For independent items, they have a unique name handling system. Independent items consist of four parts:
Prefix Base Name Suffix Boost Count
The prefix, base name, suffix, and boost count are adjusted by plugins. Depending on the effects applied, they can be altered or changed. Using the name system, an item with a prefix of ‘Fiery’, base name of ‘Sword’, suffix being ‘of Might’, and a boost count of 5 will end up looking like:
Fiery Sword of Might (+5)
These item would appear that way only if its various name parts have been altered some way or another. However, there is a fifth name convention, and that is the priority name. If an item has a priority name, it will completely overwrite the current name scheme with just the priority name itself. So even if the item’s name is ‘Fiery Sword of Might (+5)’, if the item’s priority name is ‘Legendary Blade’, then ‘Legendary Blade’ will take priority.作者: salvareless 时间: 2016-2-26 23:05
大致就是这个意思,是的没错,这个功能,包括整个这个脚本,实际上就是事先了暗黑系列的道具系统。其实这个脚本还有两个功能相信楼主应该也看了,就是独立物品和随机属性,这都是类似暗黑的设计。作者: 小叮鈴 时间: 2016-2-27 09:33