<Custom Action Start Effect>
// If a chained action is stored...
if ($gameTemp._chainAction === undefined) {
// ...then set the action to the user's current action.
$gameTemp._chainAction = user.currentAction();
} else {
// ...then clear the stored action.
$gameTemp._chainAction = undefined;
</Custom Action Start Effect>
<Custom Action End Effect>
// If a chained action is stored...
if ($gameTemp._chainAction) {
// Set the 'action' variable to the chained action.
var action = $gameTemp._chainAction;
// Check if the action exists, is a skill, and is a magical attack.
if (【【【action.isSkill(1)???】】】) {
// Get the skill used for that action.
var skill = action.item();
// Check if the user can pay the skill cost.
if (user.canPaySkillCost(skill)) {
// Check if the battle system is DTB.
if (BattleManager.isDTB()) {
// If it is, add the action to queue.
user.setAction(0, action);
// If the battle system isn't DTB...
} else {
// ...make it a forced forced.
BattleManager.queueForceAction(user, skill.id, -2);
</Custom Action End Effect>