// Galv's Message Background
// Galv_MessageBackground.js
// 2016-04-02 - Version 1.4 - compatibilty fix for Message Styles plugin
// 2015-10-30 - Version 1.3 - removed accidental code + compatiblity change
// 2015-10-27 - Version 1.2 - fixed a bug with images showing over top
// 2015-10-26 - Version 1.1 - fixed bug with variable setting
// 2015-10-25 - Version 1.0 - release
// Terms can be found at:
// galvs-scripts.com
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.Galv_MessageBackground = true;
var Galv = Galv || {}; // Galv's main object
Galv.MBG = Galv.MBG || {}; // Galv's Message Background stuff
Galv.Mstyle = Galv.Mstyle || {}; // Compatibility
* @plugindesc Displays an image behind messages in place of the windowskin
* @author Galv - galvs-scripts.com
* @param Image Variable ID
* @desc Variable used to determine which image to display
* /img/system/msgimg_X.png - where X is the variable's value
* @default 1
* @param Disable Switch ID
* @desc Turn this switch ON usig control switches to disable the
* message image and revert back to windowskin (make 0 to not use)
* @default 1
* @help
* Galv's Message Background
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set the variable ID number you would like to use in the settings.
* This is the in-game variable that you wil change with "Control Variables"
* event command. (Default is variable 1, which has a value of 0 by default)
* This will select images from your project's folders:
* /img/system/msgimg_X.png - where X is the variable's value
* You can also set a switch ID in the settings. If you choose a switch, then
* during the game you can turn that switch number ON with "Control Switches"
* to disable the background image and go back to using default windowskin.
* This defaults to 0 meaning do not use this option.
* This 'Show Message' settings of "window", "Dim" and "Tranparent" have an
* effect on the message background image. Window shows image normally, Dim
* shows the image partially transparent and Transparent makes it invisible.