One day, Ruby picked up a calculator on the ground. But she isn't sure whether it is broken or not. She wants to test the calculator, but she doesn't want to calculate by herself. So, can you help her to calculate the right answer?
Ruby will give you the question to test the calculator. And you must to receive her the correct answer. (The question only have numbers and `+' `-' `*' `/' these four operations)
Input Rule
First you will get a number N.And next N lines will be the question.
The question must be a normal math expression like "1+2+46/5", you only have to remenber the rule of math.
There must have zero or more whitespaces between the operations and numbers.
(There's no float number, only integer)
Output Rule
For each questions, you must output a new line and the answer to the question.
Need Skills
Standard I/O,
if/else statement,
Some simple operations.