赞 | 2 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 11 |
经验 | 3701 |
最后登录 | 2025-1-22 |
在线时间 | 247 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 1055
- 在线时间
- 247 小时
- 注册时间
- 2011-3-5
- 帖子
- 25
- //=============================================================================
- // K_Fullness.js
- //=============================================================================
- /*:ja
- * @plugindesc ver1.11 満腹、水分、睡眠のゲージを追加。
- * @author かいとりせんこう
- *
- * @param fullness
- * @desc 追加ゲージ1つ目
- * @default 満腹
- *
- * @param hydration
- * @desc 追加ゲージ2つ目
- * @default 水分
- *
- * @param sleep
- * @desc 追加ゲージ3つ目
- * @default 睡眠
- *
- * @param HPIcon
- * @desc HPのアイコンインデックス
- * @default 84
- *
- * @param MPIcon
- * @desc MPのアイコンインデックス
- * @default 78
- *
- * @param TPIcon
- * @desc TPのアイコンインデックス
- * @default 77
- *
- * @param FullnessIcon
- * @desc 満腹度のアイコンインデックス
- * @default 266
- *
- * @param HydrationIcon
- * @desc 水分のアイコンインデックス
- * @default 67
- *
- * @param SleepIcon
- * @desc 睡眠のアイコンインデックス
- * @default 8
- *
- * @param max
- * @desc ゲージの最大値
- * @default 100
- *
- * @param TPwrite
- * @desc TPを表示するかどうか true or false
- * @default true
- *
- * @param writeIcon
- * @desc trueだとアイコン、falseだとテキストになる
- * @default true
- *
- *
- * @help
- * 機能
- * 満腹、水分、睡眠のゲージを追加します(名称をコンフィグで変更可)
- * メニュー画面で各種ゲージを小さくして表示します
- * ゲージでテキストの代わりにアイコンを表示します(コンフィグで変更可)
- *
- *
- * プラグインコマンド
- * K_Fullness fullness x y :アクターIDxの満腹をy回復します
- * K_Fullness hydrate x y :アクターIDxの水分をy回復します
- * K_Fullness sleep x y :アクターIDxの睡眠をy回復します
- * x部分にallと入れるとパーティ全員を回復します
- * y部分にはマイナスも入れることが出来ます
- *
- * 以下、Ver1.10で追加されたコマンド
- * K_Fullness var x y ful :変数xにアクターIDyの満腹を代入します
- * K_Fullness var x y hyd :変数xにアクターIDyの水分を代入します
- * K_Fullness var x y slp :変数xにアクターIDyの睡眠を代入します
- *
- *
- * アイテムのメモ欄への記述
- * <fullness:x>:満腹をx回復します
- * <hydrate:x>:水分をx回復します
- * <sleep:x>:睡眠をx回復します
- *
- *
- * 利用規約
- * 非営利目的の場合はクレジット表記が必要ありません
- * 営利目的の場合はクレジットに「かいとりせんこう」を表記してください
- * ゲームに含めての再配布が可能です
- * 必要に応じて改造できます
- * R-18、R-18Gの作品にも使えます
- *
- * 変更履歴
- * ver1.00
- * 公開
- * ver1.10
- * 英語の説明文を追加
- * ステータス画面でも各ステータスが表示されるようになった
- * ロード直後の戦闘で回復したときにエラーが起こるバグを修正(?)
- * ver1.11
- * ロード直後の戦闘で回復したときのバグを修正
- *
- */
- /*:
- * @plugindesc ver1.10 Add fullness, hydrate, and sleep gage.
- * @author kaitorisenkou
- *
- * @param fullness
- * @desc 1st gage
- * @default Fullness
- *
- * @param hydration
- * @desc 2nd gage
- * @default Hydrate
- *
- * @param sleep
- * @desc 3rd gage
- * @default Sleep
- *
- * @param HPIcon
- * @desc Icon index of HP
- * @default 84
- *
- * @param MPIcon
- * @desc Icon index of MP
- * @default 78
- *
- * @param TPIcon
- * @desc Icon index of TP
- * @default 77
- *
- * @param FullnessIcon
- * @desc Icon index of Fullness
- * @default 266
- *
- * @param HydrationIcon
- * @desc Icon index of Hydrate
- * @default 67
- *
- * @param SleepIcon
- * @desc Icon index of Sleep
- * @default 8
- *
- * @param max
- * @desc Upper limit of gage
- * @default 100
- *
- * @param TPwrite
- * @desc Display TP true or false
- * @default true
- *
- * @param writeIcon
- * @desc true→Write icon false→Write text
- * @default true
- *
- * @help
- * Function
- * Add fullness, hydrate, and sleep gage.(Name of these gages can be changed)
- * Display 6 gages smaller.
- * Write icons insted of text on gages(can choose)
- *
- *
- * Plugin command
- * K_Fullness fullness x y :Recover fullness y of ActorIDx.
- * K_Fullness hydrate x y :Recover hydrate y of ActorIDx.
- * K_Fullness sleep x y :Recover sleep y of ActorIDx.
- * type 'all' to x and rocover all of team.
- * y can be minus.
- *
- * K_Fullness var x y ful :Substitution fullness of ActorIDy to VariableIDx
- * K_Fullness var x y hyd :Substitution hydrate of ActorIDy to VariableIDx
- * K_Fullness var x y slp :Substitution sleep of ActorIDy to VariableIDx
- *
- *
- * Note of items
- * <fullness:x>:Recover fullness x
- * <hydrate:x>:Recover hydrate x
- * <sleep:x>:Recover sleep x
- *
- *
- * Terms of service
- * For non-profit purposes, There is no need credit.
- * For commercial purposes, Write "kaitorisenkou" or "かいとりせんこう" on credit.
- * This plugin can be redistributed with game.(Not to mention, do not this alone!)
- * This plugin can be Customized.
- * This plugin can be used for R-18 or R-18G games.
- *
- * Changelog
- * ver1.00
- * post
- * ver1.10
- * Translated to English
- * Show stats on "Status"
- * Fix a bug(maybe)
- * ver1.11
- * Fix a bug
- *
- */
- (function() {
- var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('K_Fullness');
- var fuW = String(parameters['fullness']);
- var hydW = String(parameters['hydration']);
- var slpW = String(parameters['sleep']);
- var hpicon = Number(parameters['HPIcon']);
- var mpicon = Number(parameters['MPIcon']);
- var tpicon = Number(parameters['TPIcon']);
- var fulicon = Number(parameters['FullnessIcon']);
- var hydicon = Number(parameters['HydrationIcon']);
- var slpicon = Number(parameters['SleepIcon']);
- var maxparam = Number(parameters['max']);
- var tpwrite = String(parameters['TPwrite']);
- var writeicon = String(parameters['writeIcon']);
- var writeOnField = String(parameters['writeIcon']);
- var reduceOnNoEffects = String(parameters['reduceOnNoEffects']);
- //HP、MP、TPゲージ書き換え
- Window_Base.prototype.drawActorHp = function(actor, x, y, width) {
- width = width || 186;
- var color1 = this.hpGaugeColor1();
- var color2 = this.hpGaugeColor2();
- this.drawGauge(x, y, width, actor.hpRate(), color1, color2);
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- if(writeicon == 'true'){
- this.drawIcon(hpicon,x,y)
- }else{
- this.drawText(TextManager.hpA, x, y, 44); }
- this.drawCurrentAndMax(actor.hp, actor.mhp, x, y, width,
- this.hpColor(actor), this.normalColor());
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawActorMp = function(actor, x, y, width) {
- width = width || 186;
- var color1 = this.mpGaugeColor1();
- var color2 = this.mpGaugeColor2();
- this.drawGauge(x, y, width, actor.mpRate(), color1, color2);
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- if(writeicon == 'true'){
- this.drawIcon(mpicon,x,y)
- }else{
- this.drawText(TextManager.mpA, x, y, 44);}
- this.drawCurrentAndMax(actor.mp, actor.mmp, x, y, width,
- this.mpColor(actor), this.normalColor());
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawActorTp = function(actor, x, y, width) {
- width = width || 96;
- var color1 = this.tpGaugeColor1();
- var color2 = this.tpGaugeColor2();
- this.drawGauge(x, y, width, actor.tpRate(), color1, color2);
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- if(writeicon == 'true'){
- this.drawIcon(tpicon,x,y)
- }else{
- this.drawText(TextManager.tpA, x, y, 44);}
- this.changeTextColor(this.tpColor(actor));
- this.drawText(actor.tp, x + width - 64, y, 64, 'right');
- };
- //満腹、水分、睡眠を追加
- Object.defineProperties(Game_BattlerBase.prototype, {
- // Hit Points
- hp: { get: function() { return this._hp; }, configurable: true },
- // Magic Points
- mp: { get: function() { return this._mp; }, configurable: true },
- // Tactical Points
- tp: { get: function() { return this._tp; }, configurable: true },
- // Maximum Hit Points
- mhp: { get: function() { return this.param(0); }, configurable: true },
- // Maximum Magic Points
- mmp: { get: function() { return this.param(1); }, configurable: true },
- // ATtacK power
- atk: { get: function() { return this.param(2); }, configurable: true },
- // DEFense power
- def: { get: function() { return this.param(3); }, configurable: true },
- // Magic ATtack power
- mat: { get: function() { return this.param(4); }, configurable: true },
- // Magic DeFense power
- mdf: { get: function() { return this.param(5); }, configurable: true },
- // AGIlity
- agi: { get: function() { return this.param(6); }, configurable: true },
- // LUcK
- luk: { get: function() { return this.param(7); }, configurable: true },
- // HIT rate
- hit: { get: function() { return this.xparam(0); }, configurable: true },
- // EVAsion rate
- eva: { get: function() { return this.xparam(1); }, configurable: true },
- // CRItical rate
- cri: { get: function() { return this.xparam(2); }, configurable: true },
- // Critical EVasion rate
- cev: { get: function() { return this.xparam(3); }, configurable: true },
- // Magic EVasion rate
- mev: { get: function() { return this.xparam(4); }, configurable: true },
- // Magic ReFlection rate
- mrf: { get: function() { return this.xparam(5); }, configurable: true },
- // CouNTer attack rate
- cnt: { get: function() { return this.xparam(6); }, configurable: true },
- // Hp ReGeneration rate
- hrg: { get: function() { return this.xparam(7); }, configurable: true },
- // Mp ReGeneration rate
- mrg: { get: function() { return this.xparam(8); }, configurable: true },
- // Tp ReGeneration rate
- trg: { get: function() { return this.xparam(9); }, configurable: true },
- // TarGet Rate
- tgr: { get: function() { return this.sparam(0); }, configurable: true },
- // GuaRD effect rate
- grd: { get: function() { return this.sparam(1); }, configurable: true },
- // RECovery effect rate
- rec: { get: function() { return this.sparam(2); }, configurable: true },
- // PHArmacology
- pha: { get: function() { return this.sparam(3); }, configurable: true },
- // Mp Cost Rate
- mcr: { get: function() { return this.sparam(4); }, configurable: true },
- // Tp Charge Rate
- tcr: { get: function() { return this.sparam(5); }, configurable: true },
- // Physical Damage Rate
- pdr: { get: function() { return this.sparam(6); }, configurable: true },
- // Magical Damage Rate
- mdr: { get: function() { return this.sparam(7); }, configurable: true },
- // Floor Damage Rate
- fdr: { get: function() { return this.sparam(8); }, configurable: true },
- // EXperience Rate
- exr: { get: function() { return this.sparam(9); }, configurable: true },
- //満腹水分睡眠
- ful: { get: function() { return this._ful; }, configurable: true },
- hyd: { get: function() { return this._hyd; }, configurable: true },
- slp: { get: function() { return this._slp; }, configurable: true },
- });
- //教えてもらったところ
- var _Game_BattlerBase_initMembers = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers;
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers = function() {
- _Game_BattlerBase_initMembers.apply(this, arguments);
- this._ful = maxparam;
- this._hyd = maxparam;
- this._slp = maxparam;
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.setFul = function(ful) {
- this._ful = ful.clamp(0, maxparam);
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.setHyd = function(hyd) {
- this._hyd = hyd.clamp(0, maxparam);
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.setSlp = function(slp) {
- this._slp = slp.clamp(0, maxparam);
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.gainFul = function(ful) {
- this._ful+=ful.clamp(-this._ful,maxparam-this._ful);
- if (this.ful >= maxparam){
- this._ful = maxparam
- }
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.gainHyd = function(hyd) {
- this._hyd+=hyd.clamp(-this._hyd,maxparam-this._hyd);
- if (this.hyd >= maxparam){
- this._hyd = maxparam
- }
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.gainSlp = function(slp) {
- this._slp+=slp.clamp(-this._slp,maxparamthis._slp);
- if (this.slp >= maxparam){
- this._slp = maxparam
- }
- };
- //ここまで教わった
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.fulRate = function() {
- return this.ful / maxparam;
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.hydRate = function() {
- return this.hyd / maxparam;
- };
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.slpRate = function() {
- return this.slp / maxparam;
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawActorFullness = function(actor, x, y, width) {
- width = width || 96;
- var color1 = this.hpGaugeColor1();
- var color2 = this.hpGaugeColor2();
- this.drawGauge(x, y, width, actor.fulRate(), color1, color2);
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- if(writeicon == 'true'){
- this.drawIcon(fulicon,x,y);
- }else{
- this.drawText(fuW, x, y, 44);}
- this.drawCurrentAndMax(actor.ful, maxparam, x, y, width,
- this.hpColor(actor), this.normalColor());
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawActorHydration = function(actor, x, y, width) {
- width = width || 96;
- var color1 = this.mpGaugeColor1();
- var color2 = this.mpGaugeColor2();
- this.drawGauge(x, y, width, actor.hydRate(), color1, color2);
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- if(writeicon == 'true'){
- this.drawIcon(hydicon,x,y);
- }else{
- this.drawText(hydW, x, y, 44);}
- this.drawCurrentAndMax(actor.hyd, maxparam, x, y, width,
- this.mpColor(actor), this.normalColor());
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawActorSleep = function(actor, x, y, width) {
- width = width || 96;
- var color1 = this.tpGaugeColor1();
- var color2 = this.tpGaugeColor2();
- this.drawGauge(x, y, width, actor.slpRate(), color1, color2);
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- if(writeicon == 'true'){
- this.drawIcon(slpicon,x,y);
- }else{
- this.drawText(slpW, x, y, 44);}
- this.drawCurrentAndMax(actor.slp, maxparam, x, y, width,
- this.tpColor(actor), this.normalColor());
- };
- //メニュー書き換え
- Window_Base.prototype.drawActorSimpleStatus = function(actor, x, y, width) {
- var lineHeight = this.lineHeight();
- var x2 = x + 180;
- var width2 = Math.min(200, width - 180 - this.textPadding())/2;
- var x3 = x2 + width2 + 5;
- this.drawActorName(actor, x, y);
- this.drawActorLevel(actor, x, y + lineHeight * 1);
- this.drawActorIcons(actor, x, y + lineHeight * 2);
- this.drawActorClass(actor, x2, y - lineHeight/2 * 1);
- this.drawActorHp(actor, x2, y + lineHeight/2 * 1, width2);
- this.drawActorMp(actor, x2, y + lineHeight/2 * 3, width2);
- if(tpwrite == 'true'){
- this.drawActorTp(actor, x2, y + lineHeight/2 * 5, width2);
- }
- this.drawActorFullness(actor, x3, y + lineHeight/2 * 1, width2);
- this.drawActorHydration(actor, x3, y + lineHeight/2 * 3, width2);
- this.drawActorSleep(actor, x3, y + lineHeight/2 * 5, width2);
- };
- //ステータス書き換え,Ver1.10で追加した部分
- Window_Status.prototype.drawBasicInfo = function(x, y) {
- var lineHeight = this.lineHeight();
- var lineShift = lineHeight/2;
- //this.drawActorLevel(this._actor, x, y + lineHeight * 0);
- this.drawActorIcons(this._actor, x, y + lineHeight * 1);
- this.drawActorHp(this._actor, x, y + lineHeight * 0);
- this.drawActorMp(this._actor, x, y + lineHeight * 1);
- if(tpwrite == 'true'){
- this.drawActorTp(this._actor, x, y + lineHeight * 2, 90);
- this.drawActorFullness(this._actor, x+96, y + lineHeight * 2, 90);
- this.drawActorHydration(this._actor, x, y + lineHeight * 3, 90);
- this.drawActorSleep(this._actor, x+96, y + lineHeight * 3, 90);
- }else{
- this.drawActorFullness(this._actor, x, y + lineHeight * 2, 90);
- this.drawActorHydration(this._actor, x+96, y + lineHeight * 2, 90);
- this.drawActorSleep(this._actor, x, y + lineHeight * 3, 90);
- }
- };
- Window_Status.prototype.drawBlock3 = function(y) {
- this.drawActorLevel(this._actor, 48, y-18);
- this.drawParameters(48, y+18);
- this.drawEquipments(432, y);
- };
- //プラグインコマンド
- var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {
- _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
- if (command === 'K_Fullness') {
- switch (args[0]) {
- case 'fullness':
- if (args[1]==='all'){
- for(i = 1; i <= $gameParty.size(); i++){
- $gameParty.members()[i-1].gainFul(Number(args[2]));
- }
- }else{
- $gameActors.actor(Number(args[1])).gainFul(Number(args[2]));
- }
- break;
- case 'hydrate':
- if (args[1]==='all'){
- for(i = 1; i <= $gameParty.size(); i++){
- $gameParty.members()[i-1].gainHyd(Number(args[2]));
- }
- }else{
- $gameActors.actor(Number(args[1])).gainHyd(Number(args[2]));
- }
- break;
- case 'sleep':
- if (args[1]==='all'){
- for(i = 1; i <= $gameParty.size(); i++){
- $gameParty.members()[i-1].gainSlp(Number(args[2]));
- }
- }else{
- $gameActors.actor(Number(args[1])).gainSlp(Number(args[2]));
- }
- break;
- case 'var'://Ver1.10で追加した部分
- switch (args[3]){
- case 'ful':
- $gameVariables.setValue(Number(args[1]),$gameActors.actor(Number(args[2])).ful);
- break;
- case 'hyd':
- $gameVariables.setValue(Number(args[1]),$gameActors.actor(Number(args[2])).hyd);
- break;
- case 'slp':
- $gameVariables.setValue(Number(args[1]),$gameActors.actor(Number(args[2])).slp);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- //メモ欄
- var _game_action_prototype_apply=Game_Action.prototype.apply;
- Game_Action.prototype.apply=function(target){
- _game_action_prototype_apply.call(this,target);
- if(target.isActor()){
- var item=this._item.object();
- if(item.meta.fullness){
- target.gainFul(Number(item.meta.fullness))
- }
- if(item.meta.hydrate){
- target.gainFul(Number(item.meta.hydrate));
- }
- if(item.meta.sleep){
- target.gainFul(Number(item.meta.sleep));
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- var _Game_Battler_useItem = Game_Battler.prototype.useItem;
- Game_Battler.prototype.useItem = function(item) {
- _Game_Battler_useItem.call(this, item);
- //var bef = $gameActors.actor($gameParty._targetActorId);
- if(item.meta.fullness){
- $gameActors.actor($gameParty._targetActorId).gainFul(Number(item.meta.fullness));
- }
- if(item.meta.hydrate){
- $gameActors.actor($gameParty._targetActorId).gainHyd(Number(item.meta.hydrate));
- }
- if(item.meta.sleep){
- $gameActors.actor($gameParty._targetActorId).gainSlp(Number(item.meta.sleep));
- };
- //var aft = $gameActors.actor($gameParty._targetActorId);
- //if(bef===aft){
- // $gameParty.gainItem($dataItems[item.itemId], 1)
- //}
- };*/
- /*Game_Action.prototype.testApply = function(target) {
- return (this.isForDeadFriend() === target.isDead() &&
- ($gameParty.inBattle() || this.isForOpponent() ||
- (this.isHpRecover() && target.hp < target.mhp) ||
- (this.isMpRecover() && target.mp < target.mmp) ||
- (this.hasItemAnyValidEffects(target))));
- };*/
- })();
复制代码 |