赞 | 4 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 71 |
经验 | 15725 |
最后登录 | 2025-2-19 |
在线时间 | 1231 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 7113
- 在线时间
- 1231 小时
- 注册时间
- 2015-8-15
- 帖子
- 712
本帖最后由 金芒芒 于 2023-4-24 16:43 编辑
如果是超大地图最好用事件接近主角地图传送 把地图分割掉
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_pwrecjaoTC0TxzGBoTW8Q?pwd=wqmu 提取码: wqmu 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 无黑边本人花了一个月修改修改原创板
下面是第一个脚本再改全适应板脚本- #==============================================================================
- # ■ 真·RMXP分辨率拓展 By 紫英晓狼工作室
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 用于更改游戏分辨率,紫英晓狼工作室修改
- # 脚本主要来源于癫狂侠客的DKRM,自己稍作修改
- # 全局搜索“修改”可以看到修改的地方
- # 所有的窗口类没有改动,使用前请注意
- # 使用需复制带★的脚本,以及START.dll $game_temp.reserve_common_event(公共事件ID)
- #==============================================================================
- module GAME_WINDOW
- INT_WIDTH = 1200 # 窗口宽度
- INT_HEIGHT = 700 # 窗口高度
- end
- ini=".\\Game.ini"
- val = "\0"*256
- gps = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetPrivateProfileString','pppplp', 'l')
- gps.call("Game", "Title", "", val, 256, ini)
- val.delete!("\0")
- title = val
- fw = Win32API.new('user32', 'FindWindow', 'pp', 'i')
- hWnd = fw.call("RGSS Player", title)
- swp = Win32API.new('user32', 'SetWindowPos', 'lliiiii', 'i')
- pointwds = [0,0,0,0].pack('llll')
- pointcet = [0, 0].pack('ll')
- wdsrect = Win32API.new('user32.dll', 'GetWindowRect', 'lp', 'l')
- client_screen = Win32API.new("user32", "ClientToScreen", 'ip', 'i')
- wdsrect.call(hWnd,pointwds)
- client_screen.call(hWnd, pointcet)
- wds = pointwds.unpack('llll')
- cet = pointcet.unpack('ll')
- addw = wds[2] - wds[0] - 640
- addh = wds[3] - wds[1] - 480
- x = wds[0] - (GAME_WINDOW::INT_WIDTH - 640) / 2
- y = wds[1] - (GAME_WINDOW::INT_HEIGHT - 480) / 2
- swp.call(hWnd, 0, x, y, GAME_WINDOW::INT_WIDTH + addw, GAME_WINDOW::INT_HEIGHT+addh,0x20)
- #============================================================================
- # ■ Plane
- #============================================================================
- class Plane
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化定义
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(v = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480))
- @x = 0
- @y = 0
- @z = 0
- @ox = 0
- @oy = 0
- @ox2 = 0
- @oy2 = 0
- @rect = v.rect
- @zoom_x = 1.0
- @zoom_y = 1.0
- @bitmap = nil
- @contents = Sprite.new
- @n_w = 1
- @n_h = 1
- @visible = true
- @tone = Tone.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
- @color = Color.new(255,255,255,0)
- @blend_type = 0
- @opacity = 255
- @dispose = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- @contents.x = @x
- @contents.y = @y
- @contents.ox = @ox2
- @contents.oy = @oy2
- @contents.opacity = @opacity
- @contents.visible = @visible
- @contents.tone = @tone
- @contents.blend_type = @blend_type
- @contents.z = @z
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 装载图形(bitmap)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def bitmap=(bitmap)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- @bitmap = bitmap
- count_wh
- update
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 图形
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def bitmap
- return if @bitmap != nil
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● X 坐标(x)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def x=(x)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- @x = x
- update
- end
- end
- def x
- return @x
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Y 坐标(y)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def y=(y)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- @y = y
- update
- end
- end
- def y
- return @y
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Z 坐标(z)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def z=(z)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- @z = z
- update
- end
- end
- def z
- return @z
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● X 漂移量(ox)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def ox=(ox)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- if @bitmap != nil
- @ox = ox
- @ox2 = ox % (@bitmap.width * @zoom_x).to_i
- update
- end
- end
- end
- def ox
- return @ox
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Y 漂移量(oy)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def oy=(oy)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- if @bitmap != nil
- @oy = oy
- @oy2 = oy % (@bitmap.height * @zoom_y).to_i
- update
- end
- end
- end
- def oy
- return @oy
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● X 方向缩放(zoom_x)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def zoom_x=(zx)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- if @zoom_x != zx
- @zoom_x = zx
- count_wh
- end
- update
- end
- end
- def zoom_x
- return @zoom_x
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Y 方向缩放(zoom_y)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def zoom_y=(zy)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- if @zoom_y != zy
- @zoom_y = zy
- count_wh
- end
- update
- end
- end
- def zoom_y
- return @zoom_y
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 不透明度(opacity)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def opacity=(op)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- @opacity = op
- update
- end
- end
- def opacity
- return @opacity
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 颜色叠加(color)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def color=(c)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- @color = c
- update
- end
- end
- def color
- return @color
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 色调(tone)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def tone=(tone)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- @tone = tone
- update
- end
- end
- def tone
- return @tone
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 是否可见(visible)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def visible=(v)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- @visible = v
- update
- end
- end
- def visible
- return @visible
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 叠加模式(blend_type)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def blend_type=(bt)
- if @disposed
- raise(RGSSError,"disposed window")
- else
- @blend_type = bt
- update
- end
- end
- def blend_type
- return @blend_type
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 释放内存(dispose)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose
- return if @dispose
- @dispose = true
- @contents.bitmap.dispose if @contents.bitmap != nil
- @contents.bitmap = nil
- @contents.dispose if @contents != nil
- @contents = nil
- @bitmap.dispose if @bitmap != nil
- @bitmap = nil
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 检测释放(dispose?)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose?
- @dispose
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 计算Plane的长宽与精灵排布(count_wh)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def count_wh
- if @bitmap != nil
- @n_w = @rect.width / (@bitmap.width * @zoom_x).to_i + 3
- @n_h = @rect.height / (@bitmap.height * @zoom_y).to_i + 3
- h = @n_h * (@bitmap.height * @zoom_y).to_i
- w = @n_w * (@bitmap.width * @zoom_x).to_i
- if @contents.bitmap == nil
- @contents.bitmap = Bitmap.new(w, h)
- end
- @contents.bitmap.clear
- for x in 0..@n_w
- for y in 0..@n_h
- rect = Rect.new(0,0,@bitmap.width,@bitmap.height)
- dest_rect = Rect.new(x * @bitmap.width * @zoom_x,\
- y * @bitmap.height * @zoom_y,@bitmap.width * @zoom_x,\
- @bitmap.height * @zoom_y)
- @contents.bitmap.stretch_blt(dest_rect, @bitmap, rect)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #===================================================
- # ■ Tilemap
- #===================================================
- class CustomTilemapAutotiles
- attr_accessor :changed
- def initialize
- @changed=true
- @tiles=[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil]
- end
- def []=(i,value)
- @tiles[i]=value
- @changed=true
- end
- def [](i)
- return @tiles[i]
- end
- end
- class Tilemap
- Animated_Autotiles_Frames = 15
- Autotiles = [
- [ [27, 28, 33, 34], [ 5, 28, 33, 34], [27, 6, 33, 34], [ 5, 6, 33, 34],
- [27, 28, 33, 12], [ 5, 28, 33, 12], [27, 6, 33, 12], [ 5, 6, 33, 12] ],
- [ [27, 28, 11, 34], [ 5, 28, 11, 34], [27, 6, 11, 34], [ 5, 6, 11, 34],
- [27, 28, 11, 12], [ 5, 28, 11, 12], [27, 6, 11, 12], [ 5, 6, 11, 12] ],
- [ [25, 26, 31, 32], [25, 6, 31, 32], [25, 26, 31, 12], [25, 6, 31, 12],
- [15, 16, 21, 22], [15, 16, 21, 12], [15, 16, 11, 22], [15, 16, 11, 12] ],
- [ [29, 30, 35, 36], [29, 30, 11, 36], [ 5, 30, 35, 36], [ 5, 30, 11, 36],
- [39, 40, 45, 46], [ 5, 40, 45, 46], [39, 6, 45, 46], [ 5, 6, 45, 46] ],
- [ [25, 30, 31, 36], [15, 16, 45, 46], [13, 14, 19, 20], [13, 14, 19, 12],
- [17, 18, 23, 24], [17, 18, 11, 24], [41, 42, 47, 48], [ 5, 42, 47, 48] ],
- [ [37, 38, 43, 44], [37, 6, 43, 44], [13, 18, 19, 24], [13, 14, 43, 44],
- [37, 42, 43, 48], [17, 18, 47, 48], [13, 18, 43, 48], [ 1, 2, 7, 8] ]
- ]
- FlashOpacity=[100,90,80,70,80,90]
- attr_reader :tileset
- attr_reader :autotiles
- attr_reader :map_data
- attr_accessor :flash_data
- attr_accessor :priorities
- attr_reader :visible
- attr_accessor :ox
- attr_accessor :oy
- attr_reader :viewport
- def initialize(viewport=Viewport.new(0,0,640,480))
- @tileset = nil # Refers to Map Tileset Name
- @autotiles = CustomTilemapAutotiles.new
- @map_data = nil # Refers to 3D Array Of Tile Settings
- @flash_data = nil # Refers to 3D Array of Tile Flashdata
- @priorities = nil # Refers to Tileset Priorities
- @visible = true # Refers to Tileset Visibleness
- @ox = 0 # Bitmap Offsets
- @oy = 0 # bitmap Offsets
- @plane = false
- @viewport=viewport
- @tiles=[]
- @autotileInfo=[]
- @regularTileInfo=[]
- @oldOx=0
- @oldOy=0
- @layer0=Sprite.new(viewport)
- @layer0.visible=true
- @nowshown=false
- @layer0.bitmap=Bitmap.new(@viewport.rect.width*2,@viewport.rect.height*2)
- @flash=nil
- @layer0.ox=0
- @layer0.oy=0
- @oxLayer0=0
- @oyLayer0=0
- @oxFlash=0
- @oyFlash=0
- @layer0.z=0
- @priotiles=[]
- @prioautotiles=[]
- @autosprites=[]
- @framecount=[]
- @tilesetChanged=true
- @flashChanged=false
- @firsttime=true
- @disposed=false
- @usedsprites=false
- @layer0clip=true
- @firsttimeflash=true
- @fullyrefreshed=false
- @fullyrefreshedautos=false
- end
- def disposed?
- return @disposed
- end
- def flash_data=(value)
- @flash_data=value
- @flashChanged=true
- end
- def update
- if @autotiles.changed
- refresh_autotiles
- repaintAutotiles
- end
- if @flashChanged
- refresh_flash
- end
- if @tilesetChanged
- refresh_tileset
- end
- if @flash
- @flash.opacity=FlashOpacity[(Graphics.frame_count/2) % 6]
- end
- if !(@oldOx==@ox&&@oldOy==@oy&&
- !@tilesetChanged&&
- [email protected])
- refresh
- end
- if (Graphics.frame_count % Animated_Autotiles_Frames == 0) || @nowshown
- repaintAutotiles
- refresh(true)
- end
- @nowshown=false
- @autotiles.changed=false
- @tilesetChanged=false
- end
- def priorities=(value)
- @priorities=value
- @tilesetChanged=true
- end
- def tileset=(value)
- @tileset=value
- @tilesetChanged=true
- end
- def shown?
- return false if !@visible
- ysize=@map_data.ysize
- xsize=@map_data.xsize
- xStart=(@ox/32)-1
- xEnd=((@[email protected])/32)+1
- yStart=(@oy/32)-1
- yEnd=((@[email protected])/32)+1
- xStart=0 if xStart<0
- xStart=xsize-1 if xStart>=xsize
- xEnd=0 if xEnd<0
- xEnd=xsize-1 if xEnd>=xsize
- yStart=0 if yStart<0
- yStart=ysize-1 if yStart>=ysize
- yEnd=0 if yEnd<0
- yEnd=ysize-1 if yEnd>=ysize
- return (xStart<xEnd&&yStart<yEnd)
- end
- def dispose
- return if disposed?
- @help.dispose if @help
- @help=nil
- i=0;[email protected];while i<len
- if @autotileInfo[i]
- @autotileInfo[i].dispose
- @autotileInfo[i]=nil
- end
- i+=1
- end
- i=0;[email protected];while i<len
- if @regularTileInfo[i]
- @regularTileInfo[i].dispose
- @regularTileInfo[i]=nil
- end
- i+=1
- end
- i=0;[email protected];while i<len
- @tiles[i].dispose
- @tiles[i]=nil
- i+=2
- end
- i=0;[email protected];while i<len
- @autosprites[i].dispose
- @autosprites[i]=nil
- i+=2
- end
- if @layer0
- @layer0.bitmap.dispose if [email protected]?
- @layer0.bitmap=nil if [email protected]?
- @layer0.dispose
- @layer0=nil
- end
- if @flash
- @flash.bitmap.dispose if [email protected]?
- @flash.bitmap=nil if [email protected]?
- @flash.dispose
- @flash=nil
- end
- for i in 0...7
- self.autotiles[i]=nil
- end
- @tiles.clear
- @autosprites.clear
- @autotileInfo.clear
- @regularTileInfo.clear
- @tilemap=nil
- @tileset=nil
- @priorities=nil
- @disposed=true
- end
- def bltAutotile(bitmap,x,y,id,frame)
- return if frame<0
- autotile=@autotiles[id/48-1]
- return if !autotile
- if autotile.height==32
- anim=frame*32
- src_rect=Rect.new(anim,0,32,32)
- bitmap.blt(x,y,autotile,src_rect)
- else
- anim=frame*96
- id%=48
- tiles = Autotiles[id>>3][id&7]
- src=Rect.new(0,0,0,0)
- for i in 0...4
- tile_position = tiles[i] - 1
- src.set(tile_position % 6 * 16 + anim,
- tile_position / 6 * 16, 16, 16)
- bitmap.blt(i%2*16+x,i/2*16+y, autotile, src)
- end
- end
- end
- def autotileNumFrames(id)
- autotile=@autotiles[id/48-1]
- return 0 if !autotile || autotile.disposed?
- frames=1
- if autotile.height==32
- frames=autotile.width/32
- else
- frames=autotile.width/96
- end
- return frames
- end
- def autotileFrame(id)
- autotile=@autotiles[id/48-1]
- return -1 if !autotile || autotile.disposed?
- frames=1
- if autotile.height==32
- frames=autotile.width/32
- else
- frames=autotile.width/96
- end
- return (Graphics.frame_count/Animated_Autotiles_Frames)%frames
- end
- def repaintAutotiles
- for i in [email protected]
- next if !@autotileInfo[i]
- frame=autotileFrame(i)
- bltAutotile(@autotileInfo[i],0,0,i,frame)
- end
- end
- def getAutotile(sprite,id)
- anim=autotileFrame(id)
- return if anim<0
- bitmap=@autotileInfo[id]
- if !bitmap
- bitmap=Bitmap.new(32,32)
- bltAutotile(bitmap,0,0,id,anim)
- @autotileInfo[id]=bitmap
- end
- sprite.bitmap=bitmap if !sprite.equal?(bitmap) || sprite.bitmap!=bitmap
- end
- def getRegularTile(sprite,id)
- if false
- sprite.bitmap=@tileset if !sprite.equal?(@tileset) || sprite.bitmap!=@tileset
- sprite.src_rect.set((id - 384) % 8 * 32, (id - 384) / 8 * 32,32,32)
- else
- bitmap=@regularTileInfo[id]
- if !bitmap
- bitmap=Bitmap.new(32,32)
- rect=Rect.new((id - 384) % 8 * 32, (id - 384) / 8 * 32,32,32)
- bitmap.blt(0,0,@tileset,rect)
- @regularTileInfo[id]=bitmap
- end
- sprite.bitmap=bitmap if !sprite.equal?(bitmap) || sprite.bitmap!=bitmap
- end
- end
- def addTile(tiles,count,xpos,ypos,id)
- if id>=384
- if count>=tiles.length
- sprite=Sprite.new(@viewport)
- tiles.push(sprite,0)
- else
- sprite=tiles[count]
- tiles[count+1]=0
- end
- sprite.visible=@visible
- sprite.x=xpos
- sprite.y=ypos
- getRegularTile(sprite,id)
- spriteZ=(@priorities[id]==0||!@priorities[id]) ? 0 : ypos+@priorities[id]*32+32
- sprite.z=spriteZ
- count+=2
- else
- if count>=tiles.length
- sprite=Sprite.new(@viewport)
- tiles.push(sprite,1)
- else
- sprite=tiles[count]
- tiles[count+1]=1
- end
- sprite.visible=@visible
- sprite.x=xpos
- sprite.y=ypos
- getAutotile(sprite,id)
- spriteZ=(@priorities[id]==0||!@priorities[id]) ? 0 : ypos+@priorities[id]*32+32
- sprite.z=spriteZ
- count+=2
- end
- return count
- end
- def refresh_tileset
- i=0;[email protected];while i<len
- if @regularTileInfo[i]
- @regularTileInfo[i].dispose
- @regularTileInfo[i]=nil
- end
- i+=1
- end
- @regularTileInfo.clear
- @priotiles.clear
- ysize=@map_data.ysize
- xsize=@map_data.xsize
- zsize=@map_data.zsize
- if xsize>100 || ysize>100
- @fullyrefreshed=false
- else
- for z in 0...zsize
- for y in 0...ysize
- for x in 0...xsize
- id = @map_data[x, y, z]
- next if id==0 || !@priorities[id]
- next if @priorities[id]==0
- @priotiles.push([x,y,z,id])
- end
- end
- end
- @fullyrefreshed=true
- end
- end
- def refresh_flash
- if @flash_data&&!@flash
- @flash=Sprite.new(viewport)
- @flash.visible=true
- @flash.z=1
- @flash.blend_type=1
- @flash.bitmap=Bitmap.new(@viewport.rect.width*2,@viewport.rect.height*2)
- @firsttimeflash=true
- elsif !@flash_data&&@flash
- @flash.bitmap.dispose if @flash.bitmap
- @flash.dispose
- @flash=nil
- @firsttimeflash=false
- end
- end
- def refresh_autotiles
- i=0;[email protected];while i<len
- if @autotileInfo[i]
- @autotileInfo[i].dispose
- @autotileInfo[i]=nil
- end
- i+=1
- end
- i=0;[email protected];while i<len
- if @autosprites[i]
- @autosprites[i].dispose
- @autosprites[i]=nil
- end
- i+=2
- end
- @autosprites.clear
- @autotileInfo.clear
- @prioautotiles.clear
- hasanimated=false
- for i in 0...7
- numframes=autotileNumFrames(48*(i+1))
- hasanimated=true if numframes>=2
- @framecount[i]=numframes
- end
- if hasanimated
- ysize=@map_data.ysize
- xsize=@map_data.xsize
- zsize=@map_data.zsize
- if xsize>100 || ysize>100
- @fullyrefreshedautos=false
- else
- for y in 0...ysize
- for x in 0...xsize
- haveautotile=false
- for z in 0...zsize
- id = @map_data[x, y, z]
- next if id==0 || id>=384 || @priorities[id]!=0 || !@priorities[id]
- next if @framecount[id/48-1]<2
- haveautotile=true
- break
- end
- @prioautotiles.push([x,y]) if haveautotile
- end
- end
- @fullyrefreshedautos=true
- end
- else
- @fullyrefreshedautos=true
- end
- end
- def map_data=(value)
- @map_data=value
- @tilesetChanged=true
- end
- def refreshFlashSprite
- return if !@flash || @flash_data.nil?
- ptX=@ox-@oxFlash
- ptY=@oy-@oyFlash
- if !@firsttimeflash&&!@usedsprites&&
- ptX>=0&&[email protected]<[email protected]&&
- ptY>=0&&[email protected]<[email protected]
- @flash.ox=0
- @flash.oy=0
- @flash.src_rect.set(ptX.round,ptY.round,
- @viewport.rect.width,@viewport.rect.height)
- return
- end
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- ysize=@map_data.ysize
- xsize=@map_data.xsize
- zsize=@map_data.zsize
- @firsttimeflash=false
- @oxFlash=@ox-(width>>2)
- @oyFlash=@oy-(height>>2)
- @flash.ox=0
- @flash.oy=0
- @flash.src_rect.set(width>>2,
- height>>2,
- @viewport.rect.width,@viewport.rect.height)
- @flash.bitmap.clear
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- xStart=(@oxFlash>>5)
- xStart=0 if xStart<0
- yStart=(@oyFlash>>5)
- yStart=0 if yStart<0
- xEnd=xStart+(width>>5)+1
- yEnd=yStart+(height>>5)+1
- xEnd=xsize if xEnd>=xsize
- yEnd=ysize if yEnd>=ysize
- if xStart<xEnd&&yStart<yEnd
- yrange=yStart...yEnd
- xrange=xStart...xEnd
- tmpcolor=Color.new(0,0,0,0)
- for y in yrange
- ypos=(y<<5)-@oyFlash
- for x in xrange
- xpos=(x<<5)-@oxFlash
- # id = @flash_data[x, y, 0] #错误的#论证(2对3)
- # r=(id>>8)&15
- # g=(id>>4)&15
- # b=(id)&15
- # tmpcolor.set(r*16,g*16,b*16)
- bitmap.fill_rect(xpos,ypos,32,32,tmpcolor)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def refreshLayer0(autotiles=false)
- ptX=@ox-@oxLayer0
- ptY=@oy-@oyLayer0
- if !autotiles&&!@firsttime&&!@usedsprites&&
- ptX>=0&&[email protected]<[email protected]&&
- ptY>=0&&[email protected]<[email protected]
- if @layer0clip
- @layer0.ox=0
- @layer0.oy=0
- @layer0.src_rect.set(ptX.round,ptY.round,
- @viewport.rect.width,@viewport.rect.height)
- else
- @layer0.ox=ptX.round
- @layer0.oy=ptY.round
- @layer0.src_rect.set(0,0,@layer0.bitmap.width,@layer0.bitmap.height)
- end
- return true
- end
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- ysize=@map_data.ysize
- xsize=@map_data.xsize
- zsize=@map_data.zsize
- if autotiles
- return true if @fullyrefreshedautos&&@prioautotiles.length==0
- return true if !shown?
- xStart=(@oxLayer0>>5)
- xStart=0 if xStart<0
- yStart=(@oyLayer0>>5)
- yStart=0 if yStart<0
- xEnd=xStart+(width>>5)+1
- yEnd=yStart+(height>>5)+1
- xEnd=xsize if xEnd>xsize
- yEnd=ysize if yEnd>ysize
- return true if xStart>=xEnd || yStart>=yEnd
- trans=Color.new(0,0,0,0)
- temprect=Rect.new(0,0,0,0)
- tilerect=Rect.new(0,0,32,32)
- range=0...zsize
- overallcount=0
- count=0
- if !@fullyrefreshedautos
- for y in yStart..yEnd
- for x in xStart..xEnd
- haveautotile=false
- for z in range
- id = @map_data[x, y, z]
- next if id<48 || id>=384 || @priorities[id]!=0 || !@priorities[id]
- next if @framecount[id/48-1]<2
- haveautotile=true
- break
- end
- next if !haveautotile
- overallcount+=1
- xpos=(x<<5)-@oxLayer0
- ypos=(y<<5)-@oyLayer0
- bitmap.fill_rect(xpos,ypos,0,0,trans) if overallcount<=2000
- for z in range
- id = @map_data[x,y,z]
- next if id<48 || @priorities[id]!=0 || !@priorities[id]
- if overallcount>2000
- count=addTile(@autosprites,count,xpos,ypos,id)
- next
- elsif id>=384
- temprect.set((id - 384) % 8 * 32, (id - 384) / 8 * 32,32,32)
- bitmap.blt(xpos,ypos,@tileset,temprect)
- else
- tilebitmap=@autotileInfo[id]
- if !tilebitmap
- anim=autotileFrame(id)
- next if anim<0
- tilebitmap=Bitmap.new(32,32)
- bltAutotile(tilebitmap,0,0,id,anim)
- @autotileInfo[id]=tilebitmap
- end
- bitmap.blt(xpos,ypos,tilebitmap,tilerect)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for tile in @prioautotiles
- x=tile[0]
- y=tile[1]
- next if x<xStart||x>xEnd
- next if y<yStart||y>yEnd
- overallcount+=1
- xpos=(x<<5)-@oxLayer0
- ypos=(y<<5)-@oyLayer0
- bitmap.fill_rect(xpos,ypos,0,0,trans) if overallcount<=2000
- for z in range
- id = @map_data[x,y,z]
- next if id<48 || @priorities[id]!=0 || !@priorities[id]
- if overallcount>2000
- count=addTile(@autosprites,count,xpos,ypos,id)
- next
- elsif id>=384
- temprect.set((id - 384) % 8 * 32, (id - 384) / 8 * 32,32,32)
- bitmap.blt(xpos,ypos,@tileset,temprect)
- else
- tilebitmap=@autotileInfo[id]
- if !tilebitmap
- anim=autotileFrame(id)
- next if anim<0
- tilebitmap=Bitmap.new(32,32)
- bltAutotile(tilebitmap,0,0,id,anim)
- @autotileInfo[id]=tilebitmap
- end
- bitmap.blt(xpos,ypos,tilebitmap,tilerect)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Graphics.frame_reset if overallcount>2000
- @usedsprites=false
- return true
- end
- return false if @usedsprites
- @firsttime=false
- @oxLayer0=@ox-(width>>2)
- @oyLayer0=@oy-(height>>2)
- if @layer0clip
- @layer0.ox=0
- @layer0.oy=0
- @layer0.src_rect.set(width>>2,height>>2,
- @viewport.rect.width,@viewport.rect.height)
- else
- @layer0.ox=(width>>2)
- @layer0.oy=(height>>2)
- end
- @layer0.bitmap.clear
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- xStart=(@oxLayer0>>5)
- xStart=0 if xStart<0
- yStart=(@oyLayer0>>5)
- yStart=0 if yStart<0
- xEnd=xStart+(width>>5)+1
- yEnd=yStart+(height>>5)+1
- xEnd=xsize if xEnd>=xsize
- yEnd=ysize if yEnd>=ysize
- if xStart<xEnd&&yStart<yEnd
- tmprect=Rect.new(0,0,0,0)
- yrange=yStart...yEnd
- xrange=xStart...xEnd
- for z in 0...zsize
- for y in yrange
- ypos=(y<<5)-@oyLayer0
- for x in xrange
- xpos=(x<<5)-@oxLayer0
- id = @map_data[x, y, z]
- next if id==0 || @priorities[id]!=0 || !@priorities[id]
- if id>=384
- tmprect.set((id - 384) % 8 * 32, (id - 384) / 8 * 32,32,32)
- bitmap.blt(xpos,ypos,@tileset,tmprect)
- else
- frame=autotileFrame(id)
- bltAutotile(bitmap,xpos,ypos,id,frame)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Graphics.frame_reset
- end
- return true
- end
- def getResizeFactor
- return $ResizeFactor ? $ResizeFactor : 1.0
- end
- def ox=(val)
- val=(val*getResizeFactor).to_i
- val=(val/getResizeFactor).to_i
- wasshown=self.shown?
- @ox=val.floor
- @nowshown=(!wasshown&&self.shown?)
- end
- def oy=(val)
- val=(val*getResizeFactor).to_i
- val=(val/getResizeFactor).to_i
- wasshown=self.shown?
- @oy=val.floor
- @nowshown=(!wasshown&&self.shown?)
- end
- def visible=(val)
- wasshown=@visible
- @visible=val
- @nowshown=(!wasshown&&val)
- end
- def refresh(autotiles=false)
- @oldOx=@ox
- @oldOy=@oy
- usesprites=false
- if @layer0
- @layer0.visible=@visible
- usesprites=!refreshLayer0(autotiles)
- if autotiles&&!usesprites
- return
- end
- else
- usesprites=true
- end
- refreshFlashSprite
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]+vpx
- [email protected]+vpy
- xsize=@map_data.xsize
- ysize=@map_data.ysize
- minX=(@ox/32)-1
- maxX=((@[email protected])/32)+1
- minY=(@oy/32)-1
- maxY=((@[email protected])/32)+1
- minX=0 if minX<0
- minX=xsize-1 if minX>=xsize
- maxX=0 if maxX<0
- maxX=xsize-1 if maxX>=xsize
- minY=0 if minY<0
- minY=ysize-1 if minY>=ysize
- maxY=0 if maxY<0
- maxY=ysize-1 if maxY>=ysize
- count=0
- if minX<maxX&&minY<maxY
- @usedsprites=usesprites || @usedsprites
- if @layer0
- @layer0.visible=false if usesprites
- end
- if @fullyrefreshed
- for prio in @priotiles
- next if prio[0]<minX||prio[0]>maxX
- next if prio[1]<minY||prio[1]>maxY
- id=prio[3]
- xpos=(prio[0]<<5)-@ox
- ypos=(prio[1]<<5)-@oy
- count=addTile(@tiles,count,xpos,ypos,id)
- end
- else
- for z in 0...@map_data.zsize
- for y in minY..maxY
- for x in minX..maxX
- id = @map_data[x, y, z]
- next if id==0 || !@priorities[id]
- next if @priorities[id]==0
- xpos=(x<<5)-@ox
- ypos=(y<<5)-@oy
- count=addTile(@tiles,count,xpos,ypos,id)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if count<@tiles.length
- bigchange=(count<=(@tiles.length*2/3))&&(@tiles.length*2/3)>25
- j=count;[email protected];while j<len
- sprite=@tiles[j]
- @tiles[j+1]=-1
- if bigchange
- sprite.dispose
- @tiles[j]=nil
- @tiles[j+1]=nil
- elsif !@tiles[j].disposed?
- sprite.visible=false if sprite.visible
- end
- j+=2
- end
- @tiles.compact! if bigchange
- end
- end
- end
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