//============================================================================= // PixelMovement.js //============================================================================= /*: * @plugindesc Like you don't know what this does. */ (function () { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // An even number between 2 and 48, inclusive var tileSection = 4; // Gives you precise collision mask but can significantly compromise the performance var analyzeTilesetBitmap = true; // A section of the bitmap will be masked impassable if the valid pixel rate reaches this threshold var bitmapAnalysisThreshold = 0.5; // (x, y, width, height) var characterCollisionBox = new Rectangle(1, 2, 2, 2); // Tiles with this terrain tag are forced to be passable var forcePassableTerrainTag = 3; // Max distance between two followers var followerDistance = 1; // For debugging var drawCollisionMask = true; // [map, ladder, bush, counter, damageFloor, boat, ship], for debugging var collisionMaskLayerColors = ['red', 'grey', 'green', 'yellow', 'crimson', 'lightBlue', 'blue']; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var toPixel = function (t) { return t * tileSection; }; var toTile = function (p) { return p / tileSection; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Table2 function Table2(xSize, ySize) { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Table2.prototype.initialize = function (xSize, ySize) { this.xSize = xSize; this.ySize = ySize; this.data = []; }; Table2.prototype.get = function (x, y) { return this.data[y * this.xSize + x]; }; Table2.prototype.set = function (x, y, data) { this.data[y * this.xSize + x] = data; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Table3 function Table3() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Table3.prototype.initialize = function (xSize, ySize, zSize) { this.xSize = xSize; this.ySize = ySize; this.zSize = zSize; this.data = []; }; Table3.prototype.get = function (x, y, z) { return this.data[z * this.ySize * this.xSize + y * this.xSize + x]; }; Table3.prototype.set = function (x, y, z, data) { return this.data[z * this.ySize * this.xSize + y * this.xSize + x] = data; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bitmap Bitmap.prototype.isOccupied = function (x, y, w, h, threshold) { var data = this._context.getImageData(x, y, w, h).data; var occupied = 0; for (var i = 3; i < data.length; i += 4) { if (data[i] === 255) { occupied++; } } return (occupied / (data.length / 4)) > threshold; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tilemap var aliasTilemapPrototypeUpdate = Tilemap.prototype.update; Tilemap.prototype.update = function () { aliasTilemapPrototypeUpdate.apply(this, arguments); if (this._needRefreshCollisionMask && this.isReady()) { this._needRefreshCollisionMask = false; this.refreshCollisionMask(); } }; var aliasTilemapPrototypeRefresh = Tilemap.prototype.refresh; Tilemap.prototype.refresh = function () { aliasTilemapPrototypeRefresh.apply(this, arguments); this._needRefreshCollisionMask = true; }; Tilemap.prototype.refreshCollisionMask = function () { console.time('Collision Mask Generation'); $gameMap.collisionMask = new Table3($gameMap.widthPx(), $gameMap.heightPx(), 8); this._tileCollisionMaskCaches = {}; for (var tx = 0; tx < this._mapWidth; tx++) { for (var ty = 0; ty < this._mapHeight; ty++) { this.drawTileCollisionMask(tx, ty); } } this._tileCollisionMaskCaches = null; console.timeEnd('Collision Mask Generation'); if (drawCollisionMask) { this.debugDrawCollisionMask(); } }; Tilemap.prototype.drawTileCollisionMask = function (tx, ty) { var forcePassable = $gameMap.terrainTag(tx, ty) === forcePassableTerrainTag; var mcm = $gameMap.collisionMask; var flags = this.flags; var tileIds = $gameMap.layeredTiles(tx, ty); var impassableSections = []; var totalSections = tileSection * tileSection; for (var tileId, flag, i = 0; i < tileIds.length; i++) { tileId = tileIds[i]; if (!Tilemap.isVisibleTile(tileId)) { continue; } var tcm = this._tileCollisionMaskCaches[tileId]; if (tcm) { if (!forcePassable) { for (var sx = 0; sx < tileSection; sx++) { for (var sy = 0; sy < tileSection; sy++) { for (var z = 0; z < 8; z++) { var bit = tcm.get(sx, sy, z); if (bit === 1) { mcm.set(toPixel(tx) + sx, toPixel(ty) + sy, z, bit); if (z === 0) { // tile collision layer var sectionId = sy * tileSection + sx; if (!impassableSections.contains(sectionId)) { impassableSections.push(sectionId); } } } } } } if (impassableSections.length >= totalSections) { break; } else { continue; } } } else { tcm = new Table3(tileSection, tileSection, 8); this._tileCollisionMaskCaches[tileId] = tcm; } flag = flags[tileId]; // other layers of the collision mask for (var bp = 5; bp < 9; bp++) { // ladder, bush, counter, damageFloor if ((flag & (1 << bp)) !== 0) { for (var sx = 0; sx < tileSection; sx++) { for (var sy = 0; sy < tileSection; sy++) { var z = bp - 4; mcm.set(toPixel(tx) + sx, toPixel(ty) + sy, z, 1); tcm.set(sx, sy, z, 1); } } } } if (!forcePassable) { for (var bp = 9; bp < 12; bp++) { // boat, ship, airship if ((flag & (1 << bp)) === 0) { for (var sx = 0; sx < tileSection; sx++) { for (var sy = 0; sy < tileSection; sy++) { var z = bp - 4; mcm.set(toPixel(tx) + sx, toPixel(ty) + sy, z, 1); tcm.set(sx, sy, z, 1); } } } } } if (forcePassable) { break; } // 0th layer of the collision mask if ((flag & 0xf) === 0xf) { // all dirs are not passable if (analyzeTilesetBitmap) { if (Tilemap.isAutotile(tileId)) { // TODO: need to check the collision masks for autotiles too for (var sx = 0; sx < tileSection; sx++) { for (var sy = 0; sy < tileSection; sy++) { mcm.set(toPixel(tx) + sx, toPixel(ty) + sy, 0, 1); tcm.set(sx, sy, 0, 1); } } break; } else { var bitmap = this.bitmaps[Tilemap.isTileA5(tileId) ? 4 : 5 + Math.floor(tileId / 256)]; var tw = this._tileWidth; var th = this._tileHeight; var sw = $gameMap.tileWidthPx(); var sh = $gameMap.tileHeightPx(); var bx = (Math.floor(tileId / 128) % 2 * 8 + tileId % 8) * tw; var by = (Math.floor(tileId % 256 / 8) % 16) * th; for (var sx = 0; sx < tileSection; sx++) { for (var sy = 0; sy < tileSection; sy++) { if (bitmap.isOccupied(bx + sx * sw, by + sy * sh, sw, sh, bitmapAnalysisThreshold)) { mcm.set(toPixel(tx) + sx, toPixel(ty) + sy, 0, 1); tcm.set(sx, sy, 0, 1); var sectionId = sy * tileSection + sx; if (!impassableSections.contains(sectionId)) { impassableSections.push(sectionId); } } } } if (impassableSections.length >= totalSections) { break; } } } else { for (var sx = 0; sx < tileSection; sx++) { for (var sy = 0; sy < tileSection; sy++) { mcm.set(toPixel(tx) + sx, toPixel(ty) + sy, 0, 1); tcm.set(sx, sy, 0, 1); } } break; } } else if ((flag & 0xf) !== 0) { // some dirs are passable, but not all for (var bp = 0; bp < 4; bp++) { if ((flag & (1 << bp)) !== 0) { switch (bp) { case 0: // down for (var sx = 0; sx < tileSection; sx++) { mcm.set(toPixel(tx) + sx, toPixel(ty) + tileSection - 1, 0, 1); tcm.set(sx, tileSection - 1, 0, 1) } break; case 1: // left for (var sy = 0; sy < tileSection; sy++) { mcm.set(toPixel(tx), toPixel(ty) + sy, 0, 1); tcm.set(0, sy, 0, 1) } break; case 2: // right for (var sy = 0; sy < tileSection; sy++) { mcm.set(toPixel(tx) + tileSection - 1, toPixel(ty) + sy, 0, 1); tcm.set(tileSection - 1, sy, 0, 1) } break; case 3: // up for (var sx = 0; sx < tileSection; sx++) { mcm.set(toPixel(tx) + sx, toPixel(ty), 0, 1); tcm.set(sx, 0, 0, 1) } break; } } } } } }; Tilemap.prototype.debugDrawCollisionMask = function () { var cm = $gameMap.collisionMask; var sw = $gameMap.tileWidthPx(); var sh = $gameMap.tileHeightPx(); for (var layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < 7; layerIndex++) { var sprite = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this._mapWidth * this._tileWidth, this._mapHeight * this._tileHeight)); sprite.pivot = this.origin; sprite.opacity = 80; for (var px = 0; px < cm.xSize; px++) { for (var py = 0; py < cm.ySize; py++) { if (cm.get(px, py, layerIndex) === 1) { sprite.bitmap.fillRect(px * sw, py * sh, sw, sh, collisionMaskLayerColors[layerIndex]); } } } this.parent.addChild(sprite); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Game_Temp var aliasGameTempPrototypeInitialize = Game_Temp.prototype.initialize; Game_Temp.prototype.initialize = function () { aliasGameTempPrototypeInitialize.apply(this, arguments); this._destinationPx = null; this._destinationPy = null; this._route = null; }; Game_Temp.prototype.isDestinationValid = function () { return this._route && this._route.length > 0; }; Game_Temp.prototype.setDestination = function (px, py) { if (!this._route || px !== this._destinationPx || py !== this._destinationPy) { this._destinationPx = px; this._destinationPy = py; this._route = $gamePlayer.findRouteTo(px, py); } }; Game_Temp.prototype.clearDestination = function () { this._destinationPx = null; this._destinationPy = null; this._route = null; }; Game_Temp.prototype.destinationPx = function () { return this._destinationPx; }; Game_Temp.prototype.destinationPy = function () { return this._destinationPy; }; Game_Temp.prototype.nextDirection = function () { return this._route ? this._route.pop() : 0; }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Game_Actor /* TODO: Only damage characters that are on the damage floor Game_Actor.prototype.checkFloorEffect = function () { if ($gamePlayer.isOnDamageFloor()) { this.executeFloorDamage(); } }; */ //------------------------------------------------------------ // Game_Map Object.defineProperty(Game_Map.prototype, 'collisionMask', { get: function () { return this._collisionMask; }, set: function (value) { this._collisionMask = value; }, configurable: true }); Game_Map.prototype.isCollisionMaskSet = function () { return this._collisionMask !== null; }; var aliasGameMapPrototypeInitialize = Game_Map.prototype.initialize; Game_Map.prototype.initialize = function () { aliasGameMapPrototypeInitialize.apply(this, arguments); this._collisionMask = null; }; Game_Map.prototype.tileWidthPx = function () { return this.tileWidth() / tileSection; }; Game_Map.prototype.tileHeightPx = function () { return this.tileHeight() / tileSection; }; Game_Map.prototype.widthPx = function () { return $dataMap.width * tileSection; }; Game_Map.prototype.heightPx = function () { return $dataMap.height * tileSection; }; Game_Map.prototype.adjustPx = function (px) { return toPixel(this.adjustX(toTile(px))); }; Game_Map.prototype.adjustPy = function (py) { return toPixel(this.adjustY(toTile(py))); }; Game_Map.prototype.roundPx = function (px) { return this.isLoopHorizontal() ? px.mod(this.widthPx()) : px; }; Game_Map.prototype.roundPy = function (py) { return this.isLoopVertical() ? py.mod(this.heightPx()) : py; }; Game_Map.prototype.pxWithDirection = function (px, d) { return px + (d === 6 ? 1 : d === 4 ? -1 : 0); }; Game_Map.prototype.pyWithDirection = function (py, d) { return py + (d === 2 ? 1 : d === 8 ? -1 : 0); }; Game_Map.prototype.roundPxWithDirection = function (px, d) { return this.roundPx(px + (d === 6 ? 1 : d === 4 ? -1 : 0)); }; Game_Map.prototype.roundPyWithDirection = function (py, d) { return this.roundPy(py + (d === 2 ? 1 : d === 8 ? -1 : 0)); }; Game_Map.prototype.deltaPx = function (px1, px2) { var result = px1 - px2; if (this.isLoopHorizontal() && Math.abs(result) > this.widthPx() / 2) { result += result < 0 ? this.widthPx() : -this.widthPx(); } return result; }; Game_Map.prototype.deltaPy = function (py1, py2) { var result = py1 - py2; if (this.isLoopVertical() && Math.abs(result) > this.heightPx() / 2) { result += result < 0 ? this.heightPx() : -this.heightPx(); } return result; }; Game_Map.prototype.distancePx = function (px1, py1, px2, py2) { return Math.abs(this.deltaPx(px1, px2)) + Math.abs(this.deltaPy(py1, py2)); }; Game_Map.prototype.canvasToMapPx = function (x) { return this.roundPx(Math.round((this._displayX * this.tileWidth() + x) / $gameMap.tileWidthPx())); }; Game_Map.prototype.canvasToMapPy = function (y) { return this.roundPy(Math.round((this._displayY * this.tileHeight() + y) / $gameMap.tileHeightPx())); }; Game_Map.prototype.collidedEventsPx = function (px, py, cm) { return this.events().filter(function (event) { return $gameMap.areTwoCollisionMasksCollided(px, py, cm, event.px, event.py, event.collisionMask); }); }; Game_Map.prototype.areTwoCollisionMasksCollided = function (px1, py1, cm1, px2, py2, cm2) { var xs1 = cm1.xSize; var ys1 = cm1.ySize; var xs2 = cm2.xSize; var ys2 = cm2.ySize; var spx1 = px1 - xs1 / 2; var spy1 = py1 - ys1; var spx2 = px2 - xs2 / 2; var spy2 = py2 - ys2; if (spx1 > spx2 + xs2 || spx1 + xs1 < spx2 || spy1 > spy2 + ys2 || spy1 + ys1 < spy2) { return false; } var mpw = this.widthPx(); var poses1 = []; var poses2 = []; for (var cmx1 = 0; cmx1 < xs1; cmx1++) { for (var cmy1 = 0; cmy1 < ys1; cmy1++) { cm1.get(cmx1, cmy1) && poses1.push(this.roundPy(spy1 + cmy1) * mpw + this.roundPx(spx1 + cmx1)); } } for (var cmx2 = 0; cmx2 < xs2; cmx2++) { for (var cmy2 = 0; cmy2 < ys2; cmy2++) { cm2.get(cmx2, cmy2) && poses2.push(this.roundPy(spy2 + cmy2) * mpw + this.roundPx(spx2 + cmx2)); } } for (var i = 0; i < poses1.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < poses2.length; j++) { if (poses1[i] === poses2[j]) { return true; } } } return false; }; Game_Map.prototype.isValidPx = function (px, py) { return px > -1 && px < this.widthPx() && py > -1 && py < this.heightPx(); }; Game_Map.prototype.isPassablePx = function (px, py) { return !this._collisionMask.get(px, py, 0); }; Game_Map.prototype.isPassableWithCollisionMask = function (px, py, cm) { var spx = px - cm.xSize / 2; var spy = py - cm.ySize; for (var cmx = 0; cmx < cm.xSize; cmx++) { for (var cmy = 0; cmy < cm.ySize; cmy++) { if (cm.get(cmx, cmy)) { var apx = this.roundPx(spx + cmx); var apy = this.roundPy(spy + cmy); if (!this.isValidPx(apx, apy) || !this.isPassablePx(apx, apy)) { return false; } } } } return true; }; Game_Map.prototype.isBoatPassablePx = function (px, py) { return false; }; Game_Map.prototype.isShipPassablePx = function (px, py) { return false; }; Game_Map.prototype.isAirshipLandOkPx = function (px, py) { return false; }; Game_Map.prototype.isLadderPx = function (px, py) { if (!this.isCollisionMaskSet()) { return false; } return this.isValidPx(px, py) && this._collisionMask.get(px, py, 1); }; Game_Map.prototype.isBushPx = function (px, py) { if (!this.isCollisionMaskSet()) { return false; } return this.isValidPx(px, py) && this._collisionMask.get(px, py, 2); }; Game_Map.prototype.isCounterPx = function (px, py) { if (!this.isCollisionMaskSet()) { return false; } return this.isValidPx(px, py) && this._collisionMask.get(px, py, 3); }; Game_Map.prototype.isDamageFloorPx = function (px, py) { if (!this.isCollisionMaskSet()) { return false; } return this.isValidPx(px, py) && this._collisionMask.get(px, py, 4); }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Game_CharacterBase Object.defineProperty(Game_CharacterBase.prototype, 'collisionMask', { get: function () { return this._collisionMask }, set: function (value) { this._collisionMask = value }, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Game_CharacterBase.prototype, 'px', { get: function () { return this._px }, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Game_CharacterBase.prototype, 'py', { get: function () { return this._py }, configurable: true }); var aliasGameCharacterBasePrototypeInitMembers = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initMembers; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initMembers = function () { aliasGameCharacterBasePrototypeInitMembers.apply(this, arguments); this._px = 0; this._py = 0; this._realPx = 0; this._realPy = 0; this.createCollisionMask(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.createCollisionMask = function () { // TODO: Support bitmap analysis and custom collision box this._collisionMask = new Table2(tileSection, tileSection); var box = characterCollisionBox; for (var x = box.x; x < box.x + box.width; x++) { for (var y = box.y; y < box.y + box.height; y++) { this._collisionMask.set(x, y, 1); } } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.synchronizeTileCoordinate = function () { this._realX = toTile(this._realPx); this._realY = toTile(this._realPy); this._x = Math.floor(this._realX); this._y = Math.floor(this._realY); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isMoving = function () { return this._realPx !== this._px || this._realPy !== this._py; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.canPassPx = function (px, py, d) { var npx = $gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(px, d); var npy = $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(py, d); if (this.isThrough() || this.isDebugThrough()) { return true; } if (!this.isMapPassablePx(px, py, d)) { return false; } if (this.isCollidedWithCharactersPx(npx, npy)) { return false; } return true; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.canPassDiagonallyPx = function (px, py, horz, vert) { var npx = $gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(px, horz); var npy = $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(py, vert); if (this.canPassPx(px, py, vert) && this.canPassPx(px, npy, horz)) { return true; } if (this.canPassPx(px, py, horz) && this.canPassPx(npx, py, vert)) { return true; } return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isMapPassablePx = function (px, py, d) { /* var px2 = $gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(px, d); var py2 = $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(py, d); return $gameMap.isPassableWithCollisionMask(px, py, this._collisionMask) && $gameMap.isPassableWithCollisionMask(px2, py2, this._collisionMask); */ return $gameMap.isPassableWithCollisionMask($gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(px, d), $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(py, d), this._collisionMask); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithCharactersPx = function (px, py) { return this.isCollidedWithEventsPx(px, py) || this.isCollidedWithVehiclesPx(px, py); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithEventsPx = function (px, py) { var events = $gameMap.events(); var cm = this._collisionMask; var self = this; return events.some(function (event) { return event !== self && !event.isThrough() && event.isNormalPriority() && $gameMap.areTwoCollisionMasksCollided(px, py, cm, event.px, event.py, event.collisionMask); }); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithVehiclesPx = function (px, py) { return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setPosition = function (tx, ty) { this.setPositionPx(toPixel(tx) + tileSection / 2, toPixel(ty) + tileSection); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setPositionPx = function (px, py) { this._px = Math.round(px); this._py = Math.round(py); this._realPx = px; this._realPy = py; this.synchronizeTileCoordinate(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.copyPosition = function (character) { this._direction = character._direction; this._px = character._px; this._py = character._py; this._realPx = character._realPx; this._realPy = character._realPy; this.synchronizeTileCoordinate(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.locate = function (tx, ty) { this.locatePx(toPixel(tx) + tileSection / 2, toPixel(ty) + tileSection); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.locatePx = function (px, py) { this.setPositionPx(px, py); this.straighten(); this.refreshBushDepth(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.screenX = function () { return Math.round(toPixel(this.scrolledX()) * $gameMap.tileWidthPx()); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.screenY = function () { return Math.round(toPixel(this.scrolledY()) * $gameMap.tileHeightPx() - this.shiftY() - this.jumpHeight()); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.update = function() { this.updateAnimation(); if (this.isStopping()) { this.updateStop(); } if (this.isJumping()) { this.updateJump(); } else if (this.isMoving()) { this.updateMove(); } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateJump = function () { this._jumpCount--; this._realPx = (this._realPx * this._jumpCount + this._px) / (this._jumpCount + 1.0); this._realPy = (this._realPy * this._jumpCount + this._py) / (this._jumpCount + 1.0); this.refreshBushDepth(); if (this._jumpCount === 0) { this._realPx = this._px = $gameMap.roundPx(this._px); this._realPy = this._py = $gameMap.roundPy(this._py); } this.synchronizeTileCoordinate(); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateMove = function () { var dpf = toPixel(this.distancePerFrame()); if (this._px < this._realPx) { this._realPx = Math.max(this._realPx - dpf, this._px); } if (this._px > this._realPx) { this._realPx = Math.min(this._realPx + dpf, this._px); } if (this._py < this._realPy) { this._realPy = Math.max(this._realPy - dpf, this._py); } if (this._py > this._realPy) { this._realPy = Math.min(this._realPy + dpf, this._py); } this.synchronizeTileCoordinate(); if (!this.isMoving()) { this.refreshBushDepth(); } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isOnLadder = function () { var cm = this._collisionMask; var xs = cm.xSize; var ys = cm.ySize; var spx = this._px - xs / 2; var spy = this._py - ys; for (var cmx = 0; cmx < xs; cmx++) { for (var cmy = 0; cmy < ys; cmy++) { if ($gameMap.isLadderPx(spx + cmx, spy + cmy)) { return true; } } } return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isOnBush = function () { var cm = this._collisionMask; var xs = cm.xSize; var ys = cm.ySize; var spx = this._px - xs / 2; var spy = this._py - ys; for (var cmx = 0; cmx < xs; cmx++) { for (var cmy = 0; cmy < ys; cmy++) { if (!$gameMap.isBushPx(spx + cmx, spy + cmy)) { return false; } } } return true; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isOnDamageFloor = function () { var cm = this._collisionMask; var xs = cm.xSize; var ys = cm.ySize; var spx = this._px - xs / 2; var spy = this._py - ys; for (var cmx = 0; cmx < xs; cmx++) { for (var cmy = 0; cmy < ys; cmy++) { if ($gameMap.isDamageFloorPx(spx + cmx, spy + cmy)) { return true; } } } return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isFacingCounter = function () { var cm = this._collisionMask; var direction = this.direction(); var npx = $gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(this._px, direction); var npy = $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(this._py, direction); var xs = cm.xSize; var ys = cm.ySize; var spx = npx - xs / 2; var spy = npy - ys; for (var cmx = 0; cmx < xs; cmx++) { for (var cmy = 0; cmy < ys; cmy++) { if ($gameMap.isCounterPx(spx + cmx, spy + cmy)) { return true; } } } return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.checkEventTriggerTouchFrontPx = function (d) { this.checkEventTriggerTouchPx($gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(this._px, d), $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(this._py, d)); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.checkEventTriggerTouchPx = function (px, py) { return false; }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveStraight = function (d) { this.setMovementSuccess(this.canPassPx(this._px, this._py, d)); if (this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this.setDirection(d); this._px = $gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(this._px, d); this._py = $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(this._py, d); this._realPx = $gameMap.pxWithDirection(this._px, this.reverseDir(d)); this._realPy = $gameMap.pyWithDirection(this._py, this.reverseDir(d)); this.increaseSteps(); } else { this.setDirection(d); this.checkEventTriggerTouchFrontPx(d); } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveDiagonally = function (horz, vert) { this.setMovementSuccess(this.canPassDiagonallyPx(this._px, this._py, horz, vert)); if (this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this._px = $gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(this._px, horz); this._py = $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(this._py, vert); this._realPx = $gameMap.pxWithDirection(this._px, this.reverseDir(horz)); this._realPy = $gameMap.pyWithDirection(this._py, this.reverseDir(vert)); this.increaseSteps(); } if (this._direction === this.reverseDir(horz)) this.setDirection(horz); if (this._direction === this.reverseDir(vert)) this.setDirection(vert); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveDir8 = function (d) { switch (d) { case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: this.moveStraight(d); break; case 1: this.moveDiagonally(4, 2); break; case 3: this.moveDiagonally(6, 2); break; case 7: this.moveDiagonally(4, 8); break; case 9: this.moveDiagonally(6, 8); break; } }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.jump = function (xPlus, yPlus) { if (Math.abs(xPlus) > Math.abs(yPlus)) { if (xPlus !== 0) { this.setDirection(xPlus < 0 ? 4 : 6); } } else { if (yPlus !== 0) { this.setDirection(yPlus < 0 ? 8 : 2); } } this._px += toPixel(xPlus); this._py += toPixel(yPlus); var distance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(xPlus * xPlus + yPlus * yPlus)); this._jumpPeak = 10 + distance - this._moveSpeed; this._jumpCount = this._jumpPeak * 2; this.resetStopCount(); this.straighten(); }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Game_Character Game_Character.prototype.deltaPxFrom = function (px) { return $gameMap.deltaPx(this._px, px); }; Game_Character.prototype.deltaPyFrom = function (py) { return $gameMap.deltaPy(this._py, py); }; Game_Character.prototype.moveRandom = function () { var d = 2 + Math.randomInt(4) * 2; if (this.canPassPx(this.px, this.py, d)) { this.moveStraight(d); } }; Game_Character.prototype.moveTowardCharacter = function (character) { var dpx = this.deltaPxFrom(character.px); var dpy = this.deltaPyFrom(character.py); if (Math.abs(dpx) > Math.abs(dpy)) { this.moveStraight(dpx > 0 ? 4 : 6); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && dpy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(dpy > 0 ? 8 : 2); } } else if (dpy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(dpy > 0 ? 8 : 2); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && dpx !== 0) { this.moveStraight(dpx > 0 ? 4 : 6); } } }; Game_Character.prototype.moveAwayFromCharacter = function (character) { var dpx = this.deltaPxFrom(character.px); var dpy = this.deltaPyFrom(character.py); if (Math.abs(dpx) > Math.abs(dpy)) { this.moveStraight(dpx > 0 ? 6 : 4); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && dpy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(dpy > 0 ? 2 : 8); } } else if (dpy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(dpy > 0 ? 2 : 8); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded() && dpx !== 0) { this.moveStraight(dpx > 0 ? 6 : 4); } } }; Game_Character.prototype.turnTowardCharacter = function (character) { var dpx = this.deltaPxFrom(character.px); var dpy = this.deltaPyFrom(character.py); if (Math.abs(dpx) > Math.abs(dpy)) { this.setDirection(dpx > 0 ? 4 : 6); } else if (dpy !== 0) { this.setDirection(dpy > 0 ? 8 : 2); } }; Game_Character.prototype.turnAwayFromCharacter = function (character) { var dpx = this.deltaPxFrom(character.px); var dpy = this.deltaPyFrom(character.py); if (Math.abs(dpx) > Math.abs(dpy)) { this.setDirection(dpx > 0 ? 6 : 4); } else if (dpy !== 0) { this.setDirection(dpy > 0 ? 2 : 8); } }; Game_Character.prototype.findRouteTo = function (goalPx, goalPy) { var searchLimit = toPixel(Math.max($gameMap.screenTileX(), $gameMap.screenTileY())); var px = this._px; var py = this._py; if (px === goalPx && py === goalPy) { return []; } var makeNode = function (parent, px, py, gScore, fScore, direction) { return { parent: parent, px: px, py: py, gScore: gScore, fScore: fScore, direction: direction }; }; var makeId = function (px, py) { return py * $gameMap.widthPx() + px; }; var estimateCost = function (px1, py1, px2, py2) { return $gameMap.distancePx(px1, py1, px2, py2); }; var reconstructPath = function (node) { var current = node; var path = [current.direction]; while (current.parent !== start) { current = current.parent; path.push(current.direction); } return path; }; var start = makeNode(null, px, py, 0, estimateCost(px, py, goalPx, goalPy), 0); var openSet = [start]; var closedSet = []; var reserveSet = []; // used when failed while (openSet.length > 0) { var current = openSet[0]; var currentIndex = 0; for (var i = 1; i < openSet.length; i++) { if (openSet[i].fScore < current.fScore) { current = openSet[i]; currentIndex = i; } } if (current.px === goalPx && current.py === goalPy) { return reconstructPath(current); } openSet.splice(currentIndex, 1); closedSet.push(makeId(current.px, current.py)); reserveSet.push(current); if (current.gScore > searchLimit) { continue; } for (var direction = 2; direction <= 8; direction += 2) { var npx = $gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(current.px, direction); var npy = $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(current.py, direction); if (closedSet.indexOf(makeId(npx, npy)) > -1) { continue; } if (!this.canPassPx(current.px, current.py, direction)) { closedSet.push(makeId(npx, npy)); continue; } var tentativeGScore = current.gScore + 1; var nodeFound = null; for (var i = 0; i < openSet.length; i++) { var node = openSet[i]; if (node.px === npx && node.py === npy) { nodeFound = node; } } if (!nodeFound || tentativeGScore < nodeFound.gScore) { var neighbor; if (!nodeFound) { neighbor = { px: npx, py: npy }; openSet.push(neighbor); } else { neighbor = nodeFound; } neighbor.parent = current; neighbor.gScore = tentativeGScore; neighbor.fScore = tentativeGScore + estimateCost(npx, npy, goalPx, goalPy); neighbor.direction = direction; } } } // when failed var closest = reserveSet[0]; for (var i = 1; i < reserveSet.length; i++) { var current = reserveSet[i]; if (current.fScore - current.gScore < closest.fScore - closest.gScore) { closest = current; } } var goalDirection; var dpx = $gameMap.deltaPx(closest.px, goalPx); var dpy = $gameMap.deltaPy(closest.py, goalPy); if (Math.abs(dpx) > Math.abs(dpy)) { goalDirection = dpx > 0 ? 4 : 6; } else if (dpy !== 0) { goalDirection = dpy > 0 ? 8 : 2; } if (closest === start) { return [goalDirection]; } else { var path = reconstructPath(closest); path.unshift(goalDirection); return path; } }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Game_Player Game_Player.prototype.moveByInput = function () { if (!this.isMoving() && this.canMove()) { var direction = this.getInputDirection(); if (direction > 0) { $gameTemp.clearDestination(); } else if ($gameTemp.isDestinationValid()) { direction = $gameTemp.nextDirection(); } if (direction > 0) { this.executeMove(direction); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded()) { switch (direction) { case 2: this.executeMove(1); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this.executeMove(3) } break; case 4: this.executeMove(1); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this.executeMove(7) } break; case 6: this.executeMove(3); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this.executeMove(9) } break; case 8: this.executeMove(7); if (!this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this.executeMove(9) } break; } } } } }; Game_Player.prototype.getInputDirection = function () { return Input.dir8; }; Game_Player.prototype.executeMove = function (direction) { this.moveDir8(direction); }; Game_Player.prototype.updateNonmoving = function (wasMoving) { if (!$gameMap.isEventRunning()) { if (wasMoving) { $gameParty.onPlayerWalk(); this.checkEventTriggerHere([1, 2]); if ($gameMap.setupStartingEvent()) { return; } } if (this.triggerAction()) { return; } if (wasMoving) { this.updateEncounterCount(); } else if (!$gameTemp.isDestinationValid()) { $gameTemp.clearDestination(); } } }; Game_Player.prototype.triggerTouchAction = function () { return false; }; Game_Player.prototype.checkEventTriggerHere = function (triggers) { if (this.canStartLocalEvents()) { this.startCollidedEventsPx(this._px, this._py, triggers, false); } }; Game_Player.prototype.checkEventTriggerThere = function (triggers) { // front, literally if (this.canStartLocalEvents()) { var direction = this.direction(); var npx = $gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(this._px, direction); var npy = $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(this._py, direction); this.startCollidedEventsPx(npx, npy, triggers, true); if (!$gameMap.isEventRunning() && this.isFacingCounter()) { if (direction === 2 || direction === 8) { this.startCollidedEventsPx(npx, npy + (direction === 2 ? tileSection : -tileSection), triggers, true); } else if (direction === 4 || direction === 6) { this.startCollidedEventsPx(npx + (direction === 4 ? -tileSection : tileSection), npy, triggers, true); } } } }; Game_Player.prototype.checkEventTriggerTouchPx = function (px, py) { if (this.canStartLocalEvents()) { this.startCollidedEventsPx(px, py, [1, 2], true); } }; Game_Player.prototype.startCollidedEventsPx = function (px, py, triggers, normal) { if (!$gameMap.isEventRunning()) { $gameMap.collidedEventsPx(px, py, this._collisionMask).forEach(function (event) { if (event.isTriggerIn(triggers) && event.isNormalPriority() === normal) { event.start(); } }); } }; Game_Player.prototype.isOnDamageFloor = function () { var cm = this._collisionMask; var xs = cm.xSize; var ys = cm.ySize; var spx = this._px - xs / 2; var spy = this._py - ys; for (var cmx = 0; cmx < xs; cmx++) { for (var cmy = 0; cmy < ys; cmy++) { if ($gameMap.isDamageFloorPx(spx + cmx, spy + cmy)) { return true; } } } return false; }; Game_Player.prototype.moveStraight = function (d) { Game_Character.prototype.moveStraight.call(this, d); if (this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this._followers.updateMove(); } }; Game_Player.prototype.moveDiagonally = function (horz, vert) { Game_Character.prototype.moveDiagonally.call(this, horz, vert); if (this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this._followers.updateMove(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Game_Follower Game_Follower.prototype.canPassPx = function (px, py, d) { /* if (this.isThrough() || this.isDebugThrough()) { return true; } */ if (!this.isMapPassablePx(px, py, d)) { return false; } if (this.isCollidedWithCharactersPx($gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(px, d), $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(py, d))) { return false; } return true; }; Game_Follower.prototype.chaseCharacter = function (character) { var dpx = this.deltaPxFrom(character.px); var dpy = this.deltaPyFrom(character.py); dpx = Math.abs(dpx) > followerDistance ? dpx : 0; dpy = Math.abs(dpy) > followerDistance ? dpy : 0; if (dpx !== 0 || dpy !== 0) { if (dpx !== 0 && dpy !== 0) { this.moveDiagonally(dpx > 0 ? 4 : 6, dpy > 0 ? 8 : 2); } else if (dpx !== 0) { this.moveStraight(dpx > 0 ? 4 : 6); } else if (dpy !== 0) { this.moveStraight(dpy > 0 ? 8 : 2); } if (!this.isMovementSucceeded()) { this.moveDir8(this.findChaseDirection(character)); } this.setMoveSpeed($gamePlayer.realMoveSpeed()); } }; Game_Follower.prototype.findChaseDirection = function (character) { var nodes = []; var px = this._px; var py = this._py; var makeNode = function (px, py, gScore, fScore, direction) { return { px: px, py: py, g: gScore, f: fScore, direction: direction }; }; for (var direction = 1; direction <= 9; direction++) { if (direction === 5) { continue; } var npx = px; var npy = py; switch (direction) { case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: npx = $gameMap.roundPxWithDirection(npx, direction); npy = $gameMap.roundPyWithDirection(npy, direction); break; case 1: npx--; npy++; break; case 3: npx++; npy++; break; case 7: npx--; npy--; break; case 9: npx++; npy--; break; } if (direction % 2 === 0) { if (!this.canPassPx(px, py, direction)) { continue; } } else { if (!this.canPassDiagonallyPx(px, py, npx - px > 0 ? 6 : 4, npy - py > 0 ? 2 : 8)) { continue; } } nodes.push(makeNode(npx, npy, 1, 1 + $gameMap.distancePx(npx, npy, character.px, character.py), direction)); } if (nodes.length < 1) { return 0; } var best = nodes[0]; for (var i = 1; i < nodes.length; i++) { var current = nodes[i]; if (current.f < best.f) { best = current; } } return best.direction; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Followers Game_Followers.prototype.jumpAll = function () { if ($gamePlayer.isJumping()) { for (var i = 0; i < this._data.length; i++) { var follower = this._data[i]; var sx = toTile($gamePlayer.deltaPxFrom(follower.px)); var sy = toTile($gamePlayer.deltaPyFrom(follower.py)); follower.jump(sx, sy); } } }; /* Game_Followers.prototype.isSomeoneCollided = function(x, y) { return this.visibleFollowers().some(function(follower) { return follower.pos(x, y); }, this); }; */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Vehicle // TODO: Support vehicles //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Character var aliasSpriteCharacterPrototypeSetCharacter = Sprite_Character.prototype.setCharacter; Sprite_Character.prototype.setCharacter = function () { aliasSpriteCharacterPrototypeSetCharacter.apply(this, arguments); if (drawCollisionMask && this._character) { this.debugDrawCollisionMask(); } }; Sprite_Character.prototype.debugDrawCollisionMask = function () { var sprite = new Sprite(new Bitmap($gameMap.tileWidth(), $gameMap.tileHeight())); sprite.anchor = this.anchor; sprite.opacity = 80; var cm = this._character.collisionMask; var sw = $gameMap.tileWidthPx(); var sh = $gameMap.tileHeightPx(); for (var sx = 0; sx < cm.xSize; sx++) { for (var sy = 0; sy < cm.ySize; sy++) { if (cm.get(sx, sy)) { sprite.bitmap.fillRect(sx * sw, sy * sh, sw, sh, this._character.isThrough() || !this._character.isNormalPriority() ? 'green' : 'red'); } } } this.addChild(sprite); }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Sprite_Destination Sprite_Destination.prototype.updatePosition = function () { var dpx = $gameTemp.destinationPx(); var dpy = $gameTemp.destinationPy(); this.x = $gameMap.adjustX(toTile(dpx)) * tileSection * $gameMap.tileWidthPx(); this.y = ($gameMap.adjustY(toTile(dpy)) * tileSection - 1) * $gameMap.tileHeightPx(); }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Scene_Map Scene_Map.prototype.processMapTouch = function () { if (TouchInput.isTriggered()) { $gameTemp.setDestination($gameMap.canvasToMapPx(TouchInput.x), $gameMap.canvasToMapPy(TouchInput.y)); } }; var aliasSceneMapPrototypeUpdate = Scene_Map.prototype.update; Scene_Map.prototype.update = function () { if ($gameMap.isCollisionMaskSet()) { aliasSceneMapPrototypeUpdate.apply(this, arguments); } else { Scene_Base.prototype.update.call(this); } }; })();
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