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本帖最后由 冷徹心扉 于 2015-11-28 17:03 编辑
這是我的橫戰顯示敵血條腳本 (橫戰版本3.4E)
萬分感謝!- #==============================================================================
- # ★要啟用這個腳本
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Sprite_Battler
- #==============================================================================
- class Sprite_Battler < Sprite_Base
- # Word used in enemy Notes field to hide HP gauge 註解以隱藏HP條
- # 背景色 [邊框顏色, 內部顏色]
- GAUGE_BC = [Color.new(100,0,0,255), Color.new(0,0,0,255)] #155.205.155
- # 面層色(漸變效果) [左端, 右端]
- GAUGE_GC = [Color.new(150,0,0), Color.new(240,50,50)]
- GAUGE_W = 82 # 寬度
- GAUGE_H = 5 # 高度 4
- GAUGE_S = 70 # 扣減速度(超過2)40 越小越快
- GAUGE_T = 1200 # 顯示幀數 1秒3000 10秒30000 30秒90000 60秒180000
- GAUGE_O = 16 # 不透明度16
- #
- GAUGE_V = false # 當光標出現可疑損壞。需要STRxx光標。
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 繪畫血條
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_enhpgauge
- g_width = GAUGE_W # 長
- g_height = GAUGE_H # 高
- f_color = GAUGE_BC # 背景色
- g_color = GAUGE_GC # 面層色
- # 圖畫繪製
- bitmap = Bitmap.new(g_width, g_height * 2)
- # 上半部分:圖畫定義,背景色
- bitmap.fill_rect(0, 0, g_width, g_height, f_color[0]) # 外框
- bitmap.fill_rect(1, 1, g_width - 2, g_height - 2, f_color[1]) # 內部
- # 上半部分:圖畫定義,面層色
- bitmap.gradient_fill_rect(1, g_height + 1, g_width - 2, g_height - 2,
- g_color[0], g_color[1]) # 層次
- # 血條建立 # [0] = 背景色 ; [1] = 面層色
- @hp_gauge = [Sprite.new, Sprite.new]
- for i in 0..1
- sprite = @hp_gauge[i]
- sprite.viewport = self.viewport
- sprite.bitmap = bitmap
- sprite.src_rect.set(0, 0, g_width, g_height)
- sprite.src_rect.y = g_height if i == 1
- if $back_attack && N01::BACK_ATTACK && N01::BACK_ATTACK_NON_BACK_MIRROR
- sprite.x = Graphics.width - @battler.screen_x
- else
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #~ sprite.x = 10 #固定顯示位置
- #~ sprite.x = @battler.screen_x + 5 #血條位置
- sprite.x = @battler.screen_x + 12 #血條位置
- end
- sprite.y = @battler.screen_y + 15 #血條高低
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sprite.ox = g_width / 2 - 4
- sprite.oy = g_height / 2 - 1
- #~ sprite.z = @battler.screen_z + 1 #血條優先度
- sprite.z = self.z = battler.position_z + 10#血條優先度
- #~ sprite.z = +20 if i == 1
- sprite.opacity = 0
- end
- # 各種
- @enid = @battler.enemy_id
- @hp = @battler.hp
- @gauge_width = GAUGE_W + 1
- @gauge_opacity = 0
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 血條更新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def enhpgauge_update
- # 如果對應ID敵人被傷害的時候需要顯示
- if @enid != @battler.enemy_id
- @enid = @battler.enemy_id
- @gauge_visible = true
- #~ ## @gauge_visible = false if $data_enemies[@enid].note.include?(GAUGE_M)
- #~ ## for i in @hp_gauge do i.visible = @gauge_visible end
- end
- return unless @gauge_visible
- # 計算更新
- if @hp != @battler.hp
- g_width = (@battler.hp / (@battler.maxhp * 1.0))
- @gauge_width = ((GAUGE_W * g_width) + 1).truncate
- @gauge_opacity = GAUGE_T
- @hp = @battler.hp
- end
- # 長
- g_width = @hp_gauge[1].src_rect.width
- speed = GAUGE_S
- rect = @hp_gauge[1].src_rect
- rect.width = (@gauge_width + (g_width * (speed - 1))) / speed
- if rect.width != @gauge_width
- if rect.width > @gauge_width
- rect.width -= 1
- else
- rect.width += 1
- end
- end
- rect.width = 2 if rect.width <= 1 and @hp > 0
- # 透明度
- if GAUGE_V and @battler.cursor_flash
- @gauge_opacity += GAUGE_O * 2 if @gauge_opacity <= GAUGE_T / 2
- else
- @gauge_opacity -= GAUGE_O if @gauge_opacity > 0
- end
- # 透明度適用
- for i in @hp_gauge do i.opacity = @gauge_opacity end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if @battler.hp > 0#or @gauge_width > 1 #假如敵人存活就顯示血條
- @gauge_visible = true
- @gauge_opacity = 255
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 對象初始化
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias initialize_str15 initialize
- def initialize(viewport, battler = nil)
- initialize_str15(viewport, battler)
- if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- create_enhpgauge
- @gauge_visible = true
- #~ ## @gauge_visible = false if $data_enemies[@enid].note.include?(GAUGE_M)
- #~ ## for i in @hp_gauge do i.visible = @gauge_visible end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 解放(dispose)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias dispose_str15 dispose
- def dispose
- dispose_str15
- if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- @hp_gauge[0].bitmap.dispose
- @hp_gauge[0].dispose
- @hp_gauge[1].dispose
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 幀更新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias update_str15 update
- def update
- update_str15
- enhpgauge_update if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- end
- end
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