// Yanfly Engine Plugins - Item Core Extension - Item Requirements
// YEP_X_ItemRequirements.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.YEP_X_ItemRequirements = true;
var Yanfly = Yanfly || {};
Yanfly.ItemReq = Yanfly.ItemReq || {};
Yanfly.ItemReq.version = 1.01;
* @plugindesc v1.01 (Requires YEP_ItemCore.js) Place requirements on
* items before they can be used.
* @author Yanfly Engine Plugins
* @help
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
* This plugin requires YEP_ItemCore. Make sure this plugin is located under
* YEP_ItemCore in the plugin list.
* In RPG Maker MV, items only have a few restrictions on them by default,
* whether or not they can be used in or out of battle or never. There aren't
* any other conditions that you can set that would otherwise determine if an
* item can or cannot be used. This plugin gives more ways to restrict item
* usage based on switches, variables, the actors using them, classes, state
* requirements, and more.
* ============================================================================
* Notetags
* ============================================================================
* Use the following notetags to enforce requirements for items before they can
* be used.
* Item Notetags:
* <Enable Requirements>
* condition
* condition
* </Enable Requirements>
* - Replace 'condition' with the desired condition setup. You can insert any
* number of conditions inside the notetags. All of the conditions must be
* met before the item can be used. Look below for a list of the possible
* conditions that can be used.
* ---
* Conditions:
* ---
* Eval: code
* - Replace 'code' with JavaScript code that you'd like to run a check against
* to enable the item. If the check returns false, the item will be disabled
* regardless of other conditions.
* Examples:
* Eval: $gameActors.actor(1).name() === 'Harold'
* Eval: $gameActors.leader().name() !== 'Ralph'
* ---
* Actor: x
* Actor: x, x, x
* - Requires actor(s) ID 'x' to use the item. If the actor isn't the one using
* the said item, then the item is disabled and cannot be used regardless of
* other conditions.
* Not Actor: x
* Not Actor: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor using the item to NOT be actor ID 'x'. If the actor's
* ID matches one of the listed 'x', then the item is disabled and cannot be
* used regardless of other conditions.
* Examples:
* Actor: 1
* Actor: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
* Not Actor: 7
* Not Actor: 8, 9, 10
* ---
* Armor: x
* Armor: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor to specifically have armor ID 'x' equipped to use the
* item. If multiple 'x' are used, the actor can have any of them equipped. If
* the actor does not have armor 'x' equipped, then the item is disabled and
* cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Not Armor: x
* Not Armor: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor to not have armor ID 'x' equipped to use the item.
* If multiple 'x' are used, the actor cannot have any of them equipped. If
* the actor does have armor 'x' equipped, then the item is disabled and
* cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Examples:
* Armor: 1
* Armor: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
* Not Armor: 7
* Not Armor: 8, 9, 10
* ---
* Class: x
* Class: x, x, x
* - Requires class(es) ID 'x' to use the item. If the actor's class doesn't
* match the item requirement, then the item is disabled and cannot be used
* regardless of other conditions.
* Not Class: x
* Not Class: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor using the item to NOT be class ID 'x'. If the actor's
* class ID matches one of the listed 'x', then the item is disabled and cannot
* be used regardless of other conditions.
* Examples:
* Class: 1
* Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
* Not Class: 7
* Not Class: 8, 9, 10
* ---
* Subclass: x
* Subclass: x, x, x
* - Requires YEP_X_Subclass.js
* - Requires subclass(es) ID 'x' to use the item. If the actor's class doesn't
* match the item requirement, then the item is disabled and cannot be used
* regardless of other conditions.
* Not Subclass: x
* Not Subclass: x, x, x
* - Requires YEP_X_Subclass.js
* - Requires the actor using the item to NOT be subclass ID 'x'. If the
* actor's subclass ID matches one of the listed 'x', then the item is disabled
* and cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Examples:
* Subclass: 1
* Subclass: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
* Not Subclass: 7
* Not Subclass: 8, 9, 10
* ---
* Either Class: x
* Either Class: x, x, x
* - Requires YEP_X_Subclass.js
* - The actor's primary class or subclass ID has to match 'x'. If at least one
* of them match, then the condition passes. Otherwise, the condition fails and
* the item is disabled and cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Neither Class: x
* Neither Class: x, x, x
* - Requires YEP_X_Subclass.js
* - Requires YEP_X_Subclass.js
* - The actor's primary class or subclass ID has to NOT match 'x'. If at least
* one of them match, then the condition fails and the item is disabled and
* cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Examples:
* Either Class: 1
* Either Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
* Neither Class: 7
* Neither Class: 8, 9, 10
* ---
* State: x
* State: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor using the item to be affected by state 'x'. If multiple
* 'x' are used, the actor can be affected by any of them. If the actor is not
* affected by state 'x', then the condition fails and the item is disabled
* and cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Not State: x
* Not State: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor using the item to be not affected by state 'x'. If
* multiple 'x' are used, the actor cannot be affected by any of them. If the
* actor is not affected by state 'x', then the condition fails and the item is
* disabled and cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Examples:
* State: 10
* State: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
* Not State: 16
* Not Stage: 17, 18, 19, 20
* ---
* Switch Off: x
* Switch Off: x, x, x
* - Requires switch(es) x to be OFF before the item can be used. If the switch
* is ON, then the item is disabled and cannot be used regardless of other
* conditions.
* Examples:
* Switch Off: 1
* Switch Off: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
* ---
* Switch On: x
* Switch On: x, x, x
* - Requires switch(es) x to be ON before the item can be used. If the switch
* is OFF, then the item is disabled and cannot be used regardless of other
* conditions.
* Examples:
* Switch On: 1
* Switch On: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
* ---
* Variable x eval
* - Makes a check against variable x. Replace 'x' with an integer value and
* 'eval' with the code check you wish to run it against.
* Examples:
* Variable 1 >= 5
* Variable 2 < 6
* Variable 3 === 7
* Variable 4 !== 8
* ---
* Weapon: x
* Weapon: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor to specifically have weapon ID 'x' equipped to use the
* item. If multiple 'x' are used, the actor can have any of them equipped. If
* the actor does not have weapon 'x' equipped, then the item is disabled and
* cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Not Weapon: x
* Not Weapon: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor to not have weapon ID 'x' equipped to use the item.
* If multiple 'x' are used, the actor cannot have any of them equipped. If
* the actor does have weapon 'x' equipped, then the item is disabled and
* cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Examples:
* Weapon: 1
* Weapon: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
* Not Weapon: 7
* Not Weapon: 8, 9, 10
* ---
* Weapon Type: x
* Weapon Type: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor to have weapon type 'x' equipped. If multiple 'x' are
* used, the actor can have any of the 'x' weapon types equipped. If the actor
* does not have the matching weapon types, then the item is disabled and
* cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Not Weapon Type: x
* Not Weapon Type: x, x, x
* - Requires the actor to not have weapon type 'x' equipped. If multiple 'x'
* are used, the actor cannot have any of the 'x' weapon types equipped. If the
* actor does have the matching weapon types, then the item is disabled and
* cannot be used regardless of other conditions.
* Examples:
* Weapon Type: 1
* Weapon Type: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
* Not Weapon Type: 7
* Not Weapon Type: 8, 9, 10
* ============================================================================
* Lunatic Mode - Custom Enable Requirements
* ============================================================================
* For those with JavaScript experience, you can create your own custom
* requirements for whether or not items can be used using the following
* notetag setup:
* Item Notetags:
* <Custom Enable Requirement>
* condition = battler.level >= item.price;
* </Custom Enable Requirement>
* - The 'condition' variable will determine whether or not the item will be
* enabled/disabled. If the 'condition' variable returns true, then the item
* is enabled provided all other conditions (if any) are also met. Otherwise,
* the item is disabled and cannot be used. The 'battler' variable will refer
* to the battler using the item. The 'item' variable will refer to the item
* being checked.
* ============================================================================
* Changelog
* ============================================================================
* Version 1.01:
* - Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.
* Version 1.00:
* - Finished Plugin!
if (Imported.YEP_ItemCore) {
// DataManager
Yanfly.ItemReq.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() {
if (!Yanfly.ItemReq.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded.call(this)) return false;
if (!Yanfly._loaded_YEP_X_ItemRequirements) {
Yanfly._loaded_YEP_X_ItemRequirements = true;
return true;
DataManager.processItemRequirementsNotetags1 = function(group) {
for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
var obj = group[n];
var notedata = obj.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
obj.itemRequirements = [];
var evalMode = 'none';
obj.customItemRequirements = '';
for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++) {
var line = notedata[i];
if (line.match(/<ENABLE (?:REQUIREMENT|REQUIREMENTS)>/i)) {
evalMode = 'enable requirements';
} else if (line.match(/<\/ENABLE (?:REQUIREMENT|REQUIREMENTS)>/i)) {
evalMode = 'none';
} else if (evalMode === 'enable requirements') {
} else if (line.match(/<CUSTOM ENABLE (?:REQUIREMENT|REQUIREMENTS)>/i)) {
evalMode = 'custom enable requirements';
} else if (line.match(/<\/CUSTOM ENABLE (?:REQUIREMENT|REQUIREMENTS)>/i)) {
evalMode = 'none';
} else if (evalMode === 'custom enable requirements') {
obj.customItemRequirements += line + '\n';
// Game_BattlerBase
Yanfly.ItemReq.Game_BattlerBase_mIC =
Game_BattlerBase.prototype.meetsItemConditions = function(item) {
if (!Yanfly.ItemReq.Game_BattlerBase_mIC.call(this, item)) {
return false;
return ItemManager.meetsUsableItemRequirements(item, this);
// Game_Actor
Game_Actor.prototype.isAtypeEquipped = function(atypeId) {
return this.armors().some(function(armor) {
return armor.atypeId === atypeId;
// ItemManager
ItemManager.meetsUsableItemRequirements = function(item, battler) {
if (!item) return false;
if (!item.itemRequirements) {
var baseItem = DataManager.getBaseItem(item);
item.itemRequirements = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(baseItem.itemRequirements);
var length = item.itemRequirements.length;
if ($gameParty.inBattle()) var battler = this.battleSubject() || battler;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var line = item.itemRequirements[i];
if (!line) continue;
if (!this.checkUsableItemRequirement(line, item, battler)) return false;
if (item.customItemRequirements && item.customItemRequirements.length >= 1) {
if (!this.checkCustomUsableItemRequirement(item, battler)) return false;
return true;
ItemManager.battleSubject = function() {
return BattleManager.actor() || BattleManager._subject;
ItemManager.checkUsableItemRequirement = function(line, item, battler) {
if (line.match(/EVAL:(.*)/i)) {
var code = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementEval(code);
if (line.match(/NOT ACTOR:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementActor(data, battler, false);
if (line.match(/ACTOR:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementActor(data, battler, true);
if (line.match(/NOT ARMOR TYPE:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementAtype(data, battler, false);
if (line.match(/ARMOR TYPE:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementAtype(data, battler, true);
if (line.match(/NOT ARMOR:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementArmor(data, battler, false);
if (line.match(/ARMOR:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementArmor(data, battler, true);
if (Imported.YEP_X_Subclass) {
if (line.match(/NOT SUBCLASS:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementSubclass(data, battler, false);
if (line.match(/SUBCLASS:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementSubclass(data, battler, true);
if (line.match(/EITHER CLASS:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementDuoClass(data, battler, true);
if (line.match(/NEITHER CLASS:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementDuoClass(data, battler, false);
if (line.match(/NOT CLASS:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementClass(data, battler, false);
if (line.match(/CLASS:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementClass(data, battler, true);
if (line.match(/NOT STATE:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementState(data, battler, false);
if (line.match(/STATE:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementState(data, battler, true);
if (line.match(/NOT WEAPON TYPE:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementWtype(data, battler, false);
if (line.match(/WEAPON TYPE:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementWtype(data, battler, true);
if (line.match(/NOT WEAPON:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementWeapon(data, battler, false);
if (line.match(/WEAPON:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementWeapon(data, battler, true);
if (line.match(/SWITCH OFF:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementSwitch(data, false);
if (line.match(/SWITCH ON:(.*)/i)) {
var data = String(RegExp.$1);
return this.usableItemRequirementSwitch(data, true);
if (line.match(/VARIABLE[ ](\d+)[ ](.*)/i)) {
var variableId = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
var code = String(RegExp.$2);
return this.usableItemRequirementVariable(variableId, code);
return true;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementEval = function(code) {
var value = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
Yanfly.Util.displayError(e, code, 'CUSTOM ITEM USE EVAL CODE ERROR');
return value;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementActor = function(data, battler, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var actorId = parseInt(array[i].trim());
if (battler.actorId() === actorId) return condition;
return !condition;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementClass = function(data, battler, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var classId = parseInt(array[i].trim());
if (battler._classId === classId) return condition;
return !condition;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementDuoClass = function(data, battler, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var classId = parseInt(array[i].trim());
var subclassId = parseInt(array[i].trim());
if (battler._classId === classId || battler._subclassId === subclassId) {
return condition;
return !condition;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementSubclass = function(data, battler, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var subclassId = parseInt(array[i].trim());
if (battler._subclassId === subclassId) return condition;
return !condition;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementState = function(data, battler, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var stateId = parseInt(array[i].trim());
var state = $dataStates[stateId];
if (battler.states().contains(state)) return condition;
return !condition;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementWtype = function(data, battler, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var id = parseInt(array[i].trim());
if (battler.isWtypeEquipped(id)) return condition;
return !condition;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementWeapon = function(data, battler, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var id = parseInt(array[i].trim());
var equip = $dataWeapons[id];
if (battler.hasWeapon(equip)) return condition;
return !condition;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementAtype = function(data, battler, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var id = parseInt(array[i].trim());
if (battler.isAtypeEquipped(id)) return condition;
return !condition;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementArmor = function(data, battler, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var id = parseInt(array[i].trim());
var equip = $dataArmors[id];
if (battler.hasArmor(equip)) return condition;
return !condition;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementSwitch = function(data, condition) {
var array = data.split(',');
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var switchId = parseInt(array[i].trim());
if ($gameSwitches.value(switchId) !== condition) return false;
return true;
ItemManager.usableItemRequirementVariable = function(variableId, code) {
return eval('$gameVariables.value(variableId) ' + code);
ItemManager.checkCustomUsableItemRequirement = function(item, battler) {
var condition = false;
var user = battler;
var a = battler;
var b = battler;
var target = battler;
var subject = battler;
var s = $gameSwitches._data;
var v = $gameVariables._data;
var code = item.customItemRequirements;
try {
} catch (e) {
Yanfly.Util.displayError(e, code, 'CUSTOM ITEM USE REQUIREMENT CODE ERROR');
return condition;
// Utilities
Yanfly.Util = Yanfly.Util || {};
Yanfly.Util.displayError = function(e, code, message) {
console.log(code || 'NON-EXISTENT');
if (Utils.isNwjs() && Utils.isOptionValid('test')) {
if (!require('nw.gui').Window.get().isDevToolsOpen()) {
// End of File
} else {
var text = '================================================================\n';
text += 'YEP_X_ItemRequirements requires YEP_ItemCore to be at the ';
text += 'latest version to run properly.\n\nPlease go to [url]www.yanfly.moe[/url] and ';
text += 'update to the latest version for the YEP_ItemCore plugin.\n';
text += '================================================================\n';
} // // Imported.YEP_ItemCore