#encoding:utf-8 #============================================================================== # ■ 装备说明增强 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 修改了说明窗口,增强了装备的说明 作者:wyongcan 发布于66RPG 转载请注明 #============================================================================== module Help CODE ={ 11 => "属性抗性", 12 => "弱化抗性", 13 => "状态抗性", 14 => "状态免疫", 21 => "普通能力", 22 => "添加能力", 23 => "特殊能力", 31 => "攻击附带属性", 32 => "攻击附带状态", 33 => "修正攻击速度", 34 => "添加攻击次数", 41 => "添加技能类型", 42 => "禁用技能类型", 43 => "添加技能", 44 => "禁用技能", 51 => "可装备武器类型", 52 => "可装备护甲类型", 53 => "固定装备", 54 => "禁用装备", 55 => "装备风格", 61 => "添加行动次数", 62 => "特殊标志", 63 => "消失效果", 64 => "队伍能力"} #特殊标志 FLAG ={ 0 => "自动战斗", 1 => "擅长防御", 2 => "保护弱者", 3 => "特技专注"} #普通能力 PARAM ={ 0 => "最大HP", 1 => "最大MP", 2 => "物理攻击", 3 => "物理防御", 4 => "魔法攻击", 5 => "魔法防御", 6 => "敏 捷 值", 7 => "幸 运 值"} #添加能力 XPARAM ={ 0 => "物理命中几率:", 1 => "物理闪避几率:", 2 => "必杀几率:", 3 => "必杀闪避几率:", 4 => "魔法闪避几率:", 5 => "魔法反射几率:", 6 => "物理反击几率:", 7 => "体力值再生速度:", 8 => "魔力值再生速度:", 9 => "特技值再生速度:"} #特殊能力 SPARAM ={ 0 => "受到攻击的几率", 1 => "防御效果比率", 2 => "恢复效果比率", 3 => "药理知识", 4 => "MP消费率", 5 => "TP消耗率", 6 => "物理伤害加成", 7 => "魔法伤害加成", 8 => "地形伤害加成", 9 => "经验获得加成"} #~ #效果范围 #~ SCOPE ={ #~ 0 => "特殊", #~ 1 => "单个敌人", #~ 2 => "全体敌人" , #~ 3 => "一个随机敌人", #~ 4 => "两个随机敌人", #~ 5 => "三个随机敌人", #~ 6 => "四个随机敌人", #~ 7 => "单个队友", #~ 8 => "全体队友", #~ 9 => "单个队友(无法战斗)", #~ 10 => "全体队友(无法战斗)", #~ 11 => "使用者"} @队伍能力 ={ 0 => "遇敌几率减半", 1 => "随机遇敌无效", 2 => "敌人偷袭无效", 3 => "先制攻击几率上升", 4 => "获得金钱数量双倍", 5 => "物品掉落几率双倍"} def self.ready @状态 = {} @武器类型 = {} @防具类型 = {} @属性 = {} $data_states.each{|x| @状态[x.id] = x.name if x != nil} elements = $data_system.elements weapon_types = $data_system.weapon_types armor_types = $data_system.armor_types elements.each_with_index{|x,y| @属性[y] = x if x != ""} weapon_types.each_with_index{|x,y| @武器类型[y] = x if x != ""} armor_types.each_with_index{|x,y| @防具类型[y] = x if x != ""} end def self.getequiphelp(equip) help = "" param = [] equip.params.each_with_index{|x,y| param.push([PARAM[y],x])} param = param.select{|x| x[1] != 0} param.each{|x| help += x[0] + ":" + x[1].to_s + "\n"} features = equip.features features.select{|x| x.code == 55}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":双持武器" + "\n"} # features.select{|x| x.code == 11}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @属性[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 12}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + PARAM[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 13}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @状态[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"} # features.select{|x| x.code == 14}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @状态[x.data_id] + "\n"} # features.select{|x| x.code == 31}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @属性[x.data_id] + "\n"} # features.select{|x| x.code == 32}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @状态[x.data_id] + "+" + x.value.to_s + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 33}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + x.value.to_s + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 34}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + x.value.to_s + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 41}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + (x.data_id == 1 ? "特技" : "魔法") + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 42}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + (x.data_id == 1 ? "特技" : "魔法") + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 43}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + $data_skills[x.data_id].name + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 44}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + $data_skills[x.data_id].name + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 51}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @武器类型[x.data_id] + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 52}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @防具类型[x.data_id] + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 61}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + x.value.to_s + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 62}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + FLAG[x.data_id] + "\n"} features.select{|x| x.code == 64}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @队伍能力[x.data_id] + "\n"} featuresparam = [] featuresparam.push features.select{|x| x.code == 21} featuresparam.push features.select{|x| x.code == 22} featuresparam.push features.select{|x| x.code == 23} featuresparam[0].each{|x| help += PARAM[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"} featuresparam[1].each{|x| help += XPARAM[x.data_id] + x.value.to_s + "\n"} featuresparam[2].each{|x| help += SPARAM[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"} help end def self.getline(text,maxtext) xtext = [] line = 0 text.each_line{|x| xtext.push x.sub(/\n/){}} xtext.each{|x| x.size % maxtext != 0 ? line += x.size / maxtext + 1 : line += x.size / maxtext} line end end #============================================================================== # ■ Window_Help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 显示特技和物品等的说明、以及角色状态的窗口 #============================================================================== class Window_Help < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 初始化对象 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(line_number = 0) super(0, 0, 210, fitting_height(line_number)) self.z = 150 contents.font.size = 14 hide end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 设置内容 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_text(text) if text != @text @text = text refresh end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 清除 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear set_text("") end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 更新帮助位置 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def uppos(index,rect,window) self.height = fitting_height2(Help.getline(@xtext,13)) create_contents contents.font.size = 14 rect.x -= window.ox rect.y -= window.oy ax = rect.x + rect.width + 10 ax = rect.x - self.width + 10 if ax + self.width > window.width + 10 ax += window.x ax = 0 if ax < 0 ay = rect.y + rect.height ay = rect.y - self.height if ay + self.height > window.height ay += window.y ay = 0 if ay < 0 self.x = ax self.y = ay set_text(@xtext) show end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 设置物品 # item : 技能、物品等 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_item(item) if item == nil set_text("") return end @xtext = "" @xtext = "名称:" + item.name + "\n" @xtext += "介绍:" + item.description + "\n" @xtext += "价格:" + item.price.to_s + "\n" if item.is_a?(RPG::EquipItem) || item.is_a?(RPG::Item) @xtext += Help.getequiphelp(item) if item.is_a?(RPG::EquipItem) @xtext = @xtext[0,@text.size - 2] if @xtext[@xtext.size - 2,2] == "\n" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 刷新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh contents.clear hide if @text == "" draw_text_ex(4, 0, @text,width,40,false) end end class Window_Base < Window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 计算窗口显示指定行数时的应用高度2************************* #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fitting_height2(line_number) line_number * contents.font.size + standard_padding * 2 end #~ draw_text_ex的增强,使其可以自动换行 原作者:叶子 修改:wyongcan #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 绘制带有控制符的文本内容 # 如果传递了width参数的话,会自动换行 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_text_ex(x, y, text, width = nil,textwidth = nil,normalfont = true) reset_font_settings if normalfont == true text = convert_escape_characters(text) pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)} if width != nil pos[:height] = contents.font.size pos[:width] = width pos[:textwidth] = textwidth end process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 文字的处理 # c : 文字 # text : 绘制处理中的字符串缓存(字符串可能会被修改) # pos : 绘制位置 {:x, :y, :new_x, :height} #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process_character(c, text, pos) case c when "\r" # 回车 return when "\n" # 换行 process_new_line(text, pos) when "\f" # 翻页 process_new_page(text, pos) when "\e" # 控制符 process_escape_character(obtain_escape_code(text), text, pos) else # 普通文字 pos[:textwidth] == nil ? text_width = text_size(c).width : text_width = pos[:textwidth] if pos[:width] != nil && pos[:x] - pos[:new_x] + text_width > pos[:width] process_new_line(text, pos) end process_normal_character(c, pos) end end end class Window_ItemList < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 更新帮助内容 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help @help_window.set_item(item) @help_window.uppos(index,item_rect(index),self) if index != -1 && item != nil end end class Window_SkillList < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 更新帮助内容 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help @help_window.set_item(item) @help_window.uppos(index,item_rect(index),self) if index != -1 && item != nil end end class Window_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 更新帮助内容 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help @help_window.set_item(item) if @help_window @help_window.uppos(index,item_rect(index),self) if index != -1 && item != nil && @help_window @status_window.item = item if @status_window end end class Window_EquipSlot < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 更新帮助内容 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help super @help_window.set_item(item) if @help_window @help_window.uppos(index,item_rect(index),self) if index != -1 && item != nil && @help_window @status_window.set_temp_actor(nil) if @status_window end end class Scene_Shop < Scene_MenuBase alias on_sell_ok_old on_sell_ok def on_sell_ok on_sell_ok_old @help_window.hide end alias on_buy_ok_old on_buy_ok def on_buy_ok on_buy_ok_old @help_window.hide end alias on_number_ok_old on_number_ok def on_number_ok on_number_ok_old @help_window.refresh @help_window.show end alias on_number_cancel_old on_number_cancel def on_number_cancel on_number_cancel_old @help_window.refresh @help_window.show end end class Scene_Title < Scene_Base alias start_old start def start start_old Help.ready end end class Window_Base < Window alias old_process_new_line process_new_line def process_new_line(text, pos) old_process_new_line(text, pos) pos[:height] = contents.font.size if pos[:width] != nil end end class Scene_ItemBase < Scene_MenuBase alias old_on_actor_cancel on_actor_cancel def on_actor_cancel old_on_actor_cancel @help_window.refresh end alias old_on_actor_ok on_actor_ok def on_actor_ok old_on_actor_ok @help_window.refresh end end
#============================================================================== # # ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - TP Manager v1.02 # -- Last Updated: 2011.12.10 # -- Level: Hard # -- Requires: n/a # #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["YEA-TPManager"] = true #============================================================================== # ▼ Updates # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # 2011.12.10 - Added <tp cost: x> notetag. # 2011.12.06 - Fixed an error in one of the formulas. # 2011.12.05 - Started Script and Finished. # #============================================================================== # ▼ Introduction # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # The TP system in RPG Maker VX Ace is actually rather limiting. A lot of the # system is hardcoded in giving Ace users very little control over how much TP # gain a battler can receive from particular actions and situations. This # script gives you the ability to adjust how much TP actors will acquire from # various actions, different TP modes, and letting players select and pick what # TP mode they want for each actor (akin to Final Fantasy X). # #============================================================================== # ▼ Instructions # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script # to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Actor Notetags - These notetags go in the actors notebox in the database. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <tp mode: x> # This sets the actor's default TP mode to x. If this tag isn't used, the # default TP mode will be set to whatever the module uses as default. # # <unlock tp: x> # <unlock tp: x, x> # This unlocks what TP modes the actor can use by default. If this tag isn't # used, the default unlocked TP modes will be whatever the module uses. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Item Notetags - These notetags go in the item notebox in the database. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <unlock tp: x> # <unlock tp: x, x> # When this item is used upon an actor, that actor will learn TP Mode(s) x, # making it available to change in the TP Menu. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Skill Notetags - These notetags go in the skill notebox in the database. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <unlock tp: x> # <unlock tp: x, x> # When this skill targets an actor, that actor will learn TP Mode(s) x thus, # making it available to change in the TP Menu. # # <learn unlock tp: x> # <learn unlock tp: x, x> # When an actor learns a skill with this notetag, that actor will learn # TP Mode(s) x making it available to change in the TP Menu. # # <tp cost: x> # When this notetag appears in a skill's notebox, the TP cost for that skill # becomes x. This notetag allows TP costs to surpass 100 TP, which is the max # TP cost in the RPG Maker VX Ace database editor. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enemy Notetags - These notetags go in the enemy notebox in the database. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <tp mode: x> # This sets the enemy's default TP mode to x. If this tag isn't used, the # default TP mode will be set to whatever the module uses as default. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script Calls - These commands are used with script calls. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # change_tp_mode(x, y) # Replace x with the ID of the actor you want to change to the TP Mode y. This # will also unlock the TP mode for the actor, and make it available under the # skill menu for changing. # # unlock_tp_mode(x, y) # Replace x with the ID of the actor you want to learn for the TP Mode y. This # will cause the actor to learn the TP mode and have it accessible in the skill # menu for changing. # # remove_tp_mode(x, y) # Replace x with the ID of the actor you want to remove the TP Mode y. This # will cause the actor to forget the TP mode and no longer have it accessible # through the skill menu for changing. # # unlock_all_tp_modes(x) # Replace x with the ID of the actor you want to unlock all TP modes for. This # will make all the TP modes available to the actor from the skill menu. # # remove_all_tp_modes(x) # Removes all TP modes for actor x except for the actor's default TP mode. # This removes all TP modes from being available in the actor's skill menu. # #============================================================================== # ▼ Compatibility # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that # it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting. # #============================================================================== module YEA module TP_MANAGER #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - General TP Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # Here, you can adjust global settings for TP including the maximum TP, # whether or not you want the player to change TP modes, and more. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TP_LIMIT = 100 # Sets the maximum TP. Default: 100 DEFAULT_TP_MODE = 0 # This is the TP mode everybody starts with # unless changed through notetags. DEFAULT_UNLOCKS = [0, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,] # These modes are unlocked for all actors # unless changed through notetags. LOW_HP = 0.25 # Percent for what is considered low HP. LOW_MP = 0.25 # Percent for what is considered low MP. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - TP Mode Change Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # Adjust the settings here for TP Mode Menu related items. Also, be sure # to bind the TP_MODE_SWITCH to a switch ID. If that switch is on, the # TP Mode item will appear in the skill menu. If off, it won't appear. # If you set it to 0, then TP mode will always be enabled. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MENU_NAME = "性格" # The displayed name for the TP Menu. TP_MODE_SWITCH = 0 # Switch ID used for enabling TP Mode menu. DEFAULT_ENABLE = true # Enable switch by default? CHANGE_TP_RESET = true # Reset TP to 0 whenever a mode is changed? EQUIPPED_COLOUR = 17 # Window text colour used for equipped TP mode. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - TP Modes - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # TP modes have a number of things that can change the way actors gain TP. # Adjust the settings below to change how much gain and loss incurs per # each of the different actions. # # Setting Description # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - :name - Name that appears in the TP Mode menu. # - :icon - Icon used for the TP Mode menu. # - :description - Help window description. Use \n for line breaks. # - :preserve_tp - Carry over TP from last battle to next battle? # - :init_tp - TP at the start of each battle if no TP preservation. # - :regen_tp - TP regenerated each turn. Uses a formula. # - :take_hp_dmg - TP charged by receiving HP damage. Uses a formula. # - :deal_hp_dmg - TP gained by dealing HP damage. Uses a formula. # - :heal_hp_dmg - TP gained through healing HP damage. Uses a formula. # - :ally_hp_dmg - TP gained when allies take HP damage. Uses a formula. # - :take_mp_dmg - TP charged by receiving MP damage. Uses a formula. # - :deal_mp_dmg - TP gained by dealing MP damage. Uses a formula. # - :heal_mp_dmg - TP gained through healing MP damage. Uses a formula. # - :ally_mp_dmg - TP gained when allies take MP damage. Uses a formula. # - :deal_state - TP gained when user inflicts a state to a foe. Formula. # - :gain_state - TP gained when user gains a state from a foe. Formula. # - :kill_ally - TP gained when an ally is killed. Uses a formula. # - :kill_enemy - TP gained when killing an enemy. Uses a formula. # - :win_battle - TP gained whenever a battle is won. Uses a formula. # - :flee_battle - TP gained whenever party escapes. Uses a formula. # - :lose_battle - TP gained whenever a battle is lost. Uses a formula. # - :low_hp_turn - TP gained at the end of a turn with user at low HP. # - :low_mp_turn - TP gained at the end of a turn with user at low MP. # - :only_ally - TP gained when user is only ally alive. # - :evasion - TP gained when user evades an attack. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TP_MODES ={ # TP Mode => { Settings } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 => { # This is the default mode. # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "苦行僧", :icon => 121, :description => "在等待或者受到攻击时增加TP.", :preserve_tp => false, :init_tp => "rand * 25", :regen_tp => "100 * trg", :take_hp_dmg => "50 * damage_rate * tcr", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "难友", :icon => 122, :description => "每当同伴受伤都增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "20 * tcr", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "勇者", :icon => 116, :description => "进攻和治疗时增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "[@result.hp_damage * 100 / mhp, 16].min * tcr", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "守护者", :icon => 112, :description => "治疗时增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "[@result.hp_damage * -100 / mhp, 16].min * tcr", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "中断者", :icon => 215, :description => "恢复MP损害受到MP损伤或者同伴受到损伤时提高TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "50 * damage_rate * tcr", :deal_mp_dmg => "[@result.mp_damage / 4, 16].min * tcr", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "20 * tcr", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "炼金术士", :icon => 193, :description => "恢复同伴MP时增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "[@result.mp_damage / -4, 16].min * tcr", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "杀手", :icon => 115, :description => "当同伴死亡时增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "25 * tcr", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "复仇者", :icon => 1, :description => "当同伴死亡时增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "50 * tcr", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "胜利者", :icon => 113, :description => "不管是否战斗都增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "20 * tcr", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "胆小鬼", :icon => 114, :description => "不管是否逃跑都增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "20 * tcr", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "狂人", :icon => 48, :description => "不管战斗结束后多少TP都增加.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "16 * tcr", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "调剂师", :icon => 49, :description => "不管战斗结束后多少MP都增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "16 * tcr", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "战略家", :icon => 10, :description => "每当使敌人状态受到攻击提高TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "16 * tcr", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "病人", :icon => 3, :description => "每当状态受到攻击提高TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "16 * tcr", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "舞者", :icon => 12, :description => "每当成功地逃避攻击提高TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "0", :evasion => "16 * tcr", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 => { # New TP mode! # :setting => Adjust settings as you see fit. :name => "独行侠", :icon => 14, :description => "当只剩最后一人时增加TP.", :preserve_tp => true, :init_tp => "0", :regen_tp => "0", :take_hp_dmg => "0", :deal_hp_dmg => "0", :heal_hp_dmg => "0", :ally_hp_dmg => "0", :take_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_mp_dmg => "0", :heal_mp_dmg => "0", :ally_mp_dmg => "0", :deal_state => "0", :gain_state => "0", :kill_ally => "0", :kill_enemy => "0", :win_battle => "0", :flee_battle => "0", :lose_battle => "0", :low_hp_turn => "0", :low_mp_turn => "0", :only_alive => "16 * tcr", :evasion => "0", }, # Do not remove this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } # Do not remove this. end # TP_MANAGER end # YEA #============================================================================== # ▼ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing # computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or # halitosis so edit at your own risk. #============================================================================== module YEA module REGEXP module ACTOR TP_MODE = /<(?:TP_MODE|tp mode):[ ](\d+)>/i UNLOCK_TP = /<(?:UNLOCK_TP|unlock tp):[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i end # ACTOR module ENEMY TP_MODE = /<(?:TP_MODE|tp mode):[ ](\d+)>/i end # ENEMY module BASEITEM UNLOCK_TP = /<(?:UNLOCK_TP|unlock tp):[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i LEARN_TP = /<(?:LEARN_UNLOCK_TP|learn unlock tp):[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i TP_COST = /<(?:TP_COST|tp cost):[ ](\d+)>/i end # BASEITEM end # REGEXP end # YEA #============================================================================== # ■ Switch #============================================================================== module Switch #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.tp_mode return true if YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODE_SWITCH <= 0 return $game_switches[YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODE_SWITCH] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.tp_mode_set #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.tp_mode_set(item) return if YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODE_SWITCH <= 0 $game_switches[YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODE_SWITCH] = item end end # Switch #============================================================================== # ■ Numeric #============================================================================== class Numeric #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: group_digits #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- unless $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"] def group; return self.to_s; end end # $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"] end # Numeric #============================================================================== # ■ DataManager #============================================================================== module DataManager #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: load_database #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class <<self; alias load_database_tpm load_database; end def self.load_database load_database_tpm load_notetags_tpm end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: load_notetags_tpm #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.load_notetags_tpm groups = [$data_actors, $data_enemies, $data_items, $data_skills] for group in groups for obj in group next if obj.nil? obj.load_notetags_tpm end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: setup_new_game #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class <<self; alias setup_new_game_tpm setup_new_game; end def self.setup_new_game setup_new_game_tpm Switch.tp_mode_set(YEA::TP_MANAGER::DEFAULT_ENABLE) end end # DataManager #============================================================================== # ■ RPG::Actor #============================================================================== class RPG::Actor < RPG::BaseItem #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public instance variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :tp_mode attr_accessor :unlocked_tp_modes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common cache: load_notetags_tpm #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_notetags_tpm @tp_mode = nil @unlocked_tp_modes = [] #--- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line #--- when YEA::REGEXP::ACTOR::TP_MODE @tp_mode = $1.to_i when YEA::REGEXP::ACTOR::UNLOCK_TP $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num| @unlocked_tp_modes.push(num.to_i) if num.to_i > 0 } #--- end } # self.note.split #--- @tp_mode = YEA::TP_MANAGER::DEFAULT_TP_MODE if @tp_mode.nil? if @unlocked_tp_modes.empty? @unlocked_tp_modes = YEA::TP_MANAGER::DEFAULT_UNLOCKS.clone end @unlocked_tp_modes.push(@tp_mode) if !@unlocked_tp_modes.include?(@tp_mode) @unlocked_tp_modes.uniq! @unlocked_tp_modes.sort! end end # RPG::Actor #============================================================================== # ■ RPG::Enemy #============================================================================== class RPG::Enemy < RPG::BaseItem #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public instance variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common cache: load_notetags_tpm #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_notetags_tpm @tp_mode = YEA::TP_MANAGER::DEFAULT_TP_MODE #--- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line #--- when YEA::REGEXP::ENEMY::TP_MODE @tp_mode = $1.to_i #--- end } # self.note.split #--- end end # RPG::Enemy #============================================================================== # ■ RPG::BaseItem #============================================================================== class RPG::BaseItem #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public instance variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :unlocked_tp_modes attr_accessor :learn_tp_modes attr_accessor :tp_cost #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common cache: load_notetags_tpm #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_notetags_tpm @unlocked_tp_modes = [] @learn_tp_modes = [] #--- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line #--- when YEA::REGEXP::BASEITEM::UNLOCK_TP $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num| @unlocked_tp_modes.push(num.to_i) if num.to_i > 0 } when YEA::REGEXP::BASEITEM::LEARN_TP $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num| @learn_tp_modes.push(num.to_i) if num.to_i > 0 } when YEA::REGEXP::BASEITEM::TP_COST next unless self.is_a?(RPG::Skill) @tp_cost = $1.to_i #--- end } # self.note.split #--- end end # RPG::BaseItem #============================================================================== # ■ BattleManager #============================================================================== module BattleManager #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: load_database #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class <<self; alias battle_end_tpm battle_end;end def self.battle_end(result) battle_end_tpm(result) case result when 0 for member in $game_party.alive_members member.tp += eval(member.tp_setting(:win_battle)) end when 1 for member in $game_party.alive_members member.tp += eval(member.tp_setting(:flee_battle)) end end end end # BattleManager #============================================================================== # ■ Game_BattlerBase #============================================================================== class Game_BattlerBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public instance variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :tp_mode attr_accessor :unlocked_tp_modes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: max_tp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def max_tp; return YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_LIMIT; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # anti-crash methods: max_tp, unlocked_tp_modes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_mode; return 0; end def unlocked_tp_modes; return [0]; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: tp_setting #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_setting(setting) return YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODES[tp_mode][setting] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: preserve_tp? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_battlerbase_preserve_tp_tpm preserve_tp? def preserve_tp? return true if tp_setting(:preserve_tp) return game_battlerbase_preserve_tp_tpm end end # Game_BattlerBase #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Battler #============================================================================== class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: init_tp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_tp self.tp = eval(tp_setting(:init_tp)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: charge_tp_by_damage #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def charge_tp_by_damage(damage_rate) self.tp += eval(tp_setting(:take_hp_dmg)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: charge_tp_by_mp_damage #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def charge_tp_by_mp_damage(damage_rate) self.tp += eval(tp_setting(:take_mp_dmg)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def regenerate_tp self.tp += eval(tp_setting(:regen_tp)) self.tp += eval(tp_setting(:low_hp_turn)) if self.hp < tp_low_hp self.tp += eval(tp_setting(:low_mp_turn)) if self.mp < tp_low_mp if friends_unit.alive_members.size == 1 self.tp += eval(tp_setting(:only_alive)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: tp_low_hp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_low_hp return self.mhp * YEA::TP_MANAGER::LOW_HP end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: tp_low_mp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_low_mp return self.mmp * YEA::TP_MANAGER::LOW_MP end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: execute_damage #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_battler_execute_damage_tpm execute_damage def execute_damage(user) game_battler_execute_damage_tpm(user) return unless $game_party.in_battle if @result.hp_damage > 0 user.tp += eval(user.tp_setting(:deal_hp_dmg)) gain_tp_ally_hp_damage elsif @result.hp_damage < 0 user.tp += eval(user.tp_setting(:heal_hp_dmg)) end if @result.mp_damage > 0 user.tp += eval(user.tp_setting(:deal_mp_dmg)) gain_tp_ally_mp_damage charge_tp_by_mp_damage(@result.mp_damage) elsif @result.mp_damage < 0 user.tp += eval(user.tp_setting(:heal_mp_dmg)) end user.tp += eval(user.tp_setting(:kill_enemy)) if self.hp == 0 gain_tp_kill_ally if self.hp == 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: gain_tp_ally_hp_damage #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gain_tp_ally_hp_damage for member in friends_unit.alive_members next if member == self member.tp += eval(member.tp_setting(:ally_hp_dmg)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: gain_tp_ally_mp_damage #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gain_tp_ally_mp_damage for member in friends_unit.alive_members next if member == self member.tp += eval(member.tp_setting(:ally_mp_dmg)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: gain_tp_kill_ally #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gain_tp_kill_ally for member in friends_unit.alive_members next if member == self member.tp += eval(member.tp_setting(:kill_ally)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: item_effect_add_state #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_battler_item_effect_add_state_tpm item_effect_add_state def item_effect_add_state(user, item, effect) original_states = states.clone game_battler_item_effect_add_state_tpm(user, item, effect) return unless $game_party.in_battle if original_states != states && opponents_unit.members.include?(user) user.tp += eval(user.tp_setting(:deal_state)) self.tp += eval(tp_setting(:gain_state)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: item_apply #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_battler_item_apply_tpm item_apply def item_apply(user, item) game_battler_item_apply_tpm(user, item) return unless $game_party.in_battle return if @result.hit? self.tp += eval(tp_setting(:evasion)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: item_test #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_battler_item_test_tpm item_test def item_test(user, item) return false if item.for_dead_friend? != dead? return true if item.unlocked_tp_modes.size > 0 return game_battler_item_test_tpm(user, item) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: item_user_effect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_battler_item_user_effect_tpm item_user_effect def item_user_effect(user, item) game_battler_item_user_effect_tpm(user, item) return unless actor? for mode in item.unlocked_tp_modes unlock_tp_mode(mode) end end end # Game_Battler #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Actor #============================================================================== class Game_Actor < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: setup #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_actor_setup_tpm setup def setup(actor_id) game_actor_setup_tpm(actor_id) @tp_mode = actor.tp_mode @unlocked_tp_modes = actor.unlocked_tp_modes.clone end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_mode @tp_mode = actor.tp_mode if @tp_mode.nil? return @tp_mode end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: unlocked_tp_modes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unlocked_tp_modes if @unlocked_tp_modes.empty? @unlocked_tp_modes = actor.unlocked_tp_modes.clone end return @unlocked_tp_modes.uniq end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: change_tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_tp_mode(mode) @tp_mode = mode unlock_tp_mode(mode) self.tp = 0 if YEA::TP_MANAGER::CHANGE_TP_RESET end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: unlock_tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unlock_tp_mode(mode) if @unlocked_tp_modes.empty? @unlocked_tp_modes = actor.unlocked_tp_modes.clone end @unlocked_tp_modes.push(mode) @unlocked_tp_modes.uniq! @unlocked_tp_modes.sort! end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: remove_tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def remove_tp_mode(mode) if @unlocked_tp_modes.empty? @unlocked_tp_modes = actor.unlocked_tp_modes.clone end @unlocked_tp_modes.delete(mode) @tp_mode = @unlocked_tp_modes[0] if @tp_mode == mode end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: learn_skill #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_actor_learn_skill_tpm learn_skill def learn_skill(skill_id) game_actor_learn_skill_tpm(skill_id) for mode in $data_skills[skill_id].learn_tp_modes unlock_tp_mode(mode) end end end # Game_Actor #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Enemy #============================================================================== class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_mode; return enemy.tp_mode; end end # Game_Enemy #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Interpreter #============================================================================== class Game_Interpreter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: change_tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_tp_mode(actor_id, mode) $game_actors[actor_id].change_tp_mode(mode) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: unlock_tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unlock_tp_mode(actor_id, mode) $game_actors[actor_id].unlock_tp_mode(mode) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: remove_tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def remove_tp_mode(actor_id, mode) $game_actors[actor_id].remove_tp_mode(mode) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: unlock_all_tp_modes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unlock_all_tp_modes(actor_id) for key in YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODES $game_actors[actor_id].unlock_tp_mode(key[0]) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: remove_all_tp_modes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def remove_all_tp_modes(actor_id) for key in YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODES next if key[0] == $data_actors[actor_id].tp_mode $game_actors[actor_id].remove_tp_mode(key[0]) end end end # Game_Interpreter #============================================================================== # ■ Window_SkillCommand #============================================================================== class Window_SkillCommand < Window_Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: make_command_list #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_skillcommand_make_command_list_tpm make_command_list def make_command_list return unless @actor window_skillcommand_make_command_list_tpm end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: add_tp_modes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_tp_modes return unless Switch.tp_mode add_command(YEA::TP_MANAGER::MENU_NAME, :tp_mode, true, :tp_mode) end end # Window_SkillCommand #============================================================================== # ■ Window_SkillList #============================================================================== class Window_SkillList < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: tp_mode? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_mode?; return @stype_id == :tp_mode; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: tp_mode #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_mode return nil unless tp_mode? return @data[index] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: make_item_list #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_skilllist_make_item_list_tpm make_item_list def make_item_list if tp_mode? @data = @actor.unlocked_tp_modes @data.sort! else window_skilllist_make_item_list_tpm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: draw_item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_skilllist_draw_item_tpm draw_item def draw_item(index) if tp_mode? draw_tp_mode_item(index) else window_skilllist_draw_item_tpm(index) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: draw_tp_mode_item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_tp_mode_item(index) tp_mode = @data[index] return unless YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODES.include?(tp_mode) rect = item_rect(index) rect.width -= 4 icon = YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODES[tp_mode][:icon] draw_icon(icon, rect.x, rect.y) change_color(tp_mode_colour(tp_mode)) name = YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODES[tp_mode][:name] draw_text(rect.x+24, rect.y, rect.width-24, line_height, name) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: tp_mode_colour #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_mode_colour(mode) if @actor.tp_mode == mode return text_color(YEA::TP_MANAGER::EQUIPPED_COLOUR) else return normal_color end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: current_item_enabled? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_skilllist_current_item_enabled current_item_enabled? def current_item_enabled? if tp_mode? return @actor.tp_mode != @data[index] else return window_skilllist_current_item_enabled end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: update_help #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_skilllist_update_help_tpm update_help def update_help if tp_mode? tp_mode = @data[index] if YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODES.include?(tp_mode) text = YEA::TP_MANAGER::TP_MODES[tp_mode][:description] else text = "" end @help_window.set_text(text) else window_skilllist_update_help_tpm end end end # Window_SkillList #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Skill #============================================================================== class Scene_Skill < Scene_ItemBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: create_command_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scene_skill_create_command_window_tpm create_command_window def create_command_window scene_skill_create_command_window_tpm @command_window.set_handler(:tp_mode, method(:command_skill)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: on_item_ok #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scene_skill_on_item_ok_tpm on_item_ok def on_item_ok if @item_window.tp_mode? Sound.play_equip user.change_tp_mode(@item_window.tp_mode) @status_window.refresh @item_window.refresh @item_window.activate else scene_skill_on_item_ok_tpm end end end # Scene_Skill #============================================================================== # # ▼ End of File # #==============================================================================
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