Player Vision - Player can have vision (to clear fog)
Event Vision - Events can have vision. These events will be referred to as origins
Vision Range - Each origin has it's own vision range.
Vision Type - Different vision shapes - diamond, square, circle, directional. Each origin can have it's own type
Flying Vision - An origin can have flying vision (see through mountains, forest, etc).
Vision Brightness - Each origin has it's own vision brightness
Map Hidden - Entire map is initially blacked out, and map is revealed by origins
Strict Diagonals - Can configure whether origins can see past two diagonally-placed blocked tiles
Targets - Events can be marked as a target. Targets will disappear when it stands on a fogged tile
Blockers - Events can be marked as a blocker. Blockers can block vision.
Tile Type by RegionId:
Plain: Can always see through
Forest: Cannot see through unless on a hill, mountain, watchtower, or have flying vision
Hill: Cannot see through unless on a hill, mountain, watchtower, or have flying vision
Mountain/Wall: Cannot see through unless have flying vision
Dark: Can always see through, but can never be revealed
Blocked: Cannot see through unless have flying vision. Can never be revealed.
Watchtower: Can always see through. Have elevated height (can be configured)