标题: 关于寻路算法加入地形影响的办法……求教脚本高手。 [打印本页]
作者: Cs2011 时间: 2011-6-25 11:04
标题: 关于寻路算法加入地形影响的办法……求教脚本高手。
本帖最后由 fux2 于 2011-6-25 14:03 编辑
之前看过论坛中高手制作的A star寻路算法的脚本,并成功运用到了游戏中。但我想进一步改进下算法,加入不同地形的影响因素。
现在的问题就是无法判断一个已知格子周围的地形信息,本人才疏学浅,不知道RPG Maker里是否能判断当前格子周围地形的函数,我感觉只要判断出是哪个图块就行,到时候我就可以根据函数返回的图块来改变G值的计算方式了。希望各位高手不吝赐教,先谢过了!!!
附:我在论坛中找到的A star 寻路算法。- #==============================================================================
- class Find_Path
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize #初始化
- @open_list = []#开启列表
- @close_lise = []#关闭列表
- end #结束初始化
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def fp_passable?(x, y, d) #开始判定通行
- if [2, 4, 6, 8].include?(d)
- if $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- else
- case d
- when 1
- if ($game_player.passable?(x, y, 4) and
- $game_player.passable?(x - 1, y, 2)) or
- ($game_player.passable?(x, y, 2) and
- $game_player.passable?(x, y + 1, 4))
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- when 3
- if ($game_player.passable?(x, y, 6) and
- $game_player.passable?(x + 1, y, 2)) or
- ($game_player.passable?(x, y, 2) and
- $game_player.passable?(x, y + 1, 6))
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- when 7
- if ($game_player.passable?(x, y, 4) and
- $game_player.passable?(x - 1, y, 8)) or
- ($game_player.passable?(x, y, 8) and
- $game_player.passable?(x, y - 1, 4))
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- when 9
- if ($game_player.passable?(x, y, 6) and
- $game_player.passable?(x + 1, y, 8)) or
- ($game_player.passable?(x, y, 8) and
- $game_player.passable?(x, y - 1, 6))
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end #结束判定通行
- [color=Red][b]#这里是我想改进的地方,我的想法是加入判断周围格子地形(图块)的函数,然后根据不同的图块设定g值不同的计算方法。[/b][/color][color=Red][b]def get_g(now_point)
- #开始计算G值
- d = now_point[2]
- return 0 if d == 5
- father_point = get_father_point(now_point)
- g = father_point[3] + ((d == 1 or d == 3 or d == 7 or d == 9) ? 14 : 10)
- return g
- end #结束计算G值[/b][/color]#--------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]
- def get_h(now_point) #开始计算H值
- now_x = now_point[0]
- now_y = now_point[1]
- #print @trg_x,now_x,@trg_y,now_y
- h = (@trg_x - now_x).abs + (@trg_y - now_y).abs
- return h * 10 #强化启发
- end #结束计算H值
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_f(now_point) #开始计算F值
- f = now_point[3] + now_point[4]
- return f
- end #结束计算F值
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_point(x, y) #取已知坐标点
- if @open_list.size != 0
- @open_list.each do |point|
- if point[0] == x and point[1] == y
- return point
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if @close_list.size != 0
- @close_list.each do |point|
- if point[0] == x and point[1] == y
- return point
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end #结束取已知坐标点
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_father_point(now_point) #取已知点的父节点
- d = now_point[2]
- return now_point if d == 5
- x = now_point[0] + ((d == 9 or d == 6 or d == 3) ? 1 : ((d == 7 or d == 4 or d == 1) ? -1 : 0))
- y = now_point[1] + ((d == 1 or d == 2 or d == 3) ? 1 : ((d == 7 or d == 8 or d == 9) ? -1 : 0))
- return get_point(x, y)
- end #结束取已知点的父节点
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def new_point(x, y, d) #开始建立新节点
- #print x,y,d
- point = [x, y, d]
- point.push get_g(point)
- point.push get_h(point)
- point.push get_f(point)
- return point
- end #结束建立新节点
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def find_short_path(self_x, self_y, trg_x, trg_y) #开始搜索路径
- return [] if not (fp_passable?(trg_x, trg_y, 8) or
- fp_passable?(trg_x, trg_y, 4) or
- fp_passable?(trg_x, trg_y, 6) or
- fp_passable?(trg_x, trg_y, 2))
- @self_x = self_x
- @self_y = self_y
- @now_x = self_x
- @now_y = self_y
- @trg_x = trg_x
- @trg_y = trg_y
- @open_list = []
- @close_list = []
- #准备搜索
- #print @self_x,@self_y
- @now_point = new_point(@self_x, @self_y, 5) #令起始点为当前点
- @open_list.push @now_point #将当前点加入关闭列表
- #开始搜索
- loop do
- check_trg = check_around_point(@now_point)
- if check_trg == true
- @path = get_path
- break
- end
- @now_point = get_lowest_f_point
- if @now_point == [] or @now_point == nil
- @path = []
- break
- end
- end
- return @path
- end #结束搜索路径
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def find_player_short_path(trg_x, trg_y) #寻找角色的最短路径
- self_x = $game_player.x
- self_y = $game_player.y
- return find_short_path(self_x, self_y, trg_x, trg_y)
- end #结束角色的寻找路径
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_path #取得最终的路径
- path = []
- now_point = @open_list[@open_list.size - 1]
- path.push(10 - now_point[2])
- last_point = now_point
- loop do
- now_point = get_father_point(now_point)
- break if now_point[2] == 5
- path.push(10 - now_point[2])
- end
- return path.reverse
- end #结束取得最终的路径
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_lowest_f_point #开始取得最低F值的点
- if @open_list == []
- return []
- end
- last_lowest_f_point = @open_list[0]
- @open_list.each do |point|
- last_lowest_f_point = point if point[5] < last_lowest_f_point[5]
- end
- return last_lowest_f_point
- end #结束取得最低F值点
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def check_around_point(point) #开始检查已知点的八方节点
- for d in [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]
- x = point[0] + ((d == 9 or d == 6 or d == 3) ? 1 : ((d == 7 or d == 4 or d == 1) ? -1 : 0))
- y = point[1] + ((d == 1 or d == 2 or d == 3) ? 1 : ((d == 7 or d == 8 or d == 9) ? -1 : 0))
- if in_close_list?(x, y) #在关闭列表中
- next
- elsif in_open_list?(x, y) #在开启列表中
- get_new_g_point = new_point(x, y, 10 - d)
- get_last_g_point = get_point(x, y)
- if get_new_g_point[3] >= get_last_g_point[3]
- next
- else
- #如果改变父节点是新G值更小则确定改变
- @open_list[@open_list.index(get_last_g_point)] = get_new_g_point
- end
- else
- if fp_passable?(point[0], point[1], d)
- # 如果不在开启列表中、且不在关闭列表中、且通行则添加它到新八周节点
- @open_list.push new_point(x, y, 10 - d)
- #如果将目标点添加到了开启列表中就返回true
- return true if x == @trg_x and y == @trg_y
- end
- end
- end
- #此刻没有找到目标点并将当前点加入关闭列表并在开启列表中删除
- @close_list.push point
- @open_list.delete(point)
- #此刻没找到目标点并返回false
- return false
- end #结束计算已知点的八方节点
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def in_open_list?(x, y) #开始检查谋点是否在开启列表中
- @open_list.each do |point|
- return true if point[0] == x and point[1] == y
- end
- return false
- end #结束检查谋点是否在开启列表中
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def in_close_list?(x, y) #开始检查谋点是否在关闭列表中
- @close_list.each do |point|
- return true if point[0] == x and point[1] == y
- end
- return false
- end #结束时检查某点是否在关闭列表中
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end