
标题: 地图名显示美化 [打印本页]

作者: 喵呜喵5    时间: 2013-9-26 11:35
标题: 地图名显示美化
本帖最后由 喵呜喵5 于 2015-6-8 22:20 编辑


点击这个地址获取脚本的最新版本 ... o=blog&id=12016



这个脚本搭配我的基础脚本共同使用能够拥有更强大的功能: ... o=blog&id=13513
  1. =begin
  2. ===============================================================================
  3.   地图名显示美化 By喵呜喵5
  4. ===============================================================================

  5. 【说明】

  6.   修改了默认的地图名显示方式

  7.   地图名的显示支持基本的转义字符,因此可以做出类似:
  8.     地图名:“\i[4]这里是\n[1]的家”
  9.     显示效果:【图标4】这里是艾里克的家
  10.   这样的效果

  11.   使用脚本需要将地图名的背景命名为“mapname”放在 Graphics\System 下

  12.   如果插入了我的基础脚本,可以通过给地图添加备注

  13.     <地图名 地图背景图片的文件名>

  14.   来为某张地图单独设置特定的背景图片(文件同样放在 Graphics\System 下)

  15. =end
  16. $m5script ||= {}; $m5script[:M5MN20150508] = 20150517
  17. module M5MN20150508
  18. #==============================================================================
  19. #  设定部分
  20. #==============================================================================

  21.   DEAFUT = 3
  22.   # 在这里设置地图名的显示模式
  23.   # 1:不显示地图名,2:地图名始终显示,3:一段时间内显示地图名

  24.     TIME = 120
  25.     #这里设置地图名显示模式为3时,地图名停留的时间

  26.   OPTION = 1
  27.   # 在这里设置控制地图名的变量ID
  28.   # 当变量的值分别为1、2、3时地图名显示模式将切换到对应的模式
  29.   # 不需要的话,填写0就好了

  30.   FADE = 40
  31.   # 这里设置地图名进入和离开的时间

  32.   FONT = ["黑体"]
  33.   # 地图名所使用的字体

  34.   SIZE = 20
  35.   # 地图名字体的大小

  36.   COLOR =,0,0, 210)
  37.   # 地图名的颜色,四个数值分别是R、G、B以及透明度

  38.   BOLD = false
  39.   # 地图名是否加粗

  40.   ITALIC = false
  41.   # 地图名是否斜体

  42.   SHADOW = false
  43.   # 地图名是否有阴影

  44.   OUT = true
  45.   # 地图名是否加边框

  46.   OUT_COLOR =, 255, 255, 100)
  47.   # 地图名边框的颜色,四个数值分别是R、G、B以及透明度

  48.   X = 87
  49.   # 这里调整地图名的X坐标

  50.   Y = 12
  51.   # 这里调整地图名的Y坐标

  52.   Z = 200
  53.   # 如果地图名被其他东西遮住或遮住其他东西了,请调整这个数值

  54. #==============================================================================
  55. #  设定结束
  56. #==============================================================================
  57. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. # ● 新的显示地图窗口类
  59. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. class Window_MapName < Window_Base
  61.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62.   # ● 类实例变量
  63.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64.   class << self; attr_accessor :show_end; end
  65.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66.   # ● 载入
  67.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68.   def initialize
  69.     super(Graphics.width, Y, Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
  70.     self.z = Z
  71.     self.opacity = 0
  72.     creat_background_sprite
  73.     update_mode_setting
  74.     clear_all_flag
  75.     if self.class.show_end
  76.       show_final
  77.     else
  78.       open unless @mode == 1
  79.     end
  80.   end
  81.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82.   # ● 生成背景
  83.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84.   def creat_background_sprite
  85.     file = get_background_bitmap
  86.     if @background_file != file
  87.       @background_file = file
  88.       @background.dispose if @background
  89.       @background =
  90.       @background.bitmap = Cache.system(file)
  91.       @background.opacity = 0
  92.       @background.z = self.z - 1
  93.     end
  94.   end
  95.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96.   # ● 获取背景图片文件名
  97.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98.   def get_background_bitmap
  99.     if $m5script[:M5Base] && $m5script[:M5Base] >= 20150224
  100.       file = M5script.read_map_note($game_map.map_id, "地图名", nil)
  101.     end
  102.     file ||= "Mapname"
  103.     return file
  104.   end
  105.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106.   # ● 显示效果遭到意外中断时,直接显示最终画面
  107.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108.   def show_final
  109.     if @mode == 2
  110.       refresh
  111.       @background.opacity = self.contents_opacity = 255
  112.       self.x = X
  113.       @state = :showing
  114.     else
  115.       close
  116.     end
  117.   end
  118.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119.   # ● 更新
  120.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121.   def update
  122.     super
  123.     return if $game_map.display_name == ""
  124.     update_mode_setting
  125.     return update_disappear if @state == :disappear
  126.     update_coming if @state == :coming
  127.     @next_time -= 1 if @next_time > 0
  128.     return if @next_time > 0
  129.     update_leaving if @state == :showing
  130.   end
  131.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132.   # ● 更新显示模式
  133.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134.   def update_mode_setting
  135.     if !$game_map.name_display then mode = 1
  136.     else
  137.       if OPTION != 0
  138.         mode = $game_variables[OPTION]
  139.         mode = nil unless mode.between?(1,3)
  140.       end
  141.       mode ||= DEAFUT
  142.     end
  143.     if @mode != mode
  144.       @state = :disappear if mode == 1
  145.       refresh if @state == :ready
  146.       @state = :coming if mode != 1
  147.       @mode = mode
  148.     end
  149.   end
  150.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151.   # ● 更新窗口的消失效果
  152.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153.   def update_disappear
  154.     @background.opacity -= (255 / FADE) * 2
  155.     self.contents_opacity = @background.opacity
  156.     close if @background.opacity == 0
  157.   end
  158.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159.   # ● 更新窗口的进入效果
  160.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  161.   def update_coming
  162.     @background.opacity += 255/FADE
  163.     return unless @background.opacity > 170
  164.     @background.opacity += 255/FADE
  165.     self.contents_opacity += 255/FADE
  166.     self.x = [self.x - Graphics.width/FADE, X].max
  167.     return unless self.x == X && @background.opacity ==255 &&
  168.       self.contents_opacity == 255
  169.     @next_time = TIME
  170.     @state = :showing
  171.   end
  172.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173.   # ● 更新窗口的离开效果
  174.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  175.   def update_leaving
  176.     return unless @mode == 3
  177.     @background.opacity -= ( 255 / FADE )/2
  178.     self.contents_opacity -= 255 / FADE
  179.     self.x = [self.x + Graphics.width/FADE , Graphics.width].min
  180.     @state = :ready if @background.opacity <= 0
  181.   end
  182.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183.   # ● 描绘窗口内容
  184.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185.   def refresh
  186.     contents.clear
  187.     return if $game_map.display_name == ""
  188.     creat_background_sprite
  189. = FONT
  190.     contents.font.size = SIZE
  191.     contents.font.bold = BOLD
  192.     contents.font.italic = ITALIC
  193.     contents.font.outline = OUT
  194.     contents.font.shadow = SHADOW
  195.     contents.font.color = COLOR
  196.     contents.font.out_color = OUT_COLOR
  197.     draw_text_ex(0,0, $game_map.display_name)
  198.   end
  199.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  200.   # ● 打开窗口
  201.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202.   def open
  203.     refresh
  204.     self.x = Graphics.width
  205.     self.class.show_end = false
  206.     @mode = nil
  207.     self
  208.   end
  209.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210.   # ● 关闭窗口
  211.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  212.   def close
  213.     clear_all_flag
  214.     self
  215.   end
  216.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  217.   # ● 清除窗口的设置
  218.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  219.   def clear_all_flag
  220.     self.x = Graphics.width
  221.     @state = :ready
  222.     @next_time = 0
  223.     self.contents_opacity = @background.opacity = 0
  224.   end
  225.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  226.   # ● 释放
  227.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  228.   def dispose
  229.     super
  230.     @background.dispose
  231.   end
  232. end
  233. end # M5MN20150508
  234. class Scene_Map
  235.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236.   # ● 生成地图窗口(※覆盖了原生窗口)
  237.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  238.   alias m5_20150508_create_location_window create_location_window
  239.   def create_location_window
  240.     m5_20150508_create_location_window
  241.     @map_name_window.dispose
  242.     @map_name_window =
  243.   end
  244.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  245.   # ● 窗口意外中断时的处理
  246.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  247.   alias m5_20131130_terminate terminate
  248.   def terminate
  249.     m5_20131130_terminate
  250.     M5MN20150508::Window_MapName.show_end = true
  251.   end
  252. end
  253. class << DataManager
  254.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  255.   # ● 关闭窗口意外中断的标志
  256.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  257.   alias m5_20131130_setup_new_game setup_new_game
  258.   def setup_new_game
  259.     m5_20131130_setup_new_game
  260.     M5MN20150508::Window_MapName.show_end = false
  261.   end
  262.   alias m5_20131130_load_game load_game
  263.   def load_game(index)
  264.     result = m5_20131130_load_game(index)
  265.     M5MN20150508::Window_MapName.show_end = false
  266.     return result
  267.   end
  268. end

作者: 熊喵酱    时间: 2013-9-26 12:28
本帖最后由 76213585 于 2013-9-25 21:38 编辑

Nice, very nice........
Love all your script.....

But on roll 36, don't you mean Opacity instead of Transparency?

Also, you shouldn't capitalize the @Time, because it cause error
RUBY 代码复制
  1. def initialize
  2.     super(Graphics.width, M5MapName::Y, Graphics.width,Graphics.height)
  3.     self.opacity = 0
  4.     self.contents_opacity = 0   
  5.     @state = :S1
  6.     @mode = M5MapName::DEAFUT
  7.     @mapname = true
  8.     [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=453794]@Times[/url] = M5MapName::TIME
  9.     @background =
  10.     @background.bitmap = Cache.system("Map_name")
  11.     @background.opacity = 0
  12.   end

Then, when I exit the menu, it shows again.........   maybe you want to fix that?
作者: 喵呜喵5    时间: 2013-9-26 17:33
本帖最后由 喵呜喵5 于 2013-9-26 17:35 编辑
76213585 发表于 2013-9-26 12:28
Nice, very nice........
Love all your script.....

Nice, very nice........
Love all your script.....

Thanks : )

But on roll 36, don't you mean Opacity instead of Transparency?

Sorry, I don't understand what the meaning of this question…
Opacity is an attribute of Sprite
スプライトの不透明度です。0 ~ 255 の範囲で指定します。範囲外の値は自動で修正されます。

Also, you shouldn't capitalize the @Time, because it cause error

This error is caused by forum
There is a user whose name is times so forum call him and add some code into my origin code
so the origin code is
  1. @ times = M5MapName::TIME
(without space)

Then, when I exit the menu, it shows again.........   maybe you want to fix that?

Yes, I fix this bug, even though this is not perfect in the mode 3 that you need to wait until every effect has be done...

Can you speak Chinese? My English is learn form textbook and I’m poor in speaking and writing so my reply may be offence or has many grammar error, please forgive me...
And…where are you from?
作者: 天地有正气    时间: 2013-9-26 19:04
作者: kuerlulu    时间: 2013-9-26 22:09
(there's nothing difficult about the spirit but the comment LZ made, which is NB!)
作者: SuperMario    时间: 2013-9-26 23:59
喵呜喵5 发表于 2013-9-26 17:33
Thanks : )

作者: 熊喵酱    时间: 2013-9-27 06:27
喵呜喵5 发表于 2013-9-26 02:33
Thanks : )

換了个头像就不認得我了.....  昨天只是輸入法傲嬌......
是指在36行的说明內  你說"地图名的颜色,四个数值分别是R、G、B以及透明度"
作者: kuerlulu    时间: 2013-9-28 20:24
标题: RE: 地图名显示美化
76213585 发表于 2013-9-27 06:27
換了个头像就不認得我了.....  昨天只是輸入法傲嬌......
是指在36行的说明內  你說"地图名的颜色,四个 ...

作者: 我在孤岛等你    时间: 2013-9-28 21:40
本帖最后由 我在孤岛等你 于 2013-9-28 21:41 编辑

作者: bloodyliao    时间: 2014-1-11 14:42
作者: 喵呜喵5    时间: 2014-1-11 17:00
bloodyliao 发表于 2014-1-11 14:42

作者: bloodyliao    时间: 2014-1-11 18:11
喵呜喵5 发表于 2014-1-11 17:00

作者: 咖啡狐.麟音    时间: 2016-5-9 19:07

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