赞 | 1 |
VIP | 7 |
好人卡 | 9 |
积分 | 1 |
经验 | 7021 |
最后登录 | 2014-11-30 |
在线时间 | 140 小时 |
Lv1.梦旅人 小黑
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 50
- 在线时间
- 140 小时
- 注册时间
- 2011-8-23
- 帖子
- 536
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Q减速 W加速
Game_Character【可以直接代替】- #==============================================================================
- #=《微主角速度增减》
- #==============================================================================
- #=
- #= by:黑之翅膀 = = 转载请保留此信息
- #=
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Character
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 处理角色的类。本类作为 Game_Player 类与 Game_Event 类的超级类使用。
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Character
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 定义实例变量
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_reader :id # ID
- attr_reader :x # 地图逻辑 X 座标
- attr_reader :y # 地图逻辑 Y 座标
- attr_reader :real_x # 地图 X 座标(逻辑 X 座标 * 256)
- attr_reader :real_y # 地图 Y 座标(逻辑 Y 座标 * 256)
- attr_reader :tile_id # 图块ID(0则无效化)
- attr_reader :character_name # 角色图档名称
- attr_reader :character_index # 角色图档索引
- attr_reader :opacity # 不透明度
- attr_reader :blend_type # 合成方式
- attr_reader :direction # 面向
- attr_reader :pattern # 图案
- attr_reader :move_route_forcing # 移动路线强制标志
- attr_reader :priority_type # 优先度类型
- attr_reader :through # 穿透
- attr_reader :bush_depth # 草木深度
- attr_accessor :animation_id # 动画 ID
- attr_accessor :balloon_id # 心情图标ID
- attr_accessor :transparent # 透明标志
- attr_accessor :move_speed # 新加入!!
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化对像
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- @id = 0
- @x = 0
- @y = 0
- @real_x = 0
- @real_y = 0
- @tile_id = 0
- @character_name = ""
- @character_index = 0
- @opacity = 255
- @blend_type = 0
- @direction = 2
- @pattern = 1
- @move_route_forcing = false
- @priority_type = 1
- @through = false
- @bush_depth = 0
- @animation_id = 0
- @balloon_id = 0
- @transparent = false
- @original_direction = 2 # 原朝向
- @original_pattern = 1 # 原图案
- @move_type = 0 # 移动类型
- @move_speed = 4 # 移动速度
- @move_frequency = 6 # 移动频度
- @move_route = nil # 移动路线
- @move_route_index = 0 # 移动路线索引
- @original_move_route = nil # 原移动路线
- @original_move_route_index = 0 # 原移动路线索引
- @walk_anime = true # 步行动化
- @step_anime = false # 踏步动画
- @direction_fix = false # 固定朝向
- @anime_count = 0 # 动画计数
- @stop_count = 0 # 停止计数
- @jump_count = 0 # 跳跃计数
- @jump_peak = 0 # 跳跃高度记数
- @wait_count = 0 # 等待计数
- @locked = false # 锁定标志
- @prelock_direction = 0 # 锁定前朝向
- @move_failed = false # 移动失败标志
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 判断是否移动
- # 如果在移动中理论坐标与实际坐标不同
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def moving?
- return (@real_x != @x * 256 or @real_y != @y * 256)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 判断是否跳跃
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def jumping?
- return @jump_count > 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 判断是否停止
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def stopping?
- return (not (moving? or jumping?))
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 判断是否奔跑中
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dash?
- return false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 判断是否是游戏测试通行状态
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def debug_through?
- return false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 矫正姿势
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def straighten
- @pattern = 1 if @walk_anime or @step_anime
- @anime_count = 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 强制行动路线
- # move_route : 新移动路线
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def force_move_route(move_route)
- if @original_move_route == nil
- @original_move_route = @move_route
- @original_move_route_index = @move_route_index
- end
- @move_route = move_route
- @move_route_index = 0
- @move_route_forcing = true
- @prelock_direction = 0
- @wait_count = 0
- move_type_custom
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 判断所在座标是否指定位置
- # x : X 座标
- # y : Y 座标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def pos?(x, y)
- return (@x == x and @y == y)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 指定位置座标和不可穿透判断(nt = 不可穿透)
- # x : X 座标
- # y : Y 座标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def pos_nt?(x, y)
- return (pos?(x, y) and not @through)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 通行判定
- # x : X 座标
- # y : Y 座标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def passable?(x, y)
- x = $game_map.round_x(x) # 横向循环校正
- y = $game_map.round_y(y) # 纵向循环校正
- return false unless $game_map.valid?(x, y) # 判断是否在地图之外
- return true if @through or debug_through? # 判断是否允许穿透
- return false unless map_passable?(x, y) # 判断地图是否不可通行
- return false if collide_with_characters?(x, y) # 判断是否与其他角色碰撞
- return true # 可以通行
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 地图通行判定
- # x : X 座标
- # y : Y 座标
- # 判断目标图块是否能通行。
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def map_passable?(x, y)
- return $game_map.passable?(x, y)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 判断角色碰撞
- # x : X 座标
- # y : Y 座标
- # 侦察与普通角色碰撞,包括角色与交通工具
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def collide_with_characters?(x, y)
- for event in $game_map.events_xy(x, y) # 判断事件位置
- unless event.through # 事件是否允许通行
- return true if self.is_a?(Game_Event) # 本身是否事件
- return true if event.priority_type == 1 # 目标事件是普通角色
- end
- end
- if @priority_type == 1 # 本身是普通角色的场合
- return true if $game_player.pos_nt?(x, y) # 判断主角位置
- return true if $game_map.boat.pos_nt?(x, y) # 判断小型船位置
- return true if $game_map.ship.pos_nt?(x, y) # 判断大型船位置
- end
- return false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 锁定(事件进行中中断的处理)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def lock
- unless @locked
- @prelock_direction = @direction
- turn_toward_player
- @locked = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 解除锁定
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def unlock
- if @locked
- @locked = false
- set_direction(@prelock_direction)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 移动制指定目标
- # x : X 座标
- # y : Y 座标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def moveto(x, y)
- @x = x % $game_map.width
- @y = y % $game_map.height
- @real_x = @x * 256
- @real_y = @y * 256
- @prelock_direction = 0
- straighten
- update_bush_depth
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 改变为指定方向
- # direction : 新方向
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_direction(direction)
- if not @direction_fix and direction != 0
- @direction = direction
- @stop_count = 0
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 判断物件类型
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def object?
- return (@tile_id > 0 or @character_name[0, 1] == '!')
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 获取画面 X 座标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def screen_x
- return ($game_map.adjust_x(@real_x) + 8007) / 8 - 1000 + 16
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 获取画面 Y 座标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def screen_y
- y = ($game_map.adjust_y(@real_y) + 8007) / 8 - 1000 + 32
- y -= 4 unless object?
- if @jump_count >= @jump_peak
- n = @jump_count - @jump_peak
- else
- n = @jump_peak - @jump_count
- end
- return y - (@jump_peak * @jump_peak - n * n) / 2
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 获取画面 Z 座标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def screen_z
- if @priority_type == 2
- return 200
- elsif @priority_type == 0
- return 60
- elsif @tile_id > 0
- pass = $game_map.passages[@tile_id]
- if pass & 0x10 == 0x10 # [☆]
- return 160
- else
- return 40
- end
- else
- return 100
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新画面
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- if jumping? # 跳跃
- update_jump
- elsif moving? # 移动
- update_move
- else # 停止
- update_stop
- end
- if @wait_count > 0 # 等待
- @wait_count -= 1
- elsif @move_route_forcing # 强制移动
- move_type_custom
- elsif not @locked # 非锁定状态
- update_self_movement
- end
- update_animation
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新画面 (跳跃)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_jump
- @jump_count -= 1
- @real_x = (@real_x * @jump_count + @x * 256) / (@jump_count + 1)
- @real_y = (@real_y * @jump_count + @y * 256) / (@jump_count + 1)
- update_bush_depth
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新画面 (移动)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #=============================================================================
- def update_move
- a = -50 #最小速度
- b = 50 #最大速度
- if Input.trigger?(Input::L)
- if @move_speed >= a
- $game_player.move_speed = @move_speed - 0.1
- else
- end
- else
- if Input.trigger?(Input::R)
- if @move_speed <= b
- $game_player.move_speed = @move_speed + 0.1
- else
- end
- else
- #=============================================================================
- distance = 2 ** @move_speed # 转换成移动距离
- distance *= 2 if dash? # 跑步中加倍
- @real_x = [@real_x - distance, @x * 256].max if @x * 256 < @real_x
- @real_x = [@real_x + distance, @x * 256].min if @x * 256 > @real_x
- @real_y = [@real_y - distance, @y * 256].max if @y * 256 < @real_y
- @real_y = [@real_y + distance, @y * 256].min if @y * 256 > @real_y
- update_bush_depth unless moving?
- if @walk_anime
- @anime_count += 1.5
- elsif @step_anime
- @anime_count += 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新画面 (停止)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_stop
- if @step_anime
- @anime_count += 1
- elsif @pattern != @original_pattern
- @anime_count += 1.5
- end
- @stop_count += 1 unless @locked
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新画面 (本身行动)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_self_movement
- if @stop_count > 30 * (5 - @move_frequency)
- case @move_type
- when 1; move_type_random
- when 2; move_type_toward_player
- when 3; move_type_custom
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新画面 (动画)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_animation
- speed = @move_speed + (dash? ? 1 : 0)
- if @anime_count > 18 - speed * 2
- if not @step_anime and @stop_count > 0
- @pattern = @original_pattern
- else
- @pattern = (@pattern + 1) % 4
- end
- @anime_count = 0
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新画面 (草木繁茂)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_bush_depth
- if object? or @priority_type != 1 or @jump_count > 0
- @bush_depth = 0
- else
- bush = $game_map.bush?(@x, @y)
- if bush and not moving?
- @bush_depth = 8
- elsif not bush
- @bush_depth = 0
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 移动类型:随机
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_type_random
- case rand(6)
- when 0..1; move_random
- when 2..4; move_forward
- when 5; @stop_count = 0
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 移动类型:接近
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_type_toward_player
- sx = @x - $game_player.x
- sy = @y - $game_player.y
- if sx.abs + sy.abs >= 20
- move_random
- else
- case rand(6)
- when 0..3; move_toward_player
- when 4; move_random
- when 5; move_forward
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 移动类型:自订
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_type_custom
- if stopping?
- command = @move_route.list[@move_route_index] # Get movement command
- @move_failed = false
- if command.code == 0 # End of list
- if @move_route.repeat # [Repeat Action]
- @move_route_index = 0
- elsif @move_route_forcing # Forced move route
- @move_route_forcing = false # Cancel forcing
- @move_route = @original_move_route # Restore original
- @move_route_index = @original_move_route_index
- @original_move_route = nil
- end
- else
- case command.code
- when 1 # 往下移动
- move_down
- when 2 # 往左移动
- move_left
- when 3 # 往右移动
- move_right
- when 4 # 往上移动
- move_up
- when 5 # 往左下移动
- move_lower_left
- when 6 # 往右下移动
- move_lower_right
- when 7 # 往左上移动
- move_upper_left
- when 8 # 往右上移动
- move_upper_right
- when 9 # 随机移动
- move_random
- when 10 # 接近主角
- move_toward_player
- when 11 # 远离主角
- move_away_from_player
- when 12 # 前进一步
- move_forward
- when 13 # 後退一步
- move_backward
- when 14 # 跳跃
- jump(command.parameters[0], command.parameters[1])
- when 15 # 等待
- @wait_count = command.parameters[0] - 1
- when 16 # 面向下
- turn_down
- when 17 # 面向左
- turn_left
- when 18 # 面向右
- turn_right
- when 19 # 面向上
- turn_up
- when 20 # 向右转 90 度
- turn_right_90
- when 21 # 向左转 90 度
- turn_left_90
- when 22 # 旋转 180 度
- turn_180
- when 23 # 随机转 90 度
- turn_right_or_left_90
- when 24 # 随机转换方向
- turn_random
- when 25 # 面向主角
- turn_toward_player
- when 26 # 背向主角
- turn_away_from_player
- when 27 # 开启开关
- $game_switches[command.parameters[0]] = true
- $game_map.need_refresh = true
- when 28 # 关闭开关
- $game_switches[command.parameters[0]] = false
- $game_map.need_refresh = true
- when 29 # 更改移动速度
- @move_speed = command.parameters[0]
- when 30 # 更改移动频度
- @move_frequency = command.parameters[0]
- when 31 # 开启步行动画
- @walk_anime = true
- when 32 # 关闭步行动画
- @walk_anime = false
- when 33 # 开启踏步动画
- @step_anime = true
- when 34 # 关闭踏步动画
- @step_anime = false
- when 35 # 开启面向固定
- @direction_fix = true
- when 36 # 关闭面向固定
- @direction_fix = false
- when 37 # 允许穿透
- @through = true
- when 38 # 不允许穿透
- @through = false
- when 39 # 开启透明状态
- @transparent = true
- when 40 # 关闭透明状态
- @transparent = false
- when 41 # 更改角色图像
- set_graphic(command.parameters[0], command.parameters[1])
- when 42 # 更改透明度
- @opacity = command.parameters[0]
- when 43 # 更改合成方式
- @blend_type = command.parameters[0]
- when 44 # 播放音效
- command.parameters[0].play
- when 45 # 脚本
- eval(command.parameters[0])
- end
- if not @move_route.skippable and @move_failed
- return # 非[跳过不能移动的场合] 并且移动失败
- end
- @move_route_index += 1
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 增加步数
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def increase_steps
- @stop_count = 0
- update_bush_depth
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 计算距离主角的横向距离
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def distance_x_from_player
- sx = @x - $game_player.x
- if $game_map.loop_horizontal? # 横向循环的场合
- if sx == 1 - $game_map.width
- sx += $game_map.width
- elsif sx.abs > $game_map.width / 2 # 是否大于地图宽度
- sx -= $game_map.width # 减除地图宽度
- end
- end
- return sx
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 计算距离主角的纵向距离
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def distance_y_from_player
- sy = @y - $game_player.y
- if $game_map.loop_vertical? # 纵像循环的场合
- if sy == 1 - $game_map.height
- sy += $game_map.height
- elsif sy.abs > $game_map.height / 2 # 是否大于地图高度
- sy -= $game_map.height # 减除地图高度
- end
- end
- return sy
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向下移动
- # turn_ok : 允许当场转向
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_down(turn_ok = true)
- if passable?(@x, @y+1) # 可通行的场合
- turn_down
- @y = $game_map.round_y(@y+1)
- @real_y = (@y-1)*256
- increase_steps
- @move_failed = false
- else # 不可通行的场合
- turn_down if turn_ok
- check_event_trigger_touch(@x, @y+1) # 是否触发接触事件
- @move_failed = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向左移动
- # turn_ok : 允许当场转向
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_left(turn_ok = true)
- if passable?(@x-1, @y) # 可通行的场合
- turn_left
- @x = $game_map.round_x(@x-1)
- @real_x = (@x+1)*256
- increase_steps
- @move_failed = false
- else # 不可通行的场合
- turn_left if turn_ok
- check_event_trigger_touch(@x-1, @y) # 是否触发接触事件
- @move_failed = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向右移动
- # turn_ok : 允许当场转向
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_right(turn_ok = true)
- if passable?(@x+1, @y) # 可通行的场合
- turn_right
- @x = $game_map.round_x(@x+1)
- @real_x = (@x-1)*256
- increase_steps
- @move_failed = false
- else # 不可通行的场合
- turn_right if turn_ok
- check_event_trigger_touch(@x+1, @y) # 是否触发接触事件
- @move_failed = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向上移动
- # turn_ok : 允许当场转向
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_up(turn_ok = true)
- if passable?(@x, @y-1) # 可通行的场合
- turn_up
- @y = $game_map.round_y(@y-1)
- @real_y = (@y+1)*256
- increase_steps
- @move_failed = false
- else # 不可通行的场合
- turn_up if turn_ok
- check_event_trigger_touch(@x, @y-1) # 是否触发接触事件
- @move_failed = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向左下移动
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_lower_left
- unless @direction_fix
- @direction = (@direction == 6 ? 4 : @direction == 8 ? 2 : @direction)
- end
- if (passable?(@x, @y+1) and passable?(@x-1, @y+1)) or
- (passable?(@x-1, @y) and passable?(@x-1, @y+1))
- @x -= 1
- @y += 1
- increase_steps
- @move_failed = false
- else
- @move_failed = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向右下移动
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_lower_right
- unless @direction_fix
- @direction = (@direction == 4 ? 6 : @direction == 8 ? 2 : @direction)
- end
- if (passable?(@x, @y+1) and passable?(@x+1, @y+1)) or
- (passable?(@x+1, @y) and passable?(@x+1, @y+1))
- @x += 1
- @y += 1
- increase_steps
- @move_failed = false
- else
- @move_failed = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向左上移动
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_upper_left
- unless @direction_fix
- @direction = (@direction == 6 ? 4 : @direction == 2 ? 8 : @direction)
- end
- if (passable?(@x, @y-1) and passable?(@x-1, @y-1)) or
- (passable?(@x-1, @y) and passable?(@x-1, @y-1))
- @x -= 1
- @y -= 1
- increase_steps
- @move_failed = false
- else
- @move_failed = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向右上移动
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_upper_right
- unless @direction_fix
- @direction = (@direction == 4 ? 6 : @direction == 2 ? 8 : @direction)
- end
- if (passable?(@x, @y-1) and passable?(@x+1, @y-1)) or
- (passable?(@x+1, @y) and passable?(@x+1, @y-1))
- @x += 1
- @y -= 1
- increase_steps
- @move_failed = false
- else
- @move_failed = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 随机移动
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_random
- case rand(4)
- when 0; move_down(false)
- when 1; move_left(false)
- when 2; move_right(false)
- when 3; move_up(false)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 接近主角
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_toward_player
- sx = distance_x_from_player
- sy = distance_y_from_player
- sx += $game_map.width * 2 if $game_map.loop_horizontal? and sx < - $game_map.width and sx > - $game_map.width * 2
- sy += $game_map.height * 2 if $game_map.loop_vertical? and sy < - $game_map.height and sy > - $game_map.height * 2
- if sx != 0 or sy != 0
- if sx.abs > sy.abs # 横向距离较大
- sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right # 优先往左右走
- if @move_failed and sy != 0
- sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
- end
- else # 纵向距离较大
- sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down # 优先往上下走
- if @move_failed and sx != 0
- sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 远离主角
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_away_from_player
- sx = distance_x_from_player
- sy = distance_y_from_player
- sx += $game_map.width * 2 if $game_map.loop_horizontal? and sx < - $game_map.width and sx > - $game_map.width * 2
- sy += $game_map.height * 2 if $game_map.loop_vertical? and sy < - $game_map.height and sy > - $game_map.height * 2
- if sx != 0 or sy != 0
- if sx.abs > sy.abs # 横向距离较大
- sx > 0 ? move_right : move_left # 优先往左右走
- if @move_failed and sy != 0
- sy > 0 ? move_down : move_up
- end
- else # 纵向距离较大
- sy > 0 ? move_down : move_up # 优先往上下走
- if @move_failed and sx != 0
- sx > 0 ? move_right : move_left
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向前一步
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_forward
- case @direction
- when 2; move_down(false)
- when 4; move_left(false)
- when 6; move_right(false)
- when 8; move_up(false)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向後一步
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_backward
- last_direction_fix = @direction_fix
- @direction_fix = true
- case @direction
- when 2; move_up(false)
- when 4; move_right(false)
- when 6; move_left(false)
- when 8; move_down(false)
- end
- @direction_fix = last_direction_fix
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 跳跃
- # x_plus : X 座标增值
- # y_plus : Y 座标增值
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def jump(x_plus, y_plus)
- if x_plus.abs > y_plus.abs # 横向距离较大
- x_plus < 0 ? turn_left : turn_right
- elsif x_plus.abs > y_plus.abs # 纵向距离较大
- y_plus < 0 ? turn_up : turn_down
- end
- @x += x_plus
- @y += y_plus
- distance = Math.sqrt(x_plus * x_plus + y_plus * y_plus).round
- @jump_peak = 10 + distance - @move_speed
- @jump_count = @jump_peak * 2
- @stop_count = 0
- straighten
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 面向下
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_down
- set_direction(2)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 面向左
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_left
- set_direction(4)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 面向右
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_right
- set_direction(6)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 面向上
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_up
- set_direction(8)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向右转90度
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_right_90
- case @direction
- when 2; turn_left
- when 4; turn_up
- when 6; turn_down
- when 8; turn_right
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 向左转90度
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_left_90
- case @direction
- when 2; turn_right
- when 4; turn_down
- when 6; turn_up
- when 8; turn_left
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 旋转180度
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_180
- case @direction
- when 2; turn_up
- when 4; turn_right
- when 6; turn_left
- when 8; turn_down
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 随机左右转90度
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_right_or_left_90
- case rand(2)
- when 0; turn_right_90
- when 1; turn_left_90
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 随机转向
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_random
- case rand(4)
- when 0; turn_up
- when 1; turn_right
- when 2; turn_left
- when 3; turn_down
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 面向主角
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_toward_player
- sx = distance_x_from_player
- sy = distance_y_from_player
- if sx.abs > sy.abs # 横向距离较大
- sx > 0 ? turn_left : turn_right
- elsif sx.abs < sy.abs # 纵向距离较大
- sy > 0 ? turn_up : turn_down
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 背向主角
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_away_from_player
- sx = distance_x_from_player
- sy = distance_y_from_player
- if sx.abs > sy.abs # 横向距离较大
- sx > 0 ? turn_right : turn_left
- elsif sx.abs < sy.abs # 纵向距离较大
- sy > 0 ? turn_down : turn_up
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 变更角色图像
- # character_name : 新角色图像文件名称
- # character_index : 新角色图像文件索引
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_graphic(character_name, character_index)
- @tile_id = 0
- @character_name = character_name
- @character_index = character_index
- end
- end
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