您的这款修复工具,也不行啊。它提示我说杀毒软件拦截或缺失文件,我已经把杀毒软件关掉了,缺失文件是什么意思?作者: 纸鸢 时间: 2013-11-14 12:14 Reives said:
"Does the freeze occur when you play mp3/ogg formats too? Or just midi? Because I have the same/similar problem - only with midi, though. But what happens is that it freezes for like 5-10 seconds, then it starts to play and everything runs again. And once it happens for the first time in a game session, it doesn't freeze anymore after that. "
1." I won't be able to use anything but ogg, but now at least I have an ogg converter.Thanks Lunarea, Rayen, Luv, Shinokishi, and Reives! " Raxus
2.For " it happens for the first time in a game session, it doesn't freeze anymore after that",