<Barrier Penetration: +x%>
<Barrier Penetration: -x%>
This makes any damaging action by the attacker to have +x% or -x% bonus
Barrier Penetration. This is a multiplicative bonus and applied before
flat bonuses have been made.屏障穿透百分比
<Barrier Penetration: +x>
<Barrier Penetration: -x>
This makes any damaging action by the attacker to have +x or -x bonus
Barrier Penetration. This is a flat bonus and applied after multiplicative
changes have been made.屏障穿透值
<Barrier Points: +x>
<Barrier Points: -x>
The amount of unexpiring Barrier Points are gained at the start of a new
battle for the affected user.设置永久屏障值
<Barrier Points x Turns: +y>
<Barrier Points x Turns: -y>
The amount of Barrier Points are gained at the start of a new battle for
the affected user that will last x turns.设置临时屏障值
<Barrier Regen: +x>
<Barrier Regen: -x>
During the regeneration phase, the user will regenerate +x/-x unexpiring
Barrier Points.屏障更新值
<Barrier Regen x Turns: +y>
<Barrier Regen x Turns: -y>
During the regeneration phase, the user will regenerate Barrier Points
that last x turns with a +y/-y value.屏障每回合更新值作者: 九月初风 时间: 2019-8-23 10:16
如果你说的是YEP_AbsorptionBarrier这个插件的话,实际上这个插件对于不同对象使用的表达式不一样作者: 421342121 时间: 2019-8-23 10:58