
标题: 问个屏幕震动的问题…… [打印本页]

作者: sjkd34    时间: 2009-1-31 23:45
标题: 问个屏幕震动的问题……
动态伤害效果加强版脚本我用了,但是与彩虹神剑有冲突(只能实现全屏幕,其他效果消失) [LINE]1,#dddddd[/LINE]此贴于 2009-2-6 10:32:05 被版主darkten提醒,请楼主看到后对本贴做出回应。 [LINE]1,#dddddd[/LINE]版务信息:版主帮忙结贴~
作者: 天圣的马甲    时间: 2009-2-5 10:32
  1. #_______________________________________________________________________________
  2. # MOG Shake Effects V1.0  (08/06/2007)         
  3. #_______________________________________________________________________________
  4. # By Moghunter   
  5. #
  6. #_______________________________________________________________________________
  7. # - Permite que certas habilidades causem tremor na tela.
  8. # - Danos críticos causam tremor na tela.
  9. #_______________________________________________________________________________
  10. module MOG
  11. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. # Definição do nome do elemento que causará o tremor.
  13. SHAKE_ELEMENT = "Shake"
  14. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. # Som do dano crítico.
  16. CRITICAL_SE = "054-Cannon03"
  17. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. # Som da esquiva.
  19. MISS_SE = "017-Jump03"
  20. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. # Ativar Flash na tela.
  22. FLASH_HIT = true
  23. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. end
  25. $mogscript = {} if $mogscript == nil
  26. $mogscript["Shake_Effect"] = true
  27. ################
  28. # Scene_Battle #
  29. ################
  30. class Scene_Battle
  31. alias mog55_update_phase4_step5 update_phase4_step5
  32. def update_phase4_step5
  33. for tgt in @target_battlers
  34. if @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1 and tgt.damage > 0 and tgt.damage != "Miss"
  35. skill_shake(@active_battler.current_action.skill_id)
  36. end
  37. if tgt.critical == true
  38. $game_screen.start_shake(5,10,20)
  39. Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + MOG::CRITICAL_SE ,100,100) rescue nil  
  40. $game_screen.start_flash(,0,0,150), 20) if MOG::FLASH_HIT == true              
  41. elsif tgt.damage == "Miss"
  42. Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + MOG::MISS_SE ,100,100) rescue nil
  43. $game_screen.start_flash(,0,0,150), 20)   
  44. end
  45. end   
  46. mog55_update_phase4_step5  
  47. end  
  48. def skill_shake(skill_id)
  49. if @skill.element_set.include?($data_system.elements.index(MOG::SHAKE_ELEMENT))
  50. $game_screen.start_shake(5,10,20)
  51. Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + MOG::CRITICAL_SE ,100,100) rescue nil  
  52. $game_screen.start_flash(,0,0,150), 20) if MOG::FLASH_HIT == true           
  53. return true
  54. end
  55. return false
  56. end  
  57. end  

来自外站。需要增加震动效果的技能给个属性名shake。 [LINE]1,#dddddd[/LINE]系统信息:本贴由本区版主认可为正确答案,66RPG感谢您的热情解答~

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