这个页面重新下载文件替换一下试试。作者: godxorn 时间: 2017-11-14 10:17
* @plugindesc Allows developers to create their own map-based HUD through an in-game GUI window!
* @author SumRndmDde
* @param Active Updating
* @desc If 'true', then HUD pieces will automatically update whenever properties are changed in the editor.
* @default false
* @param Show During Events
* @desc Sets what happens to the HUD during event processing.
* Choices are: hide - show - transparent
* @default transparent
* @param Map Global Condition
* @desc This is a condition that must be true for the map HUD to be visible and active.
* @default
* @param Battle Global Condition
* @desc This is a condition that must be true for the battle HUD to be visible and active.
* @default
* @param Disable Delete Key
* @desc If 'true', the Delete key will no longer delete the currently highlighted piece.
* @default true
* @help
* HUD Maker
* Version 1.42
* SumRndmDde
* This plugin allows developers to create their own map-based HUD through
* an in-game GUI window!
* ==============================================================================
* Image Installation
* ==============================================================================
* All HUD images must be placed in:
* /img/SumRndmDde/hud/
* They need to be segmented into four folders:
* - pictures
* - numbers
* - gauge_images
* - gauge_backs
* Each folder will be used to hold images for the corresponding pieces:
* - Picture
* - Image Numbers
* - Image Gauge
* ==============================================================================
* End of Help File
* ==============================================================================
* Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.
* Thanks for reading!
* If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
* out my YouTube channel!
* https://www.youtube.com/c/SumRndmDde
* Until next time,
* ~ SumRndmDde
_.alertNeedSuperToolsEngine = function(update) {
if(update) {
alert("The 'SRD_SuperToolsEngine' needs to be version 1.12 or greater to use the 'SRD_HUDMaker' plugin.");
} else {
alert("The 'SRD_SuperToolsEngine' plugin is required for using the 'SRD_HUDMaker' plugin.");
if(confirm("Do you want to open the download page to 'SRD_SuperToolsEngine'?")) {
if(!Imported["SumRndmDde Super Tools Engine"]) {
} else if(Imported["SumRndmDde Super Tools Engine"] < 1.12) {
HUDManager.getControlsHtml = function() {
return `<p>
#Control {
width: 150px;
text-align: center;
<th id="Control">Input</th>
<td id="Control">Left-Click</td>
<td>While holding Left-Click, one can drag the HUD pieces around on the main screen.</td>
<td id="Control">CTRL</td>
<td>While holding CTRL, all snapping will be disabled when moving HUD pieces.</td>
<td id="Control">Z</td>
<td>While holding Z, the HUD piece will be locked to its current X coordinate.</td>
<td id="Control">X</td>
<td>While holding X, the HUD piece will be locked to its current Y coordinate.</td>
<td id="Control">Arrow Keys</td>
<td>Can be used to precisely place the HUD pieces in their desired locations; moves the selected piece 1 pixel in a specific direction.</td>
<td id="Control">Arrow Keys + SHIFT</td>
<td>Moves the HUD pieces in intervals of 10 pixels.</td>
<td id="Control">Delete</td>
<td>Deletes the currently selected HUD piece.</td>
<td id="Control">CTRL + S</td>
<td>Saves the current piece's settings and refreshes it on the main window.</td>
HUDManager.setupCreditsHtml = function() {
if(!this._internet) {
alert("No internet connection detected. Please check your connection and try again later.");
if(!this._checkComplete) {
alert("Update data has not finished loading. Please try again in a bit.");
MakerManager.document.body.innerHTML = this.topBar(3) + this.getCreditsHtml();
HUDManager.getCreditsHtml = function() {
return `<p>
<div style="float: center; width: 100%; text-align:center;"><br>
<b><u>List of HUD Maker Packs</u></b>
Here is a list of assets provided by tons of awesome people before and after the release of HUD Maker!
Please be sure to download and enjoy if you wish!
<em>Be sure to credit the asset creators if you choose to use their work.</em>
<div id="scrollStuff" style="background-color: ${MakerManager.colors[10]}; height: 475px; overflow: scroll;">