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经验 | 3626 |
最后登录 | 2020-5-5 |
在线时间 | 1 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 60
- 在线时间
- 1 小时
- 注册时间
- 2008-5-31
- 帖子
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- #伤害值美化脚本 Beside--------------------------------------------------------
- #66RPG 转载请保留此信息--------------------------------------------------------
- class Game_Battler
- attr_accessor :hp_damage
- attr_accessor :mp_damage
- attr_accessor :damage_pop
- attr_accessor :critical
- alias ini initialize
- def initialize
- ini
- @damage_pop = false
- end
- end
- class Sprite_Base
- def initialize(viewport = nil)
- super(viewport)
- @use_sprite = true # 活动块使用的标志
- @animation_duration = 0 # 动画剩余时间
- @_damage_duration = 0
- end
- def update
- super
- if @animation != nil
- @animation_duration -= 1
- if @animation_duration % 4 == 0
- update_animation
- end
- end
- @@animations.clear
- if @_damage_duration > 0
- @_damage_duration -= 1
- case @_damage_duration
- when 38..39
- @_damage_sprite.y -= 4
- when 36..37
- @_damage_sprite.y -= 2
- when 34..35
- @_damage_sprite.y += 2
- when 28..33
- @_damage_sprite.y += 4
- end
- @_damage_sprite.opacity = 256 - (12 - @_damage_duration) * 32
- if @_damage_duration == 0
- dispose_damage
- end
- end
- end
- def damage(value, critical)
- dispose_damage # 释放伤害
- if value.is_a?(Numeric) # 如果伤害值是数值
- damage_string = value.abs.to_s # 绝对值转为字符串
- else
- damage_string = value.to_s # 转为字符串
- end
- bitmap = Bitmap.new(162, 64) # 初始化位图
- bitmap.font.name = "Arial Black"
- bitmap.font.size = 23
- if value.is_a?(Numeric)
- damage_array = damage_string.scan(/./) # 分割伤害值字符串
- damage_x = 81 - damage_string.size * 9
- if value < 0 # 伤害值为负的情况下
- rect_y = 32 # 调用回复数字表
- else
- rect_y = 0 # 调用伤害数字表
- end
- for char in damage_array # 循环伤害值字符串
- number = char.to_i
- bitmap.blt(damage_x, 32, Cache.picture("Damage1"), Rect.new(number * 18, rect_y, 18, 32))
- damage_x += 18 # 后移一位
- end
- else
- if value == "Evaded"
- bitmap.blt(36, 28, Cache.picture("Damage1"), Rect.new(0, 96, 84, 32))
- else
- # 显示未击中图画
- bitmap.blt(36, 28, Cache.picture("Damage1"), Rect.new(90, 64, 90, 32))
- end
- end
- if critical # 会心一击标志打开的情况
- # 显示会心一击图画
- bitmap.blt(36, 0, Cache.picture("Damage1"), Rect.new(0, 64, 90, 32))
- end
- # 伤害值定位
- @_damage_sprite = Sprite_Base.new(self.viewport)
- @_damage_sprite.bitmap = bitmap
- @_damage_sprite.ox = 81
- @_damage_sprite.oy = 20
- @_damage_sprite.x = self.x
- @_damage_sprite.y = self.y - self.oy
- @_damage_sprite.z = 3000
- @_damage_duration = 40
- end
- def dispose_damage
- if @_damage_sprite != nil
- @_damage_sprite.bitmap.dispose
- @_damage_sprite.dispose
- @_damage_sprite = nil
- @_damage_duration = 0
- end
- end
- end
- class Sprite_Battler
- alias setup_new_effect_66RPG setup_new_effect
- def setup_new_effect
- setup_new_effect_66RPG
- if @battler.damage_pop
- if @battler.hp_damage != 0 and @battler.hp_damage != nil
- damage(@battler.hp_damage, @battler.critical)
- end
- if @battler.mp_damage != 0 and @battler.mp_damage != nil
- damage(@battler.mp_damage, @battler.critical)
- end
- if @battler.missed
- damage("Miss", @battler.critical)
- end
- if @battler.evaded
- damage("Evaded", @battler.critical)
- end
- @battler.damage_pop = false
- end
- end
- end
- class Scene_Battle
- def display_action_effects(target, obj = nil)
- unless target.skipped
- line_number = @message_window.line_number
- wait(10)
- target.damage_pop = true if target.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- display_critical(target, obj)
- display_damage(target, obj)
- display_state_changes(target, obj)
- @status_window.refresh
- if line_number == @message_window.line_number
- display_failure(target, obj) unless target.states_active?
- end
- if line_number != @message_window.line_number
- wait(30)
- end
- @message_window.back_to(line_number)
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_Base
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 游戏中全部窗口的超级类。
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Base < Window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 描绘 HP
- # enemy : 角色
- # x : 描绘目标 X 坐标
- # y : 描绘目标 Y 坐标
- # width : 宽
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_enemy_hp(enemy, x, y, width = 65)
- draw_actor_hp_gauge(enemy, x, y, width)
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 30, WLH, Vocab::hp_a)
- self.contents.font.color = hp_color(enemy)
- xr = x + width
- self.contents.draw_text(xr - 40, y, 40, WLH, enemy.hp, 2)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Sprite_Battler
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 战斗显示用活动块。Game_Battler 类的实例监视、
- # 活动块的状态的监视、活动块状态自动变化。
- #==============================================================================
- class Sprite_Battler < Sprite_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 常量
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WHITEN = 1 # 白色闪烁 (开始行动)
- BLINK = 2 # 闪烁 (伤害)
- APPEAR = 3 # 出现 (出现、复活)
- DISAPPEAR = 4 # 消失 (逃走)
- COLLAPSE = 5 # 崩溃 (不能战斗)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 定义实例变量
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :battler
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化对象
- # viewport : 视区
- # battler : 战斗者 (Game_Battler)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(viewport, battler = nil)
- super(viewport)
- @battler = battler
- @battler_visible = false
- @effect_type = 0 # 效果种类
- @effect_duration = 0 # 效果剩余时间
- if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- width = 65 + 32
- height = 24 + 32
- x = @battler.screen_x - width/2
- y = @battler.screen_y - height/2
- @enemy_hp_window = Window_Base.new(x, y, width, height)
- @enemy_hp_window.opacity = 0
- @enemy_hp_window.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
- @enemy_hp_window.draw_enemy_hp(@battler, 0, 0, 65)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 释放
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose
- if self.bitmap != nil
- self.bitmap.dispose
- @enemy_hp_window.dispose
- end
- super
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新画面
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- super
- if @battler == nil
- self.bitmap = nil
- else
- @use_sprite = @battler.use_sprite?
- if @use_sprite
- self.x = @battler.screen_x
- self.y = @battler.screen_y
- self.z = @battler.screen_z
- update_battler_bitmap
- end
- setup_new_effect
- update_effect
- if @enemy_hp_window != nil and @old_hp != @battler.hp
- @enemy_hp_window.contents.clear
- @enemy_hp_window.draw_enemy_hp(@battler, 0, 0, 65)
- @old_hp = @battler.hp
- end
- end
- end
- end
复制代码 此贴于 2008-10-16 13:38:04 被版主八云紫提醒,请楼主看到后对本贴做出回应。 本贴由论坛斑竹八云紫结贴,如楼主认为问题未解决,请重新将此贴编辑为“有事请教”,并回帖叙述疑点即可~ ^-^
唉,还是没人会…… |