// dlg.txt



begintalknode 1;
    state = -1;
    nextstate = -1;
    condition = get_sdf(1,1) == 0;
    question = "special";
    text1 = "You enter the settlement of Minallah, the only town in these frigid mountains. It is also the gateway to the Foundry, where creations are checked in and taken out.";
    text2 = "Like most cities in western Terrestia, it is centuries old. Unlike most of them, it isn't very impressive. While the Shapers tend to build massive and intimidating settlements, Minallah is mainly a collection of burrows in the rock.";
    text3 = "It is as if the cold and wind wore away all determination to bring any of the standard Shaper glory to Minallah. The only impressive structure is the spire to the west.";
    text4 = "You manage to recall that it is Isenwood's Spire. A huge, natural pinnacle of stone, honeycombed with tunnels. Dozens of narrow windows dot its sides, little pinpricks of light in the gray and the snow.";
    text5 = "Shaper Rawal commanded that you go see him. That is probably where he is.";
    action = SET_SDF 1 1 1;
    code =