* @plugindesc Extend the functionality of your choices.
* @author Mokusei Penguin
* @url
* @help [version 4.3.3]
* This plugin is for RPG Maker MV and MZ.
* ▼ Plugin command
* - In MV, the variable N is referred to by writing v[N] in the item for
* inputting a numerical value.
* - In MZ, in the item to enter a numerical value, select the text and
* write v[N] to refer to the variable N.
* - It is basically preferable to execute the plugin command before
* [Show Choices].
* - If you want to use the plug-in command while the message window is
* displayed, execute it before [Display text].
* 〇 MV / MZ
* 〇 ChoicePos x y row / choicePos
* x : X coordinate of choice window
* y : Y coordinate of choice window
* row : The number of lines in the choice window. Show all if not set
* - Specify the position (x, y) and the number of rows of the next choice
* to display.
* 〇 ChoiceVariableId varId / choiceVariableId
* varId : Variable number
* - Set the default position of the next choice to display to the value of
* the variable.
* - In addition, put the current cursor position in a variable.
* - The cursor position is 0 to 5 for the first option from the top,
* 10 to 15 for the next option, and +10 for each option.
* 〇 ChoiceRect x y width height / choiceRect
* x : X coordinate
* y : Y coordinate
* width : width
* height : height
* - Specify the coordinates and size of the next choice to display.
* - For items that have not been set or for which -1 is specified,
* normal values will be applied.
* 〇 ChoiceInMessage / ChoiceInMessage
* - The next choice to display is displayed in the message window.
* - This function will not work unless it is used in combination with
* [Display Text].
* - Please execute before [Display text].
* ▼ More choices
* - If you place the event command [Display Choices] in succession,
* they will be combined into one choice.
* - If you don't want to put them together, you can separate them as usual by
* inserting annotations in between.
* - For the "default" process, the one set other than none is applied.
* - For the "Cancel" process, the ones other than prohibited are applied.
* - In both cases, the setting of the option that follows takes precedence.
* - For "Background" and "Window position", the settings of the options that
* follow are applied.
* ▼ Setting conditions for displaying items
* - If you enter
* if(condition)
* in the text of the choice and the condition becomes false,
* the item will not be displayed.
* - The operation when the "Default" item is not displayed can be set in the
* [Disabled Index] of the plug-in parameter.
* - If the "Cancel" item is not displayed, the same processing as prohibition
* is performed.
* - Within the condition, you can refer to the switch with "s" and
* the variable with "v".
* Example: When set to if(s[1])
* => Switch No. 1 is ON for display and OFF for non-display.
* When set to if(!s[2])
* => Switch 2 is displayed when it is OFF,
* and is hidden when it is ON.
* When set to if(v[5]>0)
* => Display if variable 5 is greater than 0,
* hide if variable 5 is less than 0.
* Inequalities that can be used in variables
* === : equal
* !== : Not equal
* < : Smaller
* <= : Less than or equal to
* > : Greater
* >= : Greater than or equal to
* ▼ Setting conditions for displaying items semi-transparently
* - Enter
* en(condition)
* in the text of the choice, and if the condition is false,
* the item will be displayed semi-transparently.
* - Items that are semi-transparent cannot be selected.
* - The conditions are the same as "Setting the conditions for displaying
* items" above.
* - If the "Cancel" item is semi-transparent, you cannot cancel it.
* ▼ Display help message
* - You can put
* ChoiceHelp
* in the [Comment] below each choice item to indicate the following text
* as a help message when you hover over it.
* - Help messages use the same functionality as View Text, so you can use
* control characters. (\! And \^ cannot be used)
* - The above command name can be changed with the plugin parameter.
* ================================
* Mail : wood_penguin@yahoo.co.jp (@ is half-width)
* Blog : http://woodpenguin.blog.fc2.com/
* License : MIT license
* @command choicePos
* @desc Specify the position and number of lines for the next choice to display.
* @arg x
* @desc -1: Default
* @type number
* @min -1
* @max 9999
* @default 0
* @arg y
* @desc -1: Default
* @type number
* @min -1
* @max 9999
* @default 0
* @arg row
* @desc 0: Show all
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 99
* @default 0
* @command choiceVariableId
* @desc Set the default position of the next choice to display to the value of the variable. In addition, put the current cursor position in a variable.
* @arg varId
* @desc
* @type variable
* @default 0
* @command choiceRect
* @desc Specify the coordinates and size of the next choice to display.
* Normal values are applied to unset items.
* @arg x
* @desc -1: Default
* @type number
* @min -1
* @max 9999
* @default
* @arg y
* @desc -1: Default
* @type number
* @min -1
* @max 9999
* @default
* @arg width
* @desc -1: Default
* @type number
* @min -1
* @max 9999
* @default
* @arg height
* @desc -1: Default
* @type number
* @min -1
* @max 9999
* @default
* @command choiceInMessage
* @desc The next choice to display is displayed in the message window.
* It will not work unless it is used in combination with [Display text].
* @param Max Page Row
* @desc Maximum number of lines displayed on one page
* @type number
* @min 1
* @max 99
* @default 6
* @param Disabled Position
* @desc Cursor position when the default choice is not displayed