// ============================================================================
// Plug-in: DMV_MapButtons.js
// Version: 1.0.1
// Author: David Bow (Dekita)
// ============================================================================
* @author Dekita ([url]www.dekyde.com[/url])
* @plugindesc This plugin allows for the game map screen to show some
* cool menu buttons that run user defined code upon trigger.
* @help
* ============================================================================
* ■ System Information:
* ============================================================================
* This plugin creates upto 25 map buttons that can be used to run almost any
* code you desire. By default, 7 of these buttons trigger the main menu
* scenes, and the rest buttons are left used to allow for expansion with
* custom plugins that create a new scene.
* Each button consists of two states - hot, and cold.
* Cold state means that the button is not being pressed, hot means that it is.
* Each state also has its own image, in this case, an icon. This means that
* each map button is designated two icon id's, one for hot, and one for cold.
* Note:
* As of v1.0.1 there is a dedicated page for this system on my website,
* The aforementioned page has some examples of the advanced features this
* system provides. It can be found at the following web address:
* [url]www.dekyde.com/dmv-mapbuttons[/url]
* ============================================================================
* ■ Script Calls:
* ============================================================================
* $gameSystem.resetMapButtons();
* \_: Resets all map buttons x, y, icons, function, visible flags to default
* $gameSystem.mapButton(id);
* \_: Returns the button sprite for map button 'id'
* $gameSystem.mapButtonX(id);
* \_: Returns the button sprite x position for map button 'id'
* $gameSystem.setMapButtonX(id, newX);
* | : Sets the x position of map button 'id' to 'newX'
* \_: Returns the new x position, or -1 if invalid id given
* $gameSystem.mapButtonY(id);
* \_: Returns the button sprite y position for map button 'id'
* $gameSystem.setMapButtonY(id, newY);
* | : Sets the y position of map button 'id' to 'newY'
* \_: Returns the new y position, or -1 if invalid id given
* $gameSystem.mapButtonIcon1(id);
* \_: Returns the cold icon for button 'id', or 0 if invalid id given
* $gameSystem.mapButtonIcon2(id);
* \_: Returns the hot icon for button 'id', or 0 if invalid id given
* $gameSystem.setMapButtonIcons(id, icon1, icon2);
* | : Sets button 'id's cold icon to 'icon1', and hot icon to 'icon2'
* \_: Returns true if icons changed, false otherwise
* $gameSystem.mapButtonVisible(id);
* \_: Returns the visibility for button 'id', or false if invalid id given
* $gameSystem.setMapButtonVisible(id, visiBool);
* | : Sets the visibility of button 'id' to 'visiBool'
* \_: Returns the new visibility for button 'id', or false if invalid id given
* $gameSystem.mapButtonFunk();
* \_: Returns the function string for button 'id', or false if invalid id
* $gameSystem.setMapButtonFunk(id, newFunkString);
* | : Sets the function for button 'id' to 'newFunkString'
* \_: Returns the new function string for button 'id', or false if invalid id
* ============================================================================
* ■ Terms && Conditions:
* ============================================================================
* This plugin is completely free to use, both commercially and privately -
* Providing the following copy is shown within the project credits;
* Copyright (C) 2015 - Dekyde Studios
* Dekyde Studios Developer: Dekita - dekita(at)dekyde.com
* Additionally, this header should remain intact at all times.
* You are not allowed to redistribute this plugin directly. Instead, provide
* a link to the following website;
* [url]www.dekyde.com[/url]
* ============================================================================
* ■ Financial Contributions:
* ============================================================================
* If you like my work and want to see more of it in the future, I ask that you
* consider offering a financial donation.
* Most of the plugins I write are free to use commercially, and many hours of
* work go into each and every one - not including the time spent bug hunting
* and performing optimization modifications.
* If you do wish to provide your support, you can do so at the following link;
* [url]www.patreon.com/Dekita[/url]
* ============================================================================
* ■ Stay Up To Date:
* ============================================================================
* I advise that you check regularly to see if any of the plugins you use
* have been updated. The plugin updates will include things like bugfixes and
* new features, so it is highly recommended.
* You can get the latest versions of my Mv plugins from [url]www.dekyde.com/DMV[/url]
* ============================================================================
* ■ Change Log:
* ============================================================================
* v.1.0.1 - Changed plugin name from DMV_MapMenuButtons to DMV_MapButtons,
* - Complete overhaul to button containers structure,
* - Increased possible buttons from 9 to 25,
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.resetMapButtons();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.mapButton();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.mapButtonX();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.mapButtonY();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.setMapButtonX();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.setMapButtonY();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.mapButtonIcon1();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.mapButtonIcon2();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.setMapButtonIcons();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.mapButtonVisible();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.setMapButtonVisible();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.mapButtonFunk();
* - Added script call: $gameSystem.setMapButtonFunk();
* v.1.0.0 - Initial Release,
* ============================================================================
* [url]www.dekyde.com[/url]
* ============================================================================
* @param Button 1 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: 466, 2, 321, 337, 1
* @default 466, 2, 321, 337, 1
* @param Button 1 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 1 is triggered
* @default SceneManager.push(Scene_Item)
* @param Button 2 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: 500, 2, 323, 339, 1
* @default 500, 2, 323, 339, 1
* @param Button 2 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 2 is triggered
* @default $gameParty.setMenuActor($gameParty.leader());SceneManager.push(Scene_Skill)
* @param Button 3 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: 534, 2, 324, 340, 1
* @default 534, 2, 324, 340, 1
* @param Button 3 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 3 is triggered
* @default $gameParty.setMenuActor($gameParty.leader());SceneManager.push(Scene_Equip)
* @param Button 4 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: 568, 2, 326, 342, 1
* @default 568, 2, 326, 342, 1
* @param Button 4 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 4 is triggered
* @default $gameParty.setMenuActor($gameParty.leader());SceneManager.push(Scene_Status)
* @param Button 5 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: 602, 2, 329, 345, 1
* @default 602, 2, 329, 345, 1
* @param Button 5 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 5 is triggered
* @default SceneManager.push(Scene_Options)
* @param Button 6 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: 636, 2, 331, 347, 1
* @default 636, 2, 331, 347, 1
* @param Button 6 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 6 is triggered
* @default SceneManager.push(Scene_Save)
* @param Button 7 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: 670, 2, 332, 348, 1
* @default 670, 2, 332, 348, 1
* @param Button 7 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 7 is triggered
* @default SceneManager.push(Scene_GameEnd)
* @param Button 8 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 8 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 8 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 9 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 9 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 9 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 10 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 10 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 10 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 11 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 11 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 11 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 12 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 12 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 12 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 13 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 13 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 13 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 14 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 14 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 14 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 15 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 15 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 15 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 16 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 16 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 16 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 17 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 17 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 17 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 18 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 18 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 18 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 19 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 19 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 19 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 20 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 20 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 20 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 21 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 21 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 21 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 22 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 22 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 22 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 23 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 23 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 23 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 24 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 24 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 24 is triggered
* @default null
* @param Button 25 Data
* @desc Sets x, y, coldIcon, hotIcon, and visibility flag
* Default: -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @default -1, -1, 0, 0, 0
* @param Button 25 Func
* @desc Sets the function used for when button 25 is triggered
* @default null
* Checks for DMV Core plugin and register if available
if (typeof DMV === 'undefined') {
var strA = "You need to install the DMV_Core plugin ";
var strB = "in order for other DMV plugins to work!";
throw new Error(strA + strB);
if (!DMV.require("DMV_Core","1.0.1")){
throw new Error("Your copy of DMV Core is outdated, please update!!");
DMV.register("MapButtons", "1.0.1", "16/11/2o15");
* AnonomousFunction(DMV)
* Use strict mode
"use strict";
* params
* Holds all parameters for this plugin
var params = PluginManager.parameters('DMV_MapButtons');
* button_size
* Holds integer for number of default button params to read
var button_size = 25;
* DMV.createMapButton(icon1, icon2, parent)
* @param icon1 the icon to show for buttons cold frame
* @param icon2 the icon to show for buttons hot frame
* @param parent [optional] if given will call addChild
* to add the button into the parents child list
* [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=352621]@return[/url] new button
$.createMapButton = function(parent, id) {
var button = new $.Sprite.MapButton(id);
button.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem('IconSet');
var icon1 = $gameSystem.mapButtonIcon1(id);
var icon2 = $gameSystem.mapButtonIcon2(id);
button.setBothFrames(icon1, icon2);
if (parent !== undefined && parent.addChild){
return button;
* DMV.Sprite.MapButton.prototype Variables && Functions
$.Sprite.MapButton = $.extend(Sprite_Button);
(function (mapbutt){
* DMV.Sprite.MapButton.prototype.initialize(buttID);
* @param buttID the id of this button
* Initializes the map button
var initialize = mapbutt.initialize;
mapbutt.initialize = function(buttID) {
initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this._map_butt_id = buttID;
* DMV.Sprite.MapButton.prototype.isButtonTouched();
* @return true if button is being touched and
* game message is not showing, false otherwise.
var isButtonTouched = mapbutt.isButtonTouched;
mapbutt.isButtonTouched = function(){
return !$gameMessage.isBusy() && isButtonTouched.apply(this, arguments);
* DMV.Sprite.MapButton.prototype.setBothFrames(icon1, icon2);
* @param icon1 the icon to show for buttons cold frame
* @param icon2 the icon to show for buttons hot frame
mapbutt.setBothFrames = function(icon1, icon2){
var bw = Window_Base._iconWidth, bh = Window_Base._iconHeight;
this.setColdFrame(icon1%16*bw, Math.floor(icon1/16)*bh, bw, bh);
this.setHotFrame(icon2%16*bw, Math.floor(icon2/16)*bh ,bw, bh);
* DMV.Sprite.MapButton.prototype.callClickHandler();
* Calls the function associated with this button.
mapbutt.callClickHandler = function() {
var funk = $gameSystem.mapButtonFunk(this._map_butt_id);
if (funk) { Function(funk).apply(this, arguments) };
* DMV.Sprite.MapButton.prototype.update();
* Updates this button and ensures the visibility, x, and y
* values for the sprite are also updated accordingly.
var update = mapbutt.update;
mapbutt.update = function() {
update.apply(this, arguments);
this.visible = $gameSystem.mapButtonVisible(this._map_butt_id);
this.x = $gameSystem.mapButtonX(this._map_butt_id);
this.y = $gameSystem.mapButtonY(this._map_butt_id);
* End DMV.Sprite.MapButton.prototype declarations
* Spriteset_Map.prototype Variables && Functions
(function (sprmap) {
* Spriteset_Map.prototype.createUpperLayer();
* Calls previous function definition and then creates
* all the menu buttons that should be shown on the map
var createUpper = sprmap.createUpperLayer;
sprmap.createUpperLayer = function() {
createUpper.apply(this, arguments);
* Spriteset_Map.prototype.createMapButtons();
* Adds all menu buttons that should be shown onto the spriteset.
sprmap.createMapButtons = function() {
this._mapButtons = [];
var button, funktn, x, y, i;
for (i=0; i < button_size; i++){
x = $gameSystem.mapButtonX(i);
y = $gameSystem.mapButtonY(i);
if (x != -1 && y != -1){
button = DMV.createMapButton(this, i);
button = false;
* End Spriteset_Map.prototype declarations
* Game_Temp.prototype Variables && Functions
(function (temp) {
* Game_Temp.prototype.map_buttons
* @return the maps buttons sprite array, if on the map of course.
$.reader(temp,'map_buttons', function(){
var a = SceneManager._scene._spriteset;
return $.isScene(Scene_Map) && a ? a._mapButtons : [];
* Game_Temp.prototype.setDestinationNotaButton()
* Ensures a button was not pressed at the current TouchInput x && y
* Called internally from within Game_Temp.setDestination();
* @return false if input was within the space of a button.
* @return true otherwise.
temp.setDestinationNotaButton = function(){
var bt, ix, iy;
var x = TouchInput.x;
var y = TouchInput.y;
var s = this.map_buttons.length;
for (var i = 0; i < s; i++){
bt = this.map_buttons[i];
ix = (x >= bt.x) && (x <= bt.x + bt.width);
iy = (y >= bt.y) && (y <= bt.y + bt.height);
if (ix && iy) {return false};
return true;
* Game_Temp.prototype.setDestination(x,y)
* Ensures a button is not pressed at the desired
* point and if not, allows the previous definition
* to be called which will make the player move.
var setDest = temp.setDestination;
temp.setDestination = function(x, y) {
if (this.setDestinationNotaButton()){
setDest.apply(this, arguments);
* End Game_Temp.prototype declarations
* Game_System.prototype Variables && Functions
(function (syst){
* Game_System.prototype.initialize();
* Initializes the button data for the game
var initialize = syst.initialize;
syst.initialize = function() {
initialize.apply(this, arguments);
* Game_System.prototype.resetMapButtons();
* Resets the button data for the game
syst.resetMapButtons = function(){
this._mapButtonDatas = [null];
this._mapButtonFunks = [null];
for (var i = 1; i <= button_size; i++) {
var string = 'Button ' + i + ' ';
* Game_System.prototype.isMapButt(id);
* @param id the button id to ensure is valid
* @return true or false, based on if button is valid
syst.isMapButt = function(id){
return id > 0 && id <= button_size;
* Game_System.prototype.mapButton(id);
* @param id the id of the button to get
* @return the button sprite if valid, else null
syst.mapButton = function(id) {
return this.isMapButt(id) ? $gameTemp.map_buttons[id] : null;
* Game_System.prototype.mapButtonX(id);
* @param id the id of the button to check
* @return the button's x position if valid, else -1
syst.mapButtonX = function(id){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonDatas[id][0] : -1;
* Game_System.prototype.setMapButtonX(id, newX);
* @param id the id of the button to check
* @param newX the new x position to set for the button id
* @return buttons new y position if valid
* @return false if not valid button
syst.setMapButtonX = function(id, newX){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonDatas[id][0] = newX : false;
* Game_System.prototype.mapButtonY(id);
* @param id the id of the button to check
* @return the button's y position if valid, else -1
syst.mapButtonY = function(id){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonDatas[id][1] : -1;
* Game_System.prototype.setMapButtonY(id, newY);
* @param id the id of the button to check
* @param newY the new y position to set for the button id
* @return buttons new y position if valid
* @return false if not valid button
syst.setMapButtonY = function(id, newY){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonDatas[id][1] = newY : false;
* Game_System.prototype.mapButtonIcon1(id);
* @param id the id of the button to check
* @return the button's cold icon id if valid, else 0
syst.mapButtonIcon1 = function(id){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonDatas[id][2] : 0;
* Game_System.prototype.mapButtonIcon2(id);
* @param id the id of the button to check
* @return the button's hot icon id if valid, else 0
syst.mapButtonIcon2 = function(id){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonDatas[id][3] : 0;
* Game_System.prototype.setMapButtonIcons(id, icon1, icon2);
* @param id the id of the button to change icons of
* @param icon1 the icon to use for the cold icon for this button
* @param icon2 the icon to use for the hot icon for this button
* @return true if button icons changed, false otherwise
syst.setMapButtonIcons = function(buttonID, icon1, icon2){
var button;
if (this.isMapButt(buttonID)){
this._mapButtonDatas[buttonID][2] = icon1;
this._mapButtonDatas[buttonID][3] = icon2;
if (button = this.mapButton(buttonID)){
button.setBothFrames(icon1, icon2);
return true;
return false;
* Game_System.prototype.mapButtonVisible(id);
* @param id the id of the button to check
* @return the button visibility flag if valid button, or false
syst.mapButtonVisible = function(id){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonDatas[id][4] : false;
* Game_System.prototype.setMapButtonVisible(id, visiBool);
* @param id the id of the button to check
* @param visiBool the boolean to use to set this buttons visibility
syst.setMapButtonVisible = function(id, visiBool){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonDatas[id][4] = visiBool : false;
* Game_System.prototype.mapButtonFunk(id);
* @param id the id of the button to check
* @return the buttons function string if valid, or false
syst.mapButtonFunk = function(id){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonFunks[id] : false;
* Game_System.prototype.setMapButtonFunk(id, newFunkString);
* @param id the id of the button to change functions of
* @param newFunkString the new function string to use for button id
syst.setMapButtonFunk = function(id, newFunkString){
return this.isMapButt(id) ? this._mapButtonFunks[id] = newFunkString : false;
* End Game_System.prototype declarations
* Scene Variables && Functions
* [ private ] aliasSceneStart(sceneProto)
* Ensures the status window is refreshed upon scene start
* This fixes a bug where actors faces would not show.
function aliasSceneStart(sceneProto) {
var sceneProto_start = sceneProto.prototype.start;
sceneProto.prototype.start = function() {
sceneProto_start.apply(this, arguments);
if (this._statusWindow){
* Scene_Status.prototype.start()
* Scene_Equip.prototype.start()
* @note this has no effect unless using a custon script
* that would show the actor face within equip scene
* Scene_Skill.prototype.start()
* End declarations
* End Plugin
* [url]www.dekyde.com[/url]