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[已经过期] 【Sideview-特殊文字处理】 ← 这两货谁挨着谁了?



521 小时
发表于 2013-8-20 16:48:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 Ceopal 于 2013-8-20 18:57 编辑

#    ATS: Special Message Codes [VXA]
#    Version: 1.0.6
#    Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
#    Date: 18 October 2012
#  Description:
#    This script allows you to use a number of additional special codes in the
#   message system, which will function similar to the default codes like
#   \v[n], \c[n], etc. Please see the list of special message codes starting at
#   line 54 for a full idea of what is added. Basically, it gives you greater
#   control over the delivery of a message, allows you to make use of font
#   effects like bolding and italicizing, and allows you to retrieve and
#   display useful data like the names of weapons and armors.
#  ATS Series:
#    This script is part of the Advanced Text System series of scripts. These
#   scripts are based off the Advanced Text System for RMVX, but since RMVX Ace
#   has a much more sensibly designed message system, it is no longer necessary
#   that it be one large script. For that reason, and responding to feedback on
#   the ATS, I have split the ATS into multiple different scripts so that you
#   only need to pick up the components for the features that you want. It is
#   therefore easier to customize and configure.
#    To find more scripts in the ATS Series, please visit:
#  Instructions:
#    This script is not difficult to use or configure. There are only ten
#   configuration options for this script. These are:
#      :message_speed               :font_italic
#      :show_fast_speed             :font_outline
#      :font_name                   :font_shadow
#      :font_size                   :font_underline
#      :font_bold                   :font_highlight
#   :message_speed allows you to set the default number of frames to wait
#   between drawing each letter in the message window. :show_fast_speed allows
#   you to control the amount it speeds up when the player presses enter. You
#   can gain instructions on setting the default value for both at line 180.
#   All of the :font_ settings simply let you set the initial values for the
#   font when used.
#    As with other ATS scripts, you can change the value of these options in
#   game with the following codes in a script call:
#      ats_next(:message_option, x)
#      ats_all(:message_option, x)
#   Where :message_option is the symbol you want (:message_speed or
#   :show_fast_speed) and x is the value you want to change it to. ats_next
#   will only change it for the very next message, while ats_all will change it
#   for every message to follow.
#  List of Special Message Codes:
#    The default message codes are retained, and this script adds a number of
#   other desirable features. The following is a complete list of the message
#   codes at your disposal. Simply insert them into a Display Message command,
#   Choice Branches, or any other message related system.
#  Font Effects:
# \fn[fontname] - Change the font to fontname. If you put multiple fontnames
#     separated by commas, then it will take the first one the user has installed
# \fs[n] - Change the font size to n.
# \{ - Increase the font size by 8.
# \} - Decrease the font size by 8.
# \c[n] - Set the colour of the text being drawn to the nth colour of the
#     Windowskin palette. 0 is the normal color and 16 is the system color.
# \hc[RRGGBB] or \c[#RRGGBB] - Set the colour of the text being drawn to any
#     colour, using hexadecimal values. You can set each colour (red, green,
#     blue) to anything from 0-255 (00-FF). You must use hexadecimal values. If
#     so desired, you can add an additional hex value from 00-FF to change the
#     alpha.
# \b     - Turn bold on. Text drawn after this code will be bolded.
# /b     - Turn bold off.
# \i     - Turn italic on. Text drawn after this code will be italicized.
# /i     - Turn italic off.
# \o     - Turn outline on.
# /o     - Turn outline off.
# \s     - Turn shadow on. Text drawn after this code will have a shadow.
# /s     - Turn shadow off.
# \u     - Turn underline on. Text drawn after this code will be underlined.
# /u     - Turn underline off.
# \hl[n] - Turn highlight on. Text drawn after this code will be highlighted
#     with colour n + 1 from the windowskin palette
# /hl OR \hl[0] - Turn highlight off.
#  Message Control:
# \s[n] - Sets the message speed to wait n frames between drawing every letter.
#     0 is instant.
# \s[+n] - Sets the message speed to wait an additional n frames between drawing
#     every letter.
# \s[-n] - Sets the message speed to wait n less frames between drawing every
#     letter.
# \. - Wait 15 frames before drawing the next character
# \| - Wait 60 frames before drawing the next character
# \w[n] - Wait n frames before drawing the next character
# \! - Pause text and wait for player to press Enter
# \^ - Skip Pause; allows you to close a message window without requiring player
#     input.
# \> - Show line fast.
# \< - Stop showing line fast.
#  Replacement Codes:
# \p[n] - Draw the name of the actor in the xth position in the party. 1 is
#     the party leader, 2 is the second member, etc.
# \n[n] - Draw the name of the actor with ID n
# \nn[n] - Draw the nickname of the actor with ID n.
# \pid[n] - Draw the ID of the actor in the nth position in the party.
# \ac[n] - Draw the class name of the actor with ID n.
# \al[n] - Draw the level of the actor with ID n.
# \ni[n] - Draw the name of the item with ID n.
# \nw[n] - Draw the name of the weapon with ID n.
# \na[n] - Draw the name of the armor with ID n.
# \ns[n] - Draw the name of the skill with ID n.
# \nt[n] - Draw the name of the state with ID n.
# \nc[n] - Draw the name of the class with ID n.
# \ne[n] - Draw the name of the event with ID n on the current map.
# \nm[n] - Draw the name of the enemy with ID n.
# \nv[n] - Draw the name of the variable with ID n.
# \nsw[n] - Draw the name of the switch with ID n.
# \nl[n] - Draw the name of the element with ID n.
# \nwt[n] - Draw the name of the weapon type with ID n.
# \nat[n] - Draw the name of the armor type with ID n.
# \nst[n] - Draw the name of the skill type with ID n.
# \np[n] - Draw the name of the actor in the nth position in the party.
# \map   - Draw the name of the map the player is currently on.
# \map[n] - Draw the name of the map with ID n.
# \pg - Draws the amount of money the party has.
# \g - Draws the unit of currency.
# \vocab[method] - Will draw whatever Vocab.method returns, if it is a valid
#     method call. Suitable values for method are: level, level_a, hp, hp_a,
#     mp, mp_a, tp, tp_a, fight, escape, attack, guard, item, skill, equip,
#     status, formation, save, game_end, weapon, armor, key_item, equip2,
#     optimize, clear, new_game, continue, shutdown, to_title, cancel,
#     currency_unit
# \vocab[param, n] - Will draw the label for parameter with ID n. 0 => Max HP;
#     1 => Max MP; 2 => Attack; 3 => Defence; 4 => Magic; 5 => Magic Defence;
#     6 => Agility; 7 => Luck
# \vocab[etype, n] - Will draw the label for equipment type with ID n.
#     0 => Weapon; 1 => Shield; 2 => Head; 3 => Body; 4 => Accessory
#  Other Effects:
# \$ - Opens a window which shows the party's gold.
# \n - line break
# \i[n] - Draw icon with index n.
# \ii[n] - Draw icon of the item with ID n.
# \iw[n] - Draw icon of the weapon with ID n.
# \ia[n] - Draw icon of the armor with ID n.
# \is[n] - Draw icon of the skill with ID n.
# \it[n] - Draw icon of the state with ID n.
# \x[n] - Draw next character at pixel n of the window contents.
# \s{n,text} - Will only draw text if the switch with ID n is ON.
# \s!{n,text} - Will only draw text if the switch with ID n is OFF.
# \#{code} - This will evaluate code. So, if you know scipting, you can place
#     any code there and it will draw whatever is returned by it. For instance:
#     \#{$game_system.save_count} would draw the number of times the player has
#     saved the current game.

@Sion   不是我的脚本,是范例里携带着的……我也不知道他为什么要放进去……


79 小时
发表于 2013-8-20 17:02:54 | 只看该作者
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Lv2.观梦者 (暗夜天使)

2355 小时


发表于 2013-8-20 17:41:53 | 只看该作者
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