标题: 负重脚本 [打印本页] 作者: 兔子o 时间: 2019-8-21 09:47 标题: 负重脚本 加入啦这个负重插件之后
你做一个增加速度的药水改变玩家行走速度为6 第一次使用有效果 然后你在使用一次效果消失 之后你在使用怎么都用没有效果
* @plugindesc v1.00 Adds weight limit to party inventory
* @author Procraftynation (http://procraftynation.rocks)
* @param Actor Weight Limit
* @desc The default weight limit for each actor
* Values: Number or Formula (see help: WeightLimitFormula)
* @default 100
* @param Party Weight Limit
* @desc The default weight limit of the whole party
* @default 0
* @param Item Weight
* @desc The default weight of an item, weapon or armor
* @default 1
* @param Gold Weight
* @desc The weight of 1 gold
* @default 0
* @param Text Before
* @desc Text inserted before the weight display
* @default Weight:
* @param Text After
* @desc Text inserted after the weight display
* @default
* @param Text Unit
* @desc Example: kg, kilos, (any text)...
* @default
* @param Overweight Text Color
* @desc Color based on window skin colors (img/system/Window.png)
* @default 17
* @param Disable Dash
* @desc Disabled dashing when overweight.
* @default true
* @param Normal Speed
* @desc The movement speed of party when overweight.
* Values: 1,2,3,4,5,6
* @default 4
* @param Overweight Speed
* @desc The movement speed of party when overweight.
* Values: 1,2,3,4,5,6
* @default 2
* @help
* =====================================================================
* 1. Item Tags - placed in the Note section of an Item in the Database
* <Weight: [AMOUNT]>
* Specify the weight of an item
* Example: <Weight: 10>
* <WeightLimitAdd: [AMOUNT]>
* Increase the weight limit by the amount specified.
* Note:
* For consumable items, weight limit is only increased permanently when item is used.
* For non-consumable items, weight limit is increased when item is in inventory.
* Example: <WeightLimitAdd: 100>
* 2. Equipment Tags - placed in the Note section of a Weapon, Armor or Accessory in the Database
* <Weight: [AMOUNT]>
* Specify the weight of a weapon, armor or accessory.
* Example: <Weight: 15>
* <WeightLimitAdd: [AMOUNT]>
* Increase the weight limit by the amount specified when equipped.
* Example: <WeightLimitAdd: 50>
* 3. Actor Tags - placed in the Note section of an Actor in the Database
* <WeightLimit: [AMOUNT]>
* Set the weight limit of an actor. Amount will be added to the party weight limit.
* Example: <WeightLimit: 100>
* <WeightLimitFormula: [FORMULA]>
* Set the weight limit of an actor dynamically using a formula.
* You can use actor attributes (inspect Game_Actor class for more details):
* atk, def, mat, mdf, agi, luk, hit, eva, hp, mp, tp, mhp, mmp, ...
* Example:
* <WeightLimitFormula: this.atk*10>
* In this example, the weight limit of the actor will be it's attack value times 10.
* <WeightLimitFormula: (this.atk*10)-(this.agi*2)>
* In this example, the weight limit is based on attack and agility.
* Higher attack increases the weight limit but higher agility lowers the weight limit.
* Note: If computed value is negative, it will be set to 0.
* =====================================================================
* Terms of Use
* =====================================================================
* Please visit http://procraftynation.rocks/terms-of-use
* =====================================================================*/
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.DEX_IWL = true;
var DEX = DEX || {};
DEX.IWL = DEX.IWL || {};
// Plugin parameters
DEX.IWL.Param = DEX.IWL.Param || {};
DEX.IWL.Param.partyWeightLimit = Number(PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Party Weight Limit"]);
DEX.IWL.Param.actorWeightLimit = PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Actor Weight Limit"];
DEX.IWL.Param.itemWeight = Number(PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Item Weight"]);
DEX.IWL.Param.goldWeight = Number(PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Gold Weight"]);
DEX.IWL.Param.showInItemWindow = PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Show In Items"];
DEX.IWL.Param.textBefore = PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Text Before"];
DEX.IWL.Param.textAfter = PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Text After"];
DEX.IWL.Param.textUnit = PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Text Unit"];
DEX.IWL.Param.disableDash = eval(String(PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Disable Dash"]));
DEX.IWL.Param.normalSpeed = Number(PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Normal Speed"]);
DEX.IWL.Param.overweightSpeed = Number(PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Overweight Speed"]);
DEX.IWL.Param.overweightTextColor = Number(PluginManager.parameters('DEX_WeightLimit')["Overweight Text Color"]);
DEX.IWL.Game_Party_initialize = Game_Party.prototype.initialize;
// Game_Party
Game_Party.prototype.initialize = function () {
this.__weightUsed = 0;
this.__weightLimit = 0;
this.__weightLimitBonus = 0;//permantent bonus added by consumable items
Game_Party.prototype.weightUsed = function () {
return this.__weightUsed;
Game_Party.prototype.weightLimit = function () {
return this.__weightLimit;
Game_Party.prototype.weightLimitBonus = function () {
return this.__weightLimitBonus;
Game_Party.prototype.refreshWeightValues = function () {
//if overweight, change speed
if (this.isOverweight()) {
} else {
Game_Party.prototype.computeWeightUsed = function () {
var used = 0;
//get gold weight.
used += DEX.IWL.Param.goldWeight * this.gold();
//loop through all items in inventory
for (var i = 0; i < this.allItems().length; i++) {
used += this.computeTotalItemWeight(this.allItems()[i]);
//loop through members and equips
for (var i = 0; i < this.members().length; i++) {
used += this.members()[i].computeWeightUsed();
this.__weightUsed = used;
return used;
Game_Party.prototype.computeWeightLimit = function () {
var limit = DEX.IWL.Param.partyWeightLimit;
//get members weight limit
for (var i = 0; i < this.members().length; i++) {
limit += this.members()[i].computeWeightLimit();
//get items only, no equips
for (var i = 0; i < this.items().length; i++) {
if (this.items()[i].consumable === false) {
limit += this.items()[i].meta.WeightLimitAdd ? Number(this.items()[i].meta.WeightLimitAdd) : 0;
this.__weightLimit = limit + this.__weightLimitBonus;
return limit;
Game_Party.prototype.computeTotalItemWeight = function (item) {
//get single item weight, if no meta found, get default from param
var itemWeight = item.meta.Weight ? Number(item.meta.Weight) : DEX.IWL.Param.itemWeight;
// and multiply to item count in inventory
var itemCount = this.numItems(item);
return itemWeight * itemCount;
Game_Party.prototype.isOverweight = function () {
return this.weightUsed() > this.weightLimit();
Game_Party.prototype.addWeightLimitBonus = function (amount) {
this.__weightLimitBonus += amount;
DEX.IWL.Game_Party_consumeItem = Game_Party.prototype.consumeItem;
Game_Party.prototype.consumeItem = function (item) {
DEX.IWL.Game_Party_consumeItem.call(this, item);
//check if item has meta value to add to weight limit permanently, consumable items only
if (DataManager.isItem(item) && item.consumable) {
var amountToAdd = item.meta.WeightLimitAdd ? Number(item.meta.WeightLimitAdd) : 0;
if (amountToAdd !== 0) {
DEX.IWL.Game_Party_gainItem = Game_Party.prototype.gainItem;
Game_Party.prototype.gainItem = function (item, amount, includeEquip) {
DEX.IWL.Game_Party_gainItem.call(this, item, amount, includeEquip);
//refresh weight values
// Game_Actor
Game_Actor.prototype.computeWeightUsed = function () {
var used = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.equips().length; i++) {
if (this.equips()[i]) {
var itemWeight = this.equips()[i].meta.Weight ? Number(this.equips()[i].meta.Weight) : DEX.IWL.Param.itemWeight;
used += itemWeight;
return used;
Game_Actor.prototype.computeWeightLimit = function () {
//compute based on initial limit set and/or formula
var limit = 0;
var limitFormula = this.actor().meta.WeightLimitFormula ? this.actor().meta.WeightLimitFormula : null;//param default
if (limitFormula !== null) {
limit = eval(limitFormula);
} else {
//default formula or value
limit = eval(DEX.IWL.Param.actorWeightLimit);
if (limit < 0) {
limit = 0;
var actorLimit = this.actor().meta.WeightLimit ? Number(this.actor().meta.WeightLimit) : 0;
limit += actorLimit;
for (var i = 0; i < this.equips().length; i++) {
if (this.equips()[i]) {
var additionalLimit = this.equips()[i].meta.WeightLimitAdd ? Number(this.equips()[i].meta.WeightLimitAdd) : 0;
limit += additionalLimit;
return limit;
// Game_Map
DEX.IWL.Game_Map_isDashDisabled = Game_Map.prototype.isDashDisabled;
Game_Map.prototype.isDashDisabled = function () {
if (DEX.IWL.Param.disableDash && $gameParty.isOverweight()) {
return true;
return DEX.IWL.Game_Map_isDashDisabled.call(this);
// Window_WeightLimit
function Window_WeightLimit() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);