module Sword #======================================= Sword4_Message, Sword4_Help, Sword4_Synthesize = [], [], [[], [], []] #======================================= =begin ● 設置方法 呼叫方法(全部):$scene = 呼叫方法(物品):$scene = 呼叫方法(武器):$scene = 呼叫方法(防具):$scene = 習得公開:$game_party.sword_synthesize[種類][編號] = true 習得隱藏:$game_party.sword_synthesize[種類][編號] = false 遺忘合成:$game_party.sword_synthesize[種類][編號] = nil 全部公開:$game_party.sword_synthesize(true) 全部隱藏:$game_party.sword_synthesize(false) 全部遺忘:$game_party.sword_synthesize(nil) 機率加乘變量:$game_party.synthesize_multiply[種類][編號] =end #======================================= #● 使用者自定設置 Sword4_Width = 180 # 設定合成選項的寬度,相對的合成內容寬度也會更動 Sword4_NoCommand = '?????' # 習得卻未合成過的選項文字,''表示道具名稱 Sword4_Whether = '是否要消耗材料並合成道具?' # 合成提示文字,''為不提示 Sword4_Wait1 = 30 # 設定合成中的等待時間,每40約為1秒 Sword4_Wait2 = 30 # 設定成功或完成的訊息等待時間,每40約為1秒 Sword4_Roll = 3 # 設定材料5個以上時,滾動效果的速度 Sword4_Probability1 = 1 # 設定增加成功率的合成結果,0為失敗;1為成功;2是都可 Sword4_Probability2 = 1 # 設定每合成增加成功機率的數值,因Sword4_Probability1而定 Sword4_SE = '122-Ice03' # 開始合成時演奏SE檔名或動畫編號,''或0為不演奏 Sword4_Picture = '049-Skill06' # 當習得未合成時的圖示,XP用字串、VX用數值 Sword4_Menu = 0 # 關閉合成返回設定,0為地圖;1以上選單,並指著指定的選項 #-------------------------------------------------------------- #○ 合成提示窗口設定 # Sword4_Message[不必更改] = [紅, 綠, 藍, '文字內容'] Sword4_Message[0] = [255, 255, 255, '開始合成中...'] # 正在合成中 Sword4_Message[1] = [255, 0, 0, '合成失敗']# 合成失敗 Sword4_Message[2] = [255, 255, 0, '合成成功']# 合成成功 Sword4_Message[3] = [255, 0, 0, '材料不足'] # 材料不足 #-------------------------------------------------------------- #○ 說明窗口顯示設定 # Sword4_Help[不必更改] = ['文字內容', 靠邊位置] # 靠邊位置:0為靠左邊顯示、1為中央顯示、2為靠右邊顯示 Sword4_Help[0] = ['合成系統', 0] # 顯示所有物品、武器、防具時 Sword4_Help[1] = ['物品合成', 0] # 只顯示物品時 Sword4_Help[2] = ['武器合成', 0] # 只顯示武器時 Sword4_Help[3] = ['防具合成', 0] # 只顯示防具時 #-------------------------------------------------------------- #○ 合成資料表 # Sword4_Synthesize[合成種類][合成編號] = [{物品}, {武器}, {防具}, 成功率] # 合成種類:0為物品、1為武器、2為防具 # 物品、武器、防具:「編號=>數量」,每個相同種類材料必須用小逗號分開 Sword4_Synthesize[0][3] = [{1=>5, 2=>2}, {}, {}, 100] Sword4_Synthesize[0][6] = [{4=>5, 5=>2}, {}, {}, 80] Sword4_Synthesize[1][4] = [{}, {1=>3}, {}, 70] Sword4_Synthesize[1][8] = [{}, {5=>2, 6=>8}, {4=>1}, 70] Sword4_Synthesize[2][4] = [{}, {}, {1=>6, 2=>3, 3=>1}, 65] #======================================= $Sword ? $Sword[4] = true : $Sword = {4=>true} # 腳本使用標誌 ($Sword_VX = false ; RPG::Weather rescue $Sword_VX = true) if $Sword_VX == nil end #======================================= #■ 處理同伴的類別 class Game_Party include Sword attr_writer :sword_synthesize # 合成狀態數據 attr_accessor :synthesize_multiply # 機率加乘數值 #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 初始化物件 alias sword4_initialize initialize def initialize sword4_initialize @sword_synthesize = [$data_items.size + 1){nil},$data_weapons.size + 1){nil},$data_armors.size + 1){nil}] @synthesize_multiply = [$data_items.size + 1){0},$data_weapons.size + 1){0},$data_armors.size + 1){0}] end #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 讀取與全部修改的方法 def sword_synthesize(number = 0) return @sword_synthesize if number == 0 # 傳回值 (0..2).each{|i| (1...Sword4_Synthesize.size).each{|ii| next unless Sword4_Synthesize[ii] ; @sword_synthesize[ii] = number}} end end #======================================= #■ 合成系統窗口 class WSword_Synthesize < Window_Base include Sword attr_accessor :max_oy # 目前位圖Y座標 #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 初始化物件 def initialize @xpvx = $Sword_VX ? [Graphics.width, Graphics.height, WLH + 32] : [640, 480, 64] super(Sword4_Width, @xpvx[2], @xpvx[0] - Sword4_Width, @xpvx[1] - @xpvx[2]) self.contents =, 1) ; refresh end #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 更新內容(成品資料) def refresh(itema = nil) self.contents.clear ; return unless itema # 清除窗口內容 case itema[0] # 道具種類分歧 when 0 ; item = $data_items[itema[1]] # 物品 # [HP恢復量, SP(MP)恢復量, X, X, HP恢復率, SP(MP)恢復率, X] words = $Sword_VX ? [$data_system.terms.hp + '恢復量', $ + '恢復量', '', '', $data_system.terms.hp + '恢復率', $ + '恢復率', ''] : [$data_system.words.hp + '恢復量', $data_system.words.sp + '恢復量', '', '', $data_system.words.hp + '恢復率', $data_system.words.sp + '恢復率', ''] if $game_party.sword_synthesize[0][itema[1]] # 公開顯示的情況 amounts = $Sword_VX ? [item.hp_recovery.to_s, item.mp_recovery.to_s, '', '', item.hp_recovery_rate.to_s, item.mp_recovery_rate.to_s, ''] : [item.recover_hp.to_s, item.recover_sp.to_s, '', '', item.recover_hp_rate.to_s, item.recover_sp_rate.to_s, ''] if item.parameter_type > 0 # 有設定增加能力值的場合 words[3] = ($Sword_VX ? [$data_system.terms.hp, $, $data_system.terms.atk, $data_system.terms.def, $data_system.terms.spi, $data_system.terms.agi] : [$data_system.words.hp, $data_system.words.sp, $data_system.words.str, $data_system.words.dex, $data_system.words.agi, $])[item.parameter_type - 1] + '上限' amounts[3] = item.parameter_points.to_s end else ; amounts = ['??', '??', '', '', '??', '??', ''] # 未公開的場合 end number = $Sword_VX ? $game_party.item_number(item) : $game_party.item_number( # 持有數量 when 1 ; item = $data_weapons[itema[1]] # 武器 # [攻擊, 物防(防禦), 魔防(X), 力量(命中), 靈巧(精神), 速度(敏捷), 魔力(X)] words = $Sword_VX ? [$data_system.terms.atk, $data_system.terms.def, '', '命中率', $data_system.terms.spi, $data_system.terms.agi, ''] : [$data_system.words.atk, $data_system.words.pdef, $data_system.words.mdef, $data_system.words.str, $data_system.words.dex, $data_system.words.agi, $] if $game_party.sword_synthesize[1][itema[1]] # 公開顯示的情況 amounts = $Sword_VX ? [item.atk.to_s, item.def.to_s, '', item.hit.to_s + '%', item.spi.to_s, item.agi.to_s, ''] : [item.atk.to_s, item.pdef.to_s, item.mdef.to_s, item.str_plus.to_s, item.dex_plus.to_s, item.agi_plus.to_s, item.int_plus.to_s] else ; amounts = ['??'] * 7 # 未公開的場合 end number = $Sword_VX ? $game_party.item_number(item) : $game_party.weapon_number( # 持有數量 when 2 ; item = $data_armors[itema[1]] # 防具 # [物防(攻擊), 魔防(防禦), 迴避(X), 力量(迴避), 靈巧(精神), 速度(敏捷), 魔力(X)] words = $Sword_VX ? [$data_system.terms.atk, $data_system.terms.def, '', '回避率', $data_system.terms.spi, $data_system.terms.agi, ''] : [$data_system.words.pdef, $data_system.words.mdef, '回避', $data_system.words.str, $data_system.words.dex, $data_system.words.agi, $] if $game_party.sword_synthesize[2][itema[1]] # 公開顯示的情況 amounts = $Sword_VX ? [item.atk.to_s, item.def.to_s, '', item.eva.to_s + '%', item.spi.to_s, item.agi.to_s, ''] : [item.pdef.to_s, item.mdef.to_s, item.eva.to_s, item.str_plus.to_s, item.dex_plus.to_s, item.agi_plus.to_s, item.int_plus.to_s] else ; amounts = ['??'] * 7 # 未公開的場合 end number = $Sword_VX ? $game_party.item_number(item) : $game_party.armor_number( # 持有數量 end by, y, x, self.oy = 8, 32, Font.default_size * 5, 0 # 位圖行, 描繪Y, 描繪X, 起始位置 by += self.contents.text_size($game_party.sword_synthesize[itema[0]][itema[1]] ? item.description : '????????????').width / (self.width - 32) # 說明換行 (0..2).each{|i| by += Sword4_Synthesize[itema[0]][itema[1]].size} rescue raise("合成資料不存在,Sword4_Synthesize[#{itema[0]}][#{itema[1]}]未設置") # Error by -= 1 if $Sword_VX or itema[0] == 0 self.contents = - 32, by * 32) # 重新產生位圖 @max_oy = [by * 32 - (@xpvx[1] - @xpvx[2]) + 32, 0].max # 滾動限制 self.contents.font.color = normal_color # 數值和內容 if $game_party.sword_synthesize[itema[0]][itema[1]] # 公開顯示的情況 $Sword_VX ? draw_icon(item.icon_index, 0, 0, true) : # 圖標 contents.blt(0, 0, RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name), , 0, 24, 24)) contents.draw_text(28, 0, 640, 32, # 名稱 contents.draw_text(0, 0, self.width - 40, 32, number.to_s, 2) # 持有數 xx = 0 item.description.scan(/./).each{|c| cx = self.contents.text_size(c).width (xx = 0 ; y += 32) if xx + cx > self.width - 32 contents.draw_text(xx, y, cx, 32, c) ; xx += cx} # 說明 else # 隱藏顯示的場合 $Sword_VX ? draw_icon(Sword4_Picture, 0, 0, true) : # 圖標 contents.blt(0, 0, RPG::Cache.icon(Sword4_Picture), , 0, 24, 24)) contents.draw_text(28, 0, 640, 32, Sword4_NoCommand.empty? ? : Sword4_NoCommand) # 名稱 contents.draw_text(0, 0, self.width - 40, 32, '??', 2) # 持有數 contents.draw_text(0, 32, 640, 32, '????????????') # 說明 end probability = [[Sword4_Synthesize[itema[0]][itema[1]][3] + $game_party.synthesize_multiply[itema[0]][itema[1]], 100].min, 0].max.to_s + '%' contents.draw_text(x, y + 32, 640, 32, probability) # 成功率 contents.draw_text(x, y + 64, 640, 32, amounts[0]) contents.draw_text(x, y + 96, 640, 32, amounts[1]) contents.draw_text(x, y + 128, 640, 32, amounts[2]) contents.draw_text(self.width / 2 + x, y + 32, 640, 32, amounts[3]) contents.draw_text(self.width / 2 + x, y + 64, 640, 32, amounts[4]) contents.draw_text(self.width / 2 + x, y + 96, 640, 32, amounts[5]) contents.draw_text(self.width / 2 + x, y + 128, 640, 32, amounts[6]) sequence, yy = [Sword4_Synthesize[itema[0]][itema[1]][0].keys.sort, Sword4_Synthesize[itema[0]][itema[1]][1].keys.sort, Sword4_Synthesize[itema[0]][itema[1]][2].keys.sort], 7 + y / 32 yyy = 6 ; (yy -= 1 ; yyy = 5) if $Sword_VX or itema[0] == 0 (0...sequence.size).each{|i| sequence.each{|ii| stuff(i, ii, itema[1], yy, itema[0]) ; yy += 1}} self.contents.font.color = system_color # 用語 contents.draw_text(0, 0, self.width - 64, 32, '持有數:', 2) contents.draw_text(0, y + 32, 640, 32, '成功率') contents.draw_text(0, y + 64, 640, 32, words[0]) contents.draw_text(0, y + 96, 640, 32, words[1]) contents.draw_text(0, y + 128, 640, 32, words[2]) contents.draw_text(self.width / 2, y + 32, 640, 32, words[3]) contents.draw_text(self.width / 2, y + 64, 640, 32, words[4]) contents.draw_text(self.width / 2, y + 96, 640, 32, words[5]) contents.draw_text(self.width / 2, y + 128, 640, 32, words[6]) contents.draw_text(0, (yyy + y / 32) * 32, 640, 32, '所需道具') contents.draw_text(0, (yyy + y / 32) * 32, self.width - 138, 32, '持有數', 2) contents.draw_text(0, (yyy + y / 32) * 32, self.width - 42, 32, '所需數', 2) (0..7).each do |i| # 產生「:」 next if i == 3 or i == 7 if $Sword_VX next if [3, (item.parameter_type > 0 and $game_party.sword_synthesize[0][itema[1]]) ? nil : 4, 7].include?(i) if itema[0] == 0 # 物品的場合,忽略不必描繪的部份 if i > 3 ; i -= 4 contents.draw_text(self.width / 2 + Font.default_size * 4, 32 * i + 32 + y, 640, 32, ':') else ; contents.draw_text(Font.default_size * 4, 32 * i + 32 + y, 640, 32, ':') end end end #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 所需材料的內容 def stuff(kind, i, item, y, kind2) # 所需數 Sword4_Synthesize[kind2][item][kind] > 9 ? a = 64 : a = 69 self.contents.draw_text(0, y * 32, @xpvx[0] - Sword4_Width - a, 32, Sword4_Synthesize[kind2][item][kind].to_s, 2) # 圖示與持有數 case kind when 0 # 物品(材料) if $Sword_VX draw_icon($data_items.icon_index, 0, y * 32, true) items = $game_party.item_number($data_items) else self.contents.blt(0, y * 32, RPG::Cache.icon( $data_items.icon_name), , 0, 24, 24)) items = $game_party.item_number(i) end items >= Sword4_Synthesize[kind2][item][0] ? color = normal_color : color =, 64, 0) self.contents.draw_text(28, y * 32, 640, 32, $ # 持有數 self.contents.font.color = color items > 9 ? a = 160 : a = 165 self.contents.draw_text(0, y * 32, @xpvx[0] - Sword4_Width - a, 32, items.to_s, 2) self.contents.font.color = normal_color when 1 # 武器(材料) if $Sword_VX weapon = $game_party.item_number($data_weapons) draw_icon($data_weapons.icon_index, 0, y * 32, true) else weapon = $game_party.weapon_number(i) self.contents.blt(0, y * 32, RPG::Cache.icon( $data_weapons.icon_name), , 0, 24, 24)) end weapon >= Sword4_Synthesize[kind2][item][1] ? color = normal_color : color =, 64, 0) self.contents.draw_text(28, y * 32, 640, 32, $ # 持有數 self.contents.font.color = color weapon > 9 ? a = 160 : a = 165 self.contents.draw_text(0, y * 32, @xpvx[0] - Sword4_Width - a, 32, weapon.to_s, 2) self.contents.font.color = normal_color when 2 # 防具(材料) if $Sword_VX draw_icon($data_armors.icon_index, 0, y * 32, true) armors = $game_party.item_number($data_armors) else self.contents.blt(0, y * 32, RPG::Cache.icon( $data_armors.icon_name), , 0, 24, 24)) armors = $game_party.armor_number(i) end armors >= Sword4_Synthesize[kind2][item][2] ? color = normal_color : color =, 64, 0) self.contents.draw_text(28, y * 32, 640, 32, $ # 持有數 self.contents.font.color = color armors > 9 ? a = 160 : a = 165 self.contents.draw_text(0, y * 32, @xpvx[0] - Sword4_Width - a, 32, armors.to_s, 2) self.contents.font.color = normal_color end end end #======================================= #■ 是否合成提示窗口 class WSword_SynthesizeONOFF < Window_Base include Sword # 連接自定設置 attr_accessor :index # 游標位置 #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 初始化物件 def initialize @xpvx = $Sword_VX ? [Graphics.width, Graphics.height] : [640, 480] contents =[0], 32) @width = contents.text_size(Sword4_Whether).width @width = 32 if @width == 0 super((@xpvx[0] - @width) / 2 - 32, (@xpvx[1] - (Font.default_size + 10)*4)/2, @width + 32, (Font.default_size + 10) * 4) self.contents = - 32, height - 32) self.z, @Index = 400, 1 refresh end #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 更新內容 def refresh self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 640, 32, Sword4_Whether) self.contents.draw_text(0, 32, @width, 32, '是', 1) self.contents.draw_text(0, 64, @width, 32, '否', 1) self.cursor_rect.set(@width / 2 - (Font.default_size * 5 / 2), @index * 32 + 32, Font.default_size * 5, 32) end #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 更新游標 def update_cursor_rect $Sword_VX ? Sound.play_cursor : $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se) @index == 0 ? @index = 1 : @index = 0 self.cursor_rect.set(@width / 2 - (Font.default_size * 5 / 2), @index * 32 + 32, Font.default_size * 5, 32) end end #======================================= #■ 合成狀況窗口 class WSword_SynthesizeState < Window_Base include Sword # 連接自定設置 #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 初始化物件 def initialize @xpvx = $Sword_VX ? [Graphics.width, Graphics.height] : [640, 480] super(0, (@xpvx[1] - Font.default_size + 10) / 2 - 32, 64, Font.default_size + 42) self.contents = - 32, height - 32) self.z = 410 refresh end #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 更新內容 def refresh(help = nil, color = nil) return if help == nil self.contents.clear self.x = (@xpvx[0] - contents.text_size(help).width) / 2 - 32 self.width = contents.text_size(help).width + 32 self.contents = - 32, self.height - 32) self.contents.font.color = color self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, self.width, 32, help) end end #======================================= #■ 合成系統畫面 class Sword_Synthesize include Sword # 連接自定設置 #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 初始化物件 def initialize(item = nil) ; @item = item ; end #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 主處理 def main @help_window = # 產生幫助窗口 a = @item == nil ? Sword4_Help[0][0] : Sword4_Help[@item + 1][0] b = @item == nil ? Sword4_Help[0][1] : Sword4_Help[@item + 1][1] @help_window.set_text(a, b) @synthesizestate_wsword = # 產生合成狀態窗口 @synthesizestate_wsword.visible = false command @synthesize_wsword = # 產生合成內容窗口 @synthesize_wsword.refresh(@command[1][@command_window.index]) @synthesizeonoff_wsword = = false @synthesizeonoff_wsword.visible = false Graphics.transition loop{Graphics.update ; Input.update ; update ; break if $scene != self} Graphics.freeze @help_window.dispose ; @command_window.dispose ; @synthesize_wsword.dispose @synthesizeonoff_wsword.dispose ; @synthesizestate_wsword.dispose end #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 更新 def update @command_window.update ; @synthesizeonoff_wsword.update if #○ 當選項窗口活動時 if Input.repeat?(Input::UP) or Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN) # 更新合成內容 @synthesize_wsword.refresh(@command[1][@command_window.index]) elsif and @synthesize_wsword.oy > 0 # 向下滾動內容 return if @command[1].empty? @synthesize_wsword.oy -= Sword4_Roll @synthesize_wsword.oy = 0 if @synthesize_wsword.oy < 0 elsif # 向上滾動內容 return if @command[1].empty? if @synthesize_wsword.oy < @synthesize_wsword.max_oy @synthesize_wsword.oy += Sword4_Roll @synthesize_wsword.oy = @synthesize_wsword.max_oy if @synthesize_wsword.oy > @synthesize_wsword.max_oy end elsif Input.repeat?(Input::B) # 回到地圖 $Sword_VX ? Sound.play_cancel : $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $scene = Sword4_Menu > 0 ? - 1) : elsif Input.repeat?(Input::C) # 合成物品 # 無法合成的場合 if @command[1][@command_window.index] == false or @no $Sword_VX ? Sound.play_buzzer : $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end # 開始合成 success = true # 用來記錄是否可合成 a = @command[1][@command_window.index] eval("a = Sword4_Synthesize[#{a[0]}][#{a[1]}]") # 判斷是否有足夠的材料 for i in 0..2 for ii in a if $Sword_VX success = $game_party.item_number($data_items[ii[0]]) >= ii[1] if i == 0 success = $game_party.item_number($data_weapons[ii[0]]) >= ii[1] if i == 1 success = $game_party.item_number($data_armors[ii[0]]) >= ii[1] if i == 2 else success = $game_party.item_number(ii[0]) >= ii[1] if i == 0 success = $game_party.weapon_number(ii[0]) >= ii[1] if i == 1 success = $game_party.armor_number(ii[0]) >= ii[1] if i == 2 end # 當其中1個材料不符合的情況 unless success $Sword_VX ? Sound.play_buzzer : $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) unless Sword4_Message[3][3] == '' # 沒設定訊息的情況下 color = Sword4_Message[3] @synthesizestate_wsword.visible = true @synthesizestate_wsword.refresh( Sword4_Message[3][3],[0], color[1], color[2])) for i in 1..Sword4_Wait2 @command_window.update @synthesizeonoff_wsword.update Graphics.update end @synthesizestate_wsword.visible = false end return end end end # 開始活動是否合成選項窗口,不需提示就跳過 = true unless Sword4_Whether == '' @synthesizeonoff_wsword.update_cursor_rect if @synthesizeonoff_wsword.index == 0 $Sword_VX ? Sound.play_decision : $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) @synthesizeonoff_wsword.visible = true = false end return end end #○ 當是否合成選項窗口活動時 if if Input.repeat?(Input::C) or Sword4_Whether == '' @synthesizeonoff_wsword.index = 0 if Sword4_Whether == '' if @synthesizeonoff_wsword.index == 0 # 合成開始,開始消耗材料 ac = @command[1][@command_window.index] ; a = nil ; multiply = nil eval("multiply = $game_party.synthesize_multiply[#{ac[0]}][#{ac[1]}] a = Sword4_Synthesize[#{ac[0]}][#{ac[1]}]") (0..2).each do |i| a.each do |ii| if $Sword_VX items = $game_party.item_number($data_items[ii[0]]) weapons = $game_party.item_number($data_weapons[ii[0]]) armors = $game_party.item_number($data_armors[ii[0]]) if items >= ii[1] and i == 0 ; $game_party.lose_item($data_items[ii[0]], ii[1]) elsif weapons >= ii[1] and i == 1 ; $game_party.lose_item($data_weapons[ii[0]], ii[1]) elsif armors >= ii[1] and i == 2 ; $game_party.lose_item($data_armors[ii[0]], ii[1]) end else items = $game_party.item_number(ii[0]) weapons = $game_party.weapon_number(ii[0]) armors = $game_party.armor_number(ii[0]) if items >= ii[1] and i == 0 ; $game_party.lose_item(ii[0], ii[1]) elsif weapons >= ii[1] and i == 1 ; $game_party.lose_weapon(ii[0], ii[1]) elsif armors >= ii[1] and i == 2 ; $game_party.lose_armor(ii[0], ii[1]) end end end ; end # 結束活動是否合成選項窗口 @synthesizeonoff_wsword.visible = false = false = true # 顯示合成狀態 unless Sword4_Message[0][3] == '' @synthesizestate_wsword.visible = true color = Sword4_Message[0] @synthesizestate_wsword.refresh( Sword4_Message[0][3],[0], color[1], color[2])) end # 演奏合成SE if Sword4_SE == '' or Sword4_SE == 0 ; 0 # 不演奏SE elsif Sword4_SE.is_a?(Integer) # 指定動畫SE searr = [] (0...$data_animations[Sword4_SE].timings.size).each{|i| searr.push($data_animations[Sword4_SE].timings.frame)} (0...$data_animations[Sword4_SE].frame_max).each do |i| tim = $Sword_VX ? 3 : 2 tim.times {@command_window.update ; @synthesizeonoff_wsword.update Graphics.update} # 更新畫面與窗口 ii = searr.index(i) next unless ii se = $data_animations[Sword4_SE].timings[ii].se next if == '' Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/#{}", se.volume, se.pitch) end elsif Sword4_SE.is_a?(String) ; Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/#{Sword4_SE}") # 指定SE end (1..Sword4_Wait1).each do |i| # 合成延遲時間 break if Sword4_SE.is_a?(Integer) @command_window.update @synthesizeonoff_wsword.update Graphics.update end # 是否合成成功 @synthesizestate_wsword.visible = false if a[3] + multiply > rand(100) # 計算合成機率與合成成功時的場合 eval("$game_party.synthesize_multiply[#{ac[0]}][#{ac[1]}] += #{Sword4_Probability2}") if [1, 2].include?(Sword4_Probability1) unless Sword4_Message[2][3] == '' color = Sword4_Message[2] @synthesizestate_wsword.visible = true @synthesizestate_wsword.refresh( Sword4_Message[2][3],[0], color[1], color[2])) end a = @command[1][@command_window.index] # 如果是未合成物品,切換到已合成過 unless $game_party.sword_synthesize[a[0]][a[1]] $game_party.sword_synthesize[a[0]][a[1]] = true command(@command_window.index) end # 獲取合成的物品 if $Sword_VX b = @command[1][@command_window.index][1] case @command[1][@command_window.index][0] # 依道具種類決定執行內容 when 0 ; $game_party.gain_item($data_items, 1) when 1 ; $game_party.gain_item($data_weapons, 1) when 2 ; $game_party.gain_item($data_armors, 1) end else case @command[1][@command_window.index][0] when 0; $game_party.gain_item(@command[1][@command_window.index][1], 1) when 1;$game_party.gain_weapon(@command[1][@command_window.index][1],1) when 2; $game_party.gain_armor(@command[1][@command_window.index][1],1) end end else # 合成失敗時 eval("$game_party.synthesize_multiply[#{ac[0]}][#{ac[1]}] += #{Sword4_Probability2}") if [0, 2].include?(Sword4_Probability1) unless Sword4_Message[1][3] == '' color = Sword4_Message[1] @synthesizestate_wsword.visible = true @synthesizestate_wsword.refresh( Sword4_Message[1][3],[0], color[1], color[2])) end end @synthesize_wsword.refresh(@command[1][@command_window.index]) # 合成訊息時間 for i in 1..Sword4_Wait2 break if Sword4_Message[0][3] == '' break if Sword4_Message[1][3] == '' break if Sword4_Message[2][3] == '' @command_window.update @synthesizeonoff_wsword.update Graphics.update end else # 選擇否的情況 $Sword_VX ? Sound.play_cancel : $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) end # 結束活動是否合成選項窗口 @synthesizeonoff_wsword.visible = false = false = true @synthesizestate_wsword.visible = false elsif Input.repeat?(Input::UP) or Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN) # 更新游標 @synthesizeonoff_wsword.update_cursor_rect end end end #------------------------------------------------------------- #● 選項的方法 def command(index = 0) @command_window.dispose if @command_window # 該窗口存在就釋放該窗口 @command = [[], []] # [[道具名稱數組], [道具類型與編號數組]] # 設定選項文字 for i in 0..2 next unless @item == i unless @item == nil # 不符合顯示標準移到下次 for ii in 1...$game_party.sword_synthesize.size if $game_party.sword_synthesize[ii] case i # 依照道具種類決定執行內容 when 0 ; @command[0].push($data_items[ii].name) ; @command[1].push([0, ii]) when 1 ; @command[0].push($data_weapons[ii].name) ; @command[1].push([1, ii]) when 2 ; @command[0].push($data_armors[ii].name) ; @command[1].push([2, ii]) end elsif $game_party.sword_synthesize[ii] == false if Sword4_NoCommand == '' # 未合成過的道具用該道具名稱 case i # 依照道具種類決定執行內容 when 0 ; @command[0].push($data_items[ii].name) when 1 ; @command[0].push($data_weapons[ii].name) when 2 ; @command[0].push($data_armors[ii].name) end else ; @command[0].push(Sword4_NoCommand) # 直接指定未合過的選項文字 end case i # 依照道具種類決定執行內容 when 0 ; @command[1].push([0, ii, false]) when 1 ; @command[1].push([1, ii, false]) when 2 ; @command[1].push([2, ii, false]) end end end end @no = true if @command[0].empty? @command[0] = [' '] if @command[0].empty? # 產生選項窗口 @command_window =, @command[0]) if $Sword_VX ; @command_window.y = 56 ; @command_window.height = 360 else ; @command_window.y = 64 ; @command_window.height = 416 end @command_window.index = index # 無效的顏色 (0...@command[1].size).each{|i| if $Sword_VX ; @command_window.draw_item(i, false) if @command[1][2] == false else ; @command_window.disable_item(i) if @command[1][2] == false end} end end
捕获.PNG (20.86 KB, 下载次数: 12)
捕获1.PNG (19.45 KB, 下载次数: 11)
正太君 发表于 2019-3-21 00:09
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