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发布时间: 2017-2-12 17:44


目前倚赖YEP的EVENTCHASEPLAYER PLUGIN总算是成功做出具一定互动能力的野怪 可是由於随机移动的野怪(剧情)无法控制他的活动范围 想请教一下该怎样制作随机活动范围或只挡野怪(剧情)的路障,避免野怪闯入剧情触发区? ...


白嫩白嫩的 发表于 2017-2-12 20:40:39
yep Region Restrictions 限制进出区域


YEP.18 – Region Restrictions

Don’t like having NPC’s wandering into places they don’t belong? Feel like the player shouldn’t have access to certain parts of the map? The Region Restrictions plugin lets you do just that by simply planting regions onto the map to prevent those nosy events from going to places they shouldn’t.


Introduction and Instructions

Not everybody wants NPC’s to travel all over the place. With this plugin, you can set NPC’s to be unable to move pass tiles marked by a specified Region ID. Simply draw out the area you want to enclose NPC’s in on and they’ll be unable to move past it unless they have Through on. Likewise, there are regions that you can prevent the player from moving onto, too!



You can use this notetag inside of your maps.

Map Notetags:

<Player Restrict Region: x>
<Player Restrict Region: x, x, x>
<Player Restrict Region: x to y>
Restricts region x for the player on this particular map. Use multiple x to mark more regions. From x to y, you can mark a multitude of regions.
阻止玩家 通过ID为x的region图层,可以单独定义1个ID,也可以定义复数个,还可以定义区间。以下同理

<Event Restrict Region: x>
<Event Restrict Region: x, x, x>
<Event Restrict Region: x to y>
Restricts region x for all events on this particular map. Use multiple x to mark more regions. From x to y, you can mark a multitude of regions.

阻止事件 通过ID为x的region图层

<All Restrict Region: x>
<All Restrict Region: x, x, x>
<All Restrict Region: x to y>
Restricts region x for the player and all events on this particular map.Use multiple x to mark more regions. From x to y, you can mark a multitude of regions.

阻止事件和玩家 通过ID为x的region图层

<Player Allow Region: x>
<Player Allow Region: x, x, x>
<Player Allow Region: x to y>
Allows region x for the player on this particular map. Use multiple x to mark more regions. From x to y, you can mark a multitude of regions.

强制允许玩家 通过ID为x的region图层

<Event Allow Region: x>
<Event Allow Region: x, x, x>
<Event Allow Region: x to y>
Allows region x for all events on this particular map. Use multiple x to mark more regions. From x to y, you can mark a multitude of regions.

强制允许事件 通过ID为x的region图层

<All Allow Region: x>
<All Allow Region: x, x, x>
<All Allow Region: x to y>
Allows region x for the player and all events on this particular map.Use multiple x to mark more regions. From x to y, you can mark a multitude of regions.

强制允许玩家和事件 通过ID为x的region图层


非常感谢!完美解决了!  发表于 2017-2-12 23:18

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