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经验 | 3983 |
最后登录 | 2013-2-27 |
在线时间 | 72 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 50
- 在线时间
- 72 小时
- 注册时间
- 2010-10-18
- 帖子
- 104
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本帖最后由 迷路子 于 2010-10-24 05:32 编辑
不过都写了 还是发上来了- =begin
- 脚本名:脚本获得道具提示
- 作者:迷路子
- 使用脚本获得道具时,还是会弹出获得道具的提示框
- =end
- module Miluko
- ITEM_GET_SW = 4 #提示是否显示的开关
- TIME = 180 #提示显示的时间
- GET_SE = RPG::SE.new("Chime2", 80, 100) #获得道具的音效
- LOSE_SE = RPG::SE.new("Cancel", 80, 100)
- OPACITY_CHANGE_RATE = 3 #透明度变化时间为显示时间的几分之一
- MONEY_TYPE = 0 #0为显示金钱名称 1为icon
- MONEY_ICON= 205 #金币的icon图
- end
- class Window_GetItem < Window_Base
- def initialize(n,item = nil,lose = false)
- super(147,180,250,60)
- self.z = 10000
- self.contents_opacity = 0
- self.back_opacity = 0
- self.opacity = 0
- self.y = 180 + Miluko::TIME/4
- @item = item
- @count = 0
- @num = n
- @lose = lose
- refresh
- if @lose
- Miluko::LOSE_SE.play
- else
- Miluko::GET_SE.play
- end
- end
- def update
- @count += 1
- change_time = Miluko::TIME/Miluko::OPACITY_CHANGE_RATE
- if @count <= change_time
- self.y -= 1
- self.contents_opacity += 255/change_time
- self.back_opacity += 255/change_time
- self.opacity += 255/change_time
- elsif @count >= change_time*(Miluko::OPACITY_CHANGE_RATE-1)
- self.y += 1
- self.contents_opacity -= 255/change_time
- self.back_opacity -= 255/change_time
- self.opacity -= 255/change_time
- end
- if @count >= Miluko::TIME
- dispose
- end
- end
- def refresh
- draw_get_text(0,0)
- Graphics.frame_reset
- end
- def draw_get_text(x,y)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(120,120,255)
- self.contents.font.size = 24
- if @lose
- self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 60, WLH, "失去 ")
- else
- self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 60, WLH, "获得 ")
- end
- if @item != nil
- self.draw_icon(@item.icon_index, x+50, y)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255)
- self.contents.draw_text(x+80, y, 100, WLH, @item.name)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,255,255)
- num_text = "x" + @num.to_s
- self.contents.draw_text(x+180, y, 30, WLH, num_text,2)
- else
- self.draw_icon(144, x+50, y)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255)
- self.contents.draw_text(x+70, y, 100, WLH, @num,2)
- if Miluko::MONEY_TYPE
- self.draw_icon(Miluko::MONEY_ICON, x+190, y)
- else
- self.contents.draw_text(x+180, y, 40, WLH, Vocab::gold)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Party < Game_Unit
- def gain_gold(n)
- @gold = [[@gold + n, 0].max, 9999999].min
- get_num = n
- lose = true if n < 0
- if $game_switches[Miluko::ITEM_GET_SW]
- if lose
- get_window = Window_GetItem.new(0-get_num,nil,lose)
- else
- get_window = Window_GetItem.new(get_num)
- end
- for i in 1..Miluko::TIME
- get_window.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- end
- end
- def gain_item(item, n, include_equip = false)
- number = item_number(item)
- lose = true if n < 0
- get_num = n
- case item
- when RPG::Item
- @items[item.id] = [[number + n, 0].max, 99].min
- when RPG::Weapon
- @weapons[item.id] = [[number + n, 0].max, 99].min
- when RPG::Armor
- @armors[item.id] = [[number + n, 0].max, 99].min
- end
- n += number
- if include_equip and n < 0
- for actor in members
- while n < 0 and actor.equips.include?(item)
- actor.discard_equip(item)
- n += 1
- end
- end
- end
- if $game_switches[Miluko::ITEM_GET_SW]
- if lose
- get_window = Window_GetItem.new(0-get_num,item,lose)
- else
- get_window = Window_GetItem.new(get_num,item)
- end
- for i in 1..Miluko::TIME
- get_window.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- end
- end
- end
复制代码 使用方法- 设定一个开关控制是否显示物品获得提示,预设为4号开关
- 可设定提示显示时间,预设为3秒(180帧 设定时要注意单位为帧)
- 透明度变化时间 OPACITY_CHANGE_RATE为提示显示时间的几分之一 预设为3 即是1/3
- LOSE_SE和GET_SE分别是失去和获得时的音效 可以自行修改
- MONEY_TYPE是显示金钱时 金钱单位要以文字还是ICON方式显示
- MONEY_ICON 若是以ICON方式显示金钱单位 可修改此值设定想显示的ICON
复制代码 截图
(239.94 KB, 下载次数: 162)