

分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 ToneFilter
汪汪 2015-11-13 10:49
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**WebGL的颜色矩阵滤镜 * The color matrix filter for WebGL. * * @class ToneFilter * @constructor */ function ToneFilter() { PIXI.AbstractFilter.call(this); & ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|67 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 Weather
汪汪 2015-11-13 10:38
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**天气效果显示雨,暴雨或雪 * The weather effect which displays rain, storm, or snow. * * @class Weather * @constructor */ function Weather() { this.initialize.apply(thi ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|63 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 WindowLayer
汪汪 2015-11-8 21:50
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**包含游戏窗口的层 * The layer which contains game windows. * * @class WindowLayer * @constructor */ function WindowLayer() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|65 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 Window
汪汪 2015-11-8 21:49
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**游戏中的窗口 * The window in the game. * * @class Window * @constructor */ function Window() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Window.prototype = Object.cr ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|62 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 ScreenSprite
汪汪 2015-11-8 21:47
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**覆盖整个游戏画面的精灵 * The sprite which covers the entire game screen. * * @class ScreenSprite * @constructor */ function ScreenSprite() { this.initialize.apply(thi ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|59 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 Tilemap
汪汪 2015-11-8 21:41
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**显示2D 游戏地图 图块基底 * The tilemap which displays 2D tile-based game map. * * @class Tilemap * @constructor */ function Tilemap() { this.initialize.apply(this, ar ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|67 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 Sprite
汪汪 2015-11-8 21:39
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**呈现游戏画面的基本对象。 * The basic object that is rendered to the game screen. * * @class Sprite * @constructor * @param {Bitmap} bitmap The image for the sprite */ function Spr ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|58 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 TouchInput
汪汪 2015-11-6 19:04
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**来自鼠标和触摸屏处理输入数据的静态类 * The static class that handles input data from the mouse and touchscreen. * * @class TouchInput */ function TouchInput() { throw new E ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|50 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 Input
汪汪 2015-11-6 17:22
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**从键盘和游戏手柄处理输入数据的静态类。 * The static class that handles input data from the keyboard and gamepads. * * @class Input */ function Input() { throw new Error('Th ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|51 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【小白】机翻注释mv的 Graphics
汪汪 2015-11-6 17:22
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**图形处理的静态类 * The static class that carries out graphics processing. * * @class Graphics */ function Graphics() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); } /**初始 ...
个人分类: mv: rpg_core|53 次阅读|0 个评论

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