// Yanfly Engine Plugins - Save Core
// YEP_SaveCore.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.YEP_SaveCore = true;
var Yanfly = Yanfly || {};
Yanfly.Save = Yanfly.Save || {};
Yanfly.Save.version = 1.04;
* @plugindesc v1.04 存档核心
* @author Yanfly Engine Plugins
* @param ---General---
* @default
* @param Max Files
* @desc The maximum number of files for your game.
* Default: 20
* @default 24
* @param Saved Icon
* @desc Icon ID used for a file slot with a save.
* @default 231
* @param Empty Icon
* @desc Icon ID used for an empty file slot.
* @default 230
* @param Return After Saving
* @desc Return to the previous scene after saving?
* NO - false YES - true Default: true
* @default false
* @param Auto New Index
* @desc For new games, automatically decide the save slot?
* NO - false YES - true Default: true
* @default true
* @param ---Action Window---
* @default
* @param Load Command
* @desc Text for the load command in the action window.
* @default Load
* @param Save Command
* @desc Text for the save command in the action window.
* @default Save
* @param Delete Command
* @desc Text for the delete command in the action window.
* @default Delete
* @param ---Help Window---
* @default
* @param Select Help
* @desc Help text displayed when selecting a slot.
* @default Please select a file slot.
* @param Load Help
* @desc Help text displayed when selecting load option.
* @default Loads the data from the saved game.
* @param Save Help
* @desc Help text displayed when selecting save option.
* @default Saves the current progress in your game.
* @param Delete Help
* @desc Help text displayed when selecting delete option.
* @default Deletes all data from this save file.
* @param ---Delete---
* @default
* @param Delete Filename
* @desc Used for the delete sound from the /audio/se/ folder.
* Do NOT include the file extension.
* @default Damage2
* @param Delete Volume
* @desc Volume used for the delete sound.
* @default 100
* @param Delete Pitch
* @desc Pitch used for the delete sound.
* @default 150
* @param Delete Pan
* @desc Pan used for the delete sound.
* @default 0
* @param ---Info Window---
* @default
* @param Show Game Title
* @desc Display the game title in the save file?
* NO - false YES - true
* @default true
* @param Invalid Game Text
* @desc Text used when the save is for a different game.
* @default This save is for a different game.
* @param Empty Game Text
* @desc Text used when the save is empty.
* @default Empty
* @param Map Display Name
* @desc Use the display name for the saved map instead?
* NO - false YES - true
* @default true
* @param Party Display
* @desc The display type used for the party.
* 0 - None; 1 - Characters; 2 - Faces; 3 - SV Actors
* @default 2
* @param Party Y Position
* @desc This is the base Y position for the party display.
* Formulas can be used.
* @default this.lineHeight() + Window_Base._faceHeight
* @param Show Actor Names
* @desc Display the names of the actors?
* NO - false YES - true
* @default true
* @param Name Font Size
* @desc Font size used for names if names are displayed.
* Default: 28
* @default 20
* @param Show Actor Level
* @desc Display the levels of the actors?
* NO - false YES - true
* @default true
* @param Level Font Size
* @desc Font size used for levels if levels are displayed.
* Default: 28
* @default 20
* @param Level Format
* @desc The text format used to display levels.
* %1 - Lv (Abbr) %2 - Lv (Full) %3 - Value
* @default \c[16]%1 \c[0]%3
* @param Data Font Size
* @desc Font size used for displaying data.
* Default: 28
* @default 20
* @param Data Column 1
* @desc The data to be displayed in data column 1. Refer to help
* file for data entries. Separate each entry with commas.
* @default empty, playtime, save count, gold count
* @param Data Column 2
* @desc The data to be displayed in data column 2. Refer to help
* file for data entries. Separate each entry with commas.
* @default location, variable 1, variable 2, variable 3
* @param Data Column 3
* @desc The data to be displayed in data column 2. Refer to help
* file for data entries. Separate each entry with commas.
* @default empty, variable 4, variable 5, variable 6
* @param Data Column 4
* @desc The data to be displayed in data column 2. Refer to help
* file for data entries. Separate each entry with commas.
* @default
* @param ---Vocabulary---
* @default
* @param Map Location
* @desc Text used to categorize 'Map Location'.
* Leave empty to not use this category and center the data.
* @default
* @param Playtime
* @desc Text used to categorize 'Playtime'.
* Leave empty to not use this category and center the data.
* @default Playtime:
* @param Save Count
* @desc Text used to categorize 'Save Count'.
* Leave empty to not use this category and center the data.
* @default Total Saves:
* @param Gold Count
* @desc Text used to categorize 'Gold Count'.
* Leave empty to not use this category and center the data.
* @default %1:
* @param ---Technical---
* @default
* @param Save Mode
* @desc How the save system should work for your game:
* local web auto
* @default auto
* @param Local Config
* @desc Filename for config when working with local saves.
* Default: config.rpgsave
* @default config.rpgsave
* @param Local Global
* @desc Filename for global when working with local saves.
* Default: global.rpgsave
* @default global.rpgsave
* @param Local Save
* @desc Filename for game saves when working with local saves.
* %1 - File Slot. Default: config.rpgsave
* @default file%1.rpgsave
* @param Web Config
* @desc Filename for config when working with web saves.
* %1 - Game Name. Default: RPG Config
* @default RPG %1 Config
* @param Web Global
* @desc Filename for global when working with web saves.
* %1 - Game Name. Default: RPG Global
* @default RPG %1 Global
* @param Web Save
* @desc Filename for game saves when working with web saves.
* %1 - Game Name. %2 - File Slot. Default: RPG File%1
* @default RPG %1 File%2
* @param ---Confirmation---
* @default
* @param Load Confirmation
* @desc Show the load confirmation window when loading a
* save file? NO - false YES - true
* @default true
* @param Load Text
* @desc Text displayed when loading a save file.
* @default Do you wish to load this save file?
* @param Save Confirmation
* @desc Show the save confirmation window when overwriting a
* save file? NO - false YES - true
* @default true
* @param Save Text
* @desc Text displayed when overwriting a save file.
* @default Do you wish to overwrite this save file?
* @param Delete Confirmation
* @desc Show the save confirmation window when deleting a
* save file? NO - false YES - true
* @default true
* @param Delete Text
* @desc Text displayed when deleting a save file.
* @default Do you wish to delete this save file?
* @param Confirm Yes
* @desc Text used for the 'Yes' confirm command
* @default Yes
* @param Confirm No
* @desc Text used for the 'No' confirm command
* @default No
* @help
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
* 注意:这个插件只支持1.1.0以上的版本
* 这个插件提供了一个新的存档界面。通过这个新的界面,玩家可以直接从菜单载入
* 或者删除存档,这也将导致存档命令一直显示在之菜单,但是我们可以关闭或者开
* 启存档选项。从这个界面,玩家可以获得存档的各类信息,例如位置,金钱树,或
* 者任何你想展示的变量。
* ============================================================================
* Instructions - Data Columns
* ============================================================================
* 对于那些想在每个存档显示额外信息的人,你可以添加插件参数里面的Data
* Columns,用逗号隔开。你可以使用下面的标签
* Data Column Categories:
* Empty
* - 显示一个空位置,但是没有外框
* Null
* - 显示一个空位置,但是有外框
* Location
* - 地图坐标
* Playtime
* - 游戏时间
* Save Count
* - 存档数
* Gold Count
* - 金钱数
* Variable x
* -显示变量的名字和值。你可以使用文本代码。任何在<< >>里面的都不会被显示。如
* 果没有变量名,变量的值就会居中
* text: stuff
* left text: stuff
* center text: stuff
* right text: stuff
* -这将显示自定义文本。可以设置显示位置,默认是居左对齐。
* ============================================================================
* Technical - Save Modes
* ============================================================================
* 对于想要在网上发布游戏的开发者,你可以看一看Technical里的参数。你可以设置
* 游戏模式,是“本地”,还是“网站”。默认你可以设置为“自动”。如果是为了
* 测试目的,你可以在本地运行时设置web模式。如果游戏运行在网站上,你不可以使
* 用本地模式。
* ============================================================================
* Technical - Save Files
* ============================================================================
* 如果你有经验,你可以根据喜好设置'Local Config', 'Local Global', 和 'Local
* Save'的名字
* ---
* 如果你正在做网站包括移动端的游戏,我建议你看下'Web Config', 'Web Global'
* 和'Web Save'的参数。所以运行在网站上的游戏都会使用相同的设置。
* This plugin's default settings will solve this sharing issue by making the
* web save named accordingly to your game's name provided that you keep the
* current plugin settings as is or adjust it accordingly. Now, your game will
* have its own individual identity, use its own configuration, global, and
* save files without clashing with any other RPG Maker MV games players may
* have played.这个插件默认设置解决了网站游戏存档奔溃的一些问题
* ============================================================================
* Changelog
* ============================================================================
* Version 1.04:
* - Added 'Map Display Name' plugin parameter. Enabling this option will now
* display the display name for the map instead of the editor name.
* Version 1.03:
* - Fixed a bug that caused web saving to not work properly.
* Version 1.02:
* - Fixed a bug that caused the actor's default name to appear in the save
* screen instead of the actor's current name (if it was changed.)
* Version 1.01:
* - Added a wait time update for save info data to load when moving across the
* various save files.
* Version 1.00:
* - Finished Plugin!
// Parameter Variables
Yanfly.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('YEP_SaveCore');
Yanfly.Param = Yanfly.Param || {};
Yanfly.Param.SaveMaxFiles = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Max Files']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveIconSaved = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Saved Icon']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveIconEmpty = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Empty Icon']);
Yanfly.Param.SavePop = eval(String(Yanfly.Parameters['Return After Saving']));
Yanfly.Param.SaveAutoIndex = eval(String(Yanfly.Parameters['Auto New Index']));
Yanfly.Param.SaveCmdLoad = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Load Command']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveCmdSave = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Save Command']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveCmdDelete = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Delete Command']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveHelpSelect = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Select Help']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveLoadSelect = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Load Help']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveSaveSelect = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Save Help']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveDeleteSelect = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Delete Help']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveDeleteSound = {
name: String(Yanfly.Parameters['Delete Filename']),
volume: Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Delete Volume']),
pitch: Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Delete Pitch']),
pan: Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Delete Pan'])
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoTitle = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Show Game Title']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoTitle = eval(Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoTitle);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoInvalid = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Invalid Game Text']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoEmpty = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Empty Game Text']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveMapDisplayName = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Map Display Name']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveMapDisplayName = eval(Yanfly.Param.SaveMapDisplayName);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Party Display']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType.clamp(0, 3);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyY = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Party Y Position']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorName = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Show Actor Names']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorName = eval(Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorName);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorNameSz = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Name Font Size']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorLv = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Show Actor Level']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorLv = eval(Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorLv);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorLvSz = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Level Font Size']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorLvFmt = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Level Format']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataSz = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Data Font Size']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol1 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Data Column 1']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol1 = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol1.split(',');
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol2 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Data Column 2']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol2 = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol2.split(',');
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol3 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Data Column 3']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol3 = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol3.split(',');
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol4 = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Data Column 4']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol4 = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol4.split(',');
Yanfly.trimSaveDataColumns = function(array) {
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = array[i].trim();
if (length === 1 && array[0] === '') array.splice(0);
Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabLocation = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Map Location']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabPlaytime = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Playtime']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabSaveCount = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Save Count']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabGoldCount = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Gold Count']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveTechSaveMode = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Save Mode']).trim();
Yanfly.Param.SaveTechSaveMode = Yanfly.Param.SaveTechSaveMode.toLowerCase();
Yanfly.Param.SaveTechLocalConfig = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Local Config']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveTechLocalGlobal = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Local Global']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveTechLocalSave = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Local Save']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveTechWebConfig = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Web Config']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveTechWebGlobal = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Web Global']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveTechWebSave = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Web Save']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmLoad = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Load Confirmation']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmLoad = eval(Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmLoad);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmLoadTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Load Text']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmSave = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Save Confirmation']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmSave = eval(Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmSave);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmSaveTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Save Text']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmDel = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Delete Confirmation']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmDel = eval(Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmDel);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmDelTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Delete Text']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmYes = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Confirm Yes']);
Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmNo = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Confirm No']);
// DataManager
DataManager.maxSavefiles = function() {
return Yanfly.Param.SaveMaxFiles;
Yanfly.Save.DataManager_selectSavefileForNewGame =
DataManager.selectSavefileForNewGame = function() {
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveAutoIndex) return;
this._lastAccessedId = 1;
Yanfly.Save.DataManager_makeSaveContents = DataManager.makeSaveContents;
DataManager.makeSaveContents = function() {
var contents = Yanfly.Save.DataManager_makeSaveContents.call(this);
contents.map.locationDisplayName = $dataMap.displayName;
return contents;
// StorageManager
Yanfly.Save.StorageManager_isLocalMode = StorageManager.isLocalMode;
StorageManager.isLocalMode = function() {
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveTechSaveMode === 'local') {
if (!Utils.isNwjs()) return false;
return true;
} else if (Yanfly.Param.SaveTechSaveMode === 'web') {
return false;
} else {
return Yanfly.Save.StorageManager_isLocalMode.call(this);
StorageManager.localFilePath = function(savefileId) {
var name;
if (savefileId < 0) {
name = Yanfly.Param.SaveTechLocalConfig;
} else if (savefileId === 0) {
name = Yanfly.Param.SaveTechLocalGlobal;
} else {
name = Yanfly.Param.SaveTechLocalSave.format(savefileId);
return this.localFileDirectoryPath() + name;
Yanfly.Save.StorageManager_webStorageKey = StorageManager.webStorageKey;
StorageManager.webStorageKey = function(savefileId) {
if (!$dataSystem) return Yanfly.Save.StorageManager_webStorageKey.call(this);
var title = $dataSystem.gameTitle;
if (savefileId < 0) {
return Yanfly.Param.SaveTechWebConfig.format(title);
} else if (savefileId === 0) {
return Yanfly.Param.SaveTechWebGlobal.format(title);
} else {
return Yanfly.Param.SaveTechWebSave.format(title, savefileId);
StorageManager.loadConfig = function() {
if (this._configLoaded) return;
this._configLoaded = true;
// BattleManager
Yanfly.Save.BattleManager_setBattleTest = BattleManager.setBattleTest;
BattleManager.setBattleTest = function(battleTest) {
Yanfly.Save.BattleManager_setBattleTest.call(this, battleTest);
if (battleTest) StorageManager.loadConfig();
// Window_Base
Window_Base.prototype.drawSvActor = function(actor, x, y) {
var filename = actor.battlerName();
var bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(filename);
var pw = bitmap.width / 9;
var ph = bitmap.height / 6;
var sx = 0;
var sy = 0;
this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x - pw / 2, y - ph);
Window_Base.prototype.textWidthEx = function(text) {
return this.drawTextEx(text, 0, this.contents.height);
// Window_MenuCommand
Window_MenuCommand.prototype.isSaveEnabled = function() {
if (DataManager.isEventTest()) return false;
return true;
// Window_SavefileList
Window_SavefileList.prototype.itemHeight = function() {
return this.lineHeight();
Window_SavefileList.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
var id = index + 1;
var valid = DataManager.isThisGameFile(id);
var rect = this.itemRect(index);
//if (this._mode === 'load') this.changePaintOpacity(valid);
var icon = valid ? Yanfly.Param.SaveIconSaved : Yanfly.Param.SaveIconEmpty;
this.drawIcon(icon, rect.x + 2, rect.y + 2);
this.drawFileId(id, rect.x + Window_Base._iconWidth + 4, rect.y);
Window_SavefileList.prototype.playOkSound = function() {
// Window_SaveAction
function Window_SaveAction() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_SaveAction.prototype = Object.create(Window_HorzCommand.prototype);
Window_SaveAction.prototype.constructor = Window_SaveAction;
Window_SaveAction.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, mode) {
this._width = Graphics.boxWidth - x;
this._currentFile = 0;
this._mode = mode;
Window_HorzCommand.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y);
Window_SaveAction.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
return this._width;
Window_SaveAction.prototype.maxCols = function() {
return 3;
Window_SaveAction.prototype.savefileId = function() {
return SceneManager._scene._listWindow.index() + 1;
Window_SaveAction.prototype.makeCommandList = function() {
var id = this.savefileId();
var enabled = DataManager.isThisGameFile(id);
var valid = DataManager.loadSavefileInfo(id);
this.addCommand(this.getCommandName('load'), 'load', valid);
this.addCommand(this.getCommandName('save'), 'save', this.isSaveEnabled());
this.addCommand(this.getCommandName('delete'), 'delete', enabled);
Window_SaveAction.prototype.getCommandName = function(type) {
if (type === 'load') {
return Yanfly.Param.SaveCmdLoad;
} else if (type === 'save') {
return Yanfly.Param.SaveCmdSave;
} else {
return Yanfly.Param.SaveCmdDelete;
Window_SaveAction.prototype.isSaveEnabled = function() {
if (this._mode !== 'save') return false;
return $gameSystem.isSaveEnabled();
Window_SaveAction.prototype.update = function() {
if (this.savefileId() !== this._currentFile) this.updateIndex();
Window_SaveAction.prototype.updateIndex = function() {
this._currentFile = this.savefileId();
Window_SaveAction.prototype.playOkSound = function() {
Window_SaveAction.prototype.updateHelp = function() {
var text = '';
if (this.currentSymbol() === 'load') {
text = Yanfly.Param.SaveLoadSelect;
} else if (this.currentSymbol() === 'save') {
text = Yanfly.Param.SaveSaveSelect;
} else if (this.currentSymbol() === 'delete') {
text = Yanfly.Param.SaveDeleteSelect;
// Window_SaveInfo
function Window_SaveInfo() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.constructor = Window_SaveInfo;
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height, mode) {
this._currentFile = 0;
this._waitTime = 0;
this._mode = mode;
Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.resetFontSettings = function() {
if (this._drawLevel) this.contents.fontSize = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorLvSz;
if (this._drawData) this.contents.fontSize = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataSz;
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.savefileId = function() {
return SceneManager._scene._listWindow.index() + 1;
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawDarkRect = function(dx, dy, dw, dh) {
var color = this.gaugeBackColor();
this.contents.fillRect(dx + 1, dy + 1, dw - 2, dh - 2, color);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.update = function() {
if (this.savefileId() !== this._currentFile) this.updateIndex();
if (this._waitTime > 0) this.updateTimer();
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.systemColorEx = function() {
if (Imported.YEP_CoreEngine) {
return '\\c[' + Yanfly.Param.ColorSystem + ']';
} else {
return '\\c[16]';
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.updateIndex = function() {
var id = this.savefileId();
this._currentFile = id;
this._waitTime = 30;
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.updateTimer = function() {
this._waitTime -= 1;
if (this._waitTime > 0) return;
var id = this.savefileId();
this._valid = DataManager.isThisGameFile(id);
this._info = DataManager.loadSavefileInfo(id);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.refresh = function() {
var dy = 0;
dy = this.drawGameTitle(dy);
if (!this._valid) return this.drawInvalidText(dy);
this._saveContents = StorageManager.load(this.savefileId());
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawGameTitle = function(dy) {
if (!Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoTitle) return dy;
if (!this._info) return dy;
if (!this._info.title) return dy;
var text = this._info.title;
this.drawText(text, 0, dy, this.contents.width, 'center');
return dy + this.lineHeight();
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawInvalidText = function(dy) {
this.drawDarkRect(0, dy, this.contents.width, this.contents.height - dy);
dy = (this.contents.height - dy - this.lineHeight()) / 2;
if (this._info) {
var text = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoInvalid;
} else {
var text = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoEmpty;
this.drawText(text, 0, dy, this.contents.width, 'center');
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawContents = function(dy) {
if (!this._saveContents) {
return setTimeout(this.drawContents.bind(this, dy), 50);
this._saveContents = JsonEx.parse(this._saveContents);
dy = this.drawPartyGraphics(dy);
dy = this.drawPartyNames(dy);
dy = this.drawPartyLevels(dy);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawPartyGraphics = function(dy) {
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 0) return dy;
dy = eval(Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyY);
var length = this._saveContents.party.maxBattleMembers();
var dw = this.contents.width / length;;
dw = Math.floor(dw);
var dx = Math.floor(dw / 2);
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var actorId = this._saveContents.party._actors[i];
var member = this._saveContents.actors._data[actorId];
if (member) {
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 1) {
var name = member.characterName();
var index = member.characterIndex();
this.drawCharacter(name, index, dx, dy);
} else if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 2) {
var fh = Window_Base._faceHeight;
var fw = Window_Base._faceWidth;
var fx = dx - Math.floor(Math.min(fh, dw) / 2);
var dif = Math.floor(Math.max(0, dw - fw) / 2);
var name = member.faceName();
var index = member.faceIndex();
this.drawFace(name, index, fx - dif, dy - fh, dw, fh);
} else if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 3) {
this.drawSvActor(member, dx, dy);
dx += dw;
return dy;
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawCharacter = function(name, index, x, y) {
var bitmap = ImageManager.loadCharacter(name);
if (bitmap.width <= 0) {
return setTimeout(this.drawCharacter.bind(this, name, index, x, y), 50);
Window_Base.prototype.drawCharacter.call(this, name, index, x, y);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawFace = function(name, index, x, y, w, h) {
var bitmap = ImageManager.loadFace(name);
if (bitmap.width <= 0) {
return setTimeout(this.drawFace.bind(this, name, index, x, y, w, h), 50);
Window_Base.prototype.drawFace.call(this, name, index, x, y, w, h);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawSvActor = function(actor, x, y) {
var filename = actor.battlerName();
var bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(filename);
if (bitmap.width <= 0) {
return setTimeout(this.drawSvActor.bind(this, actor, x, y), 50);
Window_Base.prototype.drawSvActor.call(this, actor, x, y);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawPartyNames = function(dy) {
if (!Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorName) return dy;
this.contents.fontSize = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorNameSz;
var length = this._saveContents.party.maxBattleMembers();
var dw = this.contents.width / length;;
dw = Math.floor(dw);
var dx = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var actorId = this._saveContents.party._actors[i];
var member = this._saveContents.actors._data[actorId];
if (member) {
var name = member._name;
this.drawText(name, dx, dy, dw, 'center');
dx += dw
return dy += this.lineHeight();
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawPartyLevels = function(dy) {
if (!Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorLv) return dy;
this._drawLevel = true;
var length = this._saveContents.party.maxBattleMembers();
var dw = this.contents.width / length;;
dw = Math.floor(dw);
var dx = 0;
var fmt = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoActorLvFmt;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var actorId = this._saveContents.party._actors[i];
var member = this._saveContents.actors._data[actorId];
if (member) {
var lv = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(member.level);
var text = fmt.format(TextManager.levelA, TextManager.level, lv);
var tw = this.textWidthEx(text);
var dif = Math.floor(Math.max(0, dw - tw) / 2);
this.drawTextEx(text, dx + dif, dy);
dx += dw
this._drawLevel = false;
return dy += this.lineHeight();
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawColumnData = function(dy) {
var totalColumns = 0;
var drawnArrays = [];
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol1.length > 0) {
totalColumns += 1;
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol2.length > 0) {
totalColumns += 1;
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol3.length > 0) {
totalColumns += 1;
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataCol4.length > 0) {
totalColumns += 1;
if (totalColumns <= 0) return;
var dw = Math.floor(this.contents.width / totalColumns);
var dif = totalColumns > 1 ? this.textPadding() : 0;
for (var i = 0; i < totalColumns; ++i) {
var column = drawnArrays[i];
var dx = i * dw;
this.drawColumn(column, dx, dy, dw - dif);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawColumn = function(column, dx, dy, dw) {
var length = column.length;
var tp = this.textPadding();
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
this.contents.fontSize = Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoDataSz;
var data = column[i];
if (data.toUpperCase().trim() !== 'EMPTY') {
this.drawDarkRect(dx, dy, dw, this.lineHeight());
this.drawData(data, dx + tp, dy, dw - tp * 2);
dy += this.lineHeight();
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawData = function(data, dx, dy, dw) {
if (data.toUpperCase().trim() === 'NULL') {
} else if (data.toUpperCase().trim() === 'LOCATION') {
this.drawLocation(dx, dy, dw);
} else if (data.toUpperCase().trim() === 'PLAYTIME') {
this.drawPlaytime(dx, dy, dw);
} else if (data.toUpperCase().trim() === 'SAVE COUNT') {
this.drawSaveCount(dx, dy, dw);
} else if (data.toUpperCase().trim() === 'GOLD COUNT') {
this.drawGoldCount(dx, dy, dw);
} else if (data.match(/VARIABLE[ ](\d+)/i)) {
this.drawVariable(parseInt(RegExp.$1), dx, dy, dw);
} else if (data.match(/(.*)[ ]TEXT:(.*)/i)) {
this.drawDataText(String(RegExp.$1), String(RegExp.$2), dx, dy, dw);
} else if (data.match(/TEXT:(.*)/i)) {
this.drawDataText('left', String(RegExp.$1), dx, dy, dw);
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawLocation = function(dx, dy, dw) {
var id = this._saveContents.map._mapId;
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveMapDisplayName) {
var text = this._saveContents.map.locationDisplayName || '';
if (text.length <= 0) text = $dataMapInfos[id].name;
} else {
var text = $dataMapInfos[id].name;
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabLocation.length > 0) {
this.drawText(Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabLocation, dx, dy, dw, 'left');
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
} else {
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'center');
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawPlaytime = function(dx, dy, dw) {
if (!this._info.playtime) return;
var text = this._info.playtime;
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabPlaytime.length > 0) {
this.drawText(Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabPlaytime, dx, dy, dw, 'left');
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
} else {
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'center');
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawSaveCount = function(dx, dy, dw) {
var text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._saveContents.system._saveCount);
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabSaveCount.length > 0) {
this.drawText(Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabSaveCount, dx, dy, dw, 'left');
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
} else {
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'center');
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawGoldCount = function(dx, dy, dw) {
var text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._saveContents.party._gold);
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabGoldCount.length > 0) {
var fmt = Yanfly.Param.SaveVocabGoldCount;
this.drawText(fmt.format(TextManager.currencyUnit), dx, dy, dw, 'left');
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
} else {
var fmt = '\\c[0]%1' + this.systemColorEx() + '%2';
var ftext = fmt.format(text, TextManager.currencyUnit);
this._drawData = true;
var fw = this.textWidthEx(ftext);
dx += Math.max(0, Math.floor((dw - fw) / 2));
this.drawTextEx(ftext, dx, dy);
this._drawData = false;
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawVariable = function(id, dx, dy, dw) {
var varName = $dataSystem.variables[id];
varName = varName.replace(/<<(.*?)>>/i, '');
var text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._saveContents.variables.value(id));
var diff = Math.max(0, (this.standardFontSize() -
this.contents.fontSize) / 2);
if (varName.length > 0) {
this._drawData = true;
dy += diff;
this.drawTextEx(this.systemColorEx() + varName, dx, dy, dw, 'left');
dy -= diff;
this._drawData = false;
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'right');
} else {
this.drawText(text, dx, dy, dw, 'center');
Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawDataText = function(align, text, dx, dy, dw) {
this._drawData = true;
dy += Math.max(0, (this.standardFontSize() - this.contents.fontSize) / 2);
var align = align.toLowerCase().trim();
var text = text.trim();
if (align === 'left') {
this.drawTextEx(text, dx, dy);
} else if (align === 'right') {
var tw = this.textWidthEx(text);
this.drawTextEx(text, dx + dw - tw, dy);
} else {
var tw = this.textWidthEx(text);
this.drawTextEx(text, dx + (dw - tw) / 2, dy);
this._drawData = false;
// Window_SaveConfirm
function Window_SaveConfirm() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_SaveConfirm.prototype = Object.create(Window_Command.prototype);
Window_SaveConfirm.prototype.constructor = Window_SaveConfirm;
Window_SaveConfirm.prototype.initialize = function() {
Window_Command.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, 0);
this.openness = 0;
Window_SaveConfirm.prototype.makeCommandList = function() {
this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmYes, 'confirm');
this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmNo, 'cancel');
Window_SaveConfirm.prototype.setData = function(text) {
this._text = text;
var ww = this.textWidthEx(this._text) + this.standardPadding() * 2;
ww += this.textPadding() * 2;
this.width = ww;
this.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2;
this.y = (Graphics.boxHeight - this.height) / 2;
this.drawTextEx(this._text, this.textPadding(), 0);
Window_SaveConfirm.prototype.itemTextAlign = function() {
return 'center';
Window_SaveConfirm.prototype.windowHeight = function() {
return this.fittingHeight(3);
Window_SaveConfirm.prototype.itemRect = function(index) {
var rect = Window_Selectable.prototype.itemRect.call(this, index);
rect.y += this.lineHeight();
return rect;
// Scene_File
Scene_File.prototype.terminate = function() {
if (this._loadSuccess) $gameSystem.onAfterLoad();
Scene_Load.prototype.terminate = function() {
Scene_File.prototype.create = function() {
Scene_File.prototype.createHelpWindow = function() {
this._helpWindow = new Window_Help(2);
Scene_File.prototype.createListWindow = function() {
var x = 0;
var y = this._helpWindow.height;
var width = 240;
var height = Graphics.boxHeight - y;
this._listWindow = new Window_SavefileList(x, y, width, height);
this._listWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onSavefileOk.bind(this));
this._listWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.popScene.bind(this));
this._listWindow.setTopRow(this.firstSavefileIndex() - 2);
Scene_File.prototype.createActionWindow = function() {
var x = this._listWindow.width;
var y = this._listWindow.y;
this._actionWindow = new Window_SaveAction(x, y, this.mode());
this._actionWindow.setHandler('load', this.onActionLoad.bind(this));
this._actionWindow.setHandler('save', this.onActionSave.bind(this));
this._actionWindow.setHandler('delete', this.onActionDelete.bind(this));
this._actionWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.onActionCancel.bind(this));
Scene_File.prototype.createInfoWindow = function() {
var x = this._actionWindow.x;
var y = this._actionWindow.y + this._actionWindow.height;
var width = Graphics.boxWidth - x;
var height = Graphics.boxHeight - y;
this._infoWindow = new Window_SaveInfo(x, y, width, height, this.mode());
Scene_File.prototype.createConfirmWindow = function() {
this._confirmWindow = new Window_SaveConfirm();
var win = this._confirmWindow;
win.setHandler('confirm', this.onConfirmOk.bind(this));
win.setHandler('cancel', this.onConfirmCancel.bind(this));
Scene_File.prototype.onSavefileOk = function() {
if (this.mode() === 'load') {
} else if (this.mode() === 'save') {
Scene_Save.prototype.onSavefileOk = function() {
Scene_Load.prototype.onSavefileOk = function() {
Scene_File.prototype.onActionLoad = function() {
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmLoad) {
} else {
Scene_File.prototype.performActionLoad = function() {
if (DataManager.loadGame(this.savefileId())) {
} else {
Scene_File.prototype.onLoadSuccess = function() {
this._loadSuccess = true;
Scene_Load.prototype.onLoadSuccess = function() {
Scene_File.prototype.onLoadFailure = function() {
Scene_Load.prototype.onLoadFailure = function() {
Scene_File.prototype.reloadMapIfUpdated = function() {
if ($gameSystem.versionId() === $dataSystem.versionId) return;
$gamePlayer.reserveTransfer($gameMap.mapId(), $gamePlayer.x, $gamePlayer.y);
Scene_File.prototype.onActionSave = function() {
var id = this.savefileId();
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmSave && StorageManager.exists(id)) {
} else {
Scene_File.prototype.performActionSave = function() {
if (DataManager.saveGame(this.savefileId())) {
} else {
Scene_File.prototype.onSaveSuccess = function() {
if (Yanfly.Param.SavePop) {
} else {
this._actionWindow._currentFile = this.savefileId() - 1;
this._infoWindow._currentFile = this.savefileId() - 1;
Scene_Save.prototype.onSaveSuccess = function() {
Scene_File.prototype.onSaveFailure = function() {
Scene_Save.prototype.onSaveFailure = function() {
Scene_File.prototype.onActionDelete = function() {
if (Yanfly.Param.SaveConfirmDel) {
} else {
Scene_File.prototype.performActionDelete = function() {
this._actionWindow._currentFile = this.savefileId() - 1;
this._infoWindow._currentFile = this.savefileId() - 1;
Scene_File.prototype.onActionCancel = function() {
Scene_File.prototype.startConfirmWindow = function(text) {
Scene_File.prototype.onConfirmOk = function() {
if (this._actionWindow.currentSymbol() === 'load') {
setTimeout(this.performActionLoad.bind(this), 200);
} else if (this._actionWindow.currentSymbol() === 'save') {
setTimeout(this.performActionSave.bind(this), 200);
} else if (this._actionWindow.currentSymbol() === 'delete') {
setTimeout(this.performActionDelete.bind(this), 200);
} else {
Scene_File.prototype.onConfirmCancel = function() {
var index = this._actionWindow.index();
// Utilities
Yanfly.Util = Yanfly.Util || {};
if (!Yanfly.Util.toGroup) {
Yanfly.Util.toGroup = function(inVal) {
return inVal;
// End of File