赞 | 167 |
VIP | 6 |
好人卡 | 208 |
积分 | 224 |
经验 | 137153 |
最后登录 | 2025-2-15 |
在线时间 | 8597 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 22391
- 在线时间
- 8597 小时
- 注册时间
- 2011-12-31
- 帖子
- 3364
- //=============================================================================
- // MPP_ChoiceEX.js
- //=============================================================================
- // Copyright (c) 2015 - 2022 Mokusei Penguin
- // Released under the MIT license
- // http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @target MV MZ
- * @plugindesc Extend the functionality of your choices.
- * @author Mokusei Penguin
- * @url
- *
- * @help [version 4.3.3]
- * This plugin is for RPG Maker MV and MZ.
- *
- * ▼ Plugin command
- * - In MV, the variable N is referred to by writing v[N] in the item for
- * inputting a numerical value.
- * - In MZ, in the item to enter a numerical value, select the text and
- * write v[N] to refer to the variable N.
- * - It is basically preferable to execute the plugin command before
- * [Show Choices].
- * - If you want to use the plug-in command while the message window is
- * displayed, execute it before [Display text].
- *
- * 〇 MV / MZ
- *
- * 〇 ChoicePos x y row / choicePos
- * x : X coordinate of choice window
- * y : Y coordinate of choice window
- * row : The number of lines in the choice window. Show all if not set
- * - Specify the position (x, y) and the number of rows of the next choice
- * to display.
- *
- * 〇 ChoiceVariableId varId / choiceVariableId
- * varId : Variable number
- * - Set the default position of the next choice to display to the value of
- * the variable.
- * - In addition, put the current cursor position in a variable.
- * - The cursor position is 0 to 5 for the first option from the top,
- * 10 to 15 for the next option, and +10 for each option.
- *
- * 〇 ChoiceRect x y width height / choiceRect
- * x : X coordinate
- * y : Y coordinate
- * width : width
- * height : height
- * - Specify the coordinates and size of the next choice to display.
- * - For items that have not been set or for which -1 is specified,
- * normal values will be applied.
- *
- * 〇 ChoiceInMessage / ChoiceInMessage
- * - The next choice to display is displayed in the message window.
- * - This function will not work unless it is used in combination with
- * [Display Text].
- * - Please execute before [Display text].
- *
- * ▼ More choices
- * - If you place the event command [Display Choices] in succession,
- * they will be combined into one choice.
- * - If you don't want to put them together, you can separate them as usual by
- * inserting annotations in between.
- * - For the "default" process, the one set other than none is applied.
- * - For the "Cancel" process, the ones other than prohibited are applied.
- * - In both cases, the setting of the option that follows takes precedence.
- * - For "Background" and "Window position", the settings of the options that
- * follow are applied.
- *
- * ▼ Setting conditions for displaying items
- * - If you enter
- * if(condition)
- * in the text of the choice and the condition becomes false,
- * the item will not be displayed.
- * - The operation when the "Default" item is not displayed can be set in the
- * [Disabled Index] of the plug-in parameter.
- * - If the "Cancel" item is not displayed, the same processing as prohibition
- * is performed.
- * - Within the condition, you can refer to the switch with "s" and
- * the variable with "v".
- * Example: When set to if(s[1])
- * => Switch No. 1 is ON for display and OFF for non-display.
- * When set to if(!s[2])
- * => Switch 2 is displayed when it is OFF,
- * and is hidden when it is ON.
- * When set to if(v[5]>0)
- * => Display if variable 5 is greater than 0,
- * hide if variable 5 is less than 0.
- *
- * Inequalities that can be used in variables
- * === : equal
- * !== : Not equal
- * < : Smaller
- * <= : Less than or equal to
- * > : Greater
- * >= : Greater than or equal to
- *
- * ▼ Setting conditions for displaying items semi-transparently
- * - Enter
- * en(condition)
- * in the text of the choice, and if the condition is false,
- * the item will be displayed semi-transparently.
- * - Items that are semi-transparent cannot be selected.
- * - The conditions are the same as "Setting the conditions for displaying
- * items" above.
- * - If the "Cancel" item is semi-transparent, you cannot cancel it.
- *
- * ▼ Display help message
- * - You can put
- * ChoiceHelp
- * in the [Comment] below each choice item to indicate the following text
- * as a help message when you hover over it.
- * - Help messages use the same functionality as View Text, so you can use
- * control characters. (\! And \^ cannot be used)
- * - The above command name can be changed with the plugin parameter.
- *
- * ================================
- * Mail : wood_penguin@yahoo.co.jp (@ is half-width)
- * Blog : http://woodpenguin.blog.fc2.com/
- * License : MIT license
- *
- * @command choicePos
- * @desc Specify the position and number of lines for the next choice to display.
- * @arg x
- * @desc -1: Default
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default 0
- * @arg y
- * @desc -1: Default
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default 0
- * @arg row
- * @desc 0: Show all
- * @type number
- * @min 0
- * @max 99
- * @default 0
- *
- *
- * @command choiceVariableId
- * @desc Set the default position of the next choice to display to the value of the variable. In addition, put the current cursor position in a variable.
- * @arg varId
- * @desc
- * @type variable
- * @default 0
- *
- * @command choiceRect
- * @desc Specify the coordinates and size of the next choice to display.
- * Normal values are applied to unset items.
- * @arg x
- * @desc -1: Default
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default
- * @arg y
- * @desc -1: Default
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default
- * @arg width
- * @desc -1: Default
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default
- * @arg height
- * @desc -1: Default
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default
- *
- * @command choiceInMessage
- * @desc The next choice to display is displayed in the message window.
- * It will not work unless it is used in combination with [Display text].
- *
- *
- * @param Max Page Row
- * @desc Maximum number of lines displayed on one page
- * @type number
- * @min 1
- * @max 99
- * @default 6
- *
- * @param Disabled Position
- * @desc Cursor position when the default choice is not displayed
- * @type select
- * @option none
- * @option top
- * @default none
- *
- * @param Choice Help Commands
- * @desc
- * @type string[]
- * @default ["ChoiceHelp","<ChoiceHelp>"]
- *
- */
- /*:ja
- * @target MV MZ
- * @plugindesc 選択肢の機能を拡張します。
- * @author 木星ペンギン
- * @url
- *
- * @help [version 4.3.3]
- * このプラグインはRPGツクールMVおよびMZ用です。
- *
- * ▼ プラグインコマンド
- * - MVでは数値を入力する項目で v[N] と記述することで変数N番を参照します。
- * - MZでは数値を入力する項目で、テキストを選択して v[N] と記述することで
- * 変数N番を参照します。
- * - プラグインコマンドは基本的に[選択肢の表示]の前に実行するのが好ましいです。
- * - メッセージウィンドウを表示したままプラグインコマンドを使いたい場合、
- * [文章の表示]の前に実行してください。
- *
- * 〇 MV / MZ
- *
- * 〇 ChoicePos x y row / 選択肢位置設定
- * x : 選択肢ウィンドウのX座標
- * y : 選択肢ウィンドウのY座標
- * row : 選択肢ウィンドウの行数。未設定の場合はすべて表示
- * - 次に表示する選択肢の位置(x,y)と行数(row)指定します。
- *
- * 〇 ChoiceVariableId varId / カーソル位置設定
- * varId : 変数番号
- * - 次に表示する選択肢のデフォルト位置を変数の値にします。
- * - さらに現在のカーソル位置を変数に入れます。
- * - カーソル位置は最初の選択肢が上から0~5、次の選択肢は10~15と、
- * 選択肢毎に+10されます。
- *
- * 〇 ChoiceRect x y width height / 選択肢サイズ設定
- * x : X座標
- * y : Y座標
- * width : 幅
- * height : 高さ
- * - 次に表示する選択肢の座標とサイズを指定します。
- * - 未設定もしくは-1を指定した項目は、通常の値が適用されます。
- *
- * 〇 ChoiceInMessage / メッセージ内表示
- * - 次に表示する選択肢をメッセージウィンドウ内に表示させます。
- * - この機能は[文章の表示]と併用しなければ機能しません。
- * - [文章の表示]の前に実行してください。
- *
- * ▼ 選択肢を増やす
- * - イベントコマンド『選択肢の表示』を続けて配置すると
- * 一つの選択肢にまとめられます。
- * - まとめたくない場合は、間に注釈などを入れることで
- * 通常通り分けることができます。
- * - 『デフォルト』の処理は、なし以外を設定したものが適用されます。
- * - 『キャンセル』の処理は、禁止以外を設定したものが適用されます。
- * - どちらも後にある選択肢の設定が優先されます。
- * - 『背景』と『ウィンドウ位置』は後にある選択肢の設定が適用されます。
- *
- * ▼ 項目が表示される条件の設定
- * - 選択肢の文章中に
- * if(条件)
- * と入れ、その条件が偽になると項目が表示されなくなります。
- * - 『デフォルト』の項目が表示されない場合の動作は、
- * プラグインパラメータの[Disabled Index]にて設定できます。
- * - 『キャンセル』の項目が表示されない場合、禁止と同じ処理をします。
- * - 条件内では s でスイッチ、v で変数を参照できます。
- * 例:if(s[1]) とした場合
- * => スイッチ1番がONで表示、OFFで非表示。
- * if(!s[2]) とした場合
- * => スイッチ2番がOFFで表示、ONで非表示。
- * if(v[5]>0) とした場合
- * => 変数5番が0より大きければ表示、0以下で非表示。
- *
- * 変数で使える不等号
- * === : 等しい
- * !== : 等しくない
- * < : より小さい
- * <= : より小さいまたは等しい
- * > : より大きい
- * >= : より大きいまたは等しい
- *
- * ▼ 項目を半透明で表示する条件の設定
- * - 選択肢の文章中に
- * en(条件)
- * と入れ、その条件が偽になると項目が半透明で表示されます。
- * - 半透明となった項目は選択できなくなります。
- * - 条件は上の『項目が表示される条件の設定』と同じです。
- * - 『キャンセル』の項目が半透明の場合、キャンセルできなくなります。
- *
- * ▼ ヘルプメッセージの表示
- * - 各選択肢項目の下に[注釈]で
- * 選択肢ヘルプ
- * と入れると、続きの文章をヘルプメッセージとしてカーソルを合わせたときに
- * 標示させることができます。
- * - ヘルプメッセージは[文章の表示]と同じ機能を使っているため、
- * 制御文字が使用できます。(\!と\^は使用できません)
- * - 上記のコマンド名はプラグインパラメータで変更できます。
- *
- * ================================
- * Mail : wood_penguin@yahoo.co.jp (@は半角)
- * Blog : http://woodpenguin.blog.fc2.com/
- * License : MIT license
- *
- * @command choicePos
- * @text 選択肢位置設定
- * @desc 次に表示する選択肢の位置と行数を指定します。
- * @arg x
- * @desc -1: デフォルト
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default 0
- * @arg y
- * @desc -1: デフォルト
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default 0
- * @arg row
- * @text 行数
- * @desc 0: 全て表示
- * @type number
- * @min 0
- * @max 99
- * @default 0
- *
- * @command choiceVariableId
- * @text カーソル位置設定
- * @desc 次に表示する選択肢のデフォルト位置を変数の値にします。
- * さらに現在のカーソル位置を変数に入れます。
- * @arg varId
- * @text 変数
- * @desc
- * @type variable
- * @default 0
- *
- * @command choiceRect
- * @text 選択肢サイズ設定
- * @desc 次に表示する選択肢の座標とサイズを指定します。
- * 未設定の項目は通常の値が適用されます。
- * @arg x
- * @desc -1: デフォルト
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default
- * @arg y
- * @desc -1: デフォルト
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default
- * @arg width
- * @text 幅
- * @desc -1: デフォルト
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default
- * @arg height
- * @text 高さ
- * @desc -1: デフォルト
- * @type number
- * @min -1
- * @max 9999
- * @default
- *
- * @command choiceInMessage
- * @text メッセージ内表示
- * @desc 次に表示する選択肢をメッセージウィンドウ内に表示させます。
- * [文章の表示]と併用しなければ機能しません。
- *
- *
- * @param Max Page Row
- * @text 最大表示行数
- * @desc 1ページに表示される最大行数
- * @type number
- * @min 1
- * @max 99
- * @default 6
- *
- * @param Disabled Position
- * @text 無効時のカーソル位置
- * @desc [デフォルト]となる選択肢が表示されない場合のカーソル位置
- * @type select
- * @option なし
- * @value none
- * @option 先頭
- * @value top
- * @default none
- *
- * @param Choice Help Commands
- * @text [選択肢ヘルプ]呼び出し名
- * @desc
- * @type string[]
- * @default ["ChoiceHelp","<ChoiceHelp>","選択肢ヘルプ","<選択肢ヘルプ>"]
- *
- */
- (() => {
- 'use strict';
- const pluginName = 'MPP_ChoiceEX';
- // Plugin Parameters
- const parameters = PluginManager.parameters(pluginName);
- const param_MaxPageRow = Number(parameters['Max Page Row'] || 6);
- const param_DisabledPosition = parameters['Disabled Position'] || 'none';
- const param_ChoiceHelpCommands = JSON.parse(parameters['Choice Help Commands'] || '[]');
- // Dealing with other plugins
- const __base = (obj, prop) => {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- return obj[prop];
- } else {
- const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
- return function () { return proto[prop].apply(this, arguments); };
- }
- };
- // JsExtensions 代替
- const MathExt = (() => {
- // Number.prototype.clamp と違い、下限優先
- const clamp = (x, min, max) => Math.max(Math.min(x, max), min);
- const mod = (x, n) => ((x % n) + n) % n;
- return { clamp, mod };
- })();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // PluginManager
- if (!PluginManager.registerCommand) {
- PluginManager._commandsMV = PluginManager._commandsMV || {};
- PluginManager.registerCommandMV = function(pluginName, commandName, func) {
- const key = pluginName + ':' + commandName;
- this._commandsMV[key] = func;
- };
- PluginManager.callCommandMV = function(self, pluginName, commandName, args) {
- const key = pluginName + ':' + commandName;
- const func = this._commandsMV[key];
- if (typeof func === 'function') {
- func.bind(self)(args);
- }
- };
- }
- {
- const _registerCommand = PluginManager.registerCommand || PluginManager.registerCommandMV;
- _registerCommand.call(PluginManager, pluginName, 'choicePos', args => {
- const x = PluginManager.mppValue(args.x);
- const y = PluginManager.mppValue(args.y);
- const row = PluginManager.mppValue(args.row) || 99;
- $gameMessage.setChoicePos(x, y, row);
- });
- _registerCommand.call(PluginManager, pluginName, 'choiceVariableId', args => {
- const variableId = PluginManager.mppValue(args.varId);
- $gameMessage.setChoiceVariableId(variableId);
- });
- _registerCommand.call(PluginManager, pluginName, 'choiceRect', args => {
- const x = args.x ? PluginManager.mppValue(args.x) : -1;
- const y = args.y ? PluginManager.mppValue(args.y) : -1;
- const width = args.width ? PluginManager.mppValue(args.width) : -1;
- const height = args.height ? PluginManager.mppValue(args.height) : -1;
- $gameMessage.setChoiceRect(x, y, width, height);
- });
- _registerCommand.call(PluginManager, pluginName, 'choiceInMessage', () => {
- $gameMessage.requestChoiceInMessage();
- });
- }
- PluginManager.mppValue = function(value) {
- const match = /^V\[(\d+)\]$/i.exec(value);
- return match ? $gameVariables.value(+match[1]) : +value;
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Game_Message
- Object.defineProperties(Game_Message.prototype, {
- choiceX: {
- get() {
- return this._choiceX;
- },
- configurable: true
- },
- choiceY: {
- get() {
- return this._choiceY;
- },
- configurable: true
- },
- choiceWidth: {
- get() {
- return this._choiceWidth;
- },
- configurable: true
- },
- choiceHeight: {
- get() {
- return this._choiceHeight;
- },
- configurable: true
- }
- });
- const _Game_Message_clear = Game_Message.prototype.clear;
- Game_Message.prototype.clear = function() {
- _Game_Message_clear.apply(this, arguments);
- this._choiceEnables = [];
- this._choiceResults = [];
- this._helpTexts = [];
- this._choiceX = -1;
- this._choiceY = -1;
- this._choiceWidth = -1;
- this._choiceHeight = -1;
- this._choiceMaxRow = param_MaxPageRow;
- this._choiceVariableId = 0;
- this._choiceInMessage = false;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.choiceMaxRow = function() {
- return this._choiceMaxRow;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.setTexts = function(texts) {
- this._texts = texts;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.setChoiceEnables = function(enables) {
- this._choiceEnables = enables;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.choiceEnables = function() {
- return this._choiceEnables;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.setChoiceResults = function(results) {
- this._choiceResults = results;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.choiceResults = function() {
- return this._choiceResults;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.setChoiceHelpTexts = function(texts) {
- this._helpTexts = texts;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.isChoiceHelp = function() {
- return !this._choiceInMessage && this._helpTexts.length > 0;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.helpTexts = function() {
- return this._helpTexts;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.setChoicePos = function(x, y, row) {
- this._choiceX = x;
- this._choiceY = y;
- this._choiceWidth = -1;
- this._choiceHeight = -1;
- this._choiceMaxRow = row;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.setChoiceRect = function(x, y, width, height) {
- this._choiceX = x;
- this._choiceY = y;
- this._choiceWidth = width;
- this._choiceHeight = height;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.setChoiceVariableId = function(id) {
- this._choiceVariableId = id;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.lowerChoiceHeight = function(height) {
- this._choiceY += height;
- this._choiceHeight -= height;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.requestChoiceInMessage = function() {
- this._choiceInMessage = true;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.choiceVariableId = function() {
- return this._choiceVariableId;
- };
- Game_Message.prototype.isChoiceInMessage = function() {
- return this._choiceInMessage;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Game_Interpreter
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.setupChoices = function(params) {
- const data = {
- choices: [],
- enables: [],
- results: [],
- helpTexts: [],
- cancelType: -1,
- defaultType: -1,
- positionType: 0,
- background: 0
- };
- this.addChoices(params, this._index, data, 0);
- if (data.choices.length > 0) {
- const helpTexts = this.choiceHelpTexts(data);
- const cancelType = this.choiceCancelType(data);
- const defaultType = this.choiceDefaultType(data);
- $gameMessage.setChoices(data.choices, defaultType, cancelType);
- $gameMessage.setChoiceEnables(data.enables);
- $gameMessage.setChoiceResults(data.results);
- $gameMessage.setChoiceHelpTexts(helpTexts);
- $gameMessage.setChoiceBackground(data.background);
- $gameMessage.setChoicePositionType(data.positionType);
- $gameMessage.setChoiceCallback(n => {
- this._branch[this._indent] = n < 0
- ? data.cancelType
- : data.results[n];
- });
- } else {
- this._branch[this._indent] = -1;
- }
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.addChoices = function(params, index, data, d) {
- const choices = [...params[0]];
- const cancelType = params[1] < choices.length ? params[1] : -2;
- const defaultType = params[2] || 0;
- const nextCommand = this.nextCommandOfChoice(index + 1);
- this.checkChoiceConditions(choices, data, d);
- if (cancelType !== -1) data.cancelType = cancelType + d;
- if (defaultType >= 0) data.defaultType = defaultType + d;
- data.positionType = params.length > 3 ? params[3] : 2;
- data.background = params[4] || 0;
- this.setupHelpText(index + 1, data, d);
- if (nextCommand && nextCommand.code === 102) {
- const nextIndex = this._list.indexOf(nextCommand);
- this.addChoices(nextCommand.parameters, nextIndex, data, d + 10);
- }
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.checkChoiceConditions = function(choices, data, d) {
- const regIf = /\s?if\((.+?)\)/;
- const regEn = /\s?en\((.+?)\)/;
- for (const [i, text] of choices.entries()) {
- if (this.meetsChoiceConditions(text, regIf)) {
- const realText = text.replace(regIf, '').replace(regEn, '');
- data.choices.push(realText);
- data.enables.push(this.meetsChoiceConditions(text, regEn));
- data.results.push(i + d);
- }
- };
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.meetsChoiceConditions = function(text, reg) {
- const match = reg.exec(text);
- return !match || this.evalChoice(match[1]);
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.evalChoice = function(condition) {
- try {
- const s = $gameSwitches._data;
- const realCondition = condition.replace(
- /V\[(\d+)\]/gi,
- (_, n) => $gameVariables.value(+n)
- );
- return !!eval(realCondition);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log('条件エラー \n ' + condition);
- return true;
- }
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.setupHelpText = function(index, data, d) {
- for (const [i, command] of this._list.slice(index).entries()) {
- if (command.indent === this._indent) {
- if (command.code === 402) {
- const type = command.parameters[0] + d;
- const helpTexts = this.extractHelpTexts(i + index + 1);
- if (helpTexts) data.helpTexts[type] = helpTexts;
- } else if (command.code === 404) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.extractHelpTexts = function(index) {
- const command = this._list[index];
- if (
- command.code === 108 &&
- param_ChoiceHelpCommands.includes(command.parameters[0])
- ) {
- return this.getCommentHelpTexts(index + 1);
- }
- return null;
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.getCommentHelpTexts = function(index) {
- const result = [];
- for (const command of this._list.slice(index)) {
- if (command.code === 408) {
- result.push(command.parameters[0]);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.choiceHelpTexts = function(data) {
- const helpTexts = data.helpTexts;
- return helpTexts.length > 0 ? data.results.map(i => helpTexts[i]) : [];
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.choiceCancelType = function(data) {
- if (data.cancelType === -1) {
- return -1;
- } else if (MathExt.mod(data.cancelType, 10) === 8) {
- return -2;
- }
- return data.results.indexOf(data.cancelType);
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.choiceDefaultType = function(data) {
- const vId = $gameMessage.choiceVariableId();
- const index = vId > 0 ? $gameVariables.value(vId) : data.defaultType;
- const defaultType = data.results.indexOf(index);
- if (index >= 0 && defaultType < 0 && param_DisabledPosition === 'top') {
- return 0;
- }
- return defaultType;
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.nextCommandOfChoice = function(index) {
- const i = this._list.slice(index).findIndex(
- command => command.indent === this._indent && command.code === 404
- );
- return i >= 0 ? this._list[index + i + 1] : null;
- };
- // overwrite
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.command403 = function() {
- if (this._branch[this._indent] !== -2) {
- this.skipBranch();
- }
- return true;
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.command404 = function() {
- if (this.nextEventCode() === 102) {
- this._branch[this._indent] -= 10;
- this._index++;
- }
- return true;
- };
- const _mzCommands = {
- ChoicePos: { name: 'choicePos', keys: ['x', 'y', 'row'] },
- ChoiceVariableId: { name: 'choiceVariableId', keys: ['varId'] },
- ChoiceRect: { name: 'choiceRect', keys: ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'] },
- ChoiceInMessage: { name: 'choiceInMessage', keys: [] }
- };
- Object.assign(_mzCommands, {
- '選択肢位置設定': _mzCommands.ChoicePos,
- 'カーソル位置設定': _mzCommands.ChoiceVariableId,
- '選択肢サイズ設定': _mzCommands.ChoiceRect,
- 'メッセージ内表示': _mzCommands.ChoiceInMessage
- });
- const _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {
- _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.apply(this, arguments);
- const mzCommand = _mzCommands[command];
- if (mzCommand) {
- const args2 = Object.assign(
- {},
- ...mzCommand.keys.map((key, i) => ({ [key]: args[i] }))
- );
- PluginManager.callCommandMV(this, pluginName, mzCommand.name, args2);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_ChoiceList
- const _Window_ChoiceList_select = __base(Window_ChoiceList.prototype, 'select');
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.select = function(index) {
- const variableId = $gameMessage.choiceVariableId();
- if (index !== this.index() && variableId > 0) {
- const results = $gameMessage.choiceResults();
- $gameVariables.setValue(variableId, results[index]);
- }
- _Window_ChoiceList_select.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- const _Window_ChoiceList_updatePlacement = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updatePlacement;
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updatePlacement = function() {
- _Window_ChoiceList_updatePlacement.apply(this, arguments);
- const {
- choiceX: x, choiceY: y, choiceWidth: width, choiceHeight: height
- } = $gameMessage;
- if (width >= 0) {
- this.width = MathExt.clamp(width, 1, Graphics.boxWidth);
- }
- if (height >= 0) {
- this.height = MathExt.clamp(height, 1, Graphics.boxHeight);
- }
- if (x >= 0) this.x = Math.min(x, Graphics.boxWidth - this.width);
- if (y >= 0) this.y = Math.min(y, Graphics.boxHeight - this.height);
- this._isWindow = !$gameMessage.isChoiceInMessage();
- };
- // overwrite
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.numVisibleRows = function() {
- const choices = $gameMessage.choices();
- const maxLines = $gameMessage.choiceMaxRow();
- return Math.min(choices.length, maxLines);
- };
- // overwrite
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.makeCommandList = function() {
- const enables = $gameMessage.choiceEnables();
- for (const [i, choice] of $gameMessage.choices().entries()) {
- this.addCommand(choice, 'choice', enables[i]);
- }
- };
- const _Window_ChoiceList_drawItem = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.drawItem;
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
- this.changePaintOpacity(this.isCommandEnabled(index));
- _Window_ChoiceList_drawItem.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- const _Window_ChoiceList_callOkHandler = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.callOkHandler;
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.callOkHandler = function() {
- _Window_ChoiceList_callOkHandler.apply(this, arguments);
- this._messageWindow.forceClear();
- this._helpIndex = null;
- };
- const _Window_ChoiceList_callCancelHandler = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.callCancelHandler;
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.callCancelHandler = function() {
- _Window_ChoiceList_callCancelHandler.apply(this, arguments);
- this._messageWindow.forceClear();
- this._helpIndex = null;
- };
- const _Window_ChoiceList_processCancel = __base(Window_ChoiceList.prototype, 'processCancel');
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.processCancel = function() {
- const cancelType = $gameMessage.choiceCancelType();
- if (
- cancelType >= 0 &&
- this.isCancelEnabled() &&
- !this.isCommandEnabled(cancelType)
- ) {
- this.playBuzzerSound();
- return;
- }
- _Window_ChoiceList_processCancel.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.callUpdateHelp = function() {
- if (
- this.active &&
- this._messageWindow &&
- $gameMessage.isChoiceHelp() &&
- this._helpIndex !== this.index()
- ) {
- this._helpIndex = this.index();
- this.updateHelp();
- }
- };
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updateHelp = function() {
- this._messageWindow.forceClear();
- const texts = $gameMessage.helpTexts()[this.index()];
- $gameMessage.setTexts(texts ? [...texts] : ['']);
- this._messageWindow.startMessage();
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Window_Message
- const _Window_Message_initialize = Window_Message.prototype.initialize;
- Window_Message.prototype.initialize = function(rect) {
- _Window_Message_initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- this.updatePlacement();
- };
- const _Window_Message_updatePlacement = Window_Message.prototype.updatePlacement;
- Window_Message.prototype.updatePlacement = function() {
- _Window_Message_updatePlacement.apply(this, arguments);
- this.clearInChoice();
- };
- Window_Message.prototype.clearInChoice = function() {
- if ($gameMessage.isChoiceInMessage()) {
- const x = this.x + this.choiceStartX();
- const y = this.y + 4;
- const height = this.height;
- $gameMessage.setChoiceRect(x, y, -1, height);
- }
- };
- Window_Message.prototype.choiceStartX = function() {
- if ('left' in this._textState) {
- return this.standardPadding() + this._textState.left;
- } else {
- return $gameSystem.windowPadding() + this._textState.startX;
- }
- };
- const _Window_Message_processNewLine = __base(Window_Message.prototype, 'processNewLine');
- Window_Message.prototype.processNewLine = function(textState) {
- if ($gameMessage.isChoiceInMessage()) {
- $gameMessage.lowerChoiceHeight(textState.height);
- }
- _Window_Message_processNewLine.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- const _Window_Message_updateInput = Window_Message.prototype.updateInput;
- Window_Message.prototype.updateInput = function() {
- if ($gameMessage.isChoiceHelp() && this._textState) {
- return false;
- }
- return _Window_Message_updateInput.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- const _Window_Message_onEndOfText = Window_Message.prototype.onEndOfText;
- Window_Message.prototype.onEndOfText = function() {
- const choiceWindow = this._choiceWindow || this._choiceListWindow;
- if (!choiceWindow.active && $gameMessage.isChoiceHelp()) {
- this.startInput();
- } else {
- _Window_Message_onEndOfText.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- };
- const _Window_Message_startInput = Window_Message.prototype.startInput;
- Window_Message.prototype.startInput = function() {
- const choiceWindow = this._choiceWindow || this._choiceListWindow;
- if (choiceWindow.active) return true;
- if (this._textState && this.isLowerChoice()) {
- $gameMessage.lowerChoiceHeight(this._textState.height);
- }
- return _Window_Message_startInput.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- Window_Message.prototype.isLowerChoice = function() {
- const textState = this._textState;
- const startX = 'left' in textState ? textState.left : textState.startX;
- return (
- $gameMessage.isChoice() &&
- $gameMessage.isChoiceInMessage() &&
- textState.x !== startX
- );
- };
- Window_Message.prototype.forceClear = function() {
- this._textState = null;
- this.close();
- this._goldWindow.close();
- };
- const _Window_Message_newPage = Window_Message.prototype.newPage;
- Window_Message.prototype.newPage = function(textState) {
- _Window_Message_newPage.apply(this, arguments);
- this.clearInChoice();
- };
- })();
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