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YEP.24 – Battle System – Active Turn Battle
The ever so popularly requested battle system: ATB! Made similarly to match the Final Fantasy series, the ATB system starts off with your characters filling up their gauges before they can input an action. Once an action is inputted, they start to quickly charge it up before going to perform their attack.
This plugin requires the Battle Engine Core plugin.
The Battle System – Active Turn Battle plugin is an extension plugin for Yanfly Engine Plugins’ Battle Engine Core. This extension plugin will not work without the main plugin.
To use the ATB system, go to the Battle Engine Core plugin and change the ‘Default System’ setting in the parameters to ‘atb’.
The Active Turn Battle system functions in such where battlers will have a new gauge in battle functioning as their turn gauge. As time goes by without anything happening such as actions, menu selection, etc, the gauge fills up. Once it is full, the battler can commit to an action.
After committing to an action, the battler charges the skill before using it in battle to either attack an enemy, heal an ally, etc. Upon finishing the action, the gauge drains to empty and the battler must charge it up again.
This is a battle system where agility plays an important factor in the progress of battle where higher agility values give battlers more advantage and lower agility values give battlers less advantage.
Plugin Commands
To change your battle system to Active Turn Battle if it isn’t the default battle system, you can use the following Plugin Command:
Plugin Command:Sets battle system to Active Turn Battle.Sets battle system to Default Turn Battle.
Using the above Plugin Commands, you can toggle between the Default Battle System and Active Turn Battle!
The following are notetags that pertain to and affect the ATB system.
Skill and Item Notetags:- <ATB Help>
- text
- text
- </ATB Help>
复制代码 For those planning on using multiple battle systems, sometimes you may have your skills perform differently while using ATB. If so, using this notetag will allow skills and items to display different help text while ATB is enabled.- <ATB Speed: x>
- <ATB Charge: x>
- <ATB Gauge: x>
复制代码 Usable only during ATB. This sets the target’s current speed or charge to x. If ‘speed’ or ‘charge’ is used, it will only affect those gauges while in the respective phase. If ‘gauge’ is used, it will affect either.- <ATB Speed: x%>
- <ATB Charge: x%>
- <ATB Gauge: x%>
复制代码 Usable only during ATB. This sets the target’s current speed or charge to x% of the whole gauge. If ‘speed’ or ‘charge’ is used, it will only affect those gauges while in the respective phase. If ‘gauge’ is used, it will affect either.- <ATB Speed: +x> or <ATB Speed: -x>
- <ATB Charge: +x> or <ATB Charge: -x>
- <ATB Gauge: +x> or <ATB Gauge: -x>
复制代码 Usable only during ATB. This increases or decreases the target’s current speed or charge by x. If ‘speed’ or ‘charge’ is used, it will only affect those gauges while in the respective phase. If ‘gauge’ is used, it will affect either.- <ATB Speed: +x%> or <ATB Speed: -x%>
- <ATB Charge: +x%> or <ATB Charge: -x%>
- <ATB Gauge: +x%> or <ATB Gauge: -x%>
复制代码 Usable only during ATB. This increases or decreases the target’s current speed or charge by x% of the whole gauge. If ‘speed’ or ‘charge’ is used, it will only affect those gauges while in the respective phase. If ‘gauge’ is used, it will affect either.- <After ATB: x>
- <After ATB: x%>
复制代码 This will set the skill/item user’s ATB speed value to x or x%. If ‘x’ is used, this will be the exact ATB value. If x% is used, this will be the percentage of the ATB gauge that it will be at.- <ATB Interrupt>
- <ATB Interrupt: x%>
复制代码 This will give the skill the ability to interrupt and cancel out the target’s current action while it is in the charging phase. If the ‘x%’ notetag version is used, it will have a x% chance of success.
Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetags:- <ATB Start: +x>
- <ATB Start: +x%>
复制代码 Usable only during ATB. This will give the actor, class, enemy, weapon, armor, or state the property of starting battle with X ATB Speed or X% of the ATB gauge filled up.- <ATB Turn: +x>
- <ATB Turn: +x%>
复制代码 Usable only during ATB. This will give the actor, class, enemy, weapon, armor, or state the property of starting a turn with X ATB Speed or X% of the ATB gauge filled up.
Lunatic Mode – Conditional ATB Speed and Conditional ATB Charge
For those who have a bit of JavaScript experience and would like to have more unique ways of performing ATB speed and charge changes, you can use the following notetags:
Skill and Item Notetags:- <Target ATB Eval>
- speed = x;
- charge = x;
- </Target ATB Eval>
复制代码 You can omit speed and/or charge. Whatever you set ‘speed’ to will change the ATB speed of the target. If the target is charging, ‘charge’ will cause the target’s charge to change to that value. To make things more simple, ‘max’ will be the full gauge value.
Here is an example:- <Target ATB Eval>
- speed = target.hp / target.mhp * max;
- charge = target.hp / target.mhp * max;
- </Target ATB Eval>
复制代码 The above code will set the user’s current ATB gauge to position equal to the target’s HP ratio. If the target has 25% HP, the ATB gauge will go to 25% full for the target.- <After ATB Eval>
- speed = x;
- </After ATB Eval>
复制代码 This is the ATB set after the user has used the skill/item and the custom ATB amount you want the user to be at after. ‘max’ be the value of the full gauge value. Whatever you set ‘speed’, the user’s ATB speed value will change to that much:
Here is an example:- <After ATB Eval>
- speed = user.mp / user.mmp * max;
- </After ATB Eval>
复制代码 The above code will set the user’s ATB gauge after using the skill/item to equal the user’s MP ratio. If the user has 25% MP, the ATB gauge will go to 25% full for the user.- <ATB Interrupt Eval>
- interrupt = true;
- </ATB Interrupt Eval>
复制代码 This will allow you to set custom conditions for interrupting a target. Keep in mind that even though it is a custom condition, it still requires the target to be in the charging phase for the interrupt to work. By setting ‘interrupt = true’, the target will be interrupted.
Here is an example:- <ATB Interrupt Eval>
- if (user.hp > target.hp) {
- interrupt = true;
- }
- </ATB Interrupt Eval>
复制代码 The above code will state that if the user has more HP than the target, the target will be interrupted.
Yanfly Engine Plugins – Battle Engine Extension – Action Sequence Commands
You can make use of these extra ATB related action sequences.- ATB CHARGE: target, X
- ATB CHARGE: target, X%
- ATB CHARGE: targets, +X
- ATB CHARGE: targets, +X%
复制代码 Usable only for ATB. Sets the target’s ATB charge to X or X%. This only applies when the target is in the ATB charge phase. This will not affect the user to prevent mechanical issues.
Usage Example: atb charge: targets, +5000
atb charge: target, -50%- ATB GAUGE: target, X
- ATB GAUGE: target, X%
- ATB GAUGE: targets, +X
- ATB GAUGE: targets, +X%
复制代码 Usable only for ATB. Sets the target’s ATB speed or charge (whichever the user is currently filling up) to X or X%. This only. This will not affect the user to prevent mechanical issues.
Usage Example: atb gauge: targets, +5000
atb gauge: target, -50%
Usable only for ATB. If the target is in the charging phase, interrupt it.
Usage Example: atb interrupt: targets- ATB SPEED: target, X
- ATB SPEED: target, X%
- ATB SPEED: targets, +X
- ATB SPEED: targets, +X%
复制代码 Usable only for ATB. Sets the target’s ATB speed to X or X%. This only applies when the target is filling up its ATB gauge. This will not affect the user to prevent mechanical issues.
Usage Example: atb speed: targets, +5000
atb speed: target, -50%
Happy RPG Making!
翻译 by 抖M俱乐部的 SmithJiong/bennett01/SOAP
转载请感谢我! 没错上面三个都是我!
The Battle System - Active Turn Battle是一个基于Yanfly大神Battle Engine Core插件的拓展插件,
所以它无法脱离核心战斗插件独立工作,安装时务必将该插件放置于战斗核心插件-Battle Engine Core下方,
要启用ATB战斗系统,请在战斗核心插件的配置中,将Default System 选项由dtb修改为atb即可。
插件命令:将战斗模式改为 ATB 动态回合战斗系统.将战斗模式改为 DTB 默认回合战斗系统.
技能与道具注释- <ATB Help>
- text
- text
- </ATB Help>
复制代码 这个命令可以给技能或道具添加专有的ATB说明信息,即如果启用了ATB战斗系统,
则在技能/道具说明中显示<ATB Help>中的text文字说明,如果使用DTB系统,则显示默认说明。- <ATB Speed: x>
- <ATB Charge: x>
- <ATB Gauge: x>
复制代码 仅在ATB模式启用时可用。可以将目标单位的ATB行动值-speed、
例子:道具注释中写上<ATB Speed: 1000> 即表示使用该道具后,目标的行动槽值将被设置为1000
你要注意的是,如果你的行动槽值已经积攒到了10000,使用该道具后,将被置于1000,相当于减速,如果为0则反之。- <ATB Speed: x%>
- <ATB Charge: x%>
- <ATB Gauge: x%>
复制代码 参照上面的命令,你可以将具体的X数值更换为百分比,这样ATB系统将根据行动槽最大值
例子:道具注释中写明<ATB Charge: 50%> 表示该道具使用后咏唱槽数值将被设置为50%,如果目标未咏唱,则不生效。
如果目标咏唱超过50%,则将被强制重置为50%,相当于减速,如果为0反之。- <ATB Speed: +x> or <ATB Speed: -x>
- <ATB Charge: +x> or <ATB Charge: -x>
- <ATB Gauge: +x> or <ATB Gauge: -x>
复制代码 同上,你可以将x参数上加入+号或者-号来表示在当前行动槽基础上增加或者减少,这个命令通常被用于加速/减速道具或技能的设计。
例子:<ATB Gauge: +50%>- <ATB Speed: +x%> or <ATB Speed: -x%>
- <ATB Charge: +x%> or <ATB Charge: -x%>
- <ATB Gauge: +x%> or <ATB Gauge: -x%>
复制代码 同上,你同样可以把增加减少数值修改为百分比。- <After ATB: x>
- <After ATB: x%>
复制代码 顾名思义,你可以在道具和技能注释中加入这个命令,标识使用该道具或技能后,对使用者行动槽的影响。
例子:我在电光火石这个技能的注释中加入了<After ATB: 50%>这个命令,表示我使用电光火石技能后,
使用者的回合结束后,行动槽将从50%处开始增加,相当于下回合行动更快速了,是不是很吊?- <ATB Interrupt>
- <ATB Interrupt: x%>
复制代码 这个命令比较强悍,就是打断!没错,Iterrupt命令会在对进入咏唱条的角色使用后生效,打断对方目标咏唱,
例子:我在小石头这个道具的注释命令中添加了<ATB Interrupt: 50%>这个命令,表示当我使用这个道具后,
目标如果正在咏唱,则有50%概率被打断,技能释放失败。如果目标没有在咏唱,则道具无效。当然你可以在技能中加入<Cannot ATB Interrupt>这个注释,表示该技能无法被打断,
下面这些命令可以用在角色、职业、敌人、武器、护甲和状态注释命令中,不要用错地方哦:- <ATB Start: +x>
- <ATB Start: +x%>
复制代码 上面的命令可以让你在回合开始时,获得行动槽的加成,x为数值或者百分比。第一回合结束后,行动槽将从0开始计算。
例子:哈罗德的角色注释中我加入了<ATB Start: +20%>命令,表示哈罗德每次战斗开始时行动槽都会从20%开始计算,而不是0
在第一回合之后,哈罗德的行动槽恢复正常,与其他角色一样从0开始。- <ATB Turn: +x>
- <ATB Turn: +x%>
复制代码 这个命令表示每个回合的行动槽获得行动力加成,x为数值或者百分比。包括第一回合在内的每一个回合,行动槽都会从X或x%开始计算。
例子:我在时魔法师的职业注释中加入了<ATB Turn: +50%>这个命令,然后我把玛莎转职成了时魔法师,但是悲剧的小明还是黑魔法师
Lunatic Mode - Conditional ATB Speed and Conditional ATB Charge
命令的专用模式已经开启,Lunatic Mode 可以让你在注释命令区间内按你们的想法设置条件和触发器,前提是,你要懂
技能和道具命令- <Target ATB Eval>
- speed = x;
- charge = x;
- </Target ATB Eval>
复制代码 不同于直接的<ATB Speed/Charge/Gauge>命令,这段命令的格式如上,你可以在注释区的Lunatic Mode中
使用更复杂的语句和公式定义speed charge参数,也支持if else while for等javascript脚本命令。
给一个例子:- <Target ATB Eval>
- speed = target.hp / target.mhp max;
- charge = target.hp / target.mhp max;
- </Target ATB Eval>
复制代码 上面这段代码实现了speed和charge按照目标单位的hp和最大hp的百分比进行修改,即目标血越少行动条填充的越多。
延伸一点,你也可以使用触发器,使用if target.hp < target.mhp 30% 这种条件来决定这个技能什么时候可以被触发。
--- --- --- --- ---- <After ATB Eval>
- speed = x;
- </After ATB Eval>
复制代码 这个命令类似于<Afer ATB> 可以让你设计动作完毕后,该动作对角色行动槽的影响,当然你也可以设计的很复杂。
例子君出现了:- <After ATB Eval>
- speed = user.mp / user.mmp ;
- </After ATB Eval>
复制代码 上面的代码实现了按照人物MP最大百分比来加成施法后行动条的回复量的功能。
--- --- --- --- ---- <ATB Interrupt Eval>
- interrupt = true;
- </ATB Interrupt Eval>
复制代码 打断,没什么好说的,加入各种触发器和公式命令都是可以的。
例子君出现了:- <ATB Interrupt Eval>
- if (user.hp > target.hp) {
- interrupt = true;
- }
- </ATB Interrupt Eval>
复制代码 上面的命令实现了当使用者的当前hp大于目标的hp时,打断才能成功。
Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Extension - Action Sequence Commands
下面部分的命令将会与Battle Engine带来的基础Action行为密切相关,在学习命令时
建议先去Battle Engine插件中掌握如何使用Action Sequence的相关命令和内容
You can make use of these extra ATB related action sequences.
本插件提供了更多的关于atb系统的action sequences命令,快把他们加入到你的
技能和战斗中来吧。- ATB CHARGE: target, X
- ATB CHARGE: target, X%
- ATB CHARGE: targets, +X
- ATB CHARGE: targets, +X%
复制代码 上面的命令参照charge咏唱条的设定,不过你可以把targets更换为其他值了,
具体请参照action sequence的帮助文件
Usage Example:- atb charge: targets, +5000
- atb charge: target, -50%
- ATB GAUGE: target, X
- ATB GAUGE: target, X%
- ATB GAUGE: targets, +X
- ATB GAUGE: targets, +X%
复制代码 参照Gauge设置,针对speed和charge两个参数同时生效。
Usage Example:- atb gauge: targets, +5000
- atb gauge: target, -50%
复制代码 打断命令,没什么好说的,用sequence系统可以做成群体打断,全体打断,打断自己人,好开心
Usage Example:- atb interrupt: targets
- ATB SPEED: target, X
- ATB SPEED: target, X%
- ATB SPEED: targets, +X
- ATB SPEED: targets, +X%
复制代码 参照speed参数设置,你可以实现更多目标
Usage Example:- atb speed: targets, +5000
- atb speed: target, -50%
复制代码 |