This script provides a number of built-in shop options for you to customize your shop goods for each shop.
Each shop option requires you to pass in a “good ID”, which is basically the order that the items appear in your “shop processing” list. The shop good at the top of the list has a good ID of 1, the next has a good ID of 2, and so on.
All shop options must be set before the shop processing command.
The following variables are available for all formulas:
v - game variables
s - game switches
p - game party
-- Hiding Goods --
You can prevent a shop good from appear in the shop list by using a
“hide formula”. To set a hide formula for a particular good, use the
script call
hide_good(good_id, hide_formula)
-- Disabling Goods --
Disabling a shop good means the player can’t buy it, but it will still appear
on the list. The default windows simply change the color of the good to
indicate that it can’t be selected. You can disable a shop good using a
“disable formula”, and can be set using the script call
disable_good(good_id, hide_formula)
-- Price Formulas --
Each shop good can have a custom price by defining a “price formula”. The
price is evaluated when the player visits the shop, so it is dynamically
generated based on the current game state.
To set a price formula, use the script call
price_good(good_id, price_formula)
-- Selling price formulas --
You can specify the selling price of all items for a particular shop.
To set the selling price, use the script call
sell_price(item_string, price_formula)
The item string uses the following format:
i2 - item ID 2
w4 - weapon ID 4
a12 - armor ID 12
If the sell price is not specified, then it is assumed to be half the