* <Custom Before Remove Effect>
* code
* code
* </Custom Before Remove Effect>
* The code in between these notetags will run when the state is removed from
* a battler either manually or due to turn decay. The code will process
* before the state is actually removed.
* <Custom Real Remove Effect>
* code
* code
* </Custom Real Remove Effect>
* The code in between these notetags will run when the state is removed from
* a battler by several reasons, would trigger only once. The code will process
* before the state is actually removed.
* <Custom Clear Effect>
* code
* code
* </Custom Clear Effect>
* The code in between these notetags will run when the state owner
* experience initializing, death, recoverAll or single escape.
* if <Category: Bypass Death Removal>/<Category: BYPASS RECOVER ALL REMOVAL>
* is used, the code would still run, though this state would not removed.
* WARNING: If inserting gainHp/Mp/Tp, battler refresh would happen, if this
* battler's result hp<=0, <Custom Clear Effect> would trigger again!
* Thus gainHp(-1) or gainMp(-1) should cause an stack error, while
* gainHp(10);gainHp(-1) is allowed. And target._mp=xxx is OK for not
* trigger the refresh.
* <Custom Before Resist Effect>
* code
* code
* </Custom Before Resist Effect>
* The code in between these notetags will run when the state is removed from
* a battler due to resistance gained from another state. The code will process
* before the state is actually removed.
* <Custom Resist Effect>
* code
* code
* </Custom Resist Effect>
* The code in between these notetags will run when the state is removed from
* a battler due to resistance gained from another state. The code will process
* after the state is actually removed.