
标题: 话说谁能翻一下脚本?(话说咱英文不好) [打印本页]

作者: 神龙出世    时间: 2009-8-28 19:20
标题: 话说谁能翻一下脚本?(话说咱英文不好)
# This script adds a kind of depth for the maps.
# Written by MGCaladtogel
# English version (21/05/07)
# Instructions :
# You must add to the map's name :
#- [M7]  : to activate Mode7
#- [#XX] : XX is the slant angle (in degree). Default value is 0 (normal maps)
#- [Y]   : Y-map looping
#- [X]   : X-map looping. This option needs resources (lower fps).
#- [A]   : animated autotiles (with 4 patterns). This option increases
#          significantly the loading time, so it may crash for large maps
#          (SystemStackError)
#- [C]   : to center the map on the hero (even for small maps)
#- [P]   : to have a fixed panorama
#- [H]   : to have a white horizon
#- [OV]  : Overworld Sprite Resize (a Mewsterus's script feature)
# OR :
# see the "$mode7_maps_settings" below (l.48) to prapare your settings
# Other commands (for events) :
#- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set(new_angle)
#  To redraw the map with the new_angle
#- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set_p(new_angle)
#  To redraw progressively the map from the current angle to the new
#- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_redraw
#  To redraw the map (useful with the following commands)
#- $game_system.map_opacity = value
#  To define the opacity for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw)
#- $game_system.map_gradual_opacity = value
#  To define a gradual opacity for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw)
#  (it bugs with horizontal looping)
#- $game_system.map_tone =, Green, Blue)
#  To define the tone for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw)
#- $game_system.map_gradual_tone =, Green, Blue, Gray)
#  To define a gradual tone for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw)
#- $game_system.horizon = value
#  To define the view's distance (default : 960) (it needs to redraw)
#- $game_system.reset
#  To initialize the previous options
#- To obtain flat events :
# just add a comment in the event's commands list with : "Flat"
#- To handle the height of a vertical event :
# add a comment in the event's commands list with : "Heigth X", where X is the
# height value ("Heigth 2" will draw the event 64 pixels above its original
# position - you can use floats)
# The map is drawn from all the tiles of the three layers that do not have a
# terrain_tag's value of 1 or 2.
# The other tiles (terrain_tag = 1 or 2) form elements that are drawn vertically,
# like the 3rd-layer elements in the old version.
# The 2 terrains ID used to form vertical elements
$terrain_tags_vertical_tiles = [1,2] # You can modify these values
# To access maps names
$data_maps = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")
$mode7_maps_settings = {}
# Prepare your own settings for mode7 maps
# Just put the first parameter in a map's name
# For example :
$mode7_maps_settings["Worldmap"] = ["#60", "X", "Y", "A", "H", "OV"]
# -> will  be called  when "Worldmap" is included in the name
$mode7_maps_settings["Smallslant"] = ["#20", "A", "S"]
# Add any number of settings you want

大致的意思,比如说什么 设置地图的时候,后缀加上【y】等等之类的是什么意思……
作者: 神龙出世    时间: 2009-8-28 19:21
标题: 话说谁能翻一下脚本?(话说咱英文不好)
本帖最后由 神龙出世 于 2009-8-28 19:23 编辑

  1. #============================================================================
  2. # This script adds a kind of depth for the maps.
  3. # Written by MGCaladtogel
  4. # English version (21/05/07)
  5. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. # Instructions :
  7. # You must add to the map's name :
  8. #- [M7]  : to activate Mode7
  9. #- [#XX] : XX is the slant angle (in degree). Default value is 0 (normal maps)
  10. #- [Y]   : Y-map looping
  11. #- [X]   : X-map looping. This option needs resources (lower fps).
  12. #- [A]   : animated autotiles (with 4 patterns). This option increases
  13. #          significantly the loading time, so it may crash for large maps
  14. #          (SystemStackError)
  15. #- [C]   : to center the map on the hero (even for small maps)
  16. #- [P]   : to have a fixed panorama
  17. #- [H]   : to have a white horizon
  18. #- [OV]  : Overworld Sprite Resize (a Mewsterus's script feature)
  19. #
  20. # OR :
  21. # see the "$mode7_maps_settings" below (l.48) to prapare your settings
  22. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. # Other commands (for events) :
  24. #- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set(new_angle)
  25. #  To redraw the map with the new_angle
  26. #- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set_p(new_angle)
  27. #  To redraw progressively the map from the current angle to the new
  28. #- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_redraw
  29. #  To redraw the map (useful with the following commands)
  30. #- $game_system.map_opacity = value
  31. #  To define the opacity for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw)
  32. #- $game_system.map_gradual_opacity = value
  33. #  To define a gradual opacity for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw)
  34. #  (it bugs with horizontal looping)
  35. #- $game_system.map_tone =, Green, Blue)
  36. #  To define the tone for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw)
  37. #- $game_system.map_gradual_tone =, Green, Blue, Gray)
  38. #  To define a gradual tone for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw)
  39. #- $game_system.horizon = value
  40. #  To define the view's distance (default : 960) (it needs to redraw)
  41. #- $game_system.reset
  42. #  To initialize the previous options
  43. #
  44. #- To obtain flat events :
  45. # just add a comment in the event's commands list with : "Flat"
  46. #
  47. #- To handle the height of a vertical event :
  48. # add a comment in the event's commands list with : "Heigth X", where X is the
  49. # height value ("Heigth 2" will draw the event 64 pixels above its original
  50. # position - you can use floats)
  51. #============================================================================
  52. # The map is drawn from all the tiles of the three layers that do not have a
  53. # terrain_tag's value of 1 or 2.
  54. # The other tiles (terrain_tag = 1 or 2) form elements that are drawn vertically,
  55. # like the 3rd-layer elements in the old version.
  56. # The 2 terrains ID used to form vertical elements
  57. $terrain_tags_vertical_tiles = [1,2] # You can modify these values
  58. # To access maps names
  59. $data_maps = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")
  60. $mode7_maps_settings = {}
  61. # Prepare your own settings for mode7 maps
  62. # Just put the first parameter in a map's name
  63. # For example :
  64. $mode7_maps_settings["Worldmap"] = ["#60", "X", "Y", "A", "H", "OV"]
  65. # -> will  be called  when "Worldmap" is included in the name
  66. $mode7_maps_settings["Smallslant"] = ["#20", "A", "S"]
  67. # Add any number of settings you want
大致的意思,比如说什么 设置地图的时候,后缀加上【y】等等之类的是什么意思……
作者: flzt5354    时间: 2009-8-28 19:33
  1. #============================================================================
  2. #这一个手写体为地图增加一种深度。
  3. #书面的由 MGCaladtogel
  4. #英国版本(21|05|07)
  5. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. #指导:
  7. #你一定加到地图名字:
  8. #-[M7]:刺激 Mode7
  9. #-[#XX] :XX 是倾斜的角度。(在程度中)假设值价值是 0(常态地图)
  10. #-[Y] :Y-地图成环
  11. #-[X] :X-地图成环。这选项需要资源. (降低 fps)
  12. #-[一] :活生生的 autotiles. (与 4个式样)这选项增加
  13. #重要地载入计时,因此它可能坠毁的为大地图
  14. #(SystemStackError)
  15. #-[C] :在英雄上集中地图(甚至为小的地图)
  16. #-[P] :有固定的全景
  17. #-[H] :有白色的地平线
  18. #-[OV] :Overworld 小妖再大小(一个 Mewsterus 的手写体特征)

  19. #或:
  20. #见到 "$模态 7_ maps_settings" 在对 prapare下面 (l.48) 你的设定
  21. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. #其他的指令 : (为事件)
  23. #-$scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode 7_ 组(new_angle)
  24. #用 new_angle 重划地图
  25. #-$scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode 7_ set_p (new_angle)
  26. #逐渐地重划从现在的角度到新者的地图
  27. #-$scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode 7_ 重划
  28. #重划地图(有用的与下列的指令)
  29. #-$game_system.map_opacity =价值
  30. #为 Mode7 地图定义不透明(它需要重划)
  31. #-$game_system.map_gradual_opacity =价值
  32. #为 Mode7 地图定义一个逐渐的不透明(它需要重划)
  33. # (它疯狂的与使水平线成环的)
  34. #-$game_system.map_tone = (红色、绿色、以及蓝色的)
  35. #为 Mode7 地图定义明暗(它需要重划)
  36. #-$game_system.map_gradual_tone = (红色、绿色、以及蓝色的,灰色)
  37. #为 Mode7 地图定义一个逐渐的明暗(它需要重划)
  38. #-$game_system.horizon =价值
  39. #定义视野距离 (假设值: 960)(它需要重划)
  40. #-$game_system.reset
  41. #设定早先的选项初值

  42. #-获得平坦的事件:
  43. #仅仅增加一个评论结果指令目录与:" 公寓 "

  44. #-处理垂直事件的高度:
  45. #增加一个评论结果指令目录与:" Heigth X", 哪里 X 是那
  46. #高度评价(" Heigth 2" 将会拉事件 64个图素在它上面最初的
  47. #位置-你能使用漂流物)
  48. #============================================================================
  49. #地图从没有的这三层的所有的砖瓦被画一
  50. # terrain_tag 的 1 或 2 价值.
  51. #其他砖瓦 (terrain_tag = 1 或 2) 形成垂直地被画的元素,
  52. #在旧的版本中喜欢第三层的元素。
  53. #用的这 2个地带身份证形成垂直的元素
  54. $terrain_tags_vertical_tiles = [1,2]# 你能修正这些价值
  55. #存取地图名字
  56. $data_maps = load_data (" 数据│MapInfos.rxdata")
  57. $模态 7_ maps_settings =
  58. #为模态 7张地图准备你自己的设定
  59. #刚刚把第一个叁数放入一个地图名字
  60. #举例来说:
  61. $模态 7_ maps_settings[" Worldmap"]=["#60", " X" , " Y", " 一 ", " H", " OV"]
  62. # -> 当 " Worldmap" 被包含在名字之中的时候,意志被呼叫
  63. $模态 7_ maps_settings[" Smallslant"]=["#20", " 一 ", " S"]
  64. #增加你想要的一些设定

作者: DeathKing    时间: 2009-8-28 19:37

dome_仿3D.rar (881.55 KB, 下载次数: 36)
作者: 神龙出世    时间: 2009-8-28 20:10
作者: ONEWateR    时间: 2009-8-28 22:00
祝你成功 >.<

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