2.05 KB, 下载次数: 1712
//============================================================================= // VIPArcher_Character_Animations.js edited by doranikofu //============================================================================= /*: * @plugindesc 行走图动画扩展,八方向|奔跑|待机|多帧 * @author VIPArcher * * @param Dir8_Flag * @desc 素材使用该脚本的标志 * @default % * * @param Frames_Flag * @desc 设置帧数的标志 * @default # * * @param Stand_Wait * @desc 站立等待时长(帧) * @default 5 * * @param Idle_Wait * @desc 待机动画开始等待时长(帧) 从站立等待之后开始计算 * @default 120 * * @help 使用该脚本的行走图素材文件名前面添加一个标志:默认为 % * 文件名的名为规范(默认设置)如下: * %VIPArcher.png , 素材为2*4的标志素材 * 第一行:第一个格子是四方向,第二个格子是四方向奔跑,第三个是四方向待机;//doranikofu edit 顺序改成:待机-行走-奔跑 * 第二行:第一个格子是八方向,第二个格子是八方向奔跑,第三个是八方向待机; * * 使用多帧则名为(默认设置): 文件名#帧数,默认帧.png * 例如 %VIPArcher#6,3.png */ (function() { var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('VIPArcher_Character_Animations'); var dir8_flag = String(parameters['Dir8_Flag'] || '%'); var frame_flag = String(parameters['Frames_Flag'] || '#'); var stand_wait = String(parameters['Stand_Wait'] || '5'); var idle_wait = String(parameters['Idle_Wait'] || '120'); ImageManager.isDir8Character = function(filename) { var reg = new RegExp("^\[\\!\\$\\" + dir8_flag + ']+'); var sign = filename.match(reg); return sign && sign[0].contains(dir8_flag); }; var _Game_CharacterBaseinitMembers = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initMembers; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initMembers = function() {; this._standWait = 0; this._stepstop = false; //doranikofu stop cylcing idle anime flag //doranikofu this._isStand = false; this._isStand = true; this._isDir8Character = false; }; var _Game_CharacterBasesetImage = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setImage; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setImage = function(characterName, characterIndex) {, characterName, characterIndex); this.getCharacterMaxFrame(characterName); if (ImageManager.isDir8Character(characterName)) { this._characterIndex = 0; this._isDir8Character = true; }; }; var _Game_CharacterBaseupdate = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.update; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.update = function() {; if (this.isMoving()) { this._standWait = 0; this._isStand = false; if (this._isDir8Character) { this._stepAnime = false }; } else { this._standWait += 1; if (this._standWait == parseInt(stand_wait)) { //doranikofu this._isStand = true; // this._pattern = 0; //reset to default frame after switching to idle to avoid big pose jumps this._stepstop = false; // reset flag }; // if (this._standWait > parseInt(stand_wait)) { if ((this._isDir8Character) && (this._standWait > (parseInt(stand_wait) + parseInt(idle_wait)))) { //doranikofu add idle wait this._stepAnime = true; if (this._pattern == this._maxFrame - 1) this._stepstop = true; if (this._stepstop) this._pattern = this._maxFrame - 1; }; }; }; }; var _Game_CharacterBasemoveDiagonally = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveDiagonally; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveDiagonally = function(horz, vert) {, horz, vert); if (horz > 5) { vert > 5 ? this.setDirection(9) : this.setDirection(7); } else { vert > 5 ? this.setDirection(3) : this.setDirection(1); }; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.getCharacterMaxFrame = function(characterName) { var framedate = characterName.match(new RegExp(frame_flag + "(\\d+),(\\d+)")); if (framedate) { this._maxFrame = parseInt(framedate[1]); this._formerPattern = parseInt(framedate[2]); } else{ this._maxFrame = 3; this._formerPattern = 1; }; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.pattern = function() { return this._pattern < this.maxFrame() ? this._pattern : 1; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.maxFrame = function() { return this._maxFrame; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.maxPattern = function() { if (this._maxFrame === 3) { return 4; } else { return this._maxFrame; }; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isOriginalPattern = function() { return this.pattern() === this._formerPattern; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.resetPattern = function() { this.setPattern(this._formerPattern); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isFast = function() { return this._standWait < 2 && (this.isDashing() || this._moveSpeed > 4); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isStand = function() { return this._isStand; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setCharacterIndex = function(index) { this._characterIndex = index; }; Game_Player.prototype.moveByInput = function() { if (!this.isMoving() && this.canMove()) { var direction = Input.dir8; if (direction > 0) { $gameTemp.clearDestination(); } else if ($gameTemp.isDestinationValid()){ var x = $gameTemp.destinationX(); var y = $gameTemp.destinationY(); direction = this.findDirectionTo(x, y); } if (direction > 0) { if (direction % 2 == 0){ this.moveStraight(direction); return; } if (direction < 5){ this.moveDiagonally(direction + 3 , 2); } else { this.moveDiagonally(direction - 3 , 8); } } } }; var _Game_PlayermoveDiagonally = Game_Player.prototype.moveDiagonally; Game_Player.prototype.moveDiagonally = function(horz, vert) { if (!this.canPass(this._x, this._y, horz) && !this.canPass(this._x, this._y, vert)){ this.setMovementSuccess(false); return; } if (this.canPass(this._x, this._y, horz) && !this.canPass(this._x, this._y, vert)){ this.moveStraight(horz); return; } if (this.canPass(this._x, this._y, vert) && !this.canPass(this._x, this._y, horz)){ this.moveStraight(vert); return; } if (!this.canPassDiagonally(this._x, this._y, horz, vert)) { if (Math.random() > 0.5){ this.setDirection(vert); this.moveStraight(vert); } else { this.setDirection(horz); this.moveStraight(horz); } return; }, horz, vert); }; Sprite_Character.prototype.characterPatternY = function() { if (this._character.direction() % 2 == 0){ if (this._character._isDir8Character){ this._character.setCharacterIndex(this._character.isFast() ? 2 : this._character.isStand() ? 0 : 1); //doranikofu changed index }; return (this._character.direction() - 2) / 2; } else { if (this._character._isDir8Character){ this._character.setCharacterIndex(this._character.isFast() ? 6 : this._character.isStand() ? 4 : 5); //doranikofu changed index }; return parseInt((this._character.direction() + 1) / 3); } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.patternWidth = function() { if (this._tileId > 0) { return $gameMap.tileWidth(); } else if (this._isBigCharacter) { return this.bitmap.width / this._character.maxFrame(); } else { return this.bitmap.width / (this._character.maxFrame() * 4); } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.characterBlockX = function() { if (this._isBigCharacter) { return 0; } else { var index = this._character.characterIndex(); return (index % 4) * this._character.maxFrame(); } }; })();
//===========================trigger action for diagonal Game_Map.prototype.roundXWithDirection = function(x, d) { return this.roundX(x + (d%3 === 0 ? 1 : (d+2)%3 === 0 ? -1 : 0)); }; Game_Map.prototype.roundYWithDirection = function(y, d) { return this.roundY(y + (d<4 ? 1 : d>6 ? -1 : 0)); }; Game_Character.prototype.turnTowardCharacter = function(character) { var sx = this.deltaXFrom(character.x); var sy = this.deltaYFrom(character.y); var radian = Math.atan2(sx,sy) + Math.PI; this.setDirection( radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 1.0 ? 2 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 3.0 ? 3 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 5.0 ? 6 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 7.0 ? 9 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 9.0 ? 8 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 11.0 ? 7 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 13.0 ? 4 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 15.0 ? 1 : 2 ); }; Game_Character.prototype.turnAwayFromCharacter = function(character) { var sx = this.deltaXFrom(character.x); var sy = this.deltaYFrom(character.y); var radian = Math.atan2(sx,sy) + Math.PI; this.setDirection( radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 1.0 ? 8 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 3.0 ? 7 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 5.0 ? 4 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 7.0 ? 1 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 9.0 ? 2 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 11.0 ? 3 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 13.0 ? 6 : radian < Math.PI / 8.0 * 15.0 ? 9 : 8 ); };
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ll879 发表于 2017-5-14 09:24
请教一个问题,在使用脚本的时候,人物走路发飘,人物动画走路是一格的话,实际走路将近三格,该如何解决, ...
ll879 发表于 2017-5-14 09:24
请教一个问题,在使用脚本的时候,人物走路发飘,人物动画走路是一格的话,实际走路将近三格,该如何解决, ...
360截图-15695806.jpg (4.58 KB, 下载次数: 69)
ziyingyie 发表于 2018-8-10 14:49
选用人物行走素材后是这样的 文件名是:%xie#10,0.png
doranikofu 发表于 2015-12-15 14:01
不过貌似和npc对话的时候没有8 ...
%lan#8,0.png (977.22 KB, 下载次数: 58)
ashley_blade 发表于 2019-4-28 02:33
我发现走路姿势中间不加站 ...
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E十九R 发表于 2019-5-11 22:31
Soracyti 发表于 2019-9-15 17:51
请问这个8方向的动画是和哪个移动插件配套用的啊 原版只有4方向呀
左羊tgbt 发表于 2023-5-21 20:10
请问下待机动作可以设置成隔一段时间循环一次吗?现在是只要触发就开始无限循环,特别鬼畜 ...
KKsumu 发表于 2020-7-3 16:59
请问一下,我用了1.5版本插件之后,游戏无法存档,提示 is not a function,该怎么办? ...
左羊tgbt 发表于 2023-5-21 22:22
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