seed = the keyword required. Don't change this.
imgId = the number that will select which crop charset字符集 to use.
charId = the id of the character in the charset (1-8)
pId = the plant id to select which plant in the character to use (1-2)
growTime = the amount of seconds passed until plant is able to be harvested
itemId = the item obtained when plant is harvested. Make this 0 if the
plant cannot be harvested at all.
◆注释:Store item name in game variable #2 (will be 0 if no item)
◆如果:var 2 - Item Id = 0
◆注释:If item name is 0, let's make it unable to be harvested.
◆文本:无, 窗口, 底部
: :You can't harvest that.
◆(这段是说所选物品=0了,不能收获?0种子,但是田里有作物就能收啊,难道我理解错了?)作者: wabcmcc 时间: 2019-10-24 21:47 本帖最后由 wabcmcc 于 2019-10-31 17:04 编辑