第一段是設置每個職位(class)能透過JP學習的技能 (職位ID) => [技能ID], 第二段是設置每個角色能透過JP學習的技能 (角色ID) => [技能ID],
学习魔法的设置如何设置 |
本帖最后由 ganty 于 2011-4-28 22:00 编辑 在這之前,我建議在回帖中發腳本時把它放在代碼框中, 正如我之前所發的腳本片段,你需要的關於JP設置在以下標示中, 你只需找到對應的段落把它複製上就好. 我嘗試把一些字翻譯了一下,但由於我對自己的翻譯能力不抱以期望的情況下, 我無法準確地翻譯出其他的注釋. 我強烈建議你使用網上的翻譯器找到大約意思,從而推敲它的功能.
谢谢楼上大哥,但是搜索的话。。- -首先就是能够加QQ吗?我是脚本盲,因为我是菜鸟啊 503770523,这个就是我的QQ mirumo1234于2011-4-28 21:26补充以下内容: 我根据你的办法找到JP了 #=============================================================================== # # Yanfly Engine Melody - Skill Overhaul # Last Date Updated: 2010.06.30 # Level: Normal # # This script rewrites the skill scene and adds a new currency called JP, which # stands for Job Points. Job Points are earned through battle and used to # purchase new skills and passives. # # Note that this script does not rework the way skills function. This script # only reworks the way the Skill Scene appears and what it can be used for. # However, what this script does do is create a new passive item based off of # status effects. Passives are essentially status effects that stick around # once an actor has learned them. # #=============================================================================== # Updates # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # o 2010.06.30 - Battle End Bugfix. # o 2010.06.25 - Fixed JP level up bug. # o 2010.06.20 - Improved applied and canceled states in data windows. # o 2010.06.18 - Added switch enabling for both learning skills and passives. # o 2010.06.14 - Skill Equip System Compatibility. # o 2010.06.11 - Finished Script. # o 2010.06.03 - Started Script. #=============================================================================== # Instructions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script # to an open slot below ▼ Materials but above ▼ Main. Remember to save. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Skill Tags - For Skill only. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <jp cost: x> # This sets the JP cost of the skill to x value. This is how much JP is needed # by the actor in the actor's current class to learn the skill. # # <jp require level: x> # This requires the actor to be at least level x before being able to acquire # the skill through JP. # # <jp require skill: x> or <jp require skill: x, x> # In order for the actor to learn the skill through using JP costs, the skill # x must also be learned. If multiple tags are used, then all of the skills # must be learned before the skill can be acquired through JP. # # <jp require passive: x> or <jp require passive: x, x> # In order for the actor to learn the passive through using JP costs, the # passive x must also be learned. If multiple tags are used, then all of the # passives must be learned before the passive can be acquired through JP. # # <jp require switch: x> or <jp require switches: x, x> # This requires switch x to be on in order for the skill to appear in the list. # # <custom data> # icon, string1, string2 # </custom data> # This allows you to input in custom data to be displayed in the learn skill # data window. Replace "icon" with a number to depict which icon you want # shown in the data. Replace "string1" with the category you want shown in the # data. Replace "string2" with the text you want shown in the data. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # State Tags - For Status Effects only. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <jp gain: x%> # This state adjusts the JP gain for the actor by x%. Stackable. # # <jp cost: x> # This sets the JP cost of the passive to x value. This is how much JP is # needed by the actor in the actor's current class to learn the passive. # # <jp require level: x> # This requires the actor to be at least level x before being able to acquire # the passive through JP. # # <jp require skill: x> or <jp require skill: x, x> # In order for the actor to learn the passive through using JP costs, the skill # x must also be learned. If multiple tags are used, then all of the skills # must be learned before the passive can be acquired through JP. # # <jp require passive: x> or <jp require passive: x, x> # In order for the actor to learn the passive through using JP costs, the # passive x must also be learned. If multiple tags are used, then all of the # passives must be learned before the passive can be acquired through JP. # # <jp require switch: x> or <jp require switches: x, x> # This requires switch x to be on in order for the passive to appear in list. # # <custom data> # icon, string1, string2 # </custom data> # This allows you to input in custom data to be displayed in the learn skill # data window. Replace "icon" with a number to depict which icon you want # shown in the data. Replace "string1" with the category you want shown in the # data. Replace "string2" with the text you want shown in the data. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enemy Tags - For Enemies only. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <jp: x> # This is the amount of JP the enemy provides the party when it is defeated. # If this tag is not used, then the default enemy JP value will be used instead. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug Shortcuts - Only during $TEST and $BTEST mode # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # During testplay mode, pressing F7 or F8 at the learning skill menus will # lower or raise the current class's JP totals. Press F6 to refresh the windows # and press F5 to learn the selected skill. Hold down Shift and press F5 to # forget the selected skill. #=============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported == nil $imported["SkillOverhaul"] = true module YEM module SKILL #=========================================================================== # Section I. Basic Settings # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following below will adjust the basic settings and vocabulary that # will display throughout the script. Change them as you see fit. #=========================================================================== # These switches must be on in order for the learn skill and learn passive # items to appear in the skill menu. LEARN_SKILL_SWITCH = 41 LEARN_PASSIVE_SWITCH = 42 # This adjusts the commands used within the skill scene. The command window # is the window that lets you switch between various skill scene options. # # :view_skills View all of the available skills usable by the actor. # :learn_skill Teach the actor new skills using JP. # :learn_passive Teach the actor new passives using JP. # :equip_skill Requires Skill Equip System. # COMMANDS =[ :view_skills, # View all of the available skills usable by the actor. :learn_skill, # Teach the actor new skills using JP. :equip_skill, # Requires Skill Equip System. :learn_passive, # Teach the actor new passives using JP. ] # Do not remove this. # The following determines the vocabulary used for the remade skill scene. # Adjust it accordingly to set the way text is displayed. VOCAB ={ :view_skills => "View Skill", :learn_skill => "Learn Skill", :learn_passive => "Passives", } # Do not remove this. #=========================================================================== # Section II. JP Ruleset # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This adjusts the rules regarding the way JP appears, is earned, and spent # in the game. Adjust it as you see fit. Each character's JP pool is class- # based, meaning that for each class, actors will have different JP values. # These values are stored and retained for future usage. #=========================================================================== # This is how JP will appear in your game both visually and verbally. JP_TERM = "JP" # This is the vocab used for the JP currency. JP_ICON = 145 # This is the icon used for JP. JP_SIZE = 16 # This is the font size used for JP costs. HIDE_JP = false # If true, JP is hidden in the skill scene. # This sets the maximum amount of JP a character can earn per class. MAXIMUM_JP = 9999999 # This will be the text displayed if the skill has been learned. LEARNED_TEXT = "Learned" # These hashes adjust what skills each class can learn. Fill in the arrays # with the skill ID's of learnable skills. Class 0's hash allows all classes # to be able to learn from it. Do not delete class 0. CLASS_SKILLS ={ # ID => [Skill ID's], 0 => [], 1 => [121..160], 2 => [161..200], 3 => [201..240], 4 => [241..280], } # Do not remove this. # These hashes adjust what passives each class can learn. Fill in the arrays # with the skill ID's of status effects. Class 0's hash allows all classes # to be able to learn from it. Do not delete class 0. CLASS_PASSIVES ={ # ID => [State ID's], 0 => [57..70], 1 => [], 2 => [], 3 => [], 4 => [], } # Do not remove this. # This is the default JP cost of each of the skills without a <jp cost: x> # tag placed in the skill's notebox. DEFAULT_JP_SKILL_COST = 100 DEFAULT_JP_PASSIVE_COST = 1000 # Setting the following to true will have the game automatically create # JP costs based on what the game deems to be reasonable for each skill. AUTO_CREATE_JP_SKILL_COSTS = true JP_SKILL_COSTS ={ # Skill Property => Factor, :base_damage => 0.2000, # Additional cost per base damage point. :variance => 0.5000, # Additional cost per amount of variance. :atk_f => 0.5000, # Additional cost per ATK_F multiplier. :def_f => 0.2500, # Additional cost per DEF_F multiplier. :spi_f => 0.3333, # Additional cost per SPI_F multiplier. :res_f => 0.3000, # Additional cost per RES_F multiplier. :dex_f => 0.2750, # Additional cost per RES_F multiplier. :agi_f => 0.2000, # Additional cost per RES_F multiplier. :physical => 50.000, # Additional cost if a physical attack. :damage_to_mp => 50.000, # Additional cost if deals damage to MP. :absorb_dmg => 100.00, # Additional cost if it absorbs damage. :ignore_def => 100.00, # Additional cost if it ignores defense. :element => 25.000, # Additional cost per element. :status_effect => 20.000, # Additional cost per status effect. :multi_target => 2.5000, # Multiply by this amount if multi-target. } # Do not remove this. #=========================================================================== # Section III. Learn Data Window # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This section adjusts the properties for the learn skill portion's data # window that appears in the lower right corner of the screen. This window # displays information regarding JP costs and various skill properties. #=========================================================================== # This hash contains all of the information and data regarding the learn # data window. Adjust it accordingly. LEARN_DATA ={ :fontsize => 16, :require => "Requirements", :properties => "Properties", :jp_cost => "JP Cost", :skill_cost => "Skill Cost", :dmg_icon => 119, :heal_icon => 128, :base_dmg => "Base Damage", :base_heal => "Base Healing", :multiplier => "%s Multiplier", :element => "Element", :add_state => "Applies", :rem_state => "Cancels", :stat_rate => "%s Rate", :stat_set => "%s Change", } # Do not remove this. # This array contains all of the elements you want displayed and in which # order to display them in. You can display them as individual integers or # as number ranges. SHOWN_ELEMENTS = [3, 4, 5, 6..10] # Since elements do not have icons innately, use the following hash below # adjust and apply icons to them. ELEMENT_ICONS ={ 3 => 104, # Fire element. 4 => 105, # Ice element. 5 => 106, # Volt element. 6 => 108, # Earth element. 7 => 107, # Water element. 8 => 109, # Air element. 9 => 110, # Light element. 10 => 111, # Dark element. } # Do not remove this. #=========================================================================== # Section IV. JP Earning Settings # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # JP can be earned through a number of ways. They can be earned through # regular attacks, guarding, using skills, using items, or simply leveling # up an actor. #=========================================================================== # This hash adjusts the various cases of when actors earn JP and by how # much. JP earned can come from a set factor, a random factor, or both. EARN_JP ={ :attack_set => 10, # Set JP earned from regular attacks. :attack_rand => 5, # Random JP earned from regular attacks. :guard_set => 8, # Set JP earned from guarding. :guard_rand => 4, # Random JP earned from regular guarding. :skill_set => 12, # Set JP earned from using skills. :skill_rand => 6, # Random JP earned from using skills. :item_set => 6, # Set JP earned from using items. :item_rand => 3, # Random JP earned from using items. :level_set => 500, # Set JP earned from leveling up. :level_rand => 200, # Random JP earned from leveling up. :enemy_set => 100, # The default JP an enemy leaves when killed. } # Do not remove this. end # SKILL end # YEM #=============================================================================== # Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing computer # damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or halitosis. # Therefore, edit at your own risk. #=============================================================================== module YEM module REGEXP module SKILL JP_COST = /<(?:JP_COST|jp cost):[ ]*(\d+)>/i JP_REQ = /<(?:JP_REQUIRE|jp require)[ ](.*):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i CUSTOM_DATA1 = /<(?:CUSTOM_DATA|custom data)>/i CUSTOM_DATA2 = /<\/(?:CUSTOM_DATA|custom data)>/i end # SKILL module STATE JP_COST = /<(?:JP_COST|jp cost):[ ]*(\d+)>/i JP_REQ = /<(?:JP_REQUIRE|jp require)[ ](.*):[ ](\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i JP_RATE = /<(?:JP_GAIN|jp gain):[ ]*(\d+)([%%])>/i PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION1 = /<(?:PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION|passive description)>/i PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION2 = /<\/(?:PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION|passive description)>/i CUSTOM_DATA1 = /<(?:CUSTOM_DATA|custom data)>/i CUSTOM_DATA2 = /<\/(?:CUSTOM_DATA|custom data)>/i end # STATE module ENEMY JP = /<(?:JP|jp):[ ]*(\d+)>/i end # ENEMY end # REGEXP module SKILL module_function #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # convert_integer_array #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def convert_integer_array(array) result = [] array.each { |i| case i when Range; result |= i.to_a when Integer; result |= [i] end } return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # full_convert_hash #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def full_convert_hash(hash) result = {} hash.each { |key| result[key[0]] = convert_integer_array(key[1]) } return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # converted_contants #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS_SKILLS = full_convert_hash(CLASS_SKILLS) CLASS_PASSIVES = full_convert_hash(CLASS_PASSIVES) SHOWN_ELEMENTS = convert_integer_array(SHOWN_ELEMENTS) end # SKILL end # YEM #=============================================================================== # Vocab #=============================================================================== module Vocab #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.jp; return YEM::SKILL::JP_TERM; end end # Vocab #=============================================================================== # module Icon #=============================================================================== module Icon #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.element #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.element(element_id) icon = YEM::SKILL::ELEMENT_ICONS[element_id] return (icon == nil) ? 0 : icon end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.jp; return YEM::SKILL::JP_ICON; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.level #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.level; return YEM::SKILL::JP_ICON; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.base_damage #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.base_damage; return YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:dmg_icon]; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.base_healing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.base_healing; return YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:heal_icon]; end end # Icon #=============================================================================== # RPG::Skill #=============================================================================== class RPG::Skill < RPG::UsableItem #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public instance variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :custom_data attr_accessor :jp_cost attr_accessor :jp_require #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common cache: yem_cache_skill_so #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def yem_cache_skill_so return if @cached_skill_so; @cached_skill_so = true create_default_jp_cost @custom_data = [] enable_custom_data = false @jp_require = {} if @jp_require == nil #--- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line #--- when YEM::REGEXP::SKILL::JP_COST @jp_cost = $1.to_i #--- when YEM::REGEXP::SKILL::JP_REQ case $1.upcase when "SKILL", "SKILLS" type = :skills when "PASSIVE", "PASSIVES" type = :passives when "LEVEL" type = :level when "SWITCH", "SWITCHES" type = :switches else; next end @jp_require[type] = [] if @jp_require[type] == nil $2.scan(/\d+/).each { |num| @jp_require[type].push(num.to_i) if num.to_i > 0 } #--- when YEM::REGEXP::SKILL::CUSTOM_DATA1 enable_custom_data = true when YEM::REGEXP::SKILL::CUSTOM_DATA2 enable_custom_data = false when /(\d+),[ ](.*),[ ](.*)/i next unless enable_custom_data array = [$1.to_i, $2.to_s, $3.to_s] @custom_data.push(array) #--- end } # self.note.split end # yem_cache_skill_so #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: create_default_jp_cost #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_default_jp_cost @jp_cost = YEM::SKILL::DEFAULT_JP_SKILL_COST return unless YEM::SKILL::AUTO_CREATE_JP_SKILL_COSTS if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] yem_cache_baseitem_bem yem_cache_usableitem_bem end hash = YEM::SKILL::JP_SKILL_COSTS @jp_cost += (@base_damage * hash[:base_damage]).abs @jp_cost += @variance * hash[:variance] @jp_cost += @atk_f * hash[:atk_f] @jp_cost += @spi_f * hash[:spi_f] if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] @jp_cost += @def_f * hash[:def_f] @jp_cost += @agi_f * hash[:agi_f] @jp_cost += @dex_f * hash[:dex_f] if $imported["DEX Stat"] @jp_cost += @res_f * hash[:res_f] if $imported["DEX Stat"] end @jp_cost += hash[:physical] if @physical_attack @jp_cost += hash[:damage_to_mp] if @damage_to_mp @jp_cost += hash[:absorb_dmg] if @absorb_damage @jp_cost += hash[:ignore_def] if @ignore_defense @jp_cost += @element_set.size * hash[:element] @jp_cost += @plus_state_set.size * hash[:status_effect] @jp_cost += @minus_state_set.size * hash[:status_effect] @jp_cost *= hash[:multi_target] if [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10].include?(@scope) @jp_cost = Integer(@jp_cost) end end # RPG::Skill #=============================================================================== # RPG::State #=============================================================================== class RPG::State #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public instance variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :custom_data attr_accessor :jp_cost attr_accessor :jp_rate attr_accessor :jp_require attr_accessor :passive_description #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common cache: yem_cache_state_so #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def yem_cache_state_so return if @cached_state_so; @cached_state_so = true @jp_cost = YEM::SKILL::DEFAULT_JP_PASSIVE_COST @jp_rate = 100 @custom_data = [] @jp_require = {} if @jp_require == nil @passive_description = "" enable_custom_data = false enable_passive_description = false #--- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line #--- when YEM::REGEXP::STATE::JP_COST @jp_cost = $1.to_i when YEM::REGEXP::STATE::JP_RATE @jp_rate = $1.to_i #--- when YEM::REGEXP::STATE::JP_REQ case $1.upcase when "SKILL", "SKILLS" type = :skills when "PASSIVE", "PASSIVES" type = :passives when "LEVEL" type = :level when "SWITCH", "SWITCHES" type = :switches else; next end @jp_require[type] = [] if @jp_require[type] == nil $2.scan(/\d+/).each { |num| @jp_require[type].push(num.to_i) if num.to_i > 0 } #--- when YEM::REGEXP::STATE::CUSTOM_DATA1 enable_custom_data = true when YEM::REGEXP::STATE::CUSTOM_DATA2 enable_custom_data = false when /(.*),[ ](.*),[ ](.*)/i next unless enable_custom_data array = [$1.to_i, $2.to_s, $3.to_s] @custom_data.push(array) #--- #--- when YEM::REGEXP::STATE::PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION1 enable_passive_description = true when YEM::REGEXP::STATE::PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION2 enable_passive_description = false else @passive_description += line.to_s if enable_passive_description end } # self.note.split end # yem_cache_state_so end # RPG::State #=============================================================================== # RPG::Enemy #=============================================================================== class RPG::Enemy #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public instance variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common cache: yem_cache_enemy_so #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def yem_cache_enemy_so return if @cached_enemy_so; @cached_enemy_so = true @jp = YEM::SKILL::EARN_JP[:enemy_set] #--- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line #--- when YEM::REGEXP::ENEMY::JP @jp = $1.to_i end } # self.note.split end # yem_cache_enemy_so end # RPG::Enemy #=============================================================================== # Scene_Title #=============================================================================== class Scene_Title < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: load_bt_database #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias load_bt_database_so load_bt_database unless $@ def load_bt_database load_bt_database_so load_so_cache end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: load_database #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias load_database_so load_database unless $@ def load_database load_database_so load_so_cache end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: load_so_cache #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_so_cache groups = [$data_skills, $data_states, $data_enemies] for group in groups for obj in group next if obj == nil obj.yem_cache_skill_so if obj.is_a?(RPG::Skill) obj.yem_cache_state_so if obj.is_a?(RPG::State) obj.yem_cache_enemy_so if obj.is_a?(RPG::Enemy) end end end end # Scene_Title #=============================================================================== # Game_Actor #=============================================================================== class Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: states #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias states_so states unless $@ def states result = states_so result |= self.passives if self.actor? return result end end # Game_Battler #=============================================================================== # Game_Actor #=============================================================================== class Game_Actor < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: level_up #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias level_up_so level_up unless $@ def level_up level_up_so jp = YEM::SKILL::EARN_JP[:level_set] random = YEM::SKILL::EARN_JP[:level_rand] jp += rand(random) if random > 0 earn_jp(jp) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def jp(cl_id = 0) @jp = {} if @jp == nil cl_id = @class_id if cl_id <= 0 @jp[cl_id] = 0 if @jp[cl_id] == nil return @jp[cl_id] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: earn_jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def earn_jp(amount = 0) @jp = {} if @jp == nil @jp[@class_id] = 0 if @jp[@class_id] == nil for state in states cases = $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] ? stack(state) : 1 cases.times do amount *= state.jp_rate / 100.0 end end change_jp(@class_id, Integer(amount)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: lose_jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def lose_jp(amount = 0) @jp = {} if @jp == nil @jp[@class_id] = 0 if @jp[@class_id] == nil change_jp(@class_id, -amount) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: change_jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_jp(cl_id, amount) @jp = {} if @jp == nil @jp[cl_id] = 0 if @jp[cl_id] == nil @jp[cl_id] = [[@jp[cl_id] + amount, 0].max, YEM::SKILL::MAXIMUM_JP].min end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: passives #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def passives result = [] @learned_passives = [] if @learned_passives == nil for state_id in @learned_passives state = $data_states[state_id] next if state == nil result.push(state) end return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: passive_learn? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def passive_learn?(state) state = state.id if state.is_a?(RPG::State) @learned_passives = [] if @learned_passives == nil return @learned_passives.include?(state) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: learn_passive #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def learn_passive(state_id) return if passive_learn?(state_id) @learned_passives = [] if @learned_passives == nil @learned_passives.push(state_id) @learned_passives.sort! end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: forget_passive #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def forget_passive(state_id) @learned_passives = [] if @learned_passives == nil @learned_passives.delete(state_id) end end # Game_Actor #=============================================================================== # Game_Party #=============================================================================== class Game_Party < Game_Unit #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: setup_starting_members #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias setup_starting_members_so setup_starting_members unless $@ def setup_starting_members setup_starting_members_so $game_switches[YEM::SKILL::LEARN_SKILL_SWITCH] = true $game_switches[YEM::SKILL::LEARN_PASSIVE_SWITCH] = true end end # Game_Party #=============================================================================== # Game_Troop #=============================================================================== class Game_Troop < Game_Unit #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # distribute_jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def distribute_jp jp = 0 for member in dead_members jp += member.enemy.jp end for member in $game_party.members member.earn_jp(jp) end end end # Game_Troop #=============================================================================== # Window_Command_Centered #=============================================================================== class Window_Command_Centered < Window_Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(index, enabled = true) rect = item_rect(index) rect.x += 4 rect.width -= 8 self.contents.clear_rect(rect) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128 self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index], 1) end end # Window_Command_Centered #=============================================================================== # Window_Actor_Skill_Status #=============================================================================== class Window_Actor_Skill_Status < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor) super(160, 0, Graphics.width - 160, 128) @actor = actor @class_id = actor.class_id refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # actor= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def actor=(new_actor) @actor = new_actor @class_id = new_actor.class_id refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class_id= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def class_id=(new_class) @class_id = new_class refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear draw_actor_face(@actor, 0, 0) dx = 108; dy = 0 draw_actor_name(@actor, dx, dy) draw_actor_class(@actor, dx + 120, dy) draw_actor_level(@actor, dx, dy + WLH * 1) draw_actor_state(@actor, dx, dy + WLH * 2) draw_actor_hp(@actor, dx + 120, dy + WLH * 1) draw_actor_mp(@actor, dx + 120, dy + WLH * 2) draw_actor_jp(@actor, @class_id, dx + 120, dy + WLH * 3) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_actor_jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_jp(actor, class_id, dx, dy) return if YEM::SKILL::HIDE_JP self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(dx, dy, 120, WLH, Vocab.jp, 0) draw_icon(Icon.jp, dx+96, dy) jp = actor.jp(class_id) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(dx, dy, 96, WLH, jp, 2) end end # Window_Actor_Skill_Status #=============================================================================== # Window_Skill #=============================================================================== class Window_Skill < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: actor= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def actor=(new_actor) @actor = new_actor refresh self.oy = 0 self.index = 0 end end # Window_Skill #=============================================================================== # Window_LearnSkill #=============================================================================== class Window_LearnSkill < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor, help_window) @actor = actor @class_id = @actor.class_id @help_window = help_window dy = @help_window.y + @help_window.height super(0, dy, Graphics.width - 240, Graphics.height - dy) refresh self.active = false self.index = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # skill #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def skill; return @data[self.index]; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # actor= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def actor=(new_actor) @actor = new_actor @class_id = new_actor.class_id refresh self.oy = 0 self.index = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class_id= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def class_id=(new_class) @class_id = new_class refresh self.oy = 0 self.index = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh if @cache_class != @class_id @cache_class = @class_id array = YEM::SKILL::CLASS_SKILLS[0] if YEM::SKILL::CLASS_SKILLS.include?(@class_id) array |= YEM::SKILL::CLASS_SKILLS[@class_id] array.sort! end @data = [] for skill_id in array skill = $data_skills[skill_id] next unless include?(skill) @data.push(skill) end end @item_max = @data.size self.index = [[self.index, @item_max-1].min, 0].max create_contents for i in 0...@item_max; draw_item(i); end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # include? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def include?(skill) return false if skill == nil return false if skill.name == "" if skill.jp_require[:switches] != nil for switch_id in skill.jp_require[:switches] return false unless $game_switches[switch_id] end end return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(index) rect = item_rect(index) self.contents.clear_rect(rect) skill = @data[index] return if skill == nil enabled = enabled?(skill) draw_obj_name(skill, rect.clone, enabled) draw_obj_cost(skill, rect.clone, enabled) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # enabled? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def enabled?(skill) return false if skill == nil return true if @actor.skill_learn?(skill) #--- if skill.jp_require[:level] != nil return false if skill.jp_require[:level][0] > @actor.level end #--- if skill.jp_require[:skills] != nil for skill_id in skill.jp_require[:skills] next if $data_skills[skill_id] == nil return false unless @actor.skill_learn?($data_skills[skill_id]) end end #--- if skill.jp_require[:passives] != nil for state_id in skill.jp_require[:passives] next if $data_states[state_id] == nil return false unless @actor.passive_learn?($data_states[state_id]) end end #--- return @actor.jp(@class_id) >= skill.jp_cost end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: draw_obj_name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_obj_name(obj, rect, enabled) draw_icon(obj.icon_index, rect.x, rect.y, enabled) self.contents.font.size = Font.default_size self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128 rect.width -= 96 self.contents.draw_text(rect.x+24, rect.y, rect.width, WLH, obj.name, 0) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: draw_obj_cost #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_obj_cost(obj, rect, enabled) if @actor.skill_learn?(obj) self.contents.font.size = YEM::SKILL::JP_SIZE self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128 text = YEM::SKILL::LEARNED_TEXT self.contents.draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width-4, WLH, text, 2) else draw_icon(Icon.jp, rect.x + rect.width - 24, rect.y, enabled) self.contents.font.size = YEM::SKILL::JP_SIZE self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128 cost = obj.jp_cost self.contents.draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width-24, WLH, cost, 2) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_help #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help @help_window.set_text(skill == nil ? "" : skill.description) end end # Window_LearnSkill #=============================================================================== # Window_LearnData #=============================================================================== class Window_LearnData < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor, main_window) @actor = actor @class_id = @actor.class_id @main_window = main_window super(@main_window.width, @main_window.y, 240, @main_window.height) refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # actor= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def actor=(new_actor) @actor = new_actor @class_id = @actor.class_id refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class_id= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def class_id=(new_class) @class_id = new_class refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super refresh if @skill != @main_window.skill and !@anti_update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear @skill = @main_window.skill return if @skill == nil draw_obj_name dy = WLH dy = draw_requirements(dy) dy = draw_properties(dy) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_obj_name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_obj_name draw_icon(@skill.icon_index, 0, 0) self.contents.font.size = Font.default_size self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, 0, contents.width-28, WLH, @skill.name) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_properties #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_requirements(dy) dy = draw_requirement_title(dy) dy = draw_jp_cost(dy) dy = draw_level_req(dy) dy = draw_skill_req(dy) dy = draw_passive_req(dy) return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_requirement_title #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_requirement_title(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.skill_learn?(@skill) self.contents.font.size = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:fontsize] self.contents.font.color = system_color text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:require] self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 1); dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_jp_cost #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_jp_cost(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.skill_learn?(@skill) return dy if @skill.jp_cost <= 0 self.contents.font.color = system_color draw_icon(Icon.jp, 0, dy) text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:jp_cost] self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = @skill.jp_cost enabled = @actor.jp(@class_id) >= @skill.jp_cost self.contents.font.color = enabled ? normal_color : power_down_color self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 2); dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_level_req #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_level_req(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.skill_learn?(@skill) return dy if @skill.jp_require[:level] == nil self.contents.font.color = system_color draw_icon(Icon.level, 0, dy) text = Vocab.level self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = @skill.jp_require[:level][0] enabled = @actor.level >= @skill.jp_require[:level][0] self.contents.font.color = enabled ? normal_color : power_down_color self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 2); dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_skill_req #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_skill_req(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.skill_learn?(@skill) return dy if @skill.jp_require[:skills] == nil for skill_id in @skill.jp_require[:skills] skill = $data_skills[skill_id] next if skill == nil draw_icon(skill.icon_index, 0, dy) enabled = @actor.skill_learn?(skill) self.contents.font.color = enabled ? normal_color : power_down_color text = skill.name self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 0) dy += WLH end return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_passive_req #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_passive_req(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.skill_learn?(@skill) return dy if @skill.jp_require[:passives] == nil for state_id in @skill.jp_require[:passives] state = $data_states[state_id] next if state == nil draw_icon(state.icon_index, 0, dy) enabled = @actor.passive_learn?(state) self.contents.font.color = enabled ? normal_color : power_down_color text = state.name self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 0) dy += WLH end return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_properties #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_properties(dy) dy = draw_properties_title(dy) dy = draw_skill_cost(dy) dy = draw_base_damage(dy) dy = draw_multipliers(dy) dy = draw_elements(dy) dy = draw_plus_states(dy) dy = draw_minus_states(dy) dy = draw_custom_data(dy) return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_properties_title #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_properties_title(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height self.contents.font.size = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:fontsize] self.contents.font.color = system_color text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:properties] self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 1); dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_skill_cost #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_skill_cost(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] return dy if @actor.custom_skill_costs(@skill, :calc_cost) <= 0 icon = @actor.custom_skill_costs(@skill, :use_icon) draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:skill_cost] self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) self.contents.font.color = normal_color text = @actor.custom_skill_costs(@skill, :text_cost) text = sprintf(@actor.custom_skill_costs(@skill, :suffix), text) self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) else return dy if @skill.mp_cost <= 0 icon = Icon.jp draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:skill_cost] self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) self.contents.font.color = normal_color text = sprintf("%d%s", @skill.mp_cost, Vocab.mp) self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) end dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_base_damage #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_base_damage(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if (-5..5) === @skill.base_damage if @skill.base_damage > 0 draw_icon(Icon.base_damage, 0, dy) text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:base_dmg] else draw_icon(Icon.base_healing, 0, dy) text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:base_heal] end self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) self.contents.font.color = normal_color text = (@skill.base_damage).abs self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2); dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_multipliers #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_multipliers(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @skill.base_damage == 0 icon = @skill.base_damage > 0 ? Icon.base_damage : Icon.base_healing #--- if @skill.atk_f > 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:multiplier], Vocab.atk) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%s%%", @skill.atk_f) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end #--- return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and @skill.def_f > 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:multiplier], Vocab.def) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%s%%", @skill.def_f) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end #--- return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @skill.spi_f > 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:multiplier], Vocab.spi) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%s%%", @skill.spi_f) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end #--- return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and $imported["RES Stat"] and @skill.res_f > 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:multiplier], Vocab.res) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%s%%", @skill.res_f) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end #--- return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and $imported["DEX Stat"] and @skill.dex_f > 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:multiplier], Vocab.dex) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%s%%", @skill.dex_f) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end #--- return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and @skill.agi_f > 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:multiplier], Vocab.agi) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%s%%", @skill.agi_f) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end #--- return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_elements #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_elements(dy) return dy if @skill.element_set == [] for element_id in YEM::SKILL::SHOWN_ELEMENTS break if dy + WLH > contents.height next unless @skill.element_set.include?(element_id) draw_icon(Icon.element(element_id), 0, dy) text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:element] self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = $data_system.elements[element_id] self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # total_drawn_states #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def total_drawn_states(array) result = 0 for state_id in array next if $data_states[state_id] == nil next if $data_states[state_id].icon_index == 0 result += 1 end return [result, 8].min end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_plus_states #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_plus_states(dy) return dy if @skill.plus_state_set == [] total = total_drawn_states(@skill.plus_state_set) if total == 1 return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height state = $data_states[@skill.plus_state_set[0]] draw_icon(state.icon_index, 0, dy) text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:add_state] self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = state.name self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) else return dy if dy + WLH*2 > contents.height text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:add_state] self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 1) dy += WLH dx = (contents.width - total*24)/2 for state_id in @skill.plus_state_set break if dx + 24 > contents.width state = $data_states[state_id] next if state.icon_index == 0 draw_icon(state.icon_index, dx, dy) dx += 24 end end dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_minus_states #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_minus_states(dy) return dy if @skill.minus_state_set == [] total = total_drawn_states(@skill.minus_state_set) if total == 1 return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height state = $data_states[@skill.minus_state_set[0]] draw_icon(state.icon_index, 0, dy) text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:rem_state] self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = state.name self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) else return dy if dy + WLH*2 > contents.height text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:rem_state] self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 1) dy += WLH dx = (contents.width - total*24)/2 for state_id in @skill.minus_state_set break if dx + 24 > contents.width state = $data_states[state_id] next if state.icon_index == 0 draw_icon(state.icon_index, dx, dy) dx += 24 end end dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_custom_data #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_custom_data(dy) return dy if @skill.custom_data == [] for array in @skill.custom_data break if dy + WLH > contents.height draw_icon(array[0], 0, dy) text = array[1] self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = array[2] self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy end end # Window_LearnData #=============================================================================== # Window_LearnPassive #=============================================================================== class Window_LearnPassive < Window_LearnSkill #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # passive #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def passive; return @data[self.index]; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh if @cache_class != @class_id @cache_class = @class_id array = YEM::SKILL::CLASS_PASSIVES[0] if YEM::SKILL::CLASS_PASSIVES.include?(@class_id) array |= YEM::SKILL::CLASS_PASSIVES[@class_id] array.sort! end @data = [] for state_id in array state = $data_states[state_id] next unless include?(state) @data.push(state) end end @item_max = @data.size self.index = [[self.index, @item_max-1].min, 0].max create_contents for i in 0...@item_max; draw_item(i); end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # enabled? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def enabled?(passive) return false if passive == nil return true if @actor.passive_learn?(passive) #--- if passive.jp_require[:level] != nil return false if passive.jp_require[:level][0] > @actor.level end #--- if passive.jp_require[:skills] != nil for skill_id in skill.jp_require[:skills] next if $data_skills[skill_id] == nil return false unless @actor.skill_learn?($data_skills[skill_id]) end end #--- if passive.jp_require[:passives] != nil for state_id in passive.jp_require[:passives] next if $data_states[state_id] == nil return false unless @actor.passive_learn?($data_states[state_id]) end end #--- return @actor.jp(@class_id) >= passive.jp_cost end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: draw_obj_cost #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_obj_cost(obj, rect, enabled) if @actor.passive_learn?(obj) self.contents.font.size = YEM::SKILL::JP_SIZE self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128 text = YEM::SKILL::LEARNED_TEXT self.contents.draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width-4, WLH, text, 2) else draw_icon(Icon.jp, rect.x + rect.width - 24, rect.y, enabled) self.contents.font.size = YEM::SKILL::JP_SIZE self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128 cost = obj.jp_cost self.contents.draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width-24, WLH, cost, 2) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_help #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help @help_window.set_text(passive == nil ? "" : passive.passive_description) end end # Window_LearnPassive #=============================================================================== # Window_PassiveData #=============================================================================== class Window_PassiveData < Window_LearnData #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor, main_window) @anti_update = true super(actor, main_window) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super refresh if @passive != @main_window.passive end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear @passive = @main_window.passive return if @passive == nil draw_obj_name dy = WLH dy = draw_requirements(dy) dy = draw_properties(dy) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_obj_name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_obj_name draw_icon(@passive.icon_index, 0, 0) self.contents.font.size = Font.default_size self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, 0, contents.width-28, WLH, @passive.name) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_properties #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_requirements(dy) dy = draw_requirement_title(dy) dy = draw_jp_cost(dy) dy = draw_level_req(dy) dy = draw_skill_req(dy) dy = draw_passive_req(dy) return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_requirement_title #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_requirement_title(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.passive_learn?(@passive) self.contents.font.size = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:fontsize] self.contents.font.color = system_color text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:require] self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 1); dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_jp_cost #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_jp_cost(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.passive_learn?(@passive) return dy if @passive.jp_cost <= 0 self.contents.font.color = system_color draw_icon(Icon.jp, 0, dy) text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:jp_cost] self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = @passive.jp_cost enabled = @actor.jp(@class_id) >= @passive.jp_cost self.contents.font.color = enabled ? normal_color : power_down_color self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 2); dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_level_req #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_level_req(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.passive_learn?(@passive) return dy if @passive.jp_require[:level] == nil self.contents.font.color = system_color draw_icon(Icon.level, 0, dy) text = Vocab.level self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = @passive.jp_require[:level][0] enabled = @actor.level >= @passive.jp_require[:level][0] self.contents.font.color = enabled ? normal_color : power_down_color self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 2); dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_skill_req #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_skill_req(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.passive_learn?(@passive) return dy if @passive.jp_require[:skills] == nil for skill_id in @passive.jp_require[:skills] skill = $data_skills[skill_id] next if skill == nil draw_icon(skill.icon_index, 0, dy) enabled = @actor.skill_learn?(skill) self.contents.font.color = enabled ? normal_color : power_down_color text = skill.name self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 0) dy += WLH end return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_passive_req #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_passive_req(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @actor.passive_learn?(@passive) return dy if @passive.jp_require[:passives] == nil for state_id in @passive.jp_require[:passives] state = $data_states[state_id] next if state == nil draw_icon(state.icon_index, 0, dy) enabled = @actor.passive_learn?(state) self.contents.font.color = enabled ? normal_color : power_down_color text = state.name self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 0) dy += WLH end return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_properties #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_properties(dy) dy = draw_properties_title(dy) dy = draw_parameter_rates(dy) dy = draw_parameter_sets(dy) dy = draw_jp_rate(dy) dy = draw_custom_data(dy) return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_properties_title #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_properties_title(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height self.contents.font.size = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:fontsize] self.contents.font.color = system_color text = YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:properties] self.contents.draw_text(4, dy, contents.width-8, WLH, text, 1); dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_parameter_rates #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_parameter_rates(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height icon = @passive.icon_index #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and @passive.maxhp_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.hp) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.maxhp_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and @passive.maxmp_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.mp) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.maxmp_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.atk_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.atk) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.atk_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.def_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.def) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.def_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.spi_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.spi) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.spi_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["RES Stat"] and @passive.res_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.res) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.res_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["DEX Stat"] and @passive.dex_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.dex) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.dex_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.agi_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.agi) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.agi_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and @passive.hit_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.hit) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.hit_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and @passive.eva_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.eva) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.eva_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and @passive.cri_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.cri) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.cri_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] and @passive.odds_rate != 100 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.odds) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.odds_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end #--- return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_parameter_sets #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_parameter_sets(dy) return dy unless $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height icon = @passive.icon_index #--- if @passive.maxhp_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.hp) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d", @passive.maxhp_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.maxmp_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.mp) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d", @passive.maxmp_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.atk_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.atk) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d", @passive.atk_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.def_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.def) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d", @passive.def_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.spi_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.spi) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d", @passive.spi_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["RES Stat"] and @passive.res_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.res) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d", @passive.res_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if $imported["DEX Stat"] and @passive.dex_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.dex) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d", @passive.dex_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.agi_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.agi) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d", @passive.agi_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.hit_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.hit) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.hit_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.eva_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.eva) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.eva_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.cri_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.cri) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.cri_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- if @passive.odds_set != 0 draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_set], Vocab.odds) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.odds_set) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height #--- return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_jp_rate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_jp_rate(dy) return dy if dy + WLH > contents.height return dy if @passive.jp_rate == 100 draw_icon(Icon.jp, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YEM::SKILL::LEARN_DATA[:stat_rate], Vocab.jp) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = sprintf("%+d%%", @passive.jp_rate - 100) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH return dy end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw_custom_data #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_custom_data(dy) return dy if @passive.custom_data == [] for array in @passive.custom_data break if dy + WLH > contents.height draw_icon(array[0], 0, dy) text = array[1] self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 0) text = array[2] self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, contents.width-28, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end end end # Window_PassiveData #=============================================================================== # Scene_Battle #=============================================================================== class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: perform_earn_jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def perform_earn_jp(type = :attack) return if @active_battler == nil return unless @active_battler.actor? eval("@jp_set = YEM::SKILL::EARN_JP[:" + type.to_s + "_set]") eval("@jp_rand = YEM::SKILL::EARN_JP[:" + type.to_s + "_rand]") @jp_set += rand(@jp_rand) if @jp_rand > 0 @active_battler.earn_jp(@jp_set) end unless $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: execute_action_attack #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias execute_action_attack_so execute_action_attack unless $@ def execute_action_attack execute_action_attack_so perform_earn_jp(:attack) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: execute_action_guard #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias execute_action_guard_so execute_action_guard unless $@ def execute_action_guard execute_action_guard_so perform_earn_jp(:guard) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: execute_action_skill #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias execute_action_skill_so execute_action_skill unless $@ def execute_action_skill execute_action_skill_so perform_earn_jp(:skill) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: execute_action_item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias execute_action_item_so execute_action_item unless $@ def execute_action_item execute_action_item_so perform_earn_jp(:item) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: battle_end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias battle_end_so battle_end unless $@ def battle_end(result) $game_troop.distribute_jp battle_end_so(result) end end # $imported["BattleEngineMelody"] end # Scene_Battle #=============================================================================== # Scene_Skill #=============================================================================== class Scene_Skill < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # public instance variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :actor #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start super create_menu_background @actor = $game_party.members[@actor_index] @class_id = @actor.class_id @viewport = Viewport.new(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height) @help_window = Window_Help.new @help_window.viewport = @viewport @help_window.y = 128 @windows = [] @target_window = Window_MenuStatus.new(0, 0) @target_window.visible = false @target_window.active = false create_command_window @status_window = Window_Actor_Skill_Status.new(@actor) @status_window.viewport = @viewport update_windows end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: next_actor #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def next_actor @actor_index += 1 @actor_index %= $game_party.members.size set_new_actor end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: prev_actor #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def prev_actor @actor_index += $game_party.members.size - 1 @actor_index %= $game_party.members.size set_new_actor end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: set_new_actor #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_new_actor $game_party.last_actor_index = @actor_index @actor = $game_party.members[@actor_index] @class_id = @actor.class_id @status_window.actor = @actor for window in @windows; window.actor = @actor; end update_windows end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: create_command_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_command_window commands = []; @data = [] for command in YEM::SKILL::COMMANDS case command when :view_skills dy = @help_window.y + @help_window.height dh = Graphics.height - dy @skill_window = Window_Skill.new(0, dy, Graphics.width, dh, @actor) @skill_window.index = 0 @windows.push(@skill_window) when :learn_skill next unless $game_switches[YEM::SKILL::LEARN_SKILL_SWITCH] @learn_window = Window_LearnSkill.new(@actor, @help_window) @learn_data = Window_LearnData.new(@actor, @learn_window) @windows.push(@learn_window) @windows.push(@learn_data) when :learn_passive next unless $game_switches[YEM::SKILL::LEARN_PASSIVE_SWITCH] @passive_window = Window_LearnPassive.new(@actor, @help_window) @passive_data = Window_PassiveData.new(@actor, @passive_window) @windows.push(@passive_window) @windows.push(@passive_data) when :equip_skill next unless $imported["SkillEquipSystem"] next unless $game_switches[YEM::SKILL_EQUIP::EQUIP_SKILL_SWITCH] create_equip_skill_windows commands.push(YEM::SKILL_EQUIP::TITLE) else; next end @data.push(command) if YEM::SKILL::VOCAB[command] != nil commands.push(YEM::SKILL::VOCAB[command]) end end for window in @windows next if window == nil? window.active = false window.viewport = @viewport window.help_window = @help_window if window.is_a?(Window_Selectable) end @command_window = Window_Command_Centered.new(160, commands) @command_window.viewport = @viewport @command_window.height = 128 @command_window.active = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_windows @last_command_index = @command_window.index @help_window.y = Graphics.height*8 for window in @windows next if window == nil window.y = Graphics.height*8 end #--- case @data[@command_window.index] when :view_skills show_view_skills when :learn_skill show_learn_skill when :learn_passive show_learn_passive when :equip_skill next unless $imported["SkillEquipSystem"] show_equip_skill_windows end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: show_view_skills #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def show_view_skills @help_window.y = 128 @skill_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height @skill_window.update_help end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: show_learn_skill #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def show_learn_skill @help_window.y = 128 @learn_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height @learn_data.y = @learn_window.y @learn_window.update_help end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: show_learn_passive #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def show_learn_passive @help_window.y = 128 @passive_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height @passive_data.y = @passive_window.y @passive_window.update_help end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: terminate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def terminate super dispose_menu_background @help_window.dispose for window in @windows next if window == nil next if window.disposed? window.dispose end @command_window.dispose @status_window.dispose @target_window.dispose @viewport.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super update_menu_background @viewport.update if @command_window.active update_command_selection elsif @skill_window != nil and @skill_window.active update_skill_selection elsif @target_window != nil and @target_window.active update_target_selection elsif @learn_window != nil and @learn_window.active update_learn_selection elsif @passive_window != nil and @passive_window.active update_passive_selection #--- elsif @equip_skill_window != nil and @equip_skill_window.active update_skill_equip_selection elsif @equip_skill_replace != nil and @equip_skill_replace.active update_skill_equip_replacement end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_command_selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_command_selection @command_window.update update_windows if @last_command_index != @command_window.index if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel return_scene elsif Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) Sound.play_cursor next_actor elsif Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) Sound.play_cursor prev_actor #--- Debug Commands --- elsif $TEST and Input.trigger?(Input::F5) Sound.play_recovery @actor.mp = @actor.maxhp @status_window.refresh @skill_window.refresh if @skill_window != nil #--- Debug Commands --- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) Sound.play_decision case @data[@command_window.index] when :view_skills @command_window.active = false @skill_window.active = true when :learn_skill @command_window.active = false @learn_window.active = true when :learn_passive @command_window.active = false @passive_window.active = true when :equip_skill next unless $imported["SkillEquipSystem"] @command_window.active = false @equip_skill_window.active = true end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: update_skill_selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_skill_selection @skill_window.update if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @command_window.active = true @skill_window.active = false elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) @skill = @skill_window.skill if @skill != nil @actor.last_skill_id = @skill.id end if @actor.skill_can_use?(@skill) Sound.play_decision determine_skill else Sound.play_buzzer end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: update_target_selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_target_selection_so update_target_selection unless $@ def update_target_selection @target_window.update update_target_selection_so end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_learn_selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_learn_selection @learn_window.update @learn_data.update if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @command_window.active = true @learn_window.active = false @skill_window.refresh if @skill_window != nil @passive_window.refresh if @passive_window != nil elsif Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) Sound.play_cursor next_actor @learn_window.index = 0 elsif Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) Sound.play_cursor prev_actor @learn_window.index = 0 #--- Debug Commands --- elsif $TEST and Input.repeat?(Input::F8) # Increase JP Sound.play_equip var = YEM::SKILL::MAXIMUM_JP / 10 jp = Input.press?(Input::SHIFT) ? rand(var) + var : rand(100) +100 @actor.change_jp(@class_id, jp) @status_window.refresh elsif $TEST and Input.repeat?(Input::F7) # Decrease JP Sound.play_equip var = YEM::SKILL::MAXIMUM_JP / 10 jp = Input.press?(Input::SHIFT) ? rand(var) + var : rand(100) +100 @actor.change_jp(@class_id, -jp) @status_window.refresh elsif $TEST and Input.trigger?(Input::F6) # Refresh Windows Sound.play_load @status_window.refresh @learn_window.refresh @learn_data.refresh elsif $TEST and Input.trigger?(Input::F5) # Learn/Forget Skill skill = @learn_window.skill learn_skill(skill, Input.press?(Input::SHIFT)) #--- Debug Commands --- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) skill = @learn_window.skill if @learn_window.enabled?(skill) and [email protected]_learn?(skill) learn_skill(skill) else Sound.play_buzzer end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: learn_skill #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def learn_skill(skill, forget = false) Sound.play_shop @actor.learn_skill(skill.id) unless forget @actor.forget_skill(skill.id) if forget @actor.change_jp(@class_id, -skill.jp_cost) @learn_window.refresh @learn_data.refresh @status_window.refresh @equip_skill_window.refresh if @equip_skill_window != nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_passive_selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_passive_selection @passive_window.update @passive_data.update if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @command_window.active = true @passive_window.active = false @skill_window.refresh if @skill_window != nil @learn_window.refresh if @learn_window != nil elsif Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) Sound.play_cursor next_actor @passive_window.index = 0 elsif Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) Sound.play_cursor prev_actor @passive_window.index = 0 #--- Debug Commands --- elsif $TEST and Input.repeat?(Input::F8) # Increase JP Sound.play_equip var = YEM::SKILL::MAXIMUM_JP / 10 jp = Input.press?(Input::SHIFT) ? rand(var) + var : rand(100) +100 @actor.change_jp(@class_id, jp) @status_window.refresh elsif $TEST and Input.repeat?(Input::F7) # Decrease JP Sound.play_equip var = YEM::SKILL::MAXIMUM_JP / 10 jp = Input.press?(Input::SHIFT) ? rand(var) + var : rand(100) +100 @actor.change_jp(@class_id, -jp) @status_window.refresh elsif $TEST and Input.trigger?(Input::F6) # Refresh Windows Sound.play_load @status_window.refresh @passive_window.refresh @passive_data.refresh elsif $TEST and Input.trigger?(Input::F5) # Learn/Forget Passive passive = @passive_window.passive learn_passive(passive, Input.press?(Input::SHIFT)) #--- Debug Commands --- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) passive = @passive_window.passive if @passive_window.enabled?(passive) and [email protected]_learn?(passive) learn_passive(passive) else Sound.play_buzzer end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: learn_passive #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def learn_passive(passive, forget = false) Sound.play_shop @actor.learn_passive(passive.id) unless forget @actor.forget_passive(passive.id) if forget @actor.change_jp(@class_id, -passive.jp_cost) @passive_window.refresh @passive_data.refresh @status_window.refresh end end # Scene_Skill #=============================================================================== # # END OF FILE # #=============================================================================== |
JP是種類似技能點的東西,用來給主角學習技能用的, 可以在腳本設置它: P.S.雖然是同一系統,但我當時用的不是FF風格菜單的腳本,所以不肯定具體在哪裡,你用ctrl+F搜搜看吧:
回复楼上 详细说明下或者发下工程可以吗? mirumo1234于2011-4-28 20:14补充以下内容: 比如神兽技能如何制作 多人连击怎么设置 请详细说明 |
裁判点...............是击倒敌方一个就获得一个..............有了以后可以发动神兽和多人连击 |
http://rpg.blue/forum.php?mod=vi ... =%E6%B1%89%E5%8C%96 mirumo1234于2011-4-28 15:46补充以下内容: 以上是来源 |
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