赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 2 |
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经验 | 713 |
最后登录 | 2012-2-15 |
在线时间 | 678 小时 |
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- 在线时间
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我只是问下……只是问下……lz是知道后才写的么?- #==============================================================================
- # Checkpoints and Continues (VX)
- # Version: 1.0
- # Author: Zylos (rmrk.net)
- # Date: March 16, 2011
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- #
- # This script allows the game creator to easily set up checkpoint spots for
- # the player to respawn to after the party has been defeated. The creator
- # simply calls this script in an event on the map (such as during a map
- # transfer or after an important cutscene), then when the player reaches what
- # would normally be a gameover, they will be allowed to continue the game
- # from the exact spot marked by the creator. Additionally, the creator may
- # allow the player a set number of continues or lives before it is gameover
- # for good.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Instructions:
- #
- # - Place this script in the materials section, above Main.
- # - Check the settings of this script in the editable region below these
- # instructions to make sure they are to your needs.
- # - Use the script command in an event and type in "checkpoint" without
- # the quotes. This will create a checkpoint at that exact point.
- # Checkpoints are also automatically created upon the start of a new
- # game, saving the game, and loading a save file.
- #
- #==============================================================================
- module Continue_Checkpoint
- #============================================================================
- #============================================================================
- #============================================================================
- # Continues_Enabled determines whether the player is allowed to continue or
- # not when they have reached a gameover screen. In essence, it determines
- # whether this script is turned on or off. This may be turned off in the
- # game by calling "$game_system.continues_enabled = false".
- #============================================================================
- Continues_Enabled = true
- #============================================================================
- # Number_Of_Continues sets the number of times the player is allowed to
- # continue from a checkpoint before finally getting a gameover. Setting
- # this to a negative number lets the player continue without a limited
- # number of continues. You may add to this number ingame by calling
- # "$game_system.lives += 1" and subtract similarly.
- #============================================================================
- Number_Of_Continues = -1
- #============================================================================
- # Continue_Graphic is the image used to replace the gameover screen if the
- # player is allowed to continue from a checkpoint. If the picture does not
- # exist in the games system folder, then the default gameover screen will
- # be used. Editable with "$game_system.continue_graphic = 'imagename'".
- #============================================================================
- Continue_Graphic = "Continue.png"
- #============================================================================
- # Return_To_Title determines whether the player should return to the title
- # screen if they choose not to continue from a checkpoint, or whether the
- # game simply shuts down. This is useful for instances where the player
- # can do battle before the title screen comes up. Editable with
- # "$game_system.return_to_title = true/false".
- #============================================================================
- Return_To_Title = true
- #============================================================================
- #============================================================================
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Game_System
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Initializing the checkpoint system here, in the event of the player having
- # maps before the title screen.
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_System
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Public Instance Variables
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :continues_enabled
- attr_accessor :lives
- attr_accessor :continue_graphic
- attr_accessor :return_to_title
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Object Initialization
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias_method :quicksave_data, :initialize
- def initialize
- quicksave_data
- @continues_enabled = Continue_Checkpoint::Continues_Enabled
- @lives = Continue_Checkpoint::Number_Of_Continues
- @continue_graphic = Continue_Checkpoint::Continue_Graphic
- @return_to_title = Continue_Checkpoint::Return_To_Title
- create_checkpoint
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Creating Checkpoint Class
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_checkpoint
- $game_checkpoint = Game_Checkpoint.new
- $game_checkpoint.do_erase
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Game_Checkpoint
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Creates and loads the data from checkpoints.
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Checkpoint
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Public Instance Variables
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :quicksave
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Object Initialization
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- @quicksave = []
- @quicksave[15] = ""
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Execute Erasure
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def do_erase
- for i in @quicksave
- i = ""
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Execute Save
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def do_quicksave
- do_erase
- write_quicksave_data
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Execute Load
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def do_quickload
- if @quicksave[15] == "true"
- read_quicksave_data
- $scene = Scene_Map.new
- RPG::BGM.fade(1500)
- Graphics.fadeout(60)
- Graphics.wait(40)
- @last_bgm.play
- @last_bgs.play
- else
- $game_temp = Game_Temp.new
- $game_message = Game_Message.new
- num_of_lives = $game_system.lives
- $game_system = Game_System.new
- $game_system.lives = num_of_lives
- $game_switches = Game_Switches.new
- $game_variables = Game_Variables.new
- $game_self_switches = Game_SelfSwitches.new
- $game_actors = Game_Actors.new
- $game_party = Game_Party.new
- $game_troop = Game_Troop.new
- $game_map = Game_Map.new
- $game_player = Game_Player.new
- $game_party.setup_starting_members # Initial party
- $game_map.setup($data_system.start_map_id) # Initial map position
- $game_player.moveto($data_system.start_x, $data_system.start_y)
- $game_player.refresh
- $scene = Scene_Map.new
- RPG::BGM.fade(1500)
- Graphics.fadeout(60)
- Graphics.wait(40)
- Graphics.frame_count = 0
- RPG::BGM.stop
- $game_map.autoplay
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Write Quicksave Data
- # file : write file object (opened)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def write_quicksave_data
- characters = []
- for actor in $game_party.members
- characters.push([actor.character_name, actor.character_index])
- end
- $game_system.version_id = $data_system.version_id
- @last_bgm = RPG::BGM::last
- @last_bgs = RPG::BGS::last
- @quicksave[1] = Marshal.dump(characters)
- @quicksave[2] = Marshal.dump(Graphics.frame_count)
- @quicksave[3] = Marshal.dump(@last_bgm)
- @quicksave[4] = Marshal.dump(@last_bgs)
- @quicksave[5] = Marshal.dump($game_system)
- @quicksave[6] = Marshal.dump($game_message)
- @quicksave[7] = Marshal.dump($game_switches)
- @quicksave[8] = Marshal.dump($game_variables)
- @quicksave[9] = Marshal.dump($game_self_switches)
- @quicksave[10] = Marshal.dump($game_actors)
- @quicksave[11] = Marshal.dump($game_party)
- @quicksave[12] = Marshal.dump($game_troop)
- @quicksave[13] = Marshal.dump($game_map)
- @quicksave[14] = Marshal.dump($game_player)
- @quicksave[15] = "true"
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Read Quicksave Data
- # file : file object for reading (opened)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def read_quicksave_data
- characters = Marshal.load(@quicksave[1])
- Graphics.frame_count = Marshal.load(@quicksave[2])
- @last_bgm = Marshal.load(@quicksave[3])
- @last_bgs = Marshal.load(@quicksave[4])
- $game_system = Marshal.load(@quicksave[5])
- $game_message = Marshal.load(@quicksave[6])
- $game_switches = Marshal.load(@quicksave[7])
- $game_variables = Marshal.load(@quicksave[8])
- $game_self_switches = Marshal.load(@quicksave[9])
- $game_actors = Marshal.load(@quicksave[10])
- $game_party = Marshal.load(@quicksave[11])
- $game_troop = Marshal.load(@quicksave[12])
- $game_map = Marshal.load(@quicksave[13])
- $game_player = Marshal.load(@quicksave[14])
- if $game_system.version_id != $data_system.version_id
- $game_map.setup($game_map.map_id)
- $game_player.center($game_player.x, $game_player.y)
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Scene_File
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Modifying the save screen to create new checkpoints.
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_File
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Execute Save
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias_method :quicksave_1, :do_save
- def do_save
- quicksave_1
- $game_checkpoint.do_quicksave
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Execute Load
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias_method :quicksave_2, :do_load
- def do_load
- quicksave_2
- $game_checkpoint.do_quicksave
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Game_Interpreter
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Adding the checkpoint call script.
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Interpreter
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Checkpoint
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def checkpoint
- $game_checkpoint.do_quicksave
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Checkpoint Load
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def checkpoint_load
- $game_checkpoint.do_quickload
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Scene_Gameover
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Modifying the gameover screen to include continuing from checkpoints.
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Gameover
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Start processing
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias_method :continuing1, :start
- def start
- continuing1
- if $BTEST
- $game_system.continues_enabled = false
- end
- if $game_system.lives != 0 and $game_system.continues_enabled
- create_command_window
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Post-Start Processing
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def post_start
- super
- if $game_system.lives != 0 and $game_system.continues_enabled
- open_command_window
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Pre-termination Processing
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def pre_terminate
- super
- if $game_system.lives != 0 and $game_system.continues_enabled
- close_command_window
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Termination Processing
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias_method :continuing2, :terminate
- def terminate
- continuing2
- if $game_system.lives != 0 and $game_system.continues_enabled
- dispose_command_window
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Frame Update
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- super
- if $game_system.lives != 0 and $game_system.continues_enabled
- if @command_window.openness == 255
- @command_window.update
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- case @command_window.index
- when 0 #Continue
- Sound.play_load
- RPG::ME.stop
- close_command_window
- num_of_lives = $game_system.lives
- $game_checkpoint.do_quickload
- $game_system.lives = num_of_lives
- if $game_system.lives > 0
- $game_system.lives -= 1
- end
- when 1 #Return to Title
- if $game_system.return_to_title == true
- Sound.play_decision
- RPG::BGM.fade(800)
- RPG::BGS.fade(800)
- RPG::ME.fade(800)
- $scene = Scene_Title.new
- close_command_window
- Graphics.fadeout(60)
- else #Shutdown
- Sound.play_decision
- close_command_window
- RPG::BGM.fade(800)
- RPG::BGS.fade(800)
- RPG::ME.fade(800)
- $scene = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- $scene = Scene_Title.new
- Graphics.fadeout(120)
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Create Game Over Graphic
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_gameover_graphic
- @sprite = Sprite.new
- file = $game_system.continue_graphic
- file_exist = FileTest.exist?("Graphics/System/" + file)
- continue_on = $game_system.continues_enabled
- if $BTEST
- continue_on = false
- end
- if file_exist==true and $game_system.lives !=0 and continue_on == true
- @sprite.bitmap = Cache.system("Continue")
- else
- @sprite.bitmap = Cache.system("GameOver")
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Create Command Window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_command_window
- s1=$game_system.lives>0 ? "继续: "+"#{$game_system.lives}":"继续"
- s2=$game_system.return_to_title ? Vocab::to_title : Vocab::shutdown
- @command_window = Window_Command.new(173, [s1, s2])
- @command_window.x = (544 - @command_window.width) / 2
- @command_window.y = 264
- @command_window.openness = 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Dispose of Command Window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose_command_window
- @command_window.dispose
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Open Command Window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def open_command_window
- @command_window.open
- begin
- @command_window.update
- Graphics.update
- end until @command_window.openness == 255
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Close Command Window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def close_command_window
- @command_window.close
- begin
- @command_window.update
- Graphics.update
- end until @command_window.openness == 0
- end
- end
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