作者: tseyik 时间: 2016-6-20 15:20
Conditional Branch+ v1.0
* Combining Checks
* Use "&&", "||", and "()" to combine several checks in a conditional branch.
* && = this AND that are true
* || = this OR that are true
* () = order of operations, check innermost parentheses first
* ! = translates to NOT. EX. !Check.has(1) checks if player DOESN'T have
* item id 1 in their inventory.
* -- EX: (Check.has(1) && Check.greater(1 , 0)) || Check.has(2)
* -- Checks if player has item 1 and variable 1 > 0, or player has item 2.
* ==============================================================================
* Possible Checks
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Items
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check.has(*items)
* -- EX: Check.has(1, 3, 4)
* -- checks if player has items 1, 3, and 4 in inventory.
* Check.has_more(*items, number)
* -- EX: Check.has_more(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if player has at least five (includes 5) of items 1, 2, 3, 4.
* Check.has_less(*items, number)
* -- EX: Check.has_less(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if player has at most five (includes 5) of items 1, 2, 3, 4.
* Check.has_any(*items)
* -- EX: Check.has_any(1, 3, 4)
* -- checks if player has either item 1, 3, or 4 in inventory.
* Check.each_more(*[item, number])
* -- EX: Check.each_more([1, 2], [2, 4])
* -- checks if there are at least 2 of item 1 and at least 4 of item 2.
* Check.each_less(*[item, number])
* -- EX: Check.each_less([1, 2], [2, 4])
* -- checks if there are at most 2 of item 1 and at most 4 of item 2.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Variables
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check.is_any(variable, *values)
* -- EX: Check.is_any(1, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if variable 1 is either 3, 4, or 5.
* Check.greater(*variables, value)
* -- EX: Check.greater(1, 2, 3, 5)
* -- checks if variables 1, 2, and 3 are at least 5.
* Check.lesser(*variables, value)
* -- EX: Check.lesser(1, 2, 3, 5)
* -- checks if variables 1, 2, and 3 are at most 5.
* Check.in_range(*variables, start, stop)
* -- EX: Check.in_range(1, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if variable 1 AND 3 are between 4 and 5, including 4 and 5.
* Check.any_inrange(*variables, start, stop)
* -- EX: Check.any_inrange(1, 3, 4, 5)
* -- checks if variable 1 OR 3 are between 4 and 5, including 4 and 5.
* Check.each_is(*[variable, value])
* -- EX: Check.each_is([1, 3], [4, 5])
* -- checks if variable 1 is 3, and variable 4 is 5.
* Check.each_greater(*[variable, value])
* -- EX: Check.each_greater([1, 3], [4, 5])
* -- checks if variable 1 is at least 3 and variable 4 is at least 5.
* Check.each_lesser(*[variable, value])
* -- EX: Check.each_lesser([1, 3], [4, 5])
* -- checks if variable 1 is at most 3 and variable 4 is at most 5.
* Check.each_inrange(*[variable, start, stop])
* -- EX: Check.in_range([1, 3, 5], [3, 1, 4])
* -- checks if variable 1 is between 3 and 5, and variable 3 is between 1 and 4.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Switches
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check.all_true(*switches)
* -- EX: Check.true(1, 2, 3)
* -- checks if switches 1, 2, 3 are true.
* Check.any_true(*switches)
* -- EX: Check.any_true(1, 2, 3)
* -- checks if either of switches 1, 2, 3 are true.
* Check.all_false(*switches)
* -- EX: Check.false(1, 2, 3)
* -- checks if switches 1, 2, 3 are false.
* Check.any_false(*switches)
* -- EX: Check.any_false(1, 2, 3)
* -- checks if either of switches 1, 2, 3 are false.
* Check.each_switch(*[switch, on/off])
* If on, put 1. If off, put 0.作者: iceBOXz 时间: 2016-6-20 18:09 本帖最后由 iceBOXz 于 2016-6-20 19:01 编辑
我流中文翻譯一下 很實用 裡面還有一些例子
* Use "&&", "||", and "()" to combine several checks in a conditional branch.
"&&" "||" "()" 主要用這3個JS符號去判定接下來的事件
* && = this AND that are true
&& 的意思是 "這個條件和那個條件都要滿足"
* || = this OR that are true
|| 的意思是 "這個條件或那個條件滿足一個就行"
* () = order of operations, check innermost parentheses first
() 的意思是.......唔..大概是 "括住的東西 就是判定的條件" , 而且是由最裡面的一個開始計算
* ! = translates to NOT. EX. !Check.has(1) checks if player DOESN'T have
! 的意思是 "不等於條件"
* -- EX: (Check.has(1) && Check.greater(1 , 0)) || Check.has(2)
* -- Checks if player has item 1 and variable 1 > 0, or player has item 2.
例子 : (Check.has(1) && Check.greater(1 , 0)) || Check.has(2)
理解上就是 當有(1)號物品 而 某變量又大過1 時 , 又或者有(2)號物品時 , 就通過判定
作者: 西姐 时间: 2016-6-20 18:42
这不是我之前想要的吗,一直想搞个窗口,类似侠客风云传的那种{:2_263:}作者: tseyik 时间: 2016-6-21 13:22
In the past, if you wanted to see if the player has more than 10 potions in their inventory, you would have to open up a new event and do the following:
Control Variables > Variable 1 > Set > Game Data > Item "Potion" In Inventory > OK > OK > New Line > Conditional Branch > Variable 1 is > Greater than or equal to > "10" > OK
控制變量>變量1>設置>遊戲資料>項“藥水”在清單> OK> OK>新線>條件分支>變量1>大於或等於>“10”>確定
多麼乏味! 如果只是有一個更簡單,更有效的方式...
有條件分公司> SCRIPT>“Check.has_more(1,10)”>確定