赞 | 66 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 195 |
经验 | 2503 |
最后登录 | 2024-11-17 |
在线时间 | 192 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 19510
- 在线时间
- 192 小时
- 注册时间
- 2015-10-28
- 帖子
- 46
楼主 |
发表于 2017-10-1 12:11:29
- //=============================================================================
- // Blackmorning Engine Plugins - Equip Core
- // BM_EquipCore.js
- //=============================================================================
- var Imported = Imported || {};
- Imported.BM_EquipCore = true;
- var BM = BM || {};
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc VK视觉设备场景(v1.00)装备窗口
- *设备身体&图标设置
- * @author Blackmorning
- *
- * @param ---General---
- * @default
- *
- * @param WindowAlign
- * @desc 命令窗口的位置。
- * left right
- * @default right
- *
- * @param HideEquipItemList
- * @desc 直到选择隐藏或显示项目列表。
- * Show - false Hide - true
- * @default true
- *
- * @param HelpEquip
- * @desc 的文本命令装备。
- * @default Manually equip items
- *
- * @param HelpOptimize
- * @desc 优化的文本命令。
- * @default Automatically equip the best items
- *
- * @param HelpRemove
- * @desc 文本的命令删除。
- * @default Unequip all items
- *
- * @param ---Slot Window---
- * @default
- *
- * @param EquipmentType
- * @desc 使用图标或槽的名字。
- * icons names
- * @default names
- *
- * @param EquipmentIcons
- * @desc 每个设备的图标。
- * 单独的图标标识的空间。
- * @default 97 128 130 135 145
- *
- * @param ---Status Window---
- * @default
- *
- * @param EquipParameters
- * @desc 当比较显示设备参数。
- * 单独的参数空间。*看到帮助*
- * @default mhp atk def mat mdf agi luk hit cri
- *
- * @param ParametersFontSize
- * @desc 字体大小的参数。
- * @default 28
- *
- * @param BodyInStatus
- * @desc 让背后的身体形象显示参数。
- * Show - true Hide - false
- * @default false
- *
- * @param ComparePlusIcon
- * @desc 选择图标显示积极的属性变化。
- * default - leave blank to show none.
- * @default
- *
- * @param CompareMinusIcon
- * @desc 选择图标显示负属性的变化。
- * default - leave blank to show none.
- * @default
- *
- * @param ---Body Window---
- * @default
- *
- * @param BodyWindowWidth
- * @desc使身体窗口的宽度。
- * default 400
- * @default 400
- *
- * @param BodyImage
- * @desc 默认的身体形象。 (在 Img\Pictures)
- * @default equip_m
- *
- * @param BodyPadding
- * @desc 调整身体的填充窗口图像可以对窗口框架。
- * @default 10
- *
- * @param EquipmentFramed
- * @desc 图标是陷害。
- * Show - true Hide - false
- * @default true
- *
- * @param ScaleEquipIcons
- * @desc 扩展/乘数的大小项目图标的身体。
- * (基于默认图标大小)
- * @default 1
- *
- * @param IconXLocation
- * @desc 给每个图标的默认x坐标。
- *独立的x空间。
- * @default 60 160 108 108 40 40
- *
- * @param IconYLocation
- * @desc 给每个图标的默认y定位。
- *独立的空间y。
- * @default 330 330 60 220 100 220
- *
- * @param ---Parameters Vocab---
- * @default
- *
- * @param MhpVocab
- * @desc 词汇对于maxHp
- *违约——保留为空白则使用数据库条目。
- * @default Hit Points
- *
- * @param MmpVocab
- * @desc 词汇对于maxMp
- *违约——保留为空白则使用数据库条目。
- * @default
- *
- * @param AtkVocab
- * @desc atk词汇
- *违约——保留为空白则使用数据库条目。
- * @default
- *
- * @param DefVocab
- * @desc Vocab for def
- * default - leave blank to use the database's entry.
- * @default
- *
- * @param MatVocab
- * @desc Vocab for mat
- * default - leave blank to use the database's entry.
- * @default
- *
- * @param MdfVocab
- * @desc Vocab for mdf
- * default - leave blank to use the database's entry.
- * @default
- *
- * @param AgiVocab
- * @desc Vocab for agi
- * default - leave blank to use the database's entry.
- * @default
- *
- * @param LukVocab
- * @desc Vocab for luk
- * default - leave blank to use the database's entry.
- * @default
- *
- * @param HitVocab
- * @desc Vocab for hit
- * default - leave blank to use the database's entry.
- * @default
- *
- * @param EvaVocab
- * @desc Vocab for eva
- * default - leave blank to use the database's entry.
- * @default
- *
- * @param CriVocab
- * @desc Vocab for cri
- * default Critical Rate
- * @default Critical Rate
- *
- * @param CevVocab
- * @desccev的词汇
- *默认暴击逃税
- * @default Crit Evasion
- *
- * @param MevVocab
- * @desc 兆电子伏的词汇
- *默认魔法逃税
- * @default Magic Evasion
- *
- * @param MrfVocab
- * @desc词汇对磁流变液
- *默认m .反射
- * @default M. Reflection
- *
- * @param CntVocab
- * @desc 词汇的问
- *默认反击
- * @default Counterattack
- *
- * @param HrgVocab
- * @desc hrg的词汇
- *默认惠普回复速度
- * @default HP Regen Rate
- *
- * @param MrgVocab
- * @desc 词汇的著
- *默认MP回复速度
- * @default MP Regen Rate
- *
- * @param TrgVocab
- * @desc 词汇的丹
- *默认TP回复速度
- * @default TP Regen Rate
- *
- * @param TgrVocab
- * @desc词汇的丹
- *缺省目标利率
- * @default Target Rate
- *
- * @param GrdVocab
- * @desc 词汇的研磨
- *违约保护效应
- * @default Guard Effect
- *
- * @param RecVocab
- * @desc词汇为矩形
- *默认恢复效果
- * @default Recovery Effect
- *
- * @param PhaVocab
- * @desc pha的词汇
- *默认药理学
- * @default Pharmacology
- *
- * @param McrVocab
- * @desc mcr的词汇
- *默认议员成本率
- * @default MP Cost Rate
- *
- * @param TcrVocab
- * @desc词汇的识别
- *默认TP成本率
- * @default TP Cost Rate
- *
- * @param PdrVocab
- * @desc 词汇对pdr
- % *默认物理伤害
- * @default Phys Damage %
- *
- * @param MdrVocab
- * @desc 词汇对于mdr
- % *默认魔法伤害
- * @default Magic Damage %
- *
- * @param FdrVocab
- * @desc 词汇对于罗斯福
- % *默认层损害
- * @default Floor Damage %
- *
- * @param ExrVocab
- * @desc 词汇的exr
- *默认Exp获得率
- * @default Exp Gain Rate
- *
- * @help
- * ============================================================================
- * Introduction
- * ============================================================================
- * 标题:BM VK设备现场
- *作者:Blackmorning
- *版本:1.00
- *网站:http://bmscripts.weebly.com/vk-equip.html
- *视觉装备场景如“瓦尔基里故事”为RPG VX的制造商
- * Hanzo木村
- * -图标可以分配给设备槽
- *——视觉设备放置到一个图像上
- * -图像可以分配给演员/数据库Notebox类
- *(演员优先)
- * - - -窗口填充可以进行调整,以消除图像的截止。
- *文本仍然是正确放置。
- *——图像可以分配给数据库Notebox武器/盔甲
- * -设备图标位置可以分配/改变以匹配新的图像
- *——决定哪些参数显示/比较(使用下面的符号表)
- *——决定什么参数
- *
- *内置参数表:
- *
- * ============================
- * | Symbol | Name |
- * ============================
- * | mhp | Max HP |
- * | mmp | Max MP |
- * | atk | Attack |
- * | def | Defense |
- * | mat | M.Attack |
- * | mdf | M.Defense |
- * | agi | Agility |
- * | luk | Luck |
- * =======================================
- * | hit | Hit Rate | percent |
- * | eva | Evasion | percent |
- * | cri | Critical Rate | percent |
- * | cev | Crit Evasion | percent |
- * | mev | Magic Evasion | percent |
- * | mrf | M. Reflection | percent |
- * | cnt | Counterattack | percent |
- * | hrg | HP Regen Rate | percent |
- * | mrg | MP Regen Rate | percent |
- * | trg | TP Regen Rate | percent |
- * =======================================
- * | tgr | Target Rate | percent |
- * | grd | Guard Effect | percent |
- * | rec | Recovery Effect | percent |
- * | pha | Pharmacology | percent |
- * | mcr | MP Cost Rate | percent |
- * | tcr | TP Cost Rate | percent |
- * | pdr | Phys Damage % | percent |
- * | mdr | Magic Damage % | percent |
- * | fdr | Floor Damage % | percent |
- * | exr | Exp Gain Rate | percent |
- * =======================================
- *
- * ============================================================================
- * Notetags
- * ============================================================================
- *
- * 您可以使用以下notetags改变演员/类的设备设置。
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- *演员/类Notetags:
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * <ebodyimage: x>
- - x必须从Img \图片文件夹中对应的文件名。
- *
- *对于那些购买了“封面人物包”和复制数据
- *到他们的项目, <Portrait: Package1_1>使用将是一个很好的例子。
- *
- *< ebodyscale:x >——指定所需的扩展的身体形象。
- * x = 1提供了默认缩放行为;x = 0.5一半大小,而
- * x = 2双打。注意图像是局限于体内的形象
- *窗口。
- *
- *如果没有提供,比例因子将默认为1,使用原始的
- *图像大小。
- *
- * < ebodyoffset:- x - y >
- * < ebodyoffset:+ x + y >
- *——指定一个偏移量从默认定位用于身体形象。
- *积极x移动图像进一步对吧,- x移动了。
- *积极y移动图像进一步下降,- y移动。
- *注:图像可能导致剪这样的调整。
- *装备窗口的边界将自动覆盖的部分
- *图像。
- *
- * < eiconid:x,y > id作为设备位置,x,y的位置。
- *这改变演员的插槽位置无论上市。
- *一个演员的自定义装备槽将优先于类的
- *自定义装备槽,将优先于默认装备槽。
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- *武器/盔甲Notetags:
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * < eiconimage:string >
- *——使用一个图片Img \ \你的RPG制造商MV项目的图片
- *目录的文件名“字符串”(没有扩展)的形象
- *图片。将调整大小的盒子。
- *
- * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- *更新日志
- * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- *
- * 1.00版本:2014 - 11月24日
- *——完成插件!
- */
- //=============================================================================
- //=============================================================================
- // Parameter Variables
- //=============================================================================
- BM.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('BM_EquipCore');
- BM.Equip = BM.Equip || {};
- BM.Icon = BM.Icon || {};
- BM.Vocab = BM.Vocab || {};
- BM.Equip.EWindowAlign = String(BM.Parameters['WindowAlign'] || 'right');
- BM.Equip.EBodyWidth = Number(BM.Parameters['BodyWindowWidth'] || 400);
- BM.Equip.EHideList = BM.Parameters['HideEquipItemList'] == "true" ? true : false;
- BM.Equip.EHelpEquip = String(BM.Parameters['HelpEquip']);
- BM.Equip.EHelpOptimize = String(BM.Parameters['HelpOptimize']);
- BM.Equip.EHelpRemove = String(BM.Parameters['HelpRemove']);
- BM.Equip.EParamFontSize = Number(BM.Parameters['ParametersFontSize']);
- BM.Equip.EBodyPadding = Number(BM.Parameters['BodyPadding'] || 18);
- BM.Equip.EBodyStatus = BM.Parameters['BodyInStatus'] == "true" ? true : false;
- BM.Equip.EBodyDefault = String(BM.Parameters['BodyImage']);
- BM.Equip.EBodyIconScales = Number(BM.Parameters['ScaleEquipIcons'] || 1);
- BM.Equip.ENameIcon = String(BM.Parameters['EquipmentType'] || 'names');
- BM.Equip.EIconFramed = BM.Parameters['EquipmentFramed'] == "true" ? true : false;
- BM.Icon.Plus = Number(BM.Parameters['ComparePlusIcon']);
- BM.Icon.Minus = Number(BM.Parameters['CompareMinusIcon']);
- BM.Data = String(BM.Parameters['EquipmentIcons']);
- BM.Data = BM.Data.split(' ');
- BM.Icon.EquipIcons = [];
- for (BM.i = 0; BM.i < BM.Data.length; ++BM.i) {
- BM.Icon.EquipIcons.push(parseInt(BM.Data[BM.i]));
- };
- BM.Data = String(BM.Parameters['IconXLocation']);
- BM.Data = BM.Data.split(' ');
- BM.Equip.EIconXLocations = [];
- for (BM.i = 0; BM.i < BM.Data.length; ++BM.i) {
- BM.Equip.EIconXLocations.push(parseInt(BM.Data[BM.i]));
- };
- BM.Data = String(BM.Parameters['IconYLocation']);
- BM.Data = BM.Data.split(' ');
- BM.Equip.EIconYLocations = [];
- for (BM.i = 0; BM.i < BM.Data.length; ++BM.i) {
- BM.Equip.EIconYLocations.push(parseInt(BM.Data[BM.i]));
- };
- BM.Data = String(BM.Parameters['EquipParameters']);
- BM.Data = BM.Data.split(' ');
- BM.Equip.EParameters = [];
- for (BM.i = 0; BM.i < BM.Data.length; ++BM.i) {
- BM.Equip.EParameters.push(BM.Data[BM.i]);
- };
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames = [];
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['mhp'] = String(BM.Parameters['MhpVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['mmp'] = String(BM.Parameters['MmpVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['atk'] = String(BM.Parameters['AtkVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['def'] = String(BM.Parameters['DefVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['mat'] = String(BM.Parameters['MatVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['mdf'] = String(BM.Parameters['MdfVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['agi'] = String(BM.Parameters['AgiVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['luk'] = String(BM.Parameters['LukVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['hit'] = String(BM.Parameters['HitVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['eva'] = String(BM.Parameters['EvaVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['cri'] = String(BM.Parameters['CriVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['cev'] = String(BM.Parameters['CevVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['mev'] = String(BM.Parameters['MevVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['mrf'] = String(BM.Parameters['MrfVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['cnt'] = String(BM.Parameters['CntVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['hrg'] = String(BM.Parameters['HrgVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['mrg'] = String(BM.Parameters['MrgVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['trg'] = String(BM.Parameters['TrgVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['tgr'] = String(BM.Parameters['TgrVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['grd'] = String(BM.Parameters['GrdVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['rec'] = String(BM.Parameters['RecVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['pha'] = String(BM.Parameters['PhaVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['mcr'] = String(BM.Parameters['McrVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['tcr'] = String(BM.Parameters['TcrVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['pdr'] = String(BM.Parameters['PdrVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['mdr'] = String(BM.Parameters['MdrVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['fdr'] = String(BM.Parameters['FdrVocab']);
- BM.Vocab.ParamNames['exr'] = String(BM.Parameters['ExrVocab']);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TextManager.paramName = function(paramName) {
- name = BM.Vocab.ParamNames[paramName]
- if(!name || name == '') {
- switch(paramName){
- case 'mhp':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[0] || '';
- case 'mmp':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[1] || '';
- case 'atk':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[2] || '';
- case 'def':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[3] || '';
- case 'mat':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[4] || '';
- case 'mdf':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[5] || '';
- case 'agi':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[6] || '';
- case 'luk':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[7] || '';
- case 'hit':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[8] || '';
- case 'eva':
- return $dataSystem.terms.params[9] || '';
- }
- }
- return name
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BM.Equip.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
- DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() {
- if (!BM.Equip.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded.call(this)) return false;
- this.processActorNotetagsEquipBM($dataActors);
- this.processClassNotetagsEquipBM($dataClasses);
- this.processWeaponNotetagsEquipBM($dataWeapons);
- this.processArmorNotetagsEquipBM($dataArmors);
- return true;
- };
- DataManager.processActorNotetagsEquipBM = function(group) {
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImages = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImageOffsets = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImageScales = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyAIconX = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyAIconY = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImage = [];
- var offsetMatcher = /<(?:EBODYOFFSET):[ ]*([\+\-\s*]\d+)\s*,\s*([\+\-\s*]\d+)>/i;
- var iconoffsetMatcher = /<(?:EICON-)(\d+):[ ]*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i;
- for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImageScales[n] = 1;
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImageOffsets[n] = [0, 0];
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImages[n] = BM.Equip.EBodyDefault
- BM.Equip.EBodyAIconX[n] = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyAIconY[n] = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImage[n] = false
- var obj = group[n];
- var notedata = obj.note.split(/\r?\n/);
- for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++) {
- var line = notedata[i];
- if (line.match(/<(?:EBODYIMAGE):[ ]([\w\s]+)>/i)) {
- var eBody = RegExp.$1;
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImage[n] = true;
- if (eBody == '')eBody = undefined;
- else //;
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImages[n] = eBody;
- } else if (line.match(/<(?:EBODYSCALE):[ ](\d+.?\d+)>/i)) {
- var eBodyScale = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
- if (eBodyScale < 0) eBodyScale = 0;
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImageScales[n] = eBodyScale;
- } else if (line.match(offsetMatcher)) {
- BM.Equip.EBodyAImageOffsets[n] = [parseInt(RegExp.$1), parseInt(RegExp.$2)];
- } else if (line.match(iconoffsetMatcher)) {
- BM.Equip.EBodyAIconX[n][parseInt(RegExp.$1)] = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
- BM.Equip.EBodyAIconY[n][parseInt(RegExp.$1)] = parseInt(RegExp.$3);
- }
- }
- ImageManager.loadPicture(BM.Equip.EBodyAImages[n]);
- }
- };
- DataManager.processClassNotetagsEquipBM = function(group) {
- BM.Equip.EBodyCImages = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyCImageOffsets = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyCImageScales = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyCIconX = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyCIconY = [];
- var offsetMatcher = /<(?:EBODYOFFSET):[ ]*([\+\-\s*]\d+)\s*,\s*([\+\-\s*]\d+)>/i;
- var iconoffsetMatcher = /<(?:EICON-)(\d+):[ ]*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i;
- for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
- var obj = group[n];
- BM.Equip.EBodyCImageScales[n] = 1;
- BM.Equip.EBodyCImageOffsets[n] = [0, 0];
- BM.Equip.EBodyCImages[n] = BM.Equip.EBodyDefault
- BM.Equip.EBodyCIconX[n] = [];
- BM.Equip.EBodyCIconY[n] = [];
- var notedata = obj.note.split(/\r?\n/);
- for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++) {
- var line = notedata[i];
- if (line.match(/<(?:EBODYIMAGE):[ ]([\w\s]+)>/i)) {
- var eBody = RegExp.$1;
- if (eBody == '') eBody = undefined;
- BM.Equip.EBodyCImages[n] = eBody;
- } else if (line.match(/<(?:EBODYSCALE):[ ](\d+.?\d+)>/i)) {
- var eBodyScale = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
- if (eBodyScale < 0) eBodyScale = 0;
- BM.Equip.EBodyCImageScales[n] = eBodyScale;
- } else if (line.match(offsetMatcher)) {
- BM.Equip.EBodyCImageOffsets[n] = [parseInt(RegExp.$1), parseInt(RegExp.$2)];
- } else if (line.match(iconoffsetMatcher)) {
- BM.Equip.EBodyCIconX[n][parseInt(RegExp.$1)] = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
- BM.Equip.EBodyCIconY[n][parseInt(RegExp.$1)] = parseInt(RegExp.$3);
- }
- }
- ImageManager.loadPicture(BM.Equip.EBodyCImages[n]);
- }
- };
- DataManager.processWeaponNotetagsEquipBM = function(group) {
- BM.Equip.EBodyIconWImages = [];
- BM.Equip.EIconWImage = [];
- for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
- BM.Equip.EIconWImage[n] = false
- var obj = group[n];
- obj.eBodyIconImages = [];
- var notedata = obj.note.split(/\r?\n/);
- for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++) {
- var line = notedata[i];
- if (line.match(/<(?:EICONIMAGE):[ ]([\w\s]+)>/i)) {
- var eBody = RegExp.$1;
- BM.Equip.EIconWImage[n] = true;
- if (eBody == '')eBody = undefined;
- else //;
- BM.Equip.EBodyIconWImages[n] = eBody;
- obj.eBodyIconImages = eBody;
- }
- }
- ImageManager.loadPicture(BM.Equip.EBodyIconWImages[n]);
- }
- };
- DataManager.processArmorNotetagsEquipBM = function(group) {
- BM.Equip.EBodyIconAImages = [];
- BM.Equip.EIconAImage = [];
- for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
- BM.Equip.EIconAImage[n] = false
- var obj = group[n];
- var notedata = obj.note.split(/\r?\n/);
- for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++) {
- var line = notedata[i];
- if (line.match(/<(?:EICONIMAGE):[ ]([\w\s]+)>/i)) {
- var eBody = RegExp.$1;
- BM.Equip.EIconAImage[n] = true;
- if (eBody == '')eBody = undefined;
- else;
- BM.Equip.EBodyIconAImages[n] = eBody;
- obj.eBodyIconImages = eBody;
- }
- }
- ImageManager.loadPicture(BM.Equip.EBodyIconAImages[n]);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_Base
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Window_Base.prototype.drawDarkRect = function(dx, dy, dw, dh) {
- var color = this.gaugeBackColor();
- this.changePaintOpacity(false);
- this.contents.fillRect(dx + 1, dy + 1, dw - 2, dh - 2, color);
- this.changePaintOpacity(true);
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawFramedBox = function(dx, dy, dw, dh) {
- var color1 = this.gaugeBackColor();
- var color2 = this.normalColor();
- this.contents.fillRect(dx, dy, dw, dh, color2);
- this.contents.clearRect(dx + 1, dy + 1, dw - 2, dh - 2)
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.textLineHeight = function() {
- return (this.contents.fontSize + 12)
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawActorEBody = function(x, y, width, height) {
- if (BM.Equip.EBodyAImage[this._actor._actorId]) {
- var name = BM.Equip.EBodyAImages[this._actor._actorId]
- var scale = BM.Equip.EBodyAImageScales[this._actor._actorId];
- var offsets = BM.Equip.EBodyAImageOffsets[this._actor._actorId];
- } else {
- var name = BM.Equip.EBodyCImages[this._actor._actorId]
- var scale = BM.Equip.EBodyCImageScales[this._actor._actorId];
- var offsets = BM.Equip.EBodyCImageOffsets[this._actor._actorId];
- }
- var bitmap = ImageManager.loadPicture(name);
- var sw = bitmap.width;
- var sh = bitmap.height;
- this.contents.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, sw, sh, // Image, top-left (x,y) from source image, source width + height to use
- x + offsets[0], y + offsets[1], // destination (x, y) to use. Of note - anything past contentsWidth() + contentsHeight() is auto-clipped!
- Math.floor(sw * scale), Math.floor(sh * scale)); // destination width, height - can be used to scale!
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawEIcon = function(item, x, y, width, height) {
- if (item) {
- var scale = 1
- var scale = BM.Equip.EBodyIconScales
- if (item.etypeId == 1) var name = BM.Equip.EBodyIconWImages;
- else var name = BM.Equip.EBodyIconAImages;
- if (name[item.id]){
- this.drawEIconImage(name[item.id], x, y, width*scale, height*scale);
- }else{
- this.drawIcon(item.iconIndex, x, y, width*scale, height*scale);
- }
- }
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawEIconImage = function(name, x, y,width, height) {
- var bitmap = ImageManager.loadPicture(name);
- var pw = bitmap.width;
- var ph = bitmap.height;
- var sx = 0;
- var sy = 0;
- this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x, y, width, height);
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon = function(iconIndex, x, y, width, height) {
- width = width || Window_Base._iconWidth;
- height = height || Window_Base._iconHeight;
- var bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem('IconSet');
- var pw = Window_Base._iconWidth;
- var ph = Window_Base._iconHeight;
- var sx = iconIndex % 16 * pw;
- var sy = Math.floor(iconIndex / 16) * ph;
- this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x, y, width, height);
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_EquipBody
- //
- // The window for selecting an equipment slot on the equipment screen.
- function Window_EquipBody() {
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Window_EquipBody.prototype = Object.create(Window_Selectable.prototype);
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.constructor = Window_EquipBody;
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.initialize = function(x, y) {
- var height = this.windowHeight();
- var width = this.windowWidth();
- Window_Selectable.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, 800);
- this._actor = null;
- this._slotId = -1
- this.refresh();
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.windowHeight = function() {
- return (Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(2));
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.fittingHeight = function(numLines) {
- return numLines * this.lineHeight() + BM.Equip.Window_EquipBody_standardPadding() * 2;
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
- return BM.Equip.EBodyWidth;
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.setActor = function(actor) {
- if (this._actor !== actor) {
- this._actor = actor;
- this.refresh();
- }
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.maxItems = function() {
- return this._actor ? this._actor.equipSlots().length : 0;
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.item = function() {
- return this._actor ? this._actor.equips()[this.index()] : null;
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.drawAllItems = function() {
- if (this._actor) {
- this.drawActorEBody(0, 0);
- this.drawActorName(this._actor, this.textPadding() + this.bmPadding(), this.bmPadding());
- }
- Window_Selectable.prototype.drawAllItems.call(this)
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
- if (this._actor) {
- var rect = this.itemRect(index);
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- this.changePaintOpacity(this.isEnabled(index));
- if (BM.Equip.EIconFramed){
- this.drawFramedBox(rect.x - 4,rect.y + this.contents.fontSize - 4, rect.width + 8, rect.height + 8);
- }
- this.makeFontSmaller();
- this.drawText(this.slotName(index), rect.x - 4, rect.y - 4, rect.width + 8, this.lineHeight(),'center');
- this.makeFontBigger();
- this.drawEIcon(this._actor.equips()[index], rect.x, rect.y + this.contents.fontSize, Window_Base._iconWidth, Window_Base._iconHeight);
- this.changePaintOpacity(true);
- }
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.itemRect = function(index) {
- var scale = BM.Equip.EBodyIconScales
- var xa = BM.Equip.EIconXLocations;
- var ya = BM.Equip.EIconYLocations;
- if (BM.Equip.EBodyAImage[this._actor._actorId]) {
- if (BM.Equip.EBodyAIconX[this._actor._actorId][index]) {
- var xa = BM.Equip.EBodyAIconX[this._actor._actorId];
- var ya = BM.Equip.EBodyAIconY[this._actor._actorId];
- };
- } else {
- if (BM.Equip.EBodyCIconX[this._actor._actorId][index]) {
- var xa = BM.Equip.EBodyCIconX[this._actor._actorId];
- var ya = BM.Equip.EBodyCIconY[this._actor._actorId];
- };
- }
- var rect = new Rectangle();
- rect.width = Window_Base._iconWidth * scale;
- rect.height = Window_Base._iconHeight * scale;
- rect.x = xa[index]
- rect.y = ya[index]
- return rect;
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.slotName = function(index) {
- var slots = this._actor.equipSlots();
- return this._actor ? $dataSystem.equipTypes[slots[index]] : '';
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.isEnabled = function(index) {
- return this._actor ? this._actor.isEquipChangeOk(index) : false;
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.isCurrentItemEnabled = function() {
- return this.isEnabled(this.index());
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.setSlotId = function(slotId) {
- if (this._slotId !== slotId) {
- this._slotId = slotId;
- this.refresh();
- this.updateCursor();
- }
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.update = function() {
- Window_Selectable.prototype.update.call(this);
- this.updateCursor();
- }
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.updateCursor = function() {
- if (this._cursorAll) {
- var allRowsHeight = this.maxRows() * this.itemHeight();
- this.setCursorRect(0, 0, this.contents.width, allRowsHeight);
- this.setTopRow(0);
- } else if (this.isCursorVisible()) {
- var rect = this.itemRect(this._slotId);
- this.setCursorRect(rect.x - 2, rect.y - 2 + this.contents.fontSize, rect.width + 4, rect.height + 4);
- } else {
- this.setCursorRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- };
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipBody_standardPadding = Window_EquipBody.prototype.standardPadding;
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.standardPadding = function() {
- return BM.Equip.EBodyPadding;
- };
- Window_EquipBody.prototype.bmPadding = function() {
- return BM.Equip.Window_EquipBody_standardPadding() - this.padding
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_EquipCommand
- //
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipCommand_updateHelp = Window_EquipCommand.prototype.updateHelp;
- Window_EquipCommand.prototype.updateHelp = function() {
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipCommand_updateHelp.call(this);
- var array = [BM.Equip.EHelpEquip, BM.Equip.EHelpOptimize, BM.Equip.EHelpRemove]
- if (this._helpWindow) {
- this._helpWindow.setText(array[this.index()]);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_EquipStatus
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipStatus_initialize = Window_EquipStatus.prototype.initialize;
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.initialize = function(x, y) {
- this._slotId = 0;
- var width = this.windowWidth();
- var height = this.windowHeight();
- Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, 800);
- this._actor = null;
- this._slotId = 0;
- this.refresh();
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.windowHeight = function() {
- return (Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(2));
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
- return BM.Equip.EBodyWidth;
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.fittingHeight = function(numLines) {
- return numLines * this.lineHeight() + BM.Equip.Window_EquipStatus_standardPadding() * 2;
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.refresh = function() {
- this.contents.clear();
- if (this._actor) {
- if (BM.Equip.EBodyStatus) this.drawActorEBody(0, 0);
- this.drawActorName(this._actor, this.textPadding() + this.bmPadding(), this.bmPadding());
- this.drawCurrentWeapon(this.bmPadding(),this.lineHeight()+this.bmPadding())
- this.drawNewWeapon(Window_Base._iconWidth+this.bmPadding(),this.lineHeight()*5/2+this.bmPadding())
- this.contents.fontSize = BM.Equip.EParamFontSize
- var param = BM.Equip.EParameters
- var y = this.lineHeight() * 4 + this.bmPadding()
- var h = this.contents.height - y - this.bmPadding()
- var tf = h / this.textLineHeight();
- var pf = Math.floor(Math.min(tf,param.length));
- var dh = pf * this.textLineHeight();
- var dy = Math.floor((h - dh)/2 + this.bmPadding()/2);
- y = y + dy
- for (var i = 0; i < pf; i++) {
- this.drawItem(this.bmPadding(), y, param[i]);
- y += this.textLineHeight()
- }
- this.resetFontSettings();
- }
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.bmPadding = function() {
- return BM.Equip.Window_EquipStatus_standardPadding() - this.padding
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.drawCurrentWeapon = function(x, y) {
- var dx = x + Window_Base._iconWidth
- var dy = y + this.lineHeight()/2;
- this.drawDarkRect(dx, dy, this.contents.width-dx-this.bmPadding()-Window_Base._iconWidth, this.lineHeight());
- var lastFontSize = this.contents.fontSize;
- this.makeFontSmaller()
- this.drawText("当前装备", x, y-10, this.contents.width-x-this.bmPadding()-Window_Base._iconWidth);
- this.makeFontBigger()
- this.drawItemName(this._actor.equips()[this._slotId], dx, dy, this.contents.width-dx-this.bmPadding()-6-Window_Base._iconWidth);
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.drawNewWeapon = function(x, y) {
- var dx = x + Window_Base._iconWidth
- var dy = y + this.lineHeight()/2;
- this.drawDarkRect(dx, dy, this.contents.width-dx-this.bmPadding(), this.lineHeight());
- var lastFontSize = this.contents.fontSize;
- this.makeFontSmaller()
- this.drawText("新的装备", x, y-10, this.contents.width-x-this.bmPadding());
- this.makeFontBigger()
- if (this._tempActor) {
- this.drawItemName(this._tempActor.equips()[this._slotId], dx, dy, this.contents.width-dx-this.bmPadding()-6);
- }
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.drawItem = function(x, y, paramName) {
- this.drawDarkRect(x, y, this.contents.width-x-this.bmPadding(), this.textLineHeight());
- this.drawRightArrow(x + 188, y);
- var percent = true
- if (paramName){
- this.drawParamName(x + this.textPadding(), y, paramName);
- switch(paramName){
- case 'mhp':
- case 'mmp':
- case 'atk':
- case 'def':
- case 'mat':
- case 'mdf':
- case 'agi':
- case 'luk':
- percent = false;
- break;
- }
- if (this._actor) {
- this.drawCurrentParam(x + 140, y, paramName, percent);
- }
- if (this._tempActor) {
- this.drawNewParam(x + 222, y, paramName, percent);
- }
- }
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.drawParamName = function(x, y, paramName) {
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- var name = TextManager.paramName(paramName)
- this.drawText(name, x, y, 120);
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.drawCurrentParam = function(x, y, paramName, percent) {
- this.resetTextColor();
- var value = eval("this._actor." + paramName, this);
- if (percent == true) {
- value = Math.round(value * 100) + "%";
- }
- this.drawText(value, x, y, 48, 'right');
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.drawNewParam = function(x, y, paramName, percent) {
- var oldValue = eval("this._actor." + paramName, this);
- var newValue = eval("this._tempActor." + paramName, this);
- var diffvalue = newValue - oldValue;
- this.changeTextColor(this.paramchangeTextColor(diffvalue));
- if (percent == true) {
- newValue = Math.round(newValue * 100) + "%";
- }
- if (diffvalue > 0 && BM.Icon.Plus && BM.Icon.Plus != 0){
- this.drawIcon(BM.Icon.Plus, this.contents.width - this.textWidth(newValue) - this.bmPadding()-Window_Base._iconWidth, y)
- }
- if (diffvalue < 0 && BM.Icon.Minus && BM.Icon.Minus != 0){
- this.drawIcon(BM.Icon.Minus, this.contents.width - this.textWidth(newValue) - this.bmPadding()-Window_Base._iconWidth, y)
- }
- this.drawText(newValue, x, y, this.contents.width - x - 6 - this.bmPadding(), 'right');
- };
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.setSlotId = function(slotId) {
- if (this._slotId !== slotId) {
- this._slotId = slotId;
- this.refresh();
- }
- };
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipStatus_standardPadding = Window_EquipStatus.prototype.standardPadding;
- Window_EquipStatus.prototype.standardPadding = function() {
- return BM.Equip.EBodyStatus ? BM.Equip.EBodyPadding : BM.Equip.Window_EquipStatus_standardPadding();
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_EquipSlot
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipSlot_initialize = Window_EquipSlot.prototype.initialize;
- Window_EquipSlot.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height) {
- var height = this.windowHeight();
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipSlot_initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
- };
- Window_EquipSlot.prototype.windowHeight = function() {
- if (BM.Equip.EHideList) {
- return (Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(2) - this.fittingHeight(1));
- } else {
- return this.fittingHeight(this.numVisibleRows());
- }
- };
- Window_EquipSlot.prototype.setBodyWindow = function(bodyWindow) {
- this._bodyWindow = bodyWindow;
- this.callUpdateHelp();
- };
- Window_EquipSlot.prototype.numVisibleRows = function() {
- return (this._actor ? this._actor.equipSlots().length : $dataSystem.equipTypes.length) - 1;
- };
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipSlot_drawItem = Window_EquipSlot.prototype.drawItem;
- Window_EquipSlot.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
- if (BM.Equip.ENameIcon == 'names'){
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipSlot_drawItem.call(this, index);
- } else {
- if (this._actor) {
- var rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
- this.changeTextColor(this.systemColor());
- this.changePaintOpacity(this.isEnabled(index));
- this.drawEquipSlotIcon(index, rect.x, rect.y)
- var dx = rect.x + Window_Base._iconWidth + 10
- this.drawItemName(this._actor.equips()[index], dx, rect.y, this.contents.width - dx);
- this.changePaintOpacity(true);
- }
- }
- };
- Window_EquipSlot.prototype.drawEquipSlotIcon = function(index, x, y){
- var eIcon = BM.Icon.EquipIcons;
- var equippedIcon = this._actor.equips()[index];
- this.drawIcon(eIcon[index], x, y);
- }
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipSlot_drawItemName = Window_EquipSlot.prototype.drawItemName;
- Window_EquipSlot.prototype.drawItemName = function(item, x, y, width) {
- width = width || this.contents.width;
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipSlot_drawItemName.call(this, item, x, y, width - x);
- };
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipSlot_updateHelp = Window_EquipSlot.prototype.updateHelp;
- Window_EquipSlot.prototype.updateHelp = function() {
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipSlot_updateHelp.call(this);
- if (this._actor && this._bodyWindow) {
- this._bodyWindow.setSlotId(this.index());
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_EquipItem
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Window_EquipItem.prototype.maxCols = function() {
- return 1;
- };
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipItem_updateHelp = Window_EquipItem.prototype.updateHelp;
- Window_EquipItem.prototype.updateHelp = function() {
- BM.Equip.Window_EquipItem_updateHelp.call(this);
- if (this._actor && this._statusWindow) {
- this._statusWindow.setSlotId(this._slotId);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Scene_Equip
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_create = Scene_Equip.prototype.create;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.create = function() {
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_create.call(this);
- this.relocateWindows();
- }
- Scene_Equip.prototype.relocateWindows = function() {
- if (BM.Equip.EWindowAlign != 'right') {
- this._commandWindow.x = 0;
- this._itemWindow.x = 0;
- this._slotWindow.x = 0;
- this._bodyWindow.x = this._commandWindow.width;
- this._statusWindow.x = this._commandWindow.width;
- };
- if (BM.Equip.EHideList) {
- this._itemWindow.hide();
- };
- }
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_createStatusWindow = Scene_Equip.prototype.createStatusWindow;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.createStatusWindow = function() {
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_createStatusWindow.call(this);
- this._statusWindow.hide();
- };
- Scene_Equip.prototype.createBodyWindow = function() {
- this._bodyWindow = new Window_EquipBody(0, this._helpWindow.height);
- this._slotWindow.setBodyWindow(this._bodyWindow);
- this.addWindow(this._bodyWindow);
- };
- Scene_Equip.prototype.createSlotWindow = function() {
- var wx = this._statusWindow.width;
- var ww = Graphics.boxWidth - this._statusWindow.width;
- var wy = this._commandWindow.y + this._commandWindow.height;
- var wh = Graphics.boxHeight - wy
- this._slotWindow = new Window_EquipSlot(wx, wy, ww, wh);
- this._slotWindow.setHelpWindow(this._helpWindow);
- this._slotWindow.setStatusWindow(this._statusWindow);
- this._slotWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onSlotOk.bind(this));
- this._slotWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.onSlotCancel.bind(this));
- this.addWindow(this._slotWindow);
- };
- Scene_Equip.prototype.createItemWindow = function() {
- var wx = this._statusWindow.width;
- var ww = Graphics.boxWidth - this._statusWindow.width;
- var wy = this._slotWindow.y + this._slotWindow.height;
- var wh = Graphics.boxHeight - wy;
- if (BM.Equip.EHideList) {
- var wy = this._commandWindow.y + this._commandWindow.height;
- var wh = Graphics.boxHeight - wy;
- }
- this._itemWindow = new Window_EquipItem(wx, wy, ww, wh);
- this._itemWindow.setHelpWindow(this._helpWindow);
- this._itemWindow.setStatusWindow(this._statusWindow);
- this._itemWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onItemOk.bind(this));
- this._itemWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.onItemCancel.bind(this));
- this._slotWindow.setItemWindow(this._itemWindow);
- this.addWindow(this._itemWindow);
- this.createBodyWindow();
- };
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_refreshActor = Scene_Equip.prototype.refreshActor;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.refreshActor = function() {
- var actor = this.actor();
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_refreshActor.call(this);
- this._bodyWindow.setActor(actor);
- };
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_commandEquip = Scene_Equip.prototype.commandEquip;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.commandEquip = function() {
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_commandEquip.call(this);
- this._bodyWindow.activate();
- this._bodyWindow.select(0);
- };
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_onSlotOk = Scene_Equip.prototype.onSlotOk;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.onSlotOk = function() {
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_onSlotOk.call(this);
- if (BM.Equip.EHideList) {
- this._itemWindow.show();
- this._slotWindow.hide();
- }
- this._statusWindow.show();
- this._bodyWindow.hide();
- };
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_onSlotCancel = Scene_Equip.prototype.onSlotCancel;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.onSlotCancel = function() {
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_onSlotCancel.call(this);
- this._bodyWindow.deselect();
- this._bodyWindow.deactivate();
- };
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_onItemOk = Scene_Equip.prototype.onItemOk;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.onItemOk = function() {
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_onItemOk.call(this);
- if (BM.Equip.EHideList) {
- this._itemWindow.hide();
- this._slotWindow.show();
- }
- this._statusWindow.hide();
- this._bodyWindow.show();
- this._bodyWindow.refresh();
- };
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_onItemCancel = Scene_Equip.prototype.onItemCancel;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.onItemCancel = function() {
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_onItemCancel.call(this);
- if (BM.Equip.EHideList) {
- this._itemWindow.hide();
- this._slotWindow.show();
- }
- this._statusWindow.hide();
- this._bodyWindow.show();
- };
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_commandOptimize = Scene_Equip.prototype.commandOptimize;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.commandOptimize = function() {
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_commandOptimize.call(this);
- this._bodyWindow.refresh();
- };
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_commandClear = Scene_Equip.prototype.commandClear;
- Scene_Equip.prototype.commandClear = function() {
- BM.Equip.Scene_Equip_commandClear.call(this);
- this._bodyWindow.refresh();
- };
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