教学1:Astory 漆黑世界 素材包:http://bbs.66rpg.com/UP_PIC/200710/AStory_Torch_Res.rar ![](http://bbs.66rpg.com/UP_PIC/200710/AStory_Torch_Res.jpg) 首先把素材包中的图片放到Graphics\Pictures\System中,然后插入以下脚本,注意修改其中43为火把物品编号。以后进入漆黑世界只要用事件-脚本: $game_system.dark_place=true $game_system.torch_icon=false $game_system.torch_keep=false 就可以了,退出漆黑模式,只需用事件-脚本: $game_system.dark_place=false $scene=Scene_Map.new 再加上一个更改画面色调(0,0,0,0,@10)就可以了。 主脚本: #============================================================================== # 66RPG 制作 AStory 的漆黑世界效果 by 蓝蓝小雪 sunnyboy8888888#163.com # 以下脚本来自于 AStory,但已经经过蓝蓝小雪的 N (N>100) 处修改,请尊重他人的劳动成果。 #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Temp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 在没有存档的情况下,处理临时数据的类。这个类的实例请参考 # $game_temp 。 #============================================================================== class Game_Temp attr_accessor :torch_help_demo # ★ たいまつ説明中フラグ attr_accessor :torch_help_icon # ★ たいまつ説明用アイコンフラグ attr_accessor :torch_transition # ★ たいまつトランジション用フラグ attr_accessor :torch_setup # ★ たいまつセットアップフラグ attr_accessor :torch_icon_flash # ★ たいまつアイコンフラッシュフラグ alias torch_initialize initialize def initialize torch_initialize @torch_help_demo = 0 @torch_help_icon = 0 @torch_transition = false @torch_setup = false @torch_icon_flash = 0 end end #============================================================================== # ■ Game_System #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 处理系统附属数据的类。也可执行诸如 BGM 管理之类的功能。本类的实例请参考 # $game_system 。 #============================================================================== class Game_System attr_accessor :torch_help_flags # ★ たいまつ説明完了フラグ attr_accessor :torch_count # ★ たいまつカウント attr_accessor :torch_brightness # ★ たいまつ明るさ attr_accessor :torch_keep # ★ たいまつ明るさ保持フラグ attr_accessor :dark_place attr_accessor :torch_event attr_accessor :torch_icon alias torch_initialize initialize def initialize torch_initialize @torch_help_flags = true @torch_count = 0 @torch_brightness = 0 @torch_keep = false @dark_place = false @torch_event = false @torch_icon = false end end #============================================================================== # ■ Sprite_Torch #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # たいまつの処理を行うクラスです。 #============================================================================== class Sprite_Torch < Sprite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● オブジェクト初期化 # viewport : ビューポート #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(viewport) super(viewport) @light = Sprite.new @light.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("System/Torch-Base02") @light.opacity = 0 @light.visible = false @base = Sprite.new @base.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("System/Torch-Base01") @base.visible = false @opacity = [0, 128, 144, 160, 192] @counts = [0, 600, 1200, 1800] @count = $game_system.torch_count @brightness = $game_system.torch_brightness @turn = 0 @fade = false @start = false @reset = false if $game_system.dark_place and $game_system.torch_keep unless $game_system.torch_event setup_torch end @light.opacity = @opacity[@brightness] $game_system.torch_keep = false end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 解放 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose @light.dispose @base.dispose super end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● フレーム更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super if $game_system.dark_place # イベント用たいまつモード if $game_system.torch_event transition unless @start reset_torch setup_event @start = true end @turn += 1 if @turn < 5 @light.zoom_x -= 0.3 @light.zoom_y -= 0.3 elsif @turn >= 5 and @turn < 10 @light.zoom_x += 0.3 @light.zoom_y += 0.3 else @light.zoom_x = 12 @light.zoom_y = 12 @turn = 0 end @light.x = 320 - 80 * @light.zoom_x @light.y = 240 - 80 * @light.zoom_y # 通常たいまつモード else transition unless @start @start = true @base.visible = true @light.visible = true end if $game_temp.torch_setup $game_temp.torch_setup = false tone_change setup_torch end # 説明デモ if @count == @counts[0] or $game_temp.torch_help_demo == 4 @brightness = 0 tone_change @fade = true elsif @count == @counts[1] or $game_temp.torch_help_demo == 3 @brightness = 1 tone_change @fade = true elsif @count == @counts[2] or $game_temp.torch_help_demo == 2 @brightness = 2 tone_change @fade = true elsif @count == @counts[3] or $game_temp.torch_help_demo == 1 @brightness = 3 tone_change @fade = true end # 場所移動時のフェードアウト unless @start or $game_temp.transition_processing @start = true $game_screen.start_tone_change(Tone.new(-96, -96, -96), 0) end # カウント進行 unless $game_system.torch_keep or $game_system.torch_icon or $game_temp.message_window_showing or $game_temp.torch_transition @count -= 1 end # 揺らぎ処理 if @light.opacity > @opacity[@brightness] @light.opacity -= 4 end if @fade brightness_change else @turn += 1 if @turn < 5 @light.zoom_x -= @brightness * 0.1 @light.zoom_y -= @brightness * 0.1 elsif @turn >= 5 and @turn < 10 @light.zoom_x += @brightness * 0.1 @light.zoom_y += @brightness * 0.1 else @light.zoom_x = zoom * 2 @light.zoom_y = zoom * 2 @turn = 0 end end @base.x = $game_player.screen_x - 640 * @base.zoom_x @base.y = $game_player.screen_y - 16 - 480 * @base.zoom_y @light.x = $game_player.screen_x - 80 * @light.zoom_x @light.y = $game_player.screen_y - 16 - 80 * @light.zoom_y # カウント・明るさを記憶 $game_system.torch_count = @count $game_system.torch_brightness = @brightness end # 通常マップ else # カウント・明るさをリセット if not @reset reset_torch end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 拡大率 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def zoom return @brightness + 1 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 場所移動時のフェード調整 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def transition if $game_temp.torch_transition @light.opacity -= 8 if @light.opacity > 0 else @light.opacity += 8 if @light.opacity < @opacity[@brightness] end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● イベントたいまつセットアップ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_event @brightness = 4 $game_system.torch_brightness = @brightness @light.zoom_x = 12 @light.zoom_y = 12 @light.x = 320 - 80 * @light.zoom_x @light.y = 240 - 80 * @light.zoom_y @base.zoom_x = 6 @base.zoom_y = 6 @base.x = 320 - 640 * @base.zoom_x @base.y = 240 - 480 * @base.zoom_y @base.visible = true @light.visible = true tone_change @turn = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 画面切り替えからの復帰 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_torch @base.zoom_x = zoom @base.zoom_y = zoom @light.zoom_x = zoom * 2 @light.zoom_y = zoom * 2 @base.visible = true @light.visible = true tone_change @turn = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● たいまつリセット #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset_torch $game_system.torch_count = 0 $game_system.torch_brightness = 0 @count = 0 @brightness = 0 @turn = 0 @start = false @reset = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 画面色調切り替え #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tone_change time = $game_system.torch_keep ? 0 : 15 case @brightness when 0 $game_screen.start_tone_change(Tone.new(-96, -96, -96), time) when 1 $game_screen.start_tone_change(Tone.new(-64, -64, -64), time) when 2 $game_screen.start_tone_change(Tone.new(-48, -48, -48), time) else $game_screen.start_tone_change(Tone.new(-32, -32, -32), time) end $game_temp.torch_transition = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 明るさ切り替え #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def brightness_change if @brightness == 0 @base.zoom_x -= zoom * 0.02 @base.zoom_y -= zoom * 0.02 @light.zoom_x -= zoom * 0.04 @light.zoom_y -= zoom * 0.04 if @base.zoom_x <= zoom and @base.zoom_y <= zoom and @light.zoom_x <= zoom * 2 and @light.zoom_y <= zoom * 2 @base.zoom_x = zoom @base.zoom_y = zoom @light.zoom_x = zoom * 2 @light.zoom_y = zoom * 2 @light.opacity = 0 @fade = false end elsif @brightness < 3 @base.zoom_x -= zoom * 0.01 @base.zoom_y -= zoom * 0.01 @light.zoom_x -= zoom * 0.02 @light.zoom_y -= zoom * 0.02 if @base.zoom_x <= zoom and @base.zoom_y <= zoom and @light.zoom_x <= zoom * 2 and @light.zoom_y <= zoom * 2 @base.zoom_x = zoom @base.zoom_y = zoom @light.zoom_x = zoom * 2 @light.zoom_y = zoom * 2 @fade = false end else @base.zoom_x += zoom * 0.025 @base.zoom_y += zoom * 0.025 @light.zoom_x += zoom * 0.05 @light.zoom_y += zoom * 0.05 if @base.zoom_x >= zoom and @base.zoom_y >= zoom and @light.zoom_x >= zoom * 2 and @light.zoom_y >= zoom * 2 @base.zoom_x = zoom @base.zoom_y = zoom @light.zoom_x = zoom * 2 @light.zoom_y = zoom * 2 @turn = 0 @fade = false end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● たいまつ使用 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def torch_set @brightness = 3 @count = @counts[@brightness] tone_change @fade = true end end #============================================================================== # ■ Window_Icon #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # システムアイコンを表示するウィンドウです。 # 関連セクション:Scene_Map #============================================================================== class Window_Icon < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● オブジェクト初期化 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize super(400-16, 0-16, 240, 96) self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32) self.visible = false self.opacity=0 self.back_opacity =255 self.z = 500 refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● リフレッシュ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear if $game_system.dark_place # マジックトーチ @number = $game_party.item_number(43) @opacity = @number > 0 ? 255 : 160 @icon1 = RPG::Cache.picture("System/Torch-Icon-Normal") if $game_party.item_number(43) > 0 if $game_temp.torch_icon_flash > 0 #@icon2 = RPG::Cache.picture("System/Torch-Icon-Flash02") else #@icon2 = RPG::Cache.picture("System/Torch-Icon-Command") end else if $game_temp.torch_icon_flash > 0 #@icon2 = RPG::Cache.picture("System/Torch-Icon-Flash01") else @icon2 = nil end end icon_blt torch_number end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● アイコン画像表示 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def icon_blt if @icon1 != nil @icon1_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, @icon1.width, @icon1.height) self.contents.blt(self.width - @icon1.width - 32, 0, @icon1, @icon1_rect, @opacity) end if @icon2 != nil @icon2_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, @icon2.width, @icon2.height) self.contents.blt(self.width - @icon2.width - 32, 0, @icon2, @icon2_rect) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● たいまつ個数表示 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def torch_number self.contents.font.size = 12 self.contents.font.color = @number > 0 ? normal_color : disabled_color self.contents.draw_text(118, 28, 26, 24, @number.to_s, 1) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● たいまつ使用時 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def icon_flash $game_temp.torch_icon_flash = 10 refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● フレーム更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super if $game_system.dark_place if $game_temp.torch_transition self.visible = false else self.visible = true refresh end if $game_system.torch_event or $game_system.torch_icon or $game_system.torch_keep self.visible = false end end end end #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Map #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 处理地图画面的类。(火把专用) #============================================================================== class Scene_Map attr_accessor :spriteset def initialize @torch_index = 0 end def main # スプライトセットを作成 @spriteset = Spriteset_Map.new # メッセージウィンドウを作成 @message_window = Window_Message.new # ★ アイコンウィンドウを作成 @icon_window = Window_Icon.new # トランジション実行 Graphics.transition # メインループ loop do # ゲーム画面を更新 Graphics.update # 入力情報を更新 Input.update # フレーム更新 update # 画面が切り替わったらループを中断 if $scene != self # ★ たいまつカウントストップフラグを設定 $game_system.torch_keep = true break end end # トランジション準備 Graphics.freeze # スプライトセットを解放 @spriteset.dispose # ★ アイコンウィンドウを解放 @icon_window.dispose # メッセージウィンドウを解放 @message_window.dispose # タイトル画面に切り替え中の場合 if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Title) # 画面をフェードアウト Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze end end def update # 循环 loop do # 按照地图、实例、主角的顺序刷新 # (本更新顺序不会在的满足事件的执行条件下成为给予角色瞬间移动 # 的机会的重要因素) $game_map.update $game_system.map_interpreter.update $game_player.update # 系统 (计时器)、画面刷新 $game_system.update $game_screen.update # 如果主角在场所移动中就中断循环 unless $game_temp.player_transferring break end # 执行场所移动 transfer_player # 处理过渡中的情况下、中断循环 if $game_temp.transition_processing break end end # 刷新活动块 @spriteset.update if $game_system.dark_place @icon_window.update end # 刷新信息窗口 @message_window.update # 游戏结束的情况下 if $game_temp.gameover # 切换的游戏结束画面 $scene = Scene_Gameover.new return end # 返回标题画面的情况下 if $game_temp.to_title # 切换到标题画面 $scene = Scene_Title.new return end # 处理过渡中的情况下 if $game_temp.transition_processing # 清除过渡处理中标志 $game_temp.transition_processing = false # 执行过渡 if $game_temp.transition_name == "" Graphics.transition(20) else Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" + $game_temp.transition_name) end end # 显示信息窗口中的情况下 if $game_temp.message_window_showing return end # 遇敌计数为 0 且、且遇敌列表不为空的情况下 if $game_player.encounter_count == 0 and $game_map.encounter_list != [] # 不是在事件执行中或者禁止遇敌中 unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or $game_system.encounter_disabled # 确定队伍 n = rand($game_map.encounter_list.size) troop_id = $game_map.encounter_list[n] # 队伍有效的话 if $data_troops[troop_id] != nil # 设置调用战斗标志 $game_temp.battle_calling = true $game_temp.battle_troop_id = troop_id $game_temp.battle_can_escape = true $game_temp.battle_can_lose = false $game_temp.battle_proc = nil end end end if $game_system.dark_place and $game_system.torch_help_flags unless $game_temp.message_window_showing or $game_system.torch_event update_torch end end # 按下 B 键的情况下 if Input.trigger?(Input::B) # 不是在事件执行中或菜单禁止中 unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or $game_system.menu_disabled # 设置菜单调用标志以及 SE 演奏 $game_temp.menu_calling = true $game_temp.menu_beep = true end end # 调试模式为 ON 并且按下 F9 键的情况下 if $DEBUG and Input.press?(Input::F9) # 设置调用调试标志 $game_temp.debug_calling = true end # 不在主角移动中的情况下 unless $game_player.moving? # 执行各种画面的调用 if $game_temp.battle_calling call_battle elsif $game_temp.shop_calling call_shop elsif $game_temp.name_calling call_name elsif $game_temp.menu_calling call_menu elsif $game_temp.save_calling call_save elsif $game_temp.debug_calling call_debug end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ★ フレーム更新(たいまつ使用マップ) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_torch # ★ たいまつアイコンのフラッシュ解除 if $game_temp.torch_icon_flash > 1 $game_temp.torch_icon_flash -= 1 elsif $game_temp.torch_icon_flash == 1 $game_temp.torch_icon_flash = 0 @icon |