* @plugindesc Extra Window Display Per Scene Plugin
* @author triacontane
* @base PluginCommonBase
* @orderAfter PluginCommonBase
* @param WindowList
* @text Window List
* @desc A list of windows to be added to all screens.
* @default []
* @type struct<Window>[]
* @help ExtraWindow.js
* Additional window displays can be used for scenes that have an optional window specified.
* Basic information such as coordinates, font size, whether there's an open/close animation, etc. can be set.
* Control characters can be used in the window display text, and when the return value is changed,
* it will automatically be redrawn.
* @param SceneName
* @text Target Scene
* @desc The scene to receive the extra window. When targeting an original scene, directly input the scene class name.
* @type select
* @default Scene_Title
* @option Title
* @value Scene_Title
* @option Map
* @value Scene_Map
* @option Game Over
* @value Scene_Gameover
* @option Battle
* @value Scene_Battle
* @option Main Menu
* @value Scene_Menu
* @option Items
* @value Scene_Item
* @option Skills
* @value Scene_Skill
* @option Equipment
* @value Scene_Equip
* @option Status
* @value Scene_Status
* @option Options
* @value Scene_Options
* @option Save
* @value Scene_Save
* @option Load
* @value Scene_Load
* @option Game End
* @value Scene_End
* @option Shop
* @value Scene_Shop
* @option Name Input
* @value Scene_Name
* @option Debug
* @value Scene_Debug
* @param x
* @text X coordinate
* @desc The X coordinate.
* @default 0
* @type number
* @min -9999
* @param y
* @text Y coordinate
* @desc The Y coordinate.
* @default 0
* @type number
* @min -9999
* @param width
* @text Width
* @desc The width.
* @default 200
* @type number
* @param height
* @text Height.
* @desc The height. Configured automatically when 0 is specified.
* @default 0
* @type number
* @param LineHeight
* @text Line Height
* @desc Height per line.
* @default 36
* @type number
* @param Text
* @text Displayed Text
* @desc Content to be displayed in the window. If a return value that serves as the basis for a control character is changed, it will automatically be redrawn.
* @default
* @type multiline_string
* @param FontSize
* @text Font Size
* @desc The default font size. Becomes the same size as other windows when 0 is specified.
* @default 0
* @type number
* @param WindowSkin
* @text Window Skin
* @desc The window skin. If not specified, the default will be used.
* @default
* @require 1
* @dir img/system
* @type file
* @param SwitchId
* @text Display SwitchID
* @desc Will be displayed on screen only when the specified switch is ON.