This set of scripts are a tool handy version of GUI. Basically, It provides to you a good number of tools for making your custom GUI(Graphics User Interface) with mouse support. It copies some aspects from WxRuby (thats why it's called WxRM, Wx for RPG MAKER)
Because it has tons of styles and tons of options this scripts its not recomended for begginers, it can be a really headhache for them.
So you can do Your "Windows Copy" or "Nice Windows with mouse support" without a big effort (think it's easier to use this tools than actually making them).
这套脚本是一个构建用户界面的简便工具。他提供鼠标支持和一些用户界面控件。他从WxRuby中借鉴了一些地方,所以他叫做WxRM(Wx for RPG MAKER)。
因此,你可以制作一份个人的,不需要太华丽的"Windows Copy"或者“支持鼠标的漂亮窗体”,因为这样会很轻松。