideview::FIELD_POS[1] + a.index * Jet::Sideview::FIELD_SPACING[1]
  132.           n.battler = a
  133.           n.battle_sprite = true
  134.           if Jet::Sideview::PLAYER_SHADOW
  135.                 v = Sprite.new(nil)
  136.                 v.bitmap = Cache.system("Shadow")
  137.                 n.shadow_sprite = v
  138.           end
  139.           @actor_sprites.push(n)
  140.         }
  141.   end

  142.   def update_actors
  143.         if @jet_party != $game_party.members
  144.           @actor_sprites.each {|a|
  145.                 a.dispose
  146.           }
  147.           @actor_sprites = []
  148.           create_actors
  149.         end
  150.         @actor_sprites.each {|a| a.update }
  151.   end
  152. end

  153. class Sprite_Character

  154.   attr_accessor :battle_sprite, :jet_x, :jet_y, :shadow_sprite, :battler

  155.   alias jet4646_initialize initialize
  156.   def initialize(*args, &block)

  157.         @battle_sprite = false

  158.         jet4646_initialize(*args, &block)

  159.   end

  160.   alias jet3645_update update

  161.   def update(*args, &block)

  162.         jet3645_update(*args, &block)

  163.         if @battle_sprite

  164.           @character.step_anime = [email protected]?

  165.           @character.update

  166.           self.x = @jet_x

  167.           self.y = @jet_y

  168.           if [email protected]?

  169.                 f = @battler.states.dup

  170.                 f.sort! {|a, b|

  171.                   a.priority <=> b.priority

  172.                 }.reverse!

  173.                 for i in 0...f.size

  174.                   a = Jet::Sideview::STATE_SPRITES[f[i].id]

  175.                   next if a.nil?

  176.                   b = (Cache.character(@character.character_name + a) rescue false)

  177.                   next unless b

  178.                   index = @character.character_index

  179.                   @character.set_graphic(@character.character_name + a, index)

  180.                   break

  181.                 end

  182.           end

  183.           if !@shadow_sprite.nil?

  184.                 @shadow_sprite.x = self.x - @shadow_sprite.width / 2
  185.                 @shadow_sprite.y = self.y - 28
  186.                 @shadow_sprite.visible = self.visible
  187.                 @shadow_sprite.viewport = self.viewport
  188.                 @shadow_sprite.z = self.z - 1
  189.           end
  190.         end
  191.   end

  192.   alias jet5484_dispose dispose
  193.   def dispose(*args, &block)
  194.         @shadow_sprite.dispose if !@shadow_sprite.nil?
  195.         jet5484_dispose(*args, &block)
  196.   end

  197.   def move_x(times, amount)
  198.         i = 0
  199.         until i == times
  200.           self.jet_y += amount
  201.           i += 1
  202.           [Graphics, SceneManager.scene.spriteset].each {|a| a.update }
  203.         end
  204.   end

  205.   def effect?
  206.         false
  207.   end
  208. end

  209. class Game_Enemy

  210.   def atk_animation_id1
  211.         return Jet::Sideview::ENEMY_ATK_ANIMS[@enemy_id]
  212.   end

  213.   def atk_animation_id2

  214.         return 0

  215.   end

  216. end

  217. class Scene_Battle

  218.   attr_reader :spriteset

  219.   alias jet2711_use_item use_item

  220.   def use_item(*args, &block)

  221.         if @subject.is_a?(Game_Actor)

  222.           if [email protected]_action.guard?

  223.                 @subject.battle_sprite.move_x(11, 0)

  224.           end

  225.         end

  226.         if [email protected]_action.guard? && [email protected]_action.attack?

  227.           if @subject.current_action.item.is_a?(RPG::Item)

  228.                 n = $data_animations[Jet::Sideview::ITEM_ANIMATION]

  229.           else

  230.                 n = $data_animations[Jet::Sideview::SKILL_ANIMATION]

  231.           end

  232.           @subject.battle_sprite.start_animation(n)

  233.           wait_for_animation

  234.         end

  235.         jet2711_use_item(*args, &block)

  236.         if @subject.is_a?(Game_Actor)

  237.           if [email protected]_action.guard?

  238.                 @subject.battle_sprite.move_x(11, 0)

  239.           end

  240.         end

  241.   end

  242.   def show_attack_animation(targets)

  243.         aid1 = @subject.atk_animation_id1

  244.         aid2 = @subject.atk_animation_id2

  245.         show_normal_animation(targets, aid1, false)

  246.         show_normal_animation(targets, aid2, true)

  247.   end

  248.   %w[next prior].each {|a|

  249.         aStr = %Q{

  250.           alias jet3734_#{a}_command #{a}_command

  251.           def #{a}_command(*args, &block)

  252.                 f = BattleManager.actor

  253.                 f.battle_sprite.move_x(6, 4) if f.is_a?(Game_Actor)

  254.                 jet3734_#{a}_command(*args, &block)

  255.                 f = BattleManager.actor

  256.                 f.battle_sprite.move_x(6, -4) if f.is_a?(Game_Actor)

  257.           end

  258.         }

  259.         module_eval(aStr)

  260.   }

  261. end

  262. class Game_Action

  263.   def guard?

  264.         item == $data_skills[subject.guard_skill_id]

  265.   end

  266. end

  267. if $imported[:jet][:BattlePopUps]

  268.   class Sprite_Character

  269.         attr_accessor :popups

  270.         alias jet4758_initialize initialize

  271.         def initialize(*args, &block)

  272.           @popups = []

  273.           @updating_sprites = []

  274.           @popup_wait = 0

  275.           jet4758_initialize(*args, &block)

  276.         end

  277.         alias jet7467_update update

  278.         def update(*args, &block)

  279.           jet7467_update(*args, &block)

  280.           if @popup_wait == 0

  281.                 if [email protected]?

  282.                   @updating_sprites.push(@popups.pop)

  283.                   @popup_wait = 30

  284.                 end

  285.           else

  286.                 @popup_wait -= 1

  287.           end

  288.           @updating_sprites.each {|a|

  289.                 a.visible = true if !a.visible

  290.                 a.update

  291.                 @updating_sprites.delete(a) if a.disposed?

  292.           }

  293.         end

  294.         alias jet5483_dispose dispose

  295.         def dispose(*args, &block)

  296.           (@updating_sprites + @popups).each {|a| a.dispose }

  297.           jet5483_dispose(*args, &block)

  298.         end

  299.         alias jet3745_setup_new_effect setup_new_effect

  300.         def setup_new_effect(*args, &block)

  301.           jet3745_setup_new_effect(*args, &block)

  302.           do_sprite_popups

  303.         end

  304.         def make_popup(text, color)

  305.           @popups.unshift(Sprite_JetPopup.new(text.to_s, color, self))

  306.         end

  307.         def do_sprite_popups

  308.           return if @battler.nil?

  309.           if @battler_struct.nil?

  310.                 @battler_struct = Struct.new(:hp, :mp, :tp).new(0, 0, 0)

  311.                 @battler_struct.hp = @battler.hp

  312.                 @battler_struct.mp = @battler.mp

  313.                 @battler_struct.tp = @battler.tp

  314.           end

  315.           check_success_popup

  316.           check_hp_popup

  317.           check_mp_popup

  318.           check_tp_popup

  319.         end

  320.         def check_success_popup

  321.           if @battler.result.success

  322.                 if @battler.result.critical

  323.                   make_popup(Jet::BattlePopUps::CRITICAL_TEXT, Jet::BattlePopUps::CRITICAL_COLOR)

  324.                 elsif @battler.result.missed

  325.                   make_popup(Jet::BattlePopUps::MISSED_TEXT, Jet::BattlePopUps::MISS_COLOR)

  326.                 elsif @battler.result.evaded

  327.                   make_popup(Jet::BattlePopUps::EVADED_TEXT, Jet::BattlePopUps::EVADE_COLOR)

  328.                 end

  329.                 @battler.result.clear_hit_flags

  330.           end

  331.         end

  332.         def check_hp_popup

  333.           if @battler_struct.hp != @battler.hp

  334.                 f = @battler_struct.hp - @battler.hp

  335.                 if f > 0

  336.                   make_popup(Jet::BattlePopUps::HURT_TEXT + f.to_s, Jet::BattlePopUps::HURT_COLOR)

  337.                 elsif f < 0

  338.                   make_popup(Jet::BattlePopUps::HEAL_TEXT + f.abs.to_s, Jet::BattlePopUps::HEAL_COLOR)

  339.                 end

  340.                 @battler_struct.hp = @battler.hp

  341.           end

  342.         end

  343.         def check_mp_popup

  344.           if @battler_struct.mp != @battler.mp

  345.                 f = @battler_struct.mp - @battler.mp

  346.                 if f > 0

  347.                   make_popup(Jet::BattlePopUps::HURT_TEXT_MP + f.to_s, Jet::BattlePopUps::HURT_COLOR_MP)

  348.                 elsif f < 0

  349.                   make_popup(Jet::BattlePopUps::HEAL_TEXT_MP + f.abs.to_s, Jet::BattlePopUps::HEAL_COLOR_MP)
  350.                 end
  351.                 @battler_struct.mp = @battler.mp
  352.           end
  353.         end

  354.         def check_tp_popup
  355.           if @battler_struct.tp != @battler.tp
  356.                 f = (@battler_struct.tp - @battler.tp).round
  357.                 if f > 0
  358.                   make_popup(Jet::BattlePopUps::HURT_TEXT_TP + f.to_s, Jet::BattlePopUps::HURT_COLOR_TP)
  359.                 elsif f < 0
  360.                   make_popup(Jet::BattlePopUps::HEAL_TEXT_TP + f.abs.to_s, Jet::BattlePopUps::HEAL_COLOR_TP)
  361.                 end
  362.                 @battler_struct.tp = @battler.tp
  363.           end
  364.         end
  365.   end
  366. end
  1. $脸图战斗 = true
  2. $imported = {} if $imported.nil?
  3. module YEA
  4.   module BATTLE
  5.     SKIP_PARTY_COMMAND = true
  11.     HELP_TEXT_ALL_FOES        = "全体敌人"
  12.     HELP_TEXT_ONE_RANDOM_FOE  = "单个敌人"
  13.     HELP_TEXT_MANY_RANDOM_FOE = "%d个随机敌人"
  14.     HELP_TEXT_ALL_ALLIES      = "全体队友"
  15.     HELP_TEXT_ALL_DEAD_ALLIES = "全体死亡队友"
  16.     HELP_TEXT_ONE_RANDOM_ALLY = "单个随机队友"
  17.     HELP_TEXT_RANDOM_ALLIES   = "%d个随机队友"
  18.   end
  19. end
  20. class Game_Battler
  21.   def can_collapse?
  22.     return false unless dead?
  23.     unless actor?
  24.       return false unless sprite.battler_visible
  25.       array = [:collapse, :boss_collapse, :instant_collapse]
  26.       return false if array.include?(sprite.effect_type)
  27.     end
  28.     return true
  29.   end
  30.   def draw_mp?
  31.     return true
  32.   end
  33.   def draw_tp?
  34.     return $data_system.opt_display_tp
  35.   end
  36. end
  37. module Icon
  38.   def self.no_action; return YEA::BATTLE::BATTLESTATUS_NO_ACTION_ICON; end
  39. end
  40. class Game_Temp
  41.   attr_accessor :battle_aid
  42.   attr_accessor :evaluating
  43. end
  44. class Game_Action
  45.   alias evaluate_item_with_target_abe evaluate_item_with_target
  46.   def evaluate_item_with_target(target)
  47.     $game_temp.evaluating = true
  48.     result = evaluate_item_with_target_abe(target)
  49.     $game_temp.evaluating = false
  50.     return result
  51.   end
  52. end
  53. class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  54.   def draw_mp?
  55.     return true unless draw_tp?
  56.     for skill in skills
  57.       next unless added_skill_types.include?(skill.stype_id)
  58.       return true if skill.mp_cost > 0
  59.     end
  60.     return false
  61.   end
  62.   def draw_tp?
  63.     return false unless $data_system.opt_display_tp
  64.     for skill in skills
  65.       next unless added_skill_types.include?(skill.stype_id)
  66.       return true if skill.tp_cost > 0
  67.     end
  68.     return false
  69.   end
  70. end
  71. class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Selectable
  72.   def initialize
  73.     super(0, 0, window_width, window_height)
  74.     self.openness = 0
  75.     @party = $game_party.battle_members.clone
  76.   end
  77.   def col_max; return $game_party.max_battle_members; end
  78.   def battle_members; return $game_party.battle_members; end
  79.   def actor; return battle_members[@index]; end
  80.   def update
  81.     super
  82.     return if @party == $game_party.battle_members
  83.     @party = $game_party.battle_members.clone
  84.     refresh
  85.   end
  86.   def draw_item(index)
  87.     return if index.nil?
  88.     clear_item(index)
  89.     actor = battle_members[index]
  90.     rect = item_rect(index)
  91.     return if actor.nil?
  92.     draw_actor_face(actor, rect.x+2, rect.y+2, actor.alive?)
  93.     draw_actor_name(actor, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width-8)
  94.     draw_actor_action(actor, rect.x, rect.y)
  95.     draw_actor_icons(actor, rect.x, line_height*1, rect.width)
  97.     contents.font.size = YEA::BATTLE::BATTLESTATUS_TEXT_FONT_SIZE
  98.     draw_actor_hp(actor, rect.x+2, line_height*2+gx, rect.width-4)
  99.     if draw_tp?(actor) && draw_mp?(actor)
  100.       dw = rect.width/2-2
  101.       dw += 1 if $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"] && YEA::CORE::GAUGE_OUTLINE
  102.       draw_actor_tp(actor, rect.x+2, line_height*3, dw)
  103.       dw = rect.width - rect.width/2 - 2
  104.       draw_actor_mp(actor, rect.x+rect.width/2, line_height*3, dw)
  105.     elsif draw_tp?(actor) && !draw_mp?(actor)
  106.       draw_actor_tp(actor, rect.x+2, line_height*3, rect.width-4)
  107.     else
  108.       draw_actor_mp(actor, rect.x+2, line_height*3, rect.width-4)
  109.     end
  110.   end
  111.   def item_rect(index)
  112.     rect = Rect.new
  113.     rect.width = contents.width / $game_party.max_battle_members
  114.     rect.height = contents.height
  115.     rect.x = index * rect.width
  117.       rect.x += (contents.width - $game_party.members.size * rect.width) / 2
  118.     end
  119.     rect.y = 0
  120.     return rect
  121.   end
  122.   def draw_face(face_name, face_index, dx, dy, enabled = true)
  123.     bitmap = Cache.face(face_name)
  124.     fx = [(96 - item_rect(0).width + 1) / 2, 0].max
  125.     fy = face_index / 4 * 96 + 2
  126.     fw = [item_rect(0).width - 4, 92].min
  127.     rect = Rect.new(fx, fy, fw, 92)
  128.     rect = Rect.new(face_index % 4 * 96 + fx, fy, fw, 92)
  129.     contents.blt(dx, dy, bitmap, rect, enabled ? 255 : translucent_alpha)
  130.     bitmap.dispose
  131.   end
  132.   def draw_actor_name(actor, dx, dy, dw = 112)
  133.     reset_font_settings
  134.     contents.font.size = YEA::BATTLE::BATTLESTATUS_NAME_FONT_SIZE
  135.     change_color(hp_color(actor))
  136.     draw_text(dx+24, dy, dw-24, line_height, actor.name)
  137.   end
  138.   def draw_actor_action(actor, dx, dy)
  139.     draw_icon(action_icon(actor), dx, dy)
  140.   end
  141.   def action_icon(actor)
  142.     return Icon.no_action if actor.current_action.nil?
  143.     return Icon.no_action if actor.current_action.item.nil?
  144.     return actor.current_action.item.icon_index
  145.   end
  146.   def draw_tp?(actor)
  147.     return actor.draw_tp?
  148.   end
  149.   def draw_mp?(actor)
  150.     return actor.draw_mp?
  151.   end
  152.   def draw_current_and_max_values(dx, dy, dw, current, max, color1, color2)
  153.     change_color(color1)
  154.     draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, current.to_s, 2)
  155.   end
  156.   def draw_actor_hp(actor, dx, dy, width = 124)
  157.     draw_gauge(dx, dy, width, actor.hp_rate, hp_gauge_color1, hp_gauge_color2)
  158.     change_color(system_color)
  159.     cy = (Font.default_size - contents.font.size) / 2 + 1
  160.     draw_text(dx+2, dy+cy, 30, line_height, Vocab::hp_a)
  161.     draw_current_and_max_values(dx, dy+cy, width, actor.hp, actor.mhp,
  162.       hp_color(actor), normal_color)
  163.     end
  164.   def draw_actor_mp(actor, dx, dy, width = 124)
  165.     draw_gauge(dx, dy, width, actor.mp_rate, mp_gauge_color1, mp_gauge_color2)
  166.     change_color(system_color)
  167.     cy = (Font.default_size - contents.font.size) / 2 + 1
  168.     draw_text(dx+2, dy+cy, 30, line_height, Vocab::mp_a)
  169.     draw_current_and_max_values(dx, dy+cy, width, actor.mp, actor.mmp,
  170.       mp_color(actor), normal_color)
  171.     end
  172.   def draw_actor_tp(actor, dx, dy, width = 124)
  173.     draw_gauge(dx, dy, width, actor.tp_rate, tp_gauge_color1, tp_gauge_color2)
  174.     change_color(system_color)
  175.     cy = (Font.default_size - contents.font.size) / 2 + 1
  176.     draw_text(dx+2, dy+cy, 30, line_height, Vocab::tp_a)
  177.     change_color(tp_color(actor))
  178.     draw_text(dx + width - 42, dy+cy, 42, line_height, actor.tp.to_i, 2)
  179.   end
  180. end
  181. class Window_BattleActor < Window_BattleStatus
  182.   def show
  183.     create_flags
  184.     super
  185.   end
  186.   def create_flags
  187.     set_select_flag(:any)
  188.     select(0)
  189.     return if $game_temp.battle_aid.nil?
  190.     if $game_temp.battle_aid.need_selection?
  191.       select(0)
  192.       set_select_flag(:dead) if $game_temp.battle_aid.for_dead_friend?
  193.     elsif $game_temp.battle_aid.for_user?
  194.       battler = BattleManager.actor
  195.       id = battler.nil? ? 0 : $game_party.battle_members.index(battler)
  196.       select(id)
  197.       set_select_flag(:user)
  198.     elsif $game_temp.battle_aid.for_all?
  199.       select(0)
  200.       set_select_flag(:all)
  201.       set_select_flag(:all_dead) if $game_temp.battle_aid.for_dead_friend?
  202.     elsif $game_temp.battle_aid.for_random?
  203.       select(0)
  204.       set_select_flag(:random) if $game_temp.battle_aid.for_random?
  205.     end
  206.   end
  207.   def set_select_flag(flag)
  208.     @select_flag = flag
  209.     case @select_flag
  210.     when :all, :all_dead, :random
  211.       @cursor_all = true
  212.     else
  213.       @cursor_all = false
  214.     end
  215.   end
  216.   def update_cursor
  217.     if @cursor_all
  218.       cursor_rect.set(0, 0, contents.width, contents.height)
  219.       self.top_row = 0
  220.     elsif @index < 0
  221.       cursor_rect.empty
  222.     else
  223.       ensure_cursor_visible
  224.       cursor_rect.set(item_rect(@index))
  225.     end
  226.   end
  227.   def cursor_movable?
  228.     return false if @select_flag == :user
  229.     return super
  230.   end
  231.   def current_item_enabled?
  232.     return true if $game_temp.battle_aid.nil?
  233.     if $game_temp.battle_aid.need_selection?
  234.       member = $game_party.battle_members[@index]
  235.       return member.dead? if $game_temp.battle_aid.for_dead_friend?
  236.     elsif $game_temp.battle_aid.for_dead_friend?
  237.       for member in $game_party.battle_members
  238.         return true if member.dead?
  239.       end
  240.       return false
  241.     end
  242.     return true
  243.   end
  244. end
  245. class Window_BattleStatusAid < Window_BattleStatus
  246.   attr_accessor :status_window
  247.   def initialize
  248.     super
  249.     self.visible = false
  250.     self.openness = 255
  251.   end
  252.   def window_width; return 128; end
  253.   def show
  254.     super
  255.     refresh
  256.   end
  257.   def refresh
  258.     contents.clear
  259.     return if @status_window.nil?
  260.     draw_item(@status_window.index)
  261.   end
  262.   def item_rect(index)
  263.     return Rect.new(0, 0, contents.width, contents.height)
  264.   end
  265. end
  266. class Window_BattleEnemy < Window_Selectable
  267.   def initialize(info_viewport)
  268.     super(0, Graphics.height, window_width, fitting_height(1))
  269.     refresh
  270.     self.visible = false
  271.     @info_viewport = info_viewport
  272.   end
  273.   def col_max; return item_max; end
  274.   def show
  275.     create_flags
  276.     super
  277.   end
  278.   def create_flags
  279.     set_select_flag(:any)
  280.     select(0)
  281.     return if $game_temp.battle_aid.nil?
  282.     if $game_temp.battle_aid.need_selection?
  283.       select(0)
  284.     elsif $game_temp.battle_aid.for_all?
  285.       select(0)
  286.       set_select_flag(:all)
  287.     elsif $game_temp.battle_aid.for_random?
  288.       select(0)
  289.       set_select_flag(:random)
  290.     end
  291.   end
  292.   def set_select_flag(flag)
  293.     @select_flag = flag
  294.     case @select_flag
  295.     when :all, :random
  296.       @cursor_all = true
  297.     else
  298.       @cursor_all = false
  299.     end
  300.   end
  301.   def select_all?
  302.     return true if @select_flag == :all
  303.     return true if @select_flag == :random
  304.     return false
  305.   end
  306.   def update_cursor
  307.     if @cursor_all
  308.       cursor_rect.set(0, 0, contents.width, contents.height)
  309.       self.top_row = 0
  310.     elsif @index < 0
  311.       cursor_rect.empty
  312.     else
  313.       ensure_cursor_visible
  314.       cursor_rect.set(item_rect(@index))
  315.     end
  316.   end
  317.   def cursor_movable?
  318.     return false if @select_flag == :user
  319.     return super
  320.   end
  321.   def current_item_enabled?
  322.     return true if $game_temp.battle_aid.nil?
  323.     if $game_temp.battle_aid.need_selection?
  324.       member = $game_party.battle_members[@index]
  325.       return member.dead? if $game_temp.battle_aid.for_dead_friend?
  326.     elsif $game_temp.battle_aid.for_dead_friend?
  327.       for member in $game_party.battle_members
  328.         return true if member.dead?
  329.       end
  330.       return false
  331.     end
  332.     return true
  333.   end
  334.   def enemy; @data[index]; end
  335.   def refresh
  336.     make_item_list
  337.     create_contents
  338.     draw_all_items
  339.   end
  340.   def make_item_list
  341.     @data = $game_troop.alive_members
  342.     @data.sort! { |a,b| a.screen_x <=> b.screen_x }
  343.   end
  344.   def draw_item(index); return; end
  345.   def update
  346.     super
  347.     return unless active
  348.     enemy.sprite_effect_type = :whiten
  349.     return unless select_all?
  350.     for enemy in $game_troop.alive_members
  351.       enemy.sprite_effect_type = :whiten
  352.     end
  353.   end
  354. end
  355. class Window_BattleHelp < Window_Help
  356.   attr_accessor :actor_window
  357.   attr_accessor :enemy_window
  358.   def update
  359.     super
  360.     if !self.visible and @text != ""
  361.       @text = ""
  362.       return refresh
  363.     end
  364.     update_battler_name
  365.   end
  366.   def update_battler_name
  367.     return unless @actor_window.active || @enemy_window.active
  368.     if @actor_window.active
  369.       battler = $game_party.battle_members[@actor_window.index]
  370.     elsif @enemy_window.active
  371.       battler = @enemy_window.enemy
  372.     end
  373.     if special_display?
  374.       refresh_special_case(battler)
  375.     else
  376.       refresh_battler_name(battler) if battler_name(battler) != @text
  377.     end
  378.   end
  379.   def battler_name(battler)
  380.     text = battler.name.clone
  381.     return text
  382.   end
  383.   def refresh_battler_name(battler)
  384.     contents.clear
  385.     reset_font_settings
  386.     change_color(normal_color)
  387.     @text = battler_name(battler)
  388.     icons = battler.state_icons + battler.buff_icons
  389.     dy = icons.size <= 0 ? line_height / 2 : 0
  390.     draw_text(0, dy, contents.width, line_height, @text, 1)
  391.     dx = (contents.width - (icons.size * 24)) / 2
  392.     draw_actor_icons(battler, dx, line_height, contents.width)
  393.   end
  394.   def special_display?
  395.     return false if $game_temp.battle_aid.nil?
  396.     return false if $game_temp.battle_aid.for_user?
  397.     return !$game_temp.battle_aid.need_selection?
  398.   end
  399.   def refresh_special_case(battler)
  400.     if $game_temp.battle_aid.for_opponent?
  401.       if $game_temp.battle_aid.for_all?
  402.         text = YEA::BATTLE::HELP_TEXT_ALL_FOES
  403.       else
  404.         case $game_temp.battle_aid.number_of_targets
  405.         when 1
  406.           text = YEA::BATTLE::HELP_TEXT_ONE_RANDOM_FOE
  407.         else
  408.           number = $game_temp.battle_aid.number_of_targets
  409.           text = sprintf(YEA::BATTLE::HELP_TEXT_MANY_RANDOM_FOE, number)
  410.         end
  411.       end
  412.     else
  413.       if $game_temp.battle_aid.for_dead_friend?
  414.         text = YEA::BATTLE::HELP_TEXT_ALL_DEAD_ALLIES
  415.       elsif $game_temp.battle_aid.for_random?
  416.         case $game_temp.battle_aid.number_of_targets
  417.         when 1
  418.           text = YEA::BATTLE::HELP_TEXT_ONE_RANDOM_ALLY
  419.         else
  420.           number = $game_temp.battle_aid.number_of_targets
  421.           text = sprintf(YEA::BATTLE::HELP_TEXT_RANDOM_ALLIES, number)
  422.         end
  423.       else
  424.         text = YEA::BATTLE::HELP_TEXT_ALL_ALLIES
  425.       end
  426.     end
  427.     return if text == @text
  428.     @text = text
  429.     contents.clear
  430.     reset_font_settings
  431.     draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, line_height*2, @text, 1)
  432.   end
  433. end
  434. class Window_SkillList < Window_Selectable
  435.   def spacing
  436.     return 8 if $game_party.in_battle
  437.     return super
  438.   end
  439. end
  440. class Window_ItemList < Window_Selectable
  441.   def spacing
  442.     return 8 if $game_party.in_battle
  443.     return super
  444.   end
  445. end
  446. class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
  447.   attr_accessor :enemy_window
  448.   attr_accessor :info_viewport
  449.   attr_accessor :spriteset
  450.   attr_accessor :status_window
  451.   attr_accessor :status_aid_window
  452.   attr_accessor :subject
  453.   alias scene_battle_create_all_windows_abe create_all_windows
  454.   def create_all_windows
  455.     scene_battle_create_all_windows_abe
  456.     create_battle_status_aid_window
  457.     set_help_window
  458.   end
  459.   alias scene_battle_create_info_viewport_abe create_info_viewport
  460.   def create_info_viewport
  461.     scene_battle_create_info_viewport_abe
  462.     @status_window.refresh
  463.   end
  464.   def create_battle_status_aid_window
  465.     @status_aid_window = Window_BattleStatusAid.new
  466.     @status_aid_window.status_window = @status_window
  467.     @status_aid_window.x = Graphics.width - @status_aid_window.width
  468.     @status_aid_window.y = Graphics.height - @status_aid_window.height
  469.   end
  470.   def create_help_window
  471.     @help_window = Window_BattleHelp.new
  472.     @help_window.hide
  473.   end
  474.   def set_help_window
  475.     @help_window.actor_window = @actor_window
  476.     @help_window.enemy_window = @enemy_window
  477.   end
  478.   alias scene_battle_create_skill_window_abe create_skill_window
  479.   def create_skill_window
  480.     scene_battle_create_skill_window_abe
  481.     @skill_window.height = @info_viewport.rect.height
  482.     @skill_window.width = Graphics.width - @actor_command_window.width
  483.     @skill_window.y = Graphics.height - @skill_window.height
  484.   end
  485.   alias scene_battle_create_item_window_abe create_item_window
  486.   def create_item_window
  487.     scene_battle_create_item_window_abe
  488.     @item_window.height = @skill_window.height
  489.     @item_window.width = @skill_window.width
  490.     @item_window.y = Graphics.height - @item_window.height
  491.   end
  492.   alias scene_battle_next_command_abe next_command
  493.   def next_command
  494.     @status_window.show
  495.     redraw_current_status
  496.     @actor_command_window.show
  497.     @status_aid_window.hide
  498.     scene_battle_next_command_abe
  499.   end
  500.   alias scene_battle_prior_command_abe prior_command
  501.   def prior_command
  502.     redraw_current_status
  503.     scene_battle_prior_command_abe
  504.   end
  505.   def redraw_current_status
  506.     return if @status_window.index < 0
  507.     @status_window.draw_item(@status_window.index)
  508.   end
  509.   alias scene_battle_command_attack_abe command_attack
  510.   def command_attack
  511.     $game_temp.battle_aid = $data_skills[BattleManager.actor.attack_skill_id]
  512.     scene_battle_command_attack_abe
  513.   end
  514.   alias scene_battle_command_skill_abe command_skill
  515.   def command_skill
  516.     scene_battle_command_skill_abe
  517.     @status_window.hide
  518.     @actor_command_window.hide
  519.     @status_aid_window.show
  520.   end
  521.   alias scene_battle_command_item_abe command_item
  522.   def command_item
  523.     scene_battle_command_item_abe
  524.     @status_window.hide
  525.     @actor_command_window.hide
  526.     @status_aid_window.show
  527.   end
  528.   def on_skill_ok
  529.     @skill = @skill_window.item
  530.     $game_temp.battle_aid = @skill
  531.     BattleManager.actor.input.set_skill(@skill.id)
  532.     BattleManager.actor.last_skill.object = @skill
  533.     if @skill.for_opponent?
  534.       select_enemy_selection
  535.     elsif @skill.for_friend?
  536.       select_actor_selection
  537.     else
  538.       @skill_window.hide
  539.       next_command
  540.       $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
  541.     end
  542.   end
  543.   alias scene_battle_on_skill_cancel_abe on_skill_cancel
  544.   def on_skill_cancel
  545.     scene_battle_on_skill_cancel_abe
  546.     @status_window.show
  547.     @actor_command_window.show
  548.     @status_aid_window.hide
  549.   end
  550.   def on_item_ok
  551.     @item = @item_window.item
  552.     $game_temp.battle_aid = @item
  553.     BattleManager.actor.input.set_item(@item.id)
  554.     if @item.for_opponent?
  555.       select_enemy_selection
  556.     elsif @item.for_friend?
  557.       select_actor_selection
  558.     else
  559.       @item_window.hide
  560.       next_command
  561.       $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
  562.     end
  563.     $game_party.last_item.object = @item
  564.   end
  565.   alias scene_battle_on_item_cancel_abe on_item_cancel
  566.   def on_item_cancel
  567.     scene_battle_on_item_cancel_abe
  568.     @status_window.show
  569.     @actor_command_window.show
  570.     @status_aid_window.hide
  571.   end
  572.   alias scene_battle_select_actor_selection_abe select_actor_selection
  573.   def select_actor_selection
  574.     @status_aid_window.refresh
  575.     scene_battle_select_actor_selection_abe
  576.     @status_window.hide
  577.     @skill_window.hide
  578.     @item_window.hide
  579.     @help_window.show
  580.   end
  581.   alias scene_battle_on_actor_ok_abe on_actor_ok
  582.   def on_actor_ok
  583.     $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
  584.     scene_battle_on_actor_ok_abe
  585.     @status_window.show
  586.     if $imported["YEA-BattleCommandList"] && !@confirm_command_window.nil?
  587.       @actor_command_window.visible = !@confirm_command_window.visible
  588.     else
  589.       @actor_command_window.show
  590.     end
  591.     @status_aid_window.hide
  592.   end
  593.   alias scene_battle_on_actor_cancel_abe on_actor_cancel
  594.   def on_actor_cancel
  595.     BattleManager.actor.input.clear
  596.     @status_aid_window.refresh
  597.     $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
  598.     scene_battle_on_actor_cancel_abe
  599.     case @actor_command_window.current_symbol
  600.     when :skill
  601.       @skill_window.show
  602.     when :item
  603.       @item_window.show
  604.     end
  605.   end
  606.   alias scene_battle_select_enemy_selection_abe select_enemy_selection
  607.   def select_enemy_selection
  608.     @status_aid_window.refresh
  609.     scene_battle_select_enemy_selection_abe
  610.     @help_window.show
  611.   end
  612.   alias scene_battle_on_enemy_ok_abe on_enemy_ok
  613.   def on_enemy_ok
  614.     $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
  615.     scene_battle_on_enemy_ok_abe
  616.   end
  617.   alias scene_battle_on_enemy_cancel_abe on_enemy_cancel
  618.   def on_enemy_cancel
  619.     BattleManager.actor.input.clear
  620.     @status_aid_window.refresh
  621.     $game_temp.battle_aid = nil
  622.     scene_battle_on_enemy_cancel_abe
  623.     if @skill_window.visible || @item_window.visible
  624.       @help_window.show
  625.     else
  626.       @help_window.hide
  627.     end
  628.   end
  629.   def end_battle_conditions?
  630.     return true if $game_party.members.empty?
  631.     return true if $game_party.all_dead?
  632.     return true if $game_troop.all_dead?
  633.     return true if BattleManager.aborting?
  634.     return false
  635.   end
  636.   def refresh_status
  637.     #如果你是程序员,请顺手帮忙优化下这里,谢谢。
  638.     @status_window.refresh
  639.     for i in $game_party.battle_members
  640.       @status_window.draw_item($game_party.battle_members.index(i))
  641.     end
  642.   end
  643. end


醉啸 长风万里

6591 小时


发表于 2012-7-26 15:46:14 | 只看该作者


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