赞 | 23 |
VIP | 207 |
好人卡 | 31 |
积分 | 31 |
经验 | 48797 |
最后登录 | 2024-11-30 |
在线时间 | 1535 小时 |
Lv3.寻梦者 孤独守望
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 3137
- 在线时间
- 1535 小时
- 注册时间
- 2006-10-16
- 帖子
- 4321
- #==============================================================================
- # 本脚本来自www.66rpg.com,转载和使用请保留此信息
- #重复上回合动作 v1.1
- #by 叶子 Date: 12-12-2005
- #QQ:121058265
- #本脚本根据66rpg的站长柳柳提出的思路制作
- #如发现有bug请与作者联系或上66rpg发贴说明
- #==============================================================================
- #当战斗时按下T键,
- #当前角色就会重复上回合的动作(包括攻击,特技,防御,物品)。
- #当战斗时按下R键,
- #所有角色就会重复上回合的动作。
- #当战斗时按下F键,
- #所有角色就会普通攻击同一个敌人。
- #脚本占用了第一号开关。
- #当第一号开关打开时,重复上回合动作功能关闭。
- #如果想用其他开关,改第130,263,323行中相应内容。
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Game_Battler
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化对像
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- @battler_name = ""
- @battler_hue = 0
- @hp = 0
- @sp = 0
- @states = []
- @states_turn = {}
- @maxhp_plus = 0
- @maxsp_plus = 0
- @str_plus = 0
- @dex_plus = 0
- @agi_plus = 0
- @int_plus = 0
- @hidden = false
- @immortal = false
- @damage_pop = false
- @damage = nil
- @critical = false
- @animation_id = 0
- @animation_hit = false
- @white_flash = false
- @blink = false
- @current_action = Game_BattleAction.new
- @last_action = Game_BattleAction.new
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 获取前一回合的动作
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def last_action
- return @last_action
- end
- end
- class Game_Party
- def last_actions
- for actor in @actors
- actor.last_action.kind = actor.current_action.kind
- actor.last_action.basic = actor.current_action.basic
- actor.last_action.forcing = actor.current_action.forcing
- actor.last_action.target_index = actor.current_action.target_index
- actor.last_action.skill_id = actor.current_action.skill_id
- actor.last_action.item_id = actor.current_action.item_id
- end
- end
- end
- class Scene_Battle
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 主处理
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def main
- # 初始化战斗用的各种暂时数据
- $game_temp.in_battle = true
- $game_temp.battle_turn = 0
- $game_temp.battle_event_flags.clear
- $game_temp.battle_abort = false
- $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
- $game_temp.battleback_name = $game_map.battleback_name
- $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
- # 初始化战斗用事件解释器
- $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(nil, 0)
- # 准备队伍
- @troop_id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id
- $game_troop.setup(@troop_id)
- # 生成角色命令窗口
- s1 = $data_system.words.attack
- s2 = $data_system.words.skill
- s3 = $data_system.words.guard
- s4 = $data_system.words.item
- @actor_command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4, "逃跑"])
- @actor_command_window.draw_item(4, $game_temp.battle_can_escape ? @actor_command_window.normal_color : @actor_command_window.disabled_color)
- @actor_command_window.y = 128
- @actor_command_window.back_opacity = 160
- @actor_command_window.active = false
- @actor_command_window.visible = false
- # 生成其它窗口
- @party_command_window = Window_PartyCommand.new
- @help_window = Window_Help.new
- @help_window.back_opacity = 160
- @help_window.visible = false
- @status_window = Window_BattleStatus.new
- @message_window = Window_Message.new
- # 生成活动块
- @spriteset = Spriteset_Battle.new
- # 初始化等待计数
- @wait_count = 0
- # 执行过渡
- if $data_system.battle_transition == ""
- Graphics.transition(20)
- else
- Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
- $data_system.battle_transition)
- end
- # 开始自由战斗回合
- start_phase1
- # 主循环
- loop do
- # 刷新游戏画面
- Graphics.update
- # 刷新输入信息
- Input.update
- # 刷新画面
- update
- # 如果画面切换的话就中断循环
- if $scene != self
- break
- end
- end
- # 刷新地图
- $game_map.refresh
- # 准备过渡
- Graphics.freeze
- # 释放窗口
- @actor_command_window.dispose
- @party_command_window.dispose
- @help_window.dispose
- @status_window.dispose
- @message_window.dispose
- if @skill_window != nil
- @skill_window.dispose
- end
- if @item_window != nil
- @item_window.dispose
- end
- if @result_window != nil
- @result_window.dispose
- end
- # 释放活动块
- @spriteset.dispose
- # 标题画面切换中的情况
- if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Title)
- # 淡入淡出画面
- Graphics.transition
- Graphics.freeze
- end
- # 战斗测试或者游戏结束以外的画面切换中的情况
- if $BTEST and not $scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover)
- $scene = nil
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 开始同伴命令回合
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start_phase2
- # 转移到回合 2
- @phase = 2
- # 设置角色为非选择状态
- @actor_index = -1
- @active_battler = nil
- # 有效化同伴指令窗口
- # @party_command_window.active = true
- # @party_command_window.visible = true
- # 无效化角色指令窗口
- @actor_command_window.active = false
- @actor_command_window.visible = false
- # 清除主回合标志
- $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
- # 记录行动
- $game_party.last_actions
- # 清除全体同伴的行动
- $game_party.clear_actions
- # 不能输入命令的情况下
- unless $game_party.inputable?
- # 开始主回合
- start_phase4
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面 (同伴命令回合)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #该更新已删除,因为跳过了Phase2,所以也就没有存在的意义。
- def update_phase2
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 开始角色的命令回合
- start_phase3
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面 (角色命令回合 : 基本命令)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_phase3_basic_command
- # 按下 B 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- # 演奏取消 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se)
- # 转向前一个角色的指令输入
- phase3_prior_actor
- return
- end
- # 按下 C 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- # 角色指令窗口光标位置分之
- case @actor_command_window.index
- when 0 # 攻击
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 设置行动
- @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
- @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0
- # 开始选择敌人
- start_enemy_select
- when 1 # 特技
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 设置行动
- @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1
- # 开始选择特技
- start_skill_select
- when 2 # 防御
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 设置行动
- @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
- @active_battler.current_action.basic = 1
- # 转向下一位角色的指令输入
- phase3_next_actor
- when 3 # 物品
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 设置行动
- @active_battler.current_action.kind = 2
- # 开始选择物品
- start_item_select
- when 4 #逃跑
- # 不能逃跑的情况下
- if $game_temp.battle_can_escape == false
- # 演奏冻结 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 逃走处理
- update_phase2_escape
- end
- return
- end
- #------------------------------
- # 按下 T 建的情况下
- #------------------------------
- if Kboard.keyboard($R_Key_T)
- #如果一号开关打开就禁止重复上回合动作
- if $game_switches[51] == true #开关号可以改,把那个1改成你要的开关号
- # 演奏冻结 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- case @active_battler.last_action.kind
- when 0 # 攻击,防御
- #防御
- if @active_battler.last_action.basic == 1
- # 设置行动
- @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
- @active_battler.current_action.basic = 1
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- phase3_next_actor
- #攻击
- else
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 设置行动
- @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
- @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0
- @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @active_battler.last_action.target_index
- phase3_next_actor
- end
- when 1 # 特技
- skill_id = @active_battler.last_action.skill_id
- if @active_battler.skill_learn?(skill_id) and @active_battler.skill_can_use?(skill_id)
- # 设置行动
- @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1
- @active_battler.current_action.skill_id = @active_battler.last_action.skill_id
- @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @active_battler.last_action.target_index
- phase3_next_actor
- else
- # 演奏冻结 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- end
- when 2 # 物品
- item_id = @active_battler.last_action.item_id
- if $game_party.item_can_use?(item_id)
- # 设置行动
- @active_battler.current_action.kind = 2
- @active_battler.current_action.item_id = @active_battler.last_action.item_id
- @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @active_battler.last_action.target_index
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- phase3_next_actor
- else
- # 演奏冻结 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- end
- end
- return
- end
- #------------------------------
- # 按下 R 键的情况下
- #------------------------------
- if Kboard.keyboard($R_Key_R)
- #如果一号开关打开就禁止重复上回合动作
- if $game_switches[51] == true #开关号可以改,把那个1改成你要的开关号
- # 演奏冻结 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- for a in $game_party.actors
- if a.inputable?
- case a.last_action.kind
- when 0 # 攻击,防御
- #防御
- if a.last_action.basic == 1
- # 设置行动
- a.current_action.kind = 0
- a.current_action.basic = 1
- #攻击
- else
- # 设置行动
- a.current_action.kind = 0
- a.current_action.basic = 0
- a.current_action.target_index = a.last_action.target_index
- end
- when 1 # 特技
- skill_id = a.last_action.skill_id
- if a.skill_learn?(skill_id) and a.skill_can_use?(skill_id)
- # 设置行动
- a.current_action.kind = 1
- a.current_action.skill_id = a.last_action.skill_id
- a.current_action.target_index = a.last_action.target_index
- elsif
- # 不能使用就攻击
- if $data_skills[skill_id].scope < 3
- a.current_action.kind = 0
- a.current_action.basic = 0
- a.current_action.target_index = a.last_action.target_index
- else
- a.current_action.kind = 0
- a.current_action.basic = 0
- a.current_action.target_index = 0
- end
- end
- when 2 # 物品
- item_id = a.last_action.item_id
- if $game_party.item_can_use?(item_id)
- # 设置行动
- a.current_action.kind = 2
- a.current_action.item_id = a.last_action.item_id
- a.current_action.target_index = a.last_action.target_index
- else
- # 不能使用就攻击
- a.current_action.kind = 0
- a.current_action.basic = 0
- a.current_action.target_index = 0
- end
- end
- end
- # 角色的明灭效果 OFF
- if a != nil
- a.blink = false
- end
- end
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- start_phase4
- return
- end
- #------------------------------
- # 按下 F 键的情况下
- #------------------------------
- if Kboard.keyboard($R_Key_F)
- for a in $game_party.actors
- if a.inputable?
- a.current_action.kind = 0
- a.current_action.basic = 0
- a.current_action.target_index = 0
- end
- # 角色的明灭效果 OFF
- if a != nil
- a.blink = false
- end
- end
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- start_phase4
- return
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # 本脚本来自www.66rpg.com,转载和使用请保留此信息
- #==============================================================================
完成了= =跳过了Phase2也就不需要Phase2判定了吧。 系统信息:本贴由楼主认可为正确答案,66RPG感谢您的热情解答~ |