Army and Strategy: The Crusades, Pied Pipers Entertainment (Korea)
Cubetractor, Ludochip (Singapore)
Diggin’ Dogs, Soap Creative (Australia)
Dustforce, Hitbox Team (Australia)
Flying Daggers,《飞刀》,Sparklet Studio (China)
Insecters War,《微观战争》, Peng Fang and Zhilong Chen (China)
Jumpmaster, 《屌丝伞兵的逆袭》, Steamyrice Entertainment (China)
UNCLE GO!! Jianfeng Liang (China)
Blockhead, DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore (Singapore)
Cloud and Boy, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology (Taiwan China)
Fish, 《鱼》, Yi Wang (China)
Flip’s Adventure, DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore (Singapore) Magic beans campus,《魔豆校园》, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (China) http://rpg.blue/thread-231289-1-1.html (6R游戏发补贴) http://www.66rpg.com/articles/4435 (6R主站发布)
Potawatomi, DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore (Singapore)