//============================================================================= // StatDistribution.js //============================================================================= /*: @author Icaro10100 / FrozenPhoenix @plugindesc Get stat points on level up, those points can be spent to increase stat value @help ********************************************************************************* Actors will gain stat points whenever they level up or when you want to give them via script call: $gameActors.actor(id).gainStats(amount) Those points can be used to increase the actor's stats via a custom scene. To call the scene use the call: SceneManager.sceneDistribution(actor) Example: SceneManager.sceneDistribution($gameParty.members()[0]) Learn the basic script calls To call the scene for the entire party use SceneManager.partyDistribution() Press Q/W to swap the party members. You can use SceneManager.partyDistribution(id) to have the scene start with the actor in position "id" in the party, example: SceneManager.partyDistribution(2) will start the scene with the third actor in the party. Holding shift while increasing the attributes will increase them faster. Press "x" to toggle between decrease/increase option Put the following tags to determine how much the param/stat will increase per stat point spent: <ihp: amount> <imp: amount> <iatk: amount> <idef: amount> <imat: amount> <imdf: amount> <iagi: amount> <iluk: amount> For extra parameters: <ihit: amount> <ieva: amount> <icri: amount> <icev: amount> <imev: amount> <imrf: amount> <icnt: amount> <ihrg: amount> <imrg: amount> <itrg: amount> The tags should be put in the class notebox OR in the actor notebox To have custom parameter limits for each actor/class put those tags in the notebox: <hplimit: > <mplimit: > <atklimit: > <deflimit: > <matlimit: > <mdflimit: > <agilimit: > <luklimit: > Feel free to use for free/comercial games, just give credit. Enjoy ChangeLog: --1.2 -Fixed bug of max hp value displaying 999 on screen even when the actual value was higher -Added option to add custom limits for parameters, those can be different for each actor -Added option to limit how much points you can spend on the same parameter each level -Added party option, press Q/W to swap between party members -Can now put tags in the actor's note box as well --1.1 -Added names for some stuff -Added option to decrease stat -Added support for extra parameters (crit/evasion etc) ********************************************************************************* @param PointsName @desc The name given to stat points @default Points @param ActorName @desc The word before the actor's name @default Name @param ClassName @desc The word before the actor's class @default Class @param ExpName @desc The word before the actor's experience @default EXP @param IncreaseName @desc The word that means increase duhhh (if doing game on another language) @default Increase @param DecreaseName @desc Same thing as before @default Decrease @param StatNameColor @desc The color the stat's name appears, select a number from the windowskin @default 1 @param StatValueColor @desc The color the stat's value appears, select a number from the windowskin @default 0 @param ShiftIncrease @desc When holding shift, the amount increased will be multiplicated by this parameter @default 5 @param LevelUpPoints @desc Points gained on level up, can be any number or formula that returns a number @default 10 @param UsedStats @desc The basic stats that will be available to increase, put the id separated by a comma Example: 0,3,4,5 @default 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 @param UsedXStats @desc Same as before, but for extra parameters (crit/evasion etc) @default @param ExtraParamNames @desc Names for the extra stats (crit/evasion etc), just modify the strings in the default. @default ["Hit rate", "Evasion", "Crit chance", "Crit Evasion", "Magic Evasion", "Magic Reflect", "Counter", "HP Regen", "MP Regen", "TP Regen"] @param DefaultLimits @desc Highest possible value for the parameter Just change the values, in order: hp/mp/atk/def/mat/mdf/agi/luk @default [99999, 9999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999] @param DefaultxParamLimits @desc Highest possible value for special parameters Just change the values, in order: hit/eva/crit/criteva etc. @default [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] @param MaxPointsPerLevel @desc How much points you can spend per level on a single parameter use any formula that returns a number, leave 0 for no limits @default 0 */ (function() { //Parameters var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('StatDistribution'); var pointsName = String(parameters["PointsName"]); var actorName = String(parameters["ActorName"]); var className = String(parameters["ClassName"]); var expName = String(parameters["ExpName"]); var increaseName = String(parameters["IncreaseName"]); var decreaseName = String(parameters["DecreaseName"]); var statNameColor = Number(parameters["StatNameColor"]); var statValueColor = Number(parameters["StatValueColor"]); var shiftIncrease = Number(parameters["ShiftIncrease"]); var levelUpPoints = String(parameters["LevelUpPoints"]); var usedStats = String(parameters["UsedStats"]); var usedXStats = String(parameters["UsedXStats"]); var xParamNames = String(parameters["ExtraParamNames"]); var defaultLimits = String(parameters['DefaultLimits']); var defaultxLimits = String(parameters['DefaultxParamLimits']); var maxPointsPerLevel = String(parameters['MaxPointsPerLevel']); getLimit = function(id) { limits = eval(defaultLimits); return limits[id]; } getTag = function(id) { switch(id) { case 0: return "hplimit"; case 1: return "mplimit"; case 2: return "atklimit"; case 3: return "deflimit"; case 4: return "matlimit"; case 5: return "mdflimit"; case 6: return "agilimit"; case 7: return "luklimit"; } } //This function will return an array with the ids of the used stats getUsedStats = function() { var re = /\d+/g; return usedStats.match(re) || []; } //This function will return an array with the ids of the used extra stats getUsedXStats = function() { var re = /\d+/g; return usedXStats.match(re) || []; } //This function will return the name of the extra param with given index getXParamName = function(id) { var names = eval(xParamNames); return names[id]; } //Game batlerbase Game_BattlerBase.prototype.xparam = function(xparamId) { var value = this.traitsSum(Game_BattlerBase.TRAIT_XPARAM, xparamId) + this._gainedxparams[xparamId]; return value; }; _GameBattlerBaseInitialize = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initialize; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initialize = function() { _GameBattlerBaseInitialize.call(this); this._gainedxparams = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paramMax = function(paramId) { if (paramId == 0) { return 999999; // MHP } else if (paramId == 1) { return 9999; // MMP } else { return 999; } }; //---Game Actor _GameActorInitialize = Game_Actor.prototype.initialize; Game_Actor.prototype.initialize = function(actorId) { _GameActorInitialize.call(this, actorId); this._statPoints = 0; this.resetUsedPoints(); }; Game_Actor.prototype.resetUsedPoints = function() { this._usedPoints = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; this._usedxPoints = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; } Game_Actor.prototype.increasePointLimit = function() { for (i=0; i<this._usedxPoints.length; i++) { if (i<this._usedPoints.length) { this._usedPoints[i] -= this.maxPerLevel(); } this._usedxPoints[i] -= this.maxPerLevel(); } } Game_Actor.prototype.usePoints = function(paramid, points) { this._usedPoints[paramid] += points; } Game_Actor.prototype.usexPoints = function(paramid, points) { this._usedxPoints[paramid] += points; } Game_Actor.prototype.canIncrease = function(paramid, points, alreadyUsed) { var result = true; if (((this._usedPoints[paramid] + points) > this.maxPerLevel()) && (this.maxPerLevel() != 0)) { result = false; } if ((this.param(paramid) + alreadyUsed + points*this.statPerPoint(paramid)) > this.paramMax(paramid)) { result =false; } return result; } Game_Actor.prototype.canIncreasex = function(paramid, points, alreadyUsed) { var result = true; if (((this._usedxPoints[paramid] + points) > this.maxPerLevel()) && (this.maxPerLevel() != 0)) { result = false; } if ((this.xparam(paramid) + alreadyUsed + points*this.xstatPerPoint(paramid)) > this.xparamMax(paramid)) { result =false; } return result; } Game_Actor.prototype.paramMax = function(paramId) { var limit; var meta = "this.actor().meta." + getTag(paramId); meta = eval(meta); meta = meta ? meta : "$dataClasses[this.actor().id].meta." + getTag(paramId); meta = eval(meta); if (meta) { limit = Number(meta); } else { limit = getLimit(paramId); } return limit; }; Game_Actor.prototype.xparamMax = function(paramId) { var limit = eval(defaultxLimits); return limit[paramId]; }; Game_Actor.prototype.maxPerLevel = function() { return eval(this.actor().meta.maxPerLevel) || Number(maxPointsPerLevel); } //Stat increase per stat point Game_Actor.prototype.statPerPoint = function(id) { var str; switch(id) { case 0: str = "ihp"; break; case 1: str = "imp"; break; case 2: str = "iatk"; break; case 3: str = "idef"; break; case 4: str = "imat"; break; case 5: str = "imdf"; break; case 6: str = "iagi"; break; case 7: str = "iluk"; break; } var met = "$dataClasses[this._classId].meta." + str; met = eval(met); met = met ? met : "this.actor().meta." + str; met = eval(met); return met ? eval(met) : 1; } //Xstat increase per stat point Game_Actor.prototype.xstatPerPoint = function(id) { var str; switch(id) { case 0: str = "ihit"; break; case 1: str = "ieva"; break; case 2: str = "icri"; break; case 3: str = "icev"; break; case 4: str = "imev"; break; case 5: str = "imrf"; break; case 6: str = "icnt"; break; case 7: str = "ihrg"; break; case 8: str = "imrg"; break; case 9: str = "itrg"; } var met = "$dataClasses[this._classId].meta." + str; met = eval(met); met = met ? met : "this.actor().meta." + str; met = eval(met); return eval(met) ? eval(met) : 1; } //-New function gainStats to call on level ups etc Game_Actor.prototype.gainStats = function(amount) { this._statPoints += amount; } //-Gain stats on level up _GameActorLevelUp = Game_Actor.prototype.levelUp; Game_Actor.prototype.levelUp = function() { _GameActorLevelUp.call(this); this.gainStats(eval(levelUpPoints)); this.increasePointLimit(); }; //-Actor current stats Game_Actor.prototype.statPoints = function() { return this._statPoints; } //-----New windows //**************************************************** // //---Window Points, to display stat points. // //**************************************************** function Window_Points() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Window_Points.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype); Window_Points.prototype.constructor = Window_Points; Window_Points.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, actor) { var width = this.windowWidth(); var height = this.windowHeight(); this._actor = actor; Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height); this.refresh(); }; Window_Points.prototype.windowWidth = function() { return 300; }; Window_Points.prototype.actor = function () { return this._actor; } Window_Points.prototype.windowHeight = function() { return this.fittingHeight(1); }; Window_Points.prototype.refresh = function(newActor) { if (!newActor) { newActor = this.actor(); } this._actor = newActor; var x = this.textPadding(); var width = this.contents.width - this.textPadding() * 2; this.contents.clear(); this.drawThings(); }; Window_Points.prototype.drawThings = function() { var x = 1; var y = 1; var mWidth = Math.round(this.windowWidth()/2.5); var value = this._actor.statPoints(); this.changeTextColor(this.textColor(statNameColor)); this.drawText(pointsName, x, y, mWidth); this.changeTextColor(this.textColor(statValueColor)); this.drawText(value, x + mWidth + 10, y, mWidth); } Window_Points.prototype.open = function() { this.refresh(); Window_Base.prototype.open.call(this); }; //**************************************************** // //---Window Selecting, to increase stats or leave scene // //**************************************************** Window_Selecting.prototype = Object.create(Window_Command.prototype); Window_Selecting.prototype.constructor = Window_Selecting; function Window_Selecting() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Window_Selecting.prototype.initialize = function (x, y, mode) { this._mode = mode; Window_Command.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y); } Window_Selecting.prototype.windowWidth = function() { return 350; }; Window_Selecting.prototype.numVisibleRows = function() { return 9; }; Window_Selecting.prototype.processOk = function() { if (this.isCurrentItemEnabled()) { this.updateInputData(); this.deactivate(); this.callOkHandler(); } }; Window_Selecting.prototype.activate = function(index) { Window_Base.prototype.activate.call(this); index2 = index ? index : this._index; this.select(index2); }; Window_Selecting.prototype.makeCommandList = function() { var name; var used = getUsedStats(); var usedx = getUsedXStats(); var k; var mode = this._mode; for(i=0;i<used.length;i++) { k = Number(used[i]); name = mode + " " + TextManager.param(k); this.addCommand(name, 'param' + k.toString()); } for(i=0;i<usedx.length;i++) { k = Number(usedx[i]); y = k + 10; name = mode + " " + getXParamName(k); this.addCommand(name, 'param' + y.toString()); } this.addCommand("Exit", 'exit'); } //**************************************************** // //---Window xParams, display character especial parameters // //**************************************************** function Window_xParams() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Window_xParams.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype); Window_xParams.prototype.constructor = Window_xParams; Window_xParams.prototype.initialize = function (x, y, actor, increased) { this._increased = increased; this._width = Graphics.boxWidth - x; var height = Graphics.boxHeight - y; Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, this._width, height); this._actor = actor; this.refresh(); }; Window_xParams.prototype.actor = function() { return this._actor; }; Window_xParams.prototype.baseDraw = function(name, value, x, y) { var mWidth = Math.round(this._width/1.5); var x2 = x + mWidth + 5; this.changeTextColor(this.textColor(statNameColor)); this.drawText(name, x, y, mWidth); this.changeTextColor(this.textColor(statValueColor)); this.drawText(value, x2, y, mWidth); } Window_xParams.prototype.drawActorStat = function(x, y, id) { var pName = getXParamName(id); var pValue = this.actor().xparam(id) + this._increased[id]; this.baseDraw(pName, pValue.toFixed(2), x, y); }; Window_xParams.prototype.drawParameters = function() { var x = 1; var y = 1; var usedx = getUsedXStats(); var lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); for(i=0;i<usedx.length;i++) { this.drawActorStat(x, y + lineHeight * i, Number(usedx[i])); } } Window_xParams.prototype.refresh = function(newActor) { if (!newActor) { newActor = this.actor(); } this._actor = newActor; if (this.contents) { this.contents.clear(); this.drawParameters(); } } //**************************************************** // //---Window Char, display character image and current stats // //**************************************************** function Window_Char() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Window_Char.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype); Window_Char.prototype.constructor = Window_Char; Window_Char.prototype.initialize = function (x, y, actor, increased) { var width = this.windowWidth(); var height = this.windowHeight(); this._increased = increased; this._actor = actor; Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height); this.loadImages(); this.refresh(); }; Window_Char.prototype.actor = function() { return this._actor; }; Window_Char.prototype.windowWidth = function() { return Graphics.boxWidth; }; Window_Char.prototype.windowHeight = function() { return Math.round(Graphics.boxHeight / 3) - 20; }; Window_Char.prototype.loadImages = function() { for (i=0; i<$gameParty.members().length;i++){ ImageManager.loadFace($gameParty.members()[i].faceName()); } }; Window_Char.prototype.drawItem = function() { this.drawItemImage(); this.drawItemStatus(); this.drawParameters(); }; Window_Char.prototype.drawItemImage = function() { this.drawActorFace(this.actor(), 1, 1, 144, 144); }; Window_Char.prototype.drawItemStatus = function() { var x = 160; var actor = this.actor(); var y = 1; var lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); this.drawActorName(actor, x, y); this.drawActorLevel(actor, x, y + lineHeight * 1); this.drawActorClass(actor, x, y + lineHeight * 2); this.drawActorExp(actor, x, y + lineHeight * 3); }; Window_Char.prototype.drawParameters = function() { var x = 390; var y = 1; var used = getUsedStats(); var lineHeight = this.lineHeight(); var k; for(i=0;i<used.length;i++) { if (i < 4) { this.drawActorStat(x, y + lineHeight * i, used[i]); } else { k = i-4; this.drawActorStat(x + 220, y + lineHeight * k, used[i]); } } } Window_Char.prototype.baseDraw = function(name, value, x, y) { var mWidth = Math.round(this.windowWidth()/8); var x2 = x + mWidth + 10; this.changeTextColor(this.textColor(statNameColor)); this.drawText(name, x, y, mWidth); this.changeTextColor(this.textColor(statValueColor)); this.drawText(value, x2, y, mWidth); } Window_Char.prototype.drawActorExp = function(actor, x, y) { this.baseDraw(expName, actor.currentExp(), x, y); } Window_Char.prototype.drawActorClass = function(actor, x, y) { this.baseDraw(className, actor.currentClass().name, x, y); } Window_Char.prototype.drawActorName = function(actor, x, y) { this.baseDraw(actorName, actor.name(), x, y); }; Window_Char.prototype.drawActorLevel = function(actor, x, y) { this.baseDraw(TextManager.level, actor.level, x, y); }; Window_Char.prototype.drawActorStat = function(x, y, id) { var pName = TextManager.param(id); var pValue = this.actor().param(id) + this._increased[id]; this.baseDraw(pName, pValue.toFixed(0), x, y); }; Window_Char.prototype.refresh = function(newActor) { if (!newActor) { newActor = this.actor(); } this._actor = newActor; if (this.contents) { this.contents.clear(); this.drawItem(); } } //**************************************************** // //---Scene Distribution, the main scene // //**************************************************** function Scene_Distribution() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Scene_Distribution.prototype = Object.create(Scene_MenuBase.prototype); Scene_Distribution.prototype.constructor = Scene_Distribution; Scene_Distribution.prototype.initialize = function(actor, party) { this._actorr = actor; this._party = party; this._params = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; this._xparams = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; this._usedStats = 0; Scene_MenuBase.prototype.initialize.call(this); }; Scene_Distribution.prototype.actor = function() { return this._actorr; } Scene_Distribution.prototype.inPartyMode = function() { return this._party; } Scene_Distribution.prototype.create = function() { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.create.call(this); this.createCharWindow(this.actor()); this.createXParamWindow(this.actor()); this.createDecreaseWindow(); this.createSelectingWindow(); this.createPointWindow(this.actor()); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.start = function() { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.start.call(this); this._charWindow.refresh(); }; Scene_Distribution.prototype.createCharWindow = function(actor) { this._charWindow = new Window_Char(0, 0, actor, this._params); this.addWindow(this._charWindow); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.createXParamWindow = function(actor) { var usedx = getUsedXStats(); if (usedx) { if (usedx.length >= 1) { this._xParamWindow = new Window_xParams(500, this._charWindow.windowHeight(), actor, this._xparams); this.addWindow(this._xParamWindow); } } } Scene_Distribution.prototype.createSelectingWindow = function() { this._selectingWindow = new Window_Selecting(0, this._charWindow.windowHeight(), increaseName); var used = getUsedStats(); var usedx = getUsedXStats(); var k; for(i=0;i<used.length;i++) { k = Number(used[i]); this._selectingWindow.setHandler('param' + k.toString(), this.increaseParam.bind(this, k)); } for(i=0;i<usedx.length;i++) { k = Number(usedx[i]); y = k + 10; this._selectingWindow.setHandler('param' + y.toString(), this.increaseExParam.bind(this, k)); } if (this.inPartyMode()) { this._selectingWindow.setHandler('pageup', this.nextActor.bind(this, false)); this._selectingWindow.setHandler('pagedown', this.nextActor.bind(this, true)); } this._selectingWindow.setHandler('exit', this.exit.bind(this)); this._selectingWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.swapWindows.bind(this, "decrease")); this.addWindow(this._selectingWindow); this._selectingWindow.activate(); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.createDecreaseWindow = function() { this._decreaseWindow = new Window_Selecting(0, this._charWindow.windowHeight(), decreaseName); var used = getUsedStats(); var usedx = getUsedXStats(); var k; for(i=0;i<used.length;i++) { k = Number(used[i]); this._decreaseWindow.setHandler('param' + k.toString(), this.decreaseParam.bind(this, k)); } for(i=0;i<usedx.length;i++) { k = Number(usedx[i]); y = k + 10; this._decreaseWindow.setHandler('param' + y.toString(), this.decreaseExParam.bind(this, k)); } if (this.inPartyMode()) { this._decreaseWindow.setHandler('pageup', this.nextActor.bind(this, false)); this._decreaseWindow.setHandler('pagedown', this.nextActor.bind(this, true)); } this._decreaseWindow.setHandler('exit', this.exit.bind(this)); this._decreaseWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.swapWindows.bind(this, "increase")); this.addWindow(this._decreaseWindow); this._decreaseWindow.hide(); this._decreaseWindow.deactivate(); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.nextActor = function(mode) { SoundManager.playEvasion; var j = $gameParty.members().indexOf(this.actor()); var l = $gameParty.members().length; if (mode) { j = (j+1)==l ? 0 : (j+1); } else { j = (j-1)<0 ? (l-1) : (j-1); } this.addParameters(); this._actorr = $gameParty.members()[j]; this._charWindow.refresh(this.actor()); if (this._xParamWindow) { this._xParamWindow.refresh(this.actor()); } this._pointWindow.refresh(this.actor()); this.swapWindows("increase"); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.swapWindows = function(mode) { SoundManager.playEvasion; switch (mode) { case "increase": this._decreaseWindow.deactivate(); this._decreaseWindow.hide(); this._selectingWindow.show(); this._selectingWindow.activate(this._decreaseWindow._index); break; case "decrease": this._selectingWindow.deactivate(); this._selectingWindow.hide(); this._decreaseWindow.show(); this._decreaseWindow.activate(this._selectingWindow._index); break; } } Scene_Distribution.prototype.addParameters = function() { for (i=0;i<8;i++) { this.actor().addParam(i, Number(this._params[i].toFixed())); } for (i=0;i<10;i++) { this.actor()._gainedxparams[i] += Number(this._xparams[i].toFixed(2)); } for (i=0;i<13;i++){ this._params[i] = 0; this._xparams[i] = 0; } this._usedStats = 0; } Scene_Distribution.prototype.exit = function() { SoundManager.playCancel(); this.addParameters(); SceneManager.pop(); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.createPointWindow = function(actor) { var y = this._charWindow.windowHeight() + this._selectingWindow.windowHeight(); this._pointWindow = new Window_Points(0, y, actor); this.addWindow(this._pointWindow); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.increaseParam = function(id) { var x = Input.isPressed('shift') ? shiftIncrease : 1; var amount; var condition = this.actor().canIncrease(id, x, this._params[id]); if ((this.actor().statPoints() >= x) && condition) { amount = this.actor().statPerPoint(id)*x; this._params[id] += amount; this._selectingWindow.playOkSound(); this._usedStats += x; this.actor().gainStats(-x); this.actor().usePoints(id, x); } else { this._selectingWindow.playBuzzerSound(); } this._charWindow.refresh(); this._pointWindow.refresh(); if (this._xParamWindow) { this._xParamWindow.refresh(); } this._selectingWindow.activate(); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.increaseExParam = function(id) { var x = Input.isPressed('shift') ? shiftIncrease : 1; var amount; var condition = this.actor().canIncreasex(id, x, this._xparams[id]); if ((this.actor().statPoints() >= x) && condition) { amount = this.actor().xstatPerPoint(id)*x; this._xparams[id] += amount; this._selectingWindow.playOkSound(); this._usedStats += x; this.actor().gainStats(-x); this.actor().usexPoints(id, x); } else { this._selectingWindow.playBuzzerSound(); } this._charWindow.refresh(); this._pointWindow.refresh(); if (this._xParamWindow) { this._xParamWindow.refresh(); } this._selectingWindow.activate(); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.decreaseParam = function(id) { var x = Input.isPressed('shift') ? shiftIncrease : 1; var amount = this.actor().statPerPoint(id)*x;; if ((this._usedStats >= x) && (this._params[id] >= amount)) { this._params[id] -= amount; SceneManager.playCancel; this._usedStats -= x; this.actor().gainStats(x); this.actor().usePoints(id, -x); } else { this._decreaseWindow.playBuzzerSound(); } this._charWindow.refresh(); this._pointWindow.refresh(); if (this._xParamWindow) { this._xParamWindow.refresh(); } this._decreaseWindow.activate(); } Scene_Distribution.prototype.decreaseExParam = function(id) { var x = Input.isPressed('shift') ? shiftIncrease : 1; var amount = this.actor().xstatPerPoint(id)*x;; if ((this._usedStats >= x) && (this._xparams[id] >= amount)) { this._xparams[id] -= amount; SceneManager.playCancel; this._usedStats -= x; this.actor().gainStats(x); this.actor().usePoints(id, -x); } else { this._decreaseWindow.playBuzzerSound(); } this._charWindow.refresh(); this._pointWindow.refresh(); if (this._xParamWindow) { this._xParamWindow.refresh(); } this._decreaseWindow.activate(); } SceneManager.sceneDistribution = function(actor, party) { if (typeof(party) === 'undefined') { party = false; } this._stack.push(this._scene.constructor); if (Scene_Distribution) { this._nextScene = new Scene_Distribution(actor, party); } if (this._scene) { this._scene.stop(); } } SceneManager.partyDistribution = function(index) { if (typeof(index) === 'undefined') { index = 0; } var actor = $gameParty.members()[index]; this.sceneDistribution(actor, true); } })();
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