下载工程 游戏复制到assets 然后编译
MV自带的 插件 Community_Basic 这个文件需要修改代码 配合这个工程使用
* @plugindesc Plugin used to set basic parameters.
* @author RM CoreScript team
* @help This plugin does not provide plugin commands.
* @param cacheLimit
* @desc For setting the upper limit of image memory cache. (MPix)
* @default 10
* @param screenWidth
* @desc For setting the screen width.
* @default 816
* @param screenHeight
* @desc For setting the screen height.
* @default 624
* @param changeWindowWidthTo
* @desc If set, change window width to this value
* @param changeWindowHeightTo
* @desc If set, change window height to this value
* @param renderingMode
* @desc Rendering mode (canvas/webgl/auto)
* @default auto
* @param alwaysDash
* @desc To set initial value as to whether the player always dashes. (on/off)
* @default off