赞 | 12 |
VIP | 107 |
好人卡 | 6 |
积分 | 4 |
经验 | 31122 |
最后登录 | 2024-6-29 |
在线时间 | 1606 小时 |
Lv2.观梦者 傻♂逼
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 374
- 在线时间
- 1606 小时
- 注册时间
- 2007-3-13
- 帖子
- 6562
您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册会员
本帖最后由 yangff 于 2012-1-19 19:02 编辑
WndProc&Mouse for YUI 最新版本:1- $apicache = {}
- class String
- def apicall(*args)
- $apicache[self] = Win32API.new(*self.split("|")) unless $apicache.include? self
- $apicache[self].call(*args)
- end
- end
- class Symbol
- def method_missing(*args, &block)
- self.to_s.send(*args, &block)
- end
- end
- class Win32API
- WM_MOUSEDOWN = 0x210
- WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x202
- WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x205
- end
- module Roost
- module MainWindow
- def self.getwndproc
- @wndproc
- end
- def self.setwndproc(obj)
- @wndproc=obj
- end
- def self.addwndproc(obj)
- @@wndprocs.push(obj)
- end
- @@wndprocs=[]
- @wndproc = lambda {|hwnd, msg, wp, lp|
- @@handle=false
- for i in @@wndprocs
- i.call(hwnd, msg, wp, lp)
- end
- return Roost::MainWindow.use_rm_proc(hwnd, msg, wp, lp)
- }
- def self.use_rm_proc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
- if (not @@handle)
- @@handle=true
- return :"user32|CallWindowProc|iiiii|i".apicall(@@oHandle,hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
- end
- end
- def self.disable_rm_proc
- @@handle=true
- end
- def self.enable
- Roost::MainWindow.instance_eval do
- def self.enable
- end
- end
- Roost::MainWindow.instance_eval do
- @msg = "\0"*24
- @hwnd = 0
- while @hwnd==0
- :"user32|GetMessage|piii|v".apicall(@msg, 0, 0, 0)
- @kmsg = @msg
- :"user32|TranslateMessage|p|v".apicall(@kmsg)
- :"user32|DispatchMessage|p|v".apicall(@kmsg)
- @hwnd = @msg.unpack("i*")[0]
- end
- @hdc = :"user32|GetDC|i|i".apicall(@hwnd)
- def self.hwnd
- return @hwnd
- end
- def self.hdc
- return @hdc
- end
- def self.findProc(l, n)
- lib = :"kernel32|LoadLibrary|p|i".apicall(l);
- ret = :"kernel32|GetProcAddress|ip|l".apicall(lib, n);
- :"kernel32|FreeLibrary|l|v".apicall(lib)
- return ret
- end
- def self.loadfindProc(l, n)
- lib = :"kernel32|LoadLibrary|p|i".apicall(l);
- ret = :"kernel32|GetProcAddress|ip|l".apicall(lib, n);
- return ret
- end
- def self.enableWndProc
- Roost::MainWindow.instance_eval do
- def self.enableWndProc
- end
- end
- @malloc = :"msvcrt|malloc|i|i"
- @memcpy = :"msvcrt|memcpy|ipi|v"
- sprintf = self.findProc("msvcrt", "sprintf")
- rgsseval = self.findProc("RGSS300", "RGSSGetInt")
- old = :"user32|GetWindowLong|ll|l".apicall(@hwnd, -4)
- buf = @malloc.apicall(1024)
- fmt = @malloc.apicall(2048)
- sprintfvar = @malloc.apicall(8)
- rgssevalvar= @malloc.apicall(8)
- oldvar = @malloc.apicall(8)
- fmtvar = @malloc.apicall(8)
- bufvar = @malloc.apicall(8)
- defvar = @malloc.apicall(8)
- :"msvcrt|strcpy|pp|p".apicall(fmt, "Roost::MainWindow.getwndproc.call(%d,%d,%d,%d)")
- @memcpy.apicall(sprintfvar, [sprintf].pack("i"), 4)
- @memcpy.apicall(rgssevalvar,[rgsseval].pack("i"), 4)
- @memcpy.apicall(oldvar, [old].pack("i"), 4)
- @memcpy.apicall(fmtvar, [fmt].pack("i"), 4)
- @memcpy.apicall(bufvar, [buf].pack("i"), 4)
- @memcpy.apicall(defvar, [self.findProc("user32", "DefWindowProcA")].pack("i"), 4)
- @code = [0x55,0x89,0xe5,0xff,0x75,0x14,
- 0xff,0x75,0x10,0xff,0x75,0x0c,
- 0xff,0x75,0x08,0xff,0x35].pack('C*')
- @code << [fmtvar].pack('l') << [0xff, 0x35].pack('C*')
- @code << [bufvar].pack('l') << [0xff, 0x15].pack('C*')
- @code << [sprintfvar].pack("l")
- @code << [0xff, 0x15].pack('C*')
- @code << [rgssevalvar].pack("l")
- =begin
- @code << [0x83,0xc4,0x18, 0xff, 0x75, 0x14,
- 0xff,0x75, 0x10, 0xff, 0x75, 0x0c,
- 0xff,0x75, 0x08, 0xff, 0x15].pack('C*')
- @code << [oldvar].pack("l")
- =end
- @code << [0x83,0xc4,0x18].pack('C*')
- @code << [0xc9,0xc2,0x10,0x00].pack('C*')
- #0xD1, 0xE8
- @shellcode = @malloc.apicall(2048)
- @memcpy.apicall(@shellcode, @code, @code.size)
- @@oHandle= :"user32|SetWindowLong|iii|i".apicall(@hwnd, -4, @shellcode)
- #Returning Test : should be 5
- #Roost::MainWindow.setwndproc (lambda{|hwnd, msg, wp, lp| 5})
- #p :"user32|CallWindowProc|iiiii|i".apicall(@shellcode, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Roost::MainWindow.enable
- Roost::MainWindow.enableWndProc
- module Mouse
- module_function
- LKEY,RKEY,MKEY = 1,2,4
- DBLCTIME = (Win32API.new('user32','GetDoubleClickTime','','l').call * 60.0 / 1000).round
- @count = 0 ## 双击时间计数
- @dblc = [] ## 双击记录[key,wait,[mouse_x,mouse_y]]
- @move_pos = [] ## 移动记录
- @clicks = [] ## 单击记录
- def _init_
- @press,@toggled=0,0
- @pos=[0,0]
- Roost::MainWindow.addwndproc (lambda {|hwnd, msg, wp, lp|
- Mouse.onLMouseDown if msg==Win32API::WM_LBUTTONDOWN
- Mouse.onRMouseDown if msg==Win32API::WM_RBUTTONDOWN
- Mouse.onLMouseUp if msg==Win32API::WM_LBUTTONUP
- Mouse.onRMouseUp if msg==Win32API::WM_RBUTTONUP
- Mouse.onLMouseDD if msg==Win32API::WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
- Mouse.onRMouseDD if msg==Win32API::WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK
- if msg==Win32API::WM_MOUSEMOVE
- Mouse.setMouse([lp&0xffff,lp>>16])
- end
- UIManager.onMouseDown
- end
- if msg==Win32API::WM_LBUTTONUP or msg==Win32API::WM_RBUTTONUP
- UIManager.onMouseUp
- end
- if msg==Win32API::WM_MOUSEMOVE
- UIManager.onMouseMove
- end
- })
- @ldown=false
- @ltd=false
- @rdown=false
- @rtd=false
- @lup=false
- @rup=false
- end
- def onLMouseDown
- @ltd=true
- @ltd=false if @ldown
- @ldown=true
- #UIManager.onLMouseDown
- end
- def onLMouseUp
- @ldown=false
- @ltd=false
- #UIManager.onLMouseUp
- end
- def onLMouseDD
- end
- def onRMouseDown
- @rtd=true
- @rtd=false if @rdown
- @rdown=true
- #UIManager.onRMouseDown
- end
- def onRMouseUp
- @rdown=false
- @rtd=false
- #UIManager.onRMouseUp
- end
- def onRMouseDD
- end
- def setMouse(p)
- @pos=p
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ## 触发?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.toggled?(key)
- return @toggled & key != 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ## 按下?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def Mouse.press?(key)
- return @press & key != 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ## 单击?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.click?(key)
- return false if key == LKEY and !$click_abled
- return @clicks[0] & key == 0 && @clicks[1] & key != 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ## 双击?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.dbl_click?(key)
- return false if @dblc.size < 2
- ## 键值有效
- if @dblc[1][0] & key != 0 and @dblc[0][0] & key != 0
- ## 间隔有效
- if @dblc[1][1] - @dblc[0][1] < DBLCTIME
- ## 坐标有效
- if @dblc[1][2] == @dblc[0][2]
- return @clicks[0] & key == 0 && @clicks[1] & key != 0
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- def pos
- return @pos
- end
- def update
- @press,@toggled=0,0
- @press += LKEY if @ldown
- @press += RKEY if @rdown
- @toggled += LKEY if @ltd
- @toggled += RKEY if @rtd
- @clicks.shift if @clicks.size >=2
- @clicks.push @press
- if @dblc.size >= 2
- @dblc.clear
- @count = 0
- end
- if @dblc.size == 1 and @count - @dblc[0][1] > DBLCTIME
- @dblc.clear
- @count = 0
- end
- if @clicks[0] == 0 and @clicks[1] != 0
- if @dblc.size == 1 and @dblc[0][0] != @clicks[1]
- @dblc.clear
- @count = 0
- end
- @dblc.push [@press,@count,@pos]
- end
- @count += 1 unless @dblc.empty?
- @move_pos.shift if @move_pos.size >= 2
- @move_pos.push @pos
- $click_abled=true
- end
- def down(p)
- if (p==LEFT)
- return @ldown
- else
- return @rdown
- end
- end
- end
- Roost::MainWindow.addwndproc (lambda {|hwnd, msg, wp, lp|
- if (msg==Win32API::WM_ACTIVATEAPP)
- Roost::MainWindow.disable_rm_proc
- return 0
- end
- })
- Mouse._init_
- class << Mouse
- Win32API.new('user32', 'ShowCursor', 'l', 'l').call(0)
- $mousec = Sprite.new
- $mousec.z = 10001
- $mousec.x = $mousec.y = 1000
- $mouse_icon = 'Pointer'
- $mousec.bitmap = Cache.system($mouse_icon)
- alias wor_mouse_upd_mouse update unless $@
- def Mouse.update
- wor_mouse_upd_mouse
- if $mouse_old_icon.nil? or $mouse_old_icon != $mouse_icon
- $mouse_old_icon = $mouse_icon
- $mousec.bitmap = Cache.system($mouse_old_icon)
- end
- if @pos.nil?
- $mousec.x = 1000 if $mousec.x != 1000
- $mousec.y = 1000 if $mousec.y != 1000
- Win32API.new('user32', 'ShowCursor', 'l', 'l').call(1)
- else
- $mousec.x = @pos[0] if $mousec.x != @pos[0]
- $mousec.y = @pos[1] if $mousec.y != @pos[1]
- Win32API.new('user32', 'ShowCursor', 'l', 'l').call(0)
- end
- ## 鼠标刷新
- $mousec.update
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ## 经过?
- # obj : 对象实例
- # **支持Sprite,Window,Viewport,Rect,Plane,可补充
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def Mouse.over?(obj)
- case obj
- when Sprite
- x = obj.x-obj.ox; y = obj.y-obj.oy
- unless obj.viewport.nil?
- x += obj.viewport.rect.x
- y += obj.viewport.rect.y
- end
- return Mouse.area?(x, y, obj.width, obj.height)
- when Window
- x = obj.x;y = obj.y
- unless obj.viewport.nil?
- x += obj.viewport.rect.x
- y += obj.viewport.rect.y
- end
- return Mouse.area?(x, y, obj.width, obj.height)
- when Viewport
- return Mouse.area?(obj.rect.x, obj.rect.y, obj.rect.width, obj.rect.height)
- when Rect
- return Mouse.area?(obj.x, obj.y, obj.width, obj.height)
- when Plane
- x = obj.x;y = obj.y
- unless obj.viewport.nil?
- x += obj.viewport.rect.x
- y += obj.viewport.rect.y
- end
- return Mouse.area?(x, y, obj.width, obj.height)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Mouse in_area
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def Mouse.area?(x, y, width=32, height=32)
- return false if @pos == nil
- return true if @pos[0] >= x and @pos[0] <= (x+width) and @pos[1] >= y and @pos[1] <= (y+height)
- return false
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ## Window_Selectable
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Selectable < Window_Base
- alias wor_winsel_ini_mouse initialize
- alias wor_winsel_upd_mouse update
- def initialize(*args)
- wor_winsel_ini_mouse(*args)
- @scroll_wait = 0
- @cursor_wait = 0
- end
- def update
- wor_winsel_upd_mouse
- if self.active and self.visible
- update_mouse
- end
- end
- def update_mouse
- @cursor_wait -= 1 if @cursor_wait > 0
- (0...item_max).each do |i|
- irect = mouse_rect(i)
- irx = self.x + 16 + irect.x - self.ox
- iry = self.y + 16 + irect.y - self.oy
- result = Mouse.area?(irx, iry, irect.width, irect.height)
- move_cursor(i) if result
- ## 控制单击条件
- $click_abled = false if i == @index and !result
- end
- end
- ## 鼠标区域
- def mouse_rect(i)
- rect = item_rect(i)
- return rect if rect.width <= 32
- rect.x += 4
- rect.y += 4
- rect.width -= 8
- rect.height -= 8
- return rect
- end
- def column_max
- return row_max
- end
- def move_cursor(index)
- ## 不响应
- return if @cursor_wait > 0
- return if self.index == index
- @scroll_wait -= 1 if @scroll_wait > 0
- row1 = self.index / column_max
- row2 = index / column_max
- bottom = self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
- if row1 == self.top_row and row2 < self.top_row
- return if @scroll_wait > 0
- self.index = [self.index - column_max, 0].max
- @scroll_wait = 4
- elsif row1 == bottom and row2 > bottom
- return if @scroll_wait > 0
- self.index = [self.index + column_max, item_max - 1].min
- @scroll_wait = 4
- else
- self.index = index
- end
- return if @cursor_wait > 0
- Sound.play_cursor
- @cursor_wait += 2
- end
- end
复制代码 设定:YUI 最新版本:1- $摸你傻效果开关,慎用!= false #开启后在99%的机器上会SB
- =begin
- YUI = Yangff's User Interface
- Class Tree:
- UIManager:
- Window {Page{Controlers},Page{Controlers},...,Page{Controlers}}
- Window {Page{Controlers},Page{Controlers},...,Page{Controlers}}
- Window {Page{Controlers},Page{Controlers},...,Page{Controlers}}
- ......
- Window {Page{Controlers},Page{Controlers},...,Page{Controlers}}
- All method that start with yui_ is used for create Window Normally.
- But ,you can also Create your Window by using
- * set_child
- * set_parent
- * addListen
- ...
- in OnCreate.
- Every Element has a parent.
- Element in a page has a parent ,it's page
- There can be a page in a window .
- There can be a panel in a page or panel.
- Window can only create by function:createWindow.
- Evnets:
- YUI is running with EventSystem.
- But you must know ,when you are designing an Window,
- It's IMPOLITE for you to wirte :
- def onCreate
- super
- ...
- end
- You should wirte them as
- def onWindowCreate(sender,e)
- end
- yui_addEvent YUI::Events::OnCreate ,:onWindowCreate
- Or
- def onWindowCreate(sender,e)
- yui_addEvent YUI::Events::OnCreate ,:onWindowRender
- end
- =end
复制代码 UIManager 最新版本:1- class Rect
- def inarea?(pos)
- xok = pos[0].between?((self.x),self.width+self.x)
- yok = pos[1].between?((self.y),self.height+self.y)
- return ((xok) and (yok))
- end
- end
- module UIManager
- module_function
- def _init_
- @@windowlist=[]
- @@topwindowlist=[]
- @@vireport=Viewport.new
- @@vireport.z=9990
- @@active=nil
- @@draging=false
- @@mousepos=[0,0]
- @jumpflag=0
- @handlemouse=false
- @@windowSprite=Sprite.new(@@vireport)
- @@windowSprite.bitmap=Bitmap.new(Graphics.width,Graphics.height)
- @redraw=true
- end
- def viewport
- return @@vireport
- end
- def onMouseDown
- @hlist=@@windowlist+@@topwindowlist
- for z in [email protected]
- i=@hlist[@hlist.size-z-1]
- if i.rect.inarea?(Mouse.pos)
- i.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnMouseDown,Mouse,YUI::EventMessage.new({}))
- return
- end
- end
- end
- def onMouseUp
- @hlist=@@windowlist+@@topwindowlist
- for z in [email protected]
- i=@hlist[@hlist.size-z-1]
- if i.rect.inarea?(Mouse.pos)
- i.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnMouseUp,Mouse,YUI::EventMessage.new({}) )
- return
- end
- end
- end
- def onMouseMove
- @hlist=@@windowlist+@@topwindowlist
- @hked=false
- for z in [email protected]
- i=@hlist[@hlist.size-z-1]
- if i.rect.inarea?(Mouse.pos)
- i.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnMouseMove,Mouse,YUI::EventMessage.new({}) )
- return
- end
- end
- end
- def _update_
- rst = YUI::EventResult.new {}
- @z=100
- @click=false
- Mouse.update
- @click = true if Mouse.click?(Mouse::LKEY)
- @tlist=[]
- @mouseskip=false
- @hlist=@@windowlist+@@topwindowlist
- @redraw=false
- for z in [email protected]
- i=@hlist[@hlist.size-z-1]
- if (not @mouseskip) or @@dragobj==i
- if (i.rect.inarea?(Mouse.pos))and (@click)
- @handlemouse=true
- if (@@active!=i)
- @@active.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnLoseActive,self,nil) if @@active!=nil
- @@active=i
- @@oldactive=i
- msg=YUI::EventMessage.new({})
- i.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnActive,self,msg)
- if @@windowlist.include?(i)
- @@windowlist.delete(i)
- @@windowlist<<i
- end
- i.need_render=true
- @redraw=true
- end
- dragRect=Rect.new(i.rect.x+i.childrect.x,i.rect.y+i.childrect.y,i.childrect.width,i.childrect.height)
- unless (dragRect.inarea?(Mouse.pos))
- @@draging=true
- @@dragobj=i
- @@mousepos=Mouse.pos
- @jumpflag=0
- end
- end
- if ((Mouse.press?(Mouse::LKEY) or @jumpflag<0) and @@draging)
- @jumpflag+=1 unless Mouse.press?(Mouse::LKEY)
- @jumpflag=0 if Mouse.press?(Mouse::LKEY)
- @handlemouse=true
- if (i.rect.inarea?(Mouse.pos))
- dragRect=Rect.new(i.rect.x+i.childrect.x,i.rect.y+i.childrect.y,i.childrect.width,i.childrect.height)
- unless (dragRect.inarea?(Mouse.pos))
- i.rect.x+=Mouse.pos[0]-@@mousepos[0]
- i.rect.y+=Mouse.pos[1]-@@mousepos[1]
- @redraw=true
- @@mousepos=Mouse.pos
- @jumpflag=0
- end
- end
- else
- @redraw=true if @@draging
- @@draging=false
- @@dragobj=nil
- @@mousepos=[0,0]
- end
- if i.rect.inarea?(Mouse.pos)
- @mouseskip=true
- end
- end
- i.sprite.x=i.rect.x
- i.sprite.y=i.rect.y
- @redraw=true if (i.sprite.x!=i.rect.x) or (i.sprite.y!=i.rect.y)
- if i.need_render
- @redraw=true
- if i.sprite.bitmap.nil? or (i.sprite.bitmap.width!=i.rect.width) or(i.sprite.bitmap.height!=i.rect.height)
- i.sprite.bitmap.dispose unless i.sprite.bitmap.nil? or i.sprite.bitmap.disposed?
- bit = Bitmap.new(i.rect.width,i.rect.height)
- else
- bit=i.sprite.bitmap
- bit.clear
- end
- frameUpdate = YUI::EventMessage.new ({:result => rst,:bitmap => bit} )
- i.sprite.bitmap=bit
- i.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnRender,self,frameUpdate)
- i.bak_bitmap=i.sprite.bitmap.clone
- i.need_render=false
- end
- [email protected]
- end
- if $摸你傻效果开关,慎用!
- if @redraw
- @@windowSprite.bitmap.clear#dispose
- #@@windowSprite.bitmap=Graphics.snap_to_bitmap #.clear
- for z in [email protected]
- i=@hlist[z]
- if not @@draging
- bitmap=Bitmap.new(i.rect.width,i.rect.height)
- bitmap.blt(0,0,@@windowSprite.bitmap,Rect.new(i.rect.x,i.rect.y,i.rect.width,i.rect.height))
- #bitmap.radial_blur(120,16)#blur
- 2.times {bitmap.blur}
- @@windowSprite.bitmap.clear_rect(Rect.new(i.rect.x,i.rect.y,i.rect.width,i.rect.height))
- @@windowSprite.bitmap.blt(i.rect.x,i.rect.y,bitmap,Rect.new(0,0,i.rect.width,i.rect.height))
- end
- @@windowSprite.bitmap.blt(i.rect.x,i.rect.y,i.sprite.bitmap,Rect.new(0,0,i.rect.width,i.rect.height))
- end
- #@@windowSprite.bitmap.blur if not @@draging
- end
- end
- end
- def createWindow(window,*args)
- return @@windowlist<<window.new(window,*args)# if window.is_a?(YUI::Window)
- return false
- end
- def change_theme
- for i in @@windowlist+@@topwindowlist
- i.setThemeData
- i.need_render=true
- end
- end
- def disposeWindow(window)
- result=YUI::EventResult.new{|o|o.cancel=false}
- window.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnDispose,self,YUI::EventMessage.new({:result=>result}) )
- unless result.cancel
- @@windowlist.delete(window)
- @@topwindowlist.delete(window)
- window.sprite.bitmap.dispose
- window.sprite.dispose
- end
- end
- def handlemouse?
- return @handlemouse
- end
- end
- UIManager._init_
- #Innerface To Update
- class <<Graphics
- # if @@old_update_UIManager.nil?
- #p methods
- alias old_update update
- def update
- UIManager._update_
- old_update
- end
- # end
- end
复制代码 UITheme 最新版本:1- module YUI
- class Theme
- @@list={
- :WindowNCBackGroundColor=>[Color.new(0,0,0,120),Color.new(255,255,255,120),false],
- :WindowBackGroundColor=>Color.new(255,255,255,220),
- :CT=>32,
- :CL=>1,
- :CR=>1,
- :CB=>1,
- :titleFont=>Font.new("微软雅黑",24),
- :WindowContentOpcity=>120
- }
- @@functions={}
- # @@list[:titleFont].shadow=true
- # @@list[:titleFont].bold = true
- @@list[:titleFont].color=Color.new(255,255,255)
- def [](k)
- if not @@args[1].theme.nil?
- if not @@args[1].theme[k].nil?
- return @@args[1].theme[k]
- end
- end
- return @@list[k]
- end
- def regfunc(name,proc)
- @@functions[name]=proc
- end
- def setdata(sender,*args)
- @@args=[nil,sender,args]
- end
- def func(name,sender,*args)
- @@args=[name,sender,args]
- if not sender.theme[name].nil?
- sender.theme[name].call(name,sender,*args)
- return
- end
- if args.size>0
- case name
- when :WindowNCBackGround
- args[0].gradient_fill_rect(0,0,args[0].width,args[0].height,self[:WindowNCBackGroundColor][0],self[:WindowNCBackGroundColor][1],self[:WindowNCBackGroundColor][2])
- if args[2][1]==:Normally
- args[0].font = self[:titleFont]
- else
- args[0].font = args[2][1]
- end
- args[0].draw_text(5,5,args[0].width-10,24,args[2][0])
- #args[0].blur
- when :WindowBackGround
- args[0].clear_rect(self[:CL],self[:CT],args[0].width-self[:CL]-self[:CR],args[0].height-self[:CT]-self[:CB])
- args[0].fill_rect(self[:CL],self[:CT],args[0].width-self[:CL]-self[:CR],args[0].height-self[:CT]-self[:CB],self[:WindowBackGroundColor])
- else
- unless @@functions[name].nil?
- @@functions[name].call(name,*args)
- else
- raise "not defined theme"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- module Themes
- module_function
- @@reg={}
- def _init_
- @theme=Theme.new
- end
- def regnewfunc(name,&proc)
- @@reg[name]=proc
- @theme.regfunc(name,proc)
- end
- def _load(filename,classname)
- require filename
- @theme = eval(classname+".new")
- for i in @@reg.keys
- @theme.regfunc(i,@@reg[i])
- end
- UIManager.change_theme
- end
- def _load_by_monery_(data,classname)
- eval(data)
- @theme = eval(classname+".new")
- for i in @@reg.keys
- @theme.regfunc(i,@@reg[i])
- end
- UIManager.change_theme
- end
- def get(name,sender,*args)
- @theme.setdata(sender,*args)
- return @theme[name]
- end
- def draw(func,sender,*args)
- @theme.func(func,sender,*args)
- end
- end
- end
- YUI::Themes._init_
复制代码 UIFrame 最新版本:1- module YUI
- module Events
- @@count=1
- Ents={}
- def self.yui_getfreeid
- return @@count
- end
- def self.yui_addfreeid
- @@count+=1
- end
- def self.yui_getaddfreeid(name)
- yui_addfreeid
- Ents[yui_getfreeid-1]=name
- return yui_getfreeid-1
- end
- OnCreate=yui_getaddfreeid :OnCreate
- OnDispose=yui_getaddfreeid :OnDispose
- OnMouseMove=yui_getaddfreeid :OnMouseMove
- OnMouseDown=yui_getaddfreeid :OnMouseDown
- OnMouseUp=yui_getaddfreeid :OnMouseUp
- OnMouseOver=yui_getaddfreeid :OnMouseOver
- OnMouseLeave=yui_getaddfreeid :OnMouseLeave
- OnKeyBoardDown=yui_getaddfreeid :OnKeyBoardDown
- OnKeyBoardUp=yui_getaddfreeid :OnKeyBoardUp
- OnClick=yui_getaddfreeid :OnClick
- OnDoubleClick=yui_getaddfreeid :OnDoubleClick
- OnRender=yui_getaddfreeid :OnRender
- OnActive=yui_getaddfreeid :OnActive
- OnLoseActive=yui_getaddfreeid :OnLoseActive
- OnCommand=yui_getaddfreeid :OnCommand
- end
- class UIFrame
- @@events=[]
- def self.yui_addEvent(event,method,first=false)
- @@events<<{"Event"=>event,"method"=>method,"first"=>first,"src"=>self}
- end
- end
- class EventMessage
- attr_reader :cb
- def initialize(cb)
- @cb=cb
- end
- def get(name)
- return @cb[name]
- end
- def set(name,data)
- @cb[name]=data
- end
- end
- class EventResult
- attr_accessor :result
- attr_accessor :cancel
- def initialize(&cb)
- cb.call(self)
- end
- end
- class UIFrame
- attr_accessor :need_render
- attr_accessor :theme
- def topparent
- return @parent.topparent
- end
- def initialize(selfo,*args)
- @events=[]
- @need_render=true
- for i in @@events
- next unless self.kind_of?(i["src"])
- @events[i["Event"]]=[] if @events[i["Event"]].nil?
- if ((i["method"].is_a?(Symbol)) or (i["method"].is_a?(String)))
- @events[i["Event"]]<<[method(i["method"]),i["first"]]
- else
- @events[i["Event"]]<<[i["method"],i["first"]]
- end
- end
- @selfObject=selfo
- startEvent(YUI::Events::OnCreate,self,EventMessage.new({:args=>args}))
- end
- def myName
- return @selfObject.to_s
- end
- def addEvent(event,cb,first=false)
- @events[event]=[] if @events[event].nil?
- @events[event]<<[cb,first]
- end
- def realrect
- @[email protected]
- @crect=Rect.new(@[email protected],@[email protected],@rect.width,@rect.height)
- return @crect
- end
- def OnCreate(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnDispose(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnMouseMove(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnMouseDown(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnMouseUp(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnMouseOver(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnMouseLeave(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnKeyBoardDown(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnKeyBoardUp(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnClick(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnDoubleClick(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnRender(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnActive(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def OnLoseActive(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- def startEvent(ent,sender,e)
- if not @events[ent].nil?
- for i in @events[ent]
- if (i[1])
- return if i[0].call(sender,e)
- end
- end
- end
- method(Events::Ents[ent]).call(sender,e)
- if not @events[ent].nil?
- for i in @events[ent]
- unless (i[1])
- return if i[0].call(sender,e)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
复制代码 Window 最新版本:1- =begin
- YUI::Window
- * It'a Frame that can include Page.
- It has own SpriteList.
- =end
- module YUI
- class Window < UIFrame
- @@rect=[]
- def self.yui_set_rect(rect)
- @@rect<<[rect,self]
- end
- end
- end
- if $摸你傻效果开关,慎用!
- module YUI
- class UISprite
- attr_accessor :x
- attr_accessor :y
- attr_accessor :bitmap
- attr_accessor :z
- end
- end
- else
- YUI::UISprite=Sprite
- end
- module YUI
- class Window < UIFrame
- attr_reader :rect
- attr_reader :sprite
- attr_reader :ncbackground
- attr_reader :background
- attr_reader :pages
- attr_reader :activeid
- attr_reader :childrect
- attr_accessor :bak_bitmap
- attr_accessor :contentOpacity
- @@title=[]
- @@pages={}
- @@defaultpage=[]
- def self.yui_addPage(name , page , &proc)
- #@@pages={} if @@pages[self].nil?
- @@pages[name]=[page,proc,self]
- end
- def topparent
- return self
- end
- def addPage(name,page,&proc)
- @pages[name]=page.new(page,proc,self,@childrect)
- end
- def changPage(name)
- if @page.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnLoseActive,self,YUI::EventMessage.new({}))
- @page=@pages[name]
- @page.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnActive,self,YUI::EventMessage.new({}))
- @need_render=true
- end
- end
- def self.yui_set_default_page(name)
- for i in @@defaultpage
- if i[1]==self
- i[0]=[name,self]
- return
- end
- end
- @@defaultpage<<[name,self]
- end
- def self.yui_set_title(name,font=:Normally)
- for i in @@title
- if i[1]==self
- i[0]=[[name,font],self]
- end
- end
- @@title<<[[name,font],self]
- end
- yui_set_title "undefined"
- def setTitle(name,font=:Normally)
- @title=[name,font]
- @need_render=true
- end
- def set_render(render)
- @need_render=render
- end
- def onWindowMouseMove(sender,e)
- @page.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnMouseMove,Mouse,YUI::EventMessage.new({}))
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnMouseMove ,:onWindowMouseMove ,true
- def onWindowMouseDown(sender,e)
- @page.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnMouseDown,Mouse,YUI::EventMessage.new({}))
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnMouseDown ,:onWindowMouseDown ,true
- def realrect
- return @rect
- end
- def onWindowRender(sender,e)
- if @ncbackground.nil?
- YUI::Themes.draw(:WindowNCBackGround,self,e.get(:bitmap),@active,@title)
- else
- e.get(:bitmap).fill_rect(0,0,rect.width,rect.height,@ncbackground)
- end
- if @background.nil?
- YUI::Themes.draw(:WindowBackGround,self,e.get(:bitmap))
- else
- e.get(:bitmap).fill_rect(0,0,rect.width,rect.height,@background)
- end
- unless @page.nil?
- # p @rect
- @pagebit=Bitmap.new(@childrect.width,@childrect.height)
- @msg=YUI::EventMessage.new ({:bitmap=>@pagebit,:childrect=>@childrect})
- @page.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnRender,self,@msg )
- e.get(:bitmap).stretch_blt(@msg.get(:childrect),@msg.get(:bitmap),Rect.new(0,0,@msg.get(:bitmap).width,@msg.get(:bitmap).height),@contentOpacity)
- @msg.get(:bitmap).dispose
- end
- return false
- end
- def setThemeData
- @contentOpacity=Themes.get(:WindowContentOpcity,self)
- @childrect=Rect.new(Themes.get(:CL,self),Themes.get(:CT,self),@rect.width-Themes.get(:CL,self)-Themes.get(:CR,self),@rect.height-Themes.get(:CT,self)-Themes.get(:CB,self))
- for i in @pages.keys
- @pages[i].rect=@childrect
- end
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnRender ,:onWindowRender ,true
- def onWindowCreate(sender,e)
- @theme={}
- @sprite = UISprite.new(UIManager.viewport)
- if e.get(:args)[0].is_a?(Rect)
- @rect=e.get(:args)[0]
- else
- for i in @@rect
- if i[1]==@selfObject
- @rect=i[0]
- end
- end
- end
- for i in @@title
- if i[1]==@selfObject
- @title=i[0]
- end
- end
- @childrect=Rect.new(Themes.get(:CL,self),Themes.get(:CT,self),@rect.width-Themes.get(:CL,self)-Themes.get(:CR,self),@rect.height-Themes.get(:CT,self)-Themes.get(:CB,self))
- e.get(:args)[1].call(sender,e,self) if (e.get(:args)[1].is_a?(Proc))
- @pages={}
- for i in @@pages.keys
- if @@pages[i][2]==@selfObject
- @pages[i]=@@pages[i][0].new(@@pages[i][0],@@pages[i][1],self,@childrect)
- end
- end
- for i in @@defaultpage
- if i[1]==@selfObject
- @page=@pages[i[0]]
- end
- end
- setThemeData
- @need_render=true
- #相对Rect坐标
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnCreate ,:onWindowCreate ,true
- def onWindowActive(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnActive ,:onWindowActive ,true
- def onWindowLoseActive(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnLoseActive ,:onWindowLoseActive ,true
- end
- end
复制代码 Container 最新版本:1- module YUI
- #Container和Window的区别在于,Window的构造是在模块中进行的,而Container是在
- #Create中进行的。
- #Rect 全部是相对父容器的Rect
- class Container<UIFrame
- attr_accessor :rect
- def addControler(name,controler,rect,*args,&proc)
- @controlers[name]=controler.new(controler,proc,self,rect,*args)
- set_render(true)
- end
- def addPanel(name,panel,rect,&proc)
- @panels[name]=panel.new(proc,self,rect)
- set_render(true)
- end
- def getControlerByName(name)
- return @controlers[name]
- end
- def getPanelByName(name)
- return @panels[name]
- end
- def disposePanel(panel)
- rst = YUI::EventResult.new{|o|o.cancel=false}
- panel.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnDispose,self,YUI::EventMessage.new({:result=>rst}) )
- if rst.cancel==true
- return false
- else
- @panels.delete(panel)
- set_render(true)
- return true
- end
- end
- def disposeControler(controler)
- rst = YUI::EventResult.new{|o|o.cancel=false}
- controler.startEvent(YUI::Events::OnDispose,self,YUI::EventMessage.new({:result=>rst}) )
- if rst.cancel==true
- return false
- else
- @controlers.delete(controler)
- set_render(true)
- return true
- end
- end
- def set_render(render)
- @need_render=render
- @parent.set_render(render)
- end
- def onContainerCreate(sender,e)
- args=e.get(:args)
- @panels={}
- @controlers={}
- @parent=args[1]
- @rect=args[2]
- set_render true
- args[0].call(self)
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnCreate ,:onContainerCreate ,true
- def onContainerRender(sender,e)
- for i in @controlers.keys
- bitmap=Bitmap.new(@controlers[i].rect.width,@controlers[i].rect.height)
- @msg=YUI::EventMessage.new ({:bitmap=>bitmap})
- @controlers[i].startEvent(YUI::Events::OnRender,self,@msg )
- e.get(:bitmap).stretch_blt(@controlers[i].rect,@msg.get(:bitmap),Rect.new(0,0,@controlers[i].rect.width,@controlers[i].rect.height))
- bitmap.dispose
- end
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnRender ,:onContainerRender ,true
- def onContainerMouseMove(sender,e)
- for i in @controlers.keys
- @controlers[i].startEvent(YUI::Events::OnMouseMove,sender,e)
- end
- for i in @panels.keys
- @panels[i].startEvent(YUI::Events::OnMouseMove,sender,e)
- end
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnMouseMove ,:onContainerMouseMove ,true
- def onContainerMouseDown(sender,e)
- for i in @controlers.keys
- @controlers[i].startEvent(YUI::Events::OnMouseDown,sender,e)
- end
- for i in @panels.keys
- @panels[i].startEvent(YUI::Events::OnMouseDown,sender,e)
- end
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnMouseDown ,:onContainerMouseDown ,true
- end
- end
复制代码 Page(未完成)Panel(未开始写)
Controler(半成品) 最新版本:1- module YUI
- class Controler<UIFrame
- def set_render(render)
- @need_render=render
- @parent.set_render(render)
- end
- def onContainerCreate(sender,e)
- args=e.get(:args)
- @parent=args[1]
- @rect=args[2]
- @mousein=false
- set_render true
- args[0].call(self)
- return false
- end
- def rect
- return @rect
- end
- def onControlerMouseMove(sender,e)
- if realrect.inarea?(Mouse.pos)
- if not @mousein
- @mousein=true
- startEvent(Events::OnMouseOver,sender,e)
- end
- elsif @mousein
- @mousein=false
- startEvent(Events::OnMouseLeave,sender,e)
- end
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnMouseMove ,:onControlerMouseMove ,true
- yui_addEvent Events::OnCreate ,:onContainerCreate ,true
- end
- end
复制代码 Textarea 最新版本:1- module YUI
- class Textarea<Controler
- def text
- set_render true
- return @text
- end
- def text=(v)
- @text=v
- set_render true
- end
- def font
- set_render true
- return @font
- end
- def font=(f)
- @font=f
- set_render true
- end
- def onTextareaCreate(sender,e)
- args=e.get(:args)
- @text=args[3] if @text.nil?
- @text="" if @text.nil?
- @font=Font.new if @font.nil?
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnCreate ,:onTextareaCreate ,true
- def onTextareaRender(sender,e)
- bitmap=e.get(:bitmap)
- bitmap.clear
- bitmap.font=@font
- @x=0
- @y=0
- @maxheight=0
- #@text.each_byte{|b|
- for i in [email protected]
- b=@text[i]
- if b!="\r"
- @size=bitmap.text_size(b)
- @maxheight = 0 if @maxheight.nil?
- @maxheight=[@maxheight,@size.height].max
- if (@[email protected]>@rect.width) or b=="\n"
- @x=0
- @y+=@maxheight
- @maxheight=0
- end
- bitmap.draw_text(@x,@y,@size.width*2+1,@size.height+1,b) if b!="\n"
- @[email protected] if b!="\n"
- end
- end
- #}
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnRender ,:onTextareaRender ,true
- end
- end
复制代码 Edit(未开始)- =begin
- Windows 单行输入框规则
- 1- 光标位置小于0时,首字符位置前移N个像素。
- 2- 光标位置大于编辑框宽度时,尾字符位置后移N个像素。
- 3- 字符串长度增长时,保持首字符位置不变。
- 4- 字符串减少时,首先保持首字符位置不变,收缩尾部位置,
- 直至尾字符不超出编辑框大小,然后收缩首部位置,直至首字
- 符位置在字符串位置首位,然后收缩尾部。
- =end
复制代码 Button(部分实现) 最新版本:1- module YUI
- class Button < Textarea
- YUI::Themes.regnewfunc(:ButtonDraw){|name,bitmap,action,flag|
- bitmap.gradient_fill_rect(0,0,bitmap.width,bitmap.height,Color.new(40,45,210),Color.new(8,10,140),true)
- bitmap.gradient_fill_rect(1,1,bitmap.width-2,bitmap.height-2,Color.new(60,67,230),Color.new(20,25,120),true)
- }
- def onTextareaCreate(sender,e)
- @action=:Nomorlly
- @flag = e.get(:args)[4]
- @callback=e.get(:args)[5]
- super(sender,e)
- end
- def onTextareaRender(sender,e)
- super(sender,e)
- bitmap=e.get(:bitmap)
- bitmap1=Bitmap.new(bitmap.width,bitmap.height)
- YUI::Themes.draw(:ButtonDraw,self.topparent,bitmap1,@action,@flag)
- bitmap1.blt(5,3,bitmap,Rect.new(0,0,bitmap.width,bitmap.height))
- if @action==:Moving
- b=Bitmap.new(bitmap.width,bitmap.height)
- b.fill_rect(0,0,bitmap1.width,bitmap1.height,Color.new(255,255,255,255))
- bitmap1.blt(0,0,b,Rect.new(0,0,bitmap.width,bitmap.height),50)
- end
- bitmap.dispose
- e.set(:bitmap,bitmap1)
- end
- def onButtonMouseOver(sender,e)
- unless @action==:Disabled
- @action=:Moving
- set_render true
- end
- return false
- end
- def onButtonMouseLeave(sender,e)
- unless @action==:Disabled
- @action=:Nomorlly
- set_render true
- end
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnMouseOver,:onButtonMouseOver,true
- yui_addEvent Events::OnMouseLeave,:onButtonMouseLeave,true
- def onButtonMouseDown(sender,e)
- if realrect.inarea?(Mouse.pos)
- startEvent(Events::OnCommand,self,e)
- end
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent YUI::Events::OnMouseDown,:onButtonMouseDown,true
- def onButtonCommand(sender,e)
- @callback.call(sender,e)
- return false
- end
- yui_addEvent Events::OnCommand,:onButtonCommand,true
- end
- end
复制代码 Opinion(未开始)
WindowMaker(未开始) 最新版本:1- module UIManager
- module_function
- class Easy
- @@windowList={}
- def self.yui_addEasyMaker(name,clasname)
- @@windowList[name]=clasname
- end
- end
- class MessageWindow < YUI::Window
- end
- Easy.yui_addEasyMaker :MessageWindow,MessageWindow
- class JsonWindow < YUI::Window
- end
- Easy.yui_addEasyMaker :JsonWindow,JsonWindow
- end
复制代码 UITest(测试,范例) 最新版本:1- class MyWindow < YUI::Window
- yui_set_rect Rect.new(80,70,300,350)
- yui_set_title "My Window Test1"
- yui_addPage(:Page1,YUI::Page){|my|
- my.addControler(:TextArea1,YUI::Textarea,Rect.new(5,5,300-64,120),"\\Hello World/\n\r\\YUI/!中文测试。。自动换行测试。。"){ |my1|
- my1.font=Font.new("微软雅黑",24)
- my1.font.shadow=true
- my1.font.bold = true
- }
- my.addControler(:Button1,YUI::Button,Rect.new(5,200,60+4,26+4+30),"\\按钮/\n两行",:First,proc{|sender,e| UIManager.disposeWindow(my.topparent) }){ |my1|
- my1.font=Font.new("微软雅黑",24)
- my1.font.shadow=true
- my1.font.bold = true
- }
- }
- yui_set_default_page :Page1
- end
- class MyWindow1 < YUI::Window
- yui_set_rect Rect.new(80+32,70+32,300,350)
- yui_set_title "My Window Test2"
- end
- UIManager.createWindow(MyWindow)
- #UIManager.createWindow(MyWindow,Rect.new(80+32,70+32,300,350))
- UIManager.createWindow(MyWindow1,Rect.new(80+32,70+32,300,350),proc{|sender,e,my|my.theme[:CL],my.theme[:CR],my.theme[:CB]=16,16,16;})
- #UIManager.createWindow(MyWindow1)
- =begin
- UIManager.createWindowMaker("json","xxx.json")
- {|my|
- addListen(getOOByName:button,YUI::Controler::Button){|sender,e|
- UIManager.createWindowMaker("messageBox","Hi","欢迎使用|cffff00ffYUI界面核心",UIManager::Msgbox::MSG_OKAY | UIManager::Msgbox::MSG_CANCEL)
- {|sender1,e1|
- if (e1.get(:result)==UIManager::Msgbox::MSG_OKAY)
- (my.getOOByName:label).setCaption("确定")
- else
- (my.getOOByName:label).setCaption("不确定")
- end
- }
- }
- =end
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